Document Type
Contribution to Book
Publication Date
Society of Biblical Literature
Source Publication
Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul: Essays in Honor of Frank J. Matera
Source ISSN
It is an honor to submit an essay for this Festschrift for Father Frank Matera, who contributes so much to our professional lives as scholar and colleague. Because of his solicitude for elaborating responsible theological approaches to Scripture based on scholarly historical and literary foundations, I dedicate to him these theological investigations into the significance of monotheism in Paul’s Gentile mission in Acts. How does the mission of the Servant of God in Isaiah influence the portrayal in Acts of Paul’s witness to the one living God and rejection of pagan idolatry and worship?
Recommended Citation
Kurz, William, "Paul’s Witness to Biblical Monotheism as Isaiah’s Servant in Acts" (2012). Theology Faculty Research and Publications. 658.
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Accepted version. "Paul’s Witness to Biblical Monotheism as Isaiah’s Servant in Acts" in Unity and Diversity in the Gospels and Paul: Essays in Honor of Frank J. Matera. Eds. Christopher W. Skinner and Kelly R. Iverson. Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature 2012. DOI. ©2019 ITHAKA. Used with permission.