"Of Dreams and Editions: Emendations, Conjectures, and Marginal Glosses" by Michael B. Cover

Of Dreams and Editions: Emendations, Conjectures, and Marginal Glosses in David Hoeschel’s Copy of De somniis 2

Document Type

Contribution to Book

Publication Date




Source Publication

Ancient Texts, Papyri, and Manuscripts

Source ISSN


Original Item ID

DOI: 10.1163/9789004465732_015


Taking a cue from James Royse’s lifelong devotion to the texts of Philo and the New Testament, the present essay offers a thank-offering in kind. Its principal contribution is a complete analytical catalogue of David Hoeschel’s marginal emendations to the text of Somn. 2 in the famed Augustana manuscript (Codex Monacensis Graecus 459). These results are compared with Paul Wendland’s attribution of Hoeschel’s work in the apparatus of Cohn-Wendland volume 3. Drawing on James Royse’s recent (2019) study of this edition, it is argued that the collected data simultaneously confirm Hoeschel’s reputation as a textual critic, while raising questions about Wendland’s. The second part of the essay turns to non-textual notes on Somn. 2 in the Augustana. Particular emphasis is placed on Hoeschel’s identification of two Homeric lemmata, as well as a curious marginalium written in Hoeschel’s hand alongside Somn. 2.78: the word κενόδοξοι. Analysis of these further scholarly notes allows for a more complete picture of Hoeschel’s achievements as a humanist—accomplishments also reflected in the work of this volume’s honoree.


"Of Dreams and Editions: Emendations, Conjectures, and Marginal Glosses in David Hoeschel’s Copy of De somniis 2" in Ancient Texts, Papyri, and Manuscripts. Eds. Alan Taylor Farnes, Scott D. Mackie and David T. Runia. Boston: Brill (2022): 243-268. DOI.
