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Faculdada Jesuita de Filosofia e Teologia
Source Publication
Sintese Revista de Filosofia
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Given the socio-political context of Latin American countries and their leftist and center-leftist parties that had governed some countries since the beginning of the 2000’s, this essay will present Simone Weil’s anthropology of a rooted people towards social justice guided by a spirituality of supernatural justice. This anthropology supports her criticism of political parties that this essay will use to examine the Brazilian context and its Workers’ Party that governed the country for over thirteen years and ended its tenure after a process of impeachment. Although Simone Weil seems to be pessimistic as to whether multiparty or monoparty political systems are able to promote and maintain a social order able to lead people to find their rootedness, she develops a critical anthropology that allows us to understand when a political party abandons its commitment to develop social policies for the poor and working class. Consequently, the political party assumes an agenda of maintaining power, no matter the means that must be used to achieve this goal.
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Recommended Citation
Martins, Alexandre A., "The Leftist Political Parties in Light of Simone Weil's Criticism: The Workers' Party Case" (2019). Theology Faculty Research and Publications. 763.
Published version. Sintese Revista de Filosofia, Vol. 46, No. 145 (2019): 283-300. DOI. © 2019 Faculdada Jesuita de Filosofia e Teologia. Used with permission.