"Redemption as End and Redemption as Mediation" by Robert M. Doran

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Gregorian and Biblical Press

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DOI: 10.32060/gregorianum.101/4.2020.927-943


This article explores the distinction between redemption as end and redemption as mediation introduced by Bernard Lonergan in lectures delivered at the Pontifical Gregorian University between 1955-1965. Regarding redemption as end, the author states: «it is the redemption of human history itself in the reign of God in accord with the social grace that is manifest whenever, and to the extent that, the scale of values is realized in history». Regarding redemption as mediation, the author focuses on the person of Jesus Christ and the events of the crucifixion and resurrection. He states: «These events are redemptive mediation. They are also revelatory events displaying a universal pattern through which the reign of God is advanced, a pattern of returning good for evil and so transforming the evil into a greater good». He comments on how Pope Francis helps to model the evangelical role of the Church, both in encyclicals such as Evangelii Gaudium and Laudato Si’ and in a pastoral practice: «which continues to mediate the reign of good through the suffering that returns good for evil».


Published version. Gregorianum, Vol. 101, No. 4 (2020): 927-943. DOI. © 2020 Gregorian and Biblical Press. Used with permission.

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