The Theology Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's theology faculty.
Submissions from 2011
Laity, Susan K. Wood
Submissions from 2010
Migrants: Illegals or God's Ambassadors?, Dean Brackley S.J.
The Implications of ‘Religious Experience’ for Catholic-Pentecosotal Dialogue: A Catholic Perspective, Ralph Del Colle
Functional Specialties for a World Theology, Robert M. Doran
Classical Christology and Social Justice: Why the Divinity of Christ Matters, Thomas Hughson
Salat, Jakob, Ulrich Lehner
Stapfer, Johann Friedrich, Ulrich Lehner
Süßmilch, Johann Peter, Ulrich Lehner
Tieftrunk, Johann Heinrich, Ulrich Lehner
What is ‘Catholic Enlightenment’?, Ulrich Lehner
A Companion to the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe, Ulrich Lehner and Michael Printy
Corporations, CROs and Profit: Ethics in the New Bio-Political Economy of Globalized Biomedical Research, M. Therese Lysaught
Anointing the Sick? Practicing Religion in the Clinical Context, M. Therese Lysaught
Hauerwas and the Redemption of Bioethics, M. Therese Lysaught
Review of Conceiving Parenthood: American Protestantism and the Spirit of Reproduction, by Amy Laura Hall, M. Therese Lysaught
The "Just War" Theory: Application to United States and Israeli Militarism, Daniel C. Maguire
Whom the Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Myopic: Religion and Ethics in Cross-Disciplinary Ecological Dialogue, Daniel C. Maguire
Vox Victimarum Vox Dei: Malcolm X as Neglected "Classic" for Catholic Theological Reflection, Bryan Massingale
Interpreting Rahner's Metaphoric Logic, Robert Masson
Reflecting Divine Light: al-Khidr as an Embodiment of God's Mercy (rahma), Irfan A. Omar
Enoch, Andrei Orlov
Enoch, Slavonic Apocalypse of(2 Enoch), Andrei Orlov
Melchizedek, Andrei Orlov
Metatron, Andrei Orlov
Slavonic, Andrei Orlov
The Likeness of Heaven': Kavod of Azazel in the Apocalypse of Abraham, Andrei Orlov
Contextual Theological Methodologies, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Caritas in Veritate and Africa's Burden of (Under)Development, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Justice for the Displaced: The Challenge of Christian Understanding, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Roman Catholicism in Africa: Western Africa, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Signs of God in Times of AIDS, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Introduction: Creation as Grace of Radical Dependence, Philip J. Rossi
Kant's Metaphysics of Permanent Rupture: Radical Evil and the Unity of Reason, Philip J. Rossi
Reading Kant from a Catholic Horizon: Ethics and the Anthropology of Grace, Philip J. Rossi
Environmental Degradation, Social Sin, and the Common Good, Jame Schaefer
Mitigating the Climate Crisis Locally: Faith-based Communities in the Dominican Republic and Guatemala, Jame Schaefer
Prophets of Ecological Responsibility Inspired by Teilhard, Lonergan, and Berry, Jame Schaefer
Review of The Tao of Liberation: Exploring the Ecology of Transformation, Jame Schaefer
Valuing Water with Gratitude and Restraint: A Catholic Theological Imperative, Jame Schaefer
Review of Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: the Fantasy of the Real by Alison Milbank, Robert B. Slocum
Review of Chesterton and Tolkien as Theologians: the Fantasy of the Real, by Alison Milbank, Robert B. Slocum
Scripture in the Pastoral Letters of the Provincial Councils of Baltimore, Eric Vanden Eykel
Submissions from 2009
Sanctifying Grace, Charity, and Divine Indwelling: A Key to the Nexus Mysteriorum Fidei, Robert Doran
From A Systematics of History To Communications: Transition, Difference, Options, Thomas Hughson
Enlightenment and Ecumenism, Ulrich Lehner
Corporations, CROs and Globalized Biomedical Research: Is Belmont Obsolete?, M. Therese Lysaught
Docile Bodies: Transnational Research Ethics as Biopolitics, M. Therese Lysaught
Medicine as Friendship with God: Anointing the Sick as a Theological Hermeneutic, M. Therese Lysaught
Reclaiming Our Identities, M. Therese Lysaught
Review of Approaching the End: A Theological Exploration of Death and Dying, by David Albert Jones, M. Therese Lysaught
Suffering in Communion With Christ: Sacraments, Dying Faithfully, and End-of-Life Care, M. Therese Lysaught
The Last Shall Be First: Human Potential in Genetic and Theological Perspectives, M. Therese Lysaught
The Global Economy in Impasse, Bryan N. Massingale
Analogy as Higher-Order Metaphor in Aquinas, Robert Masson
Martin Luther’s Reception of Paul, Mickey L. Mattox
Beda Mayr: Vertheidigung der katholischen Religion: sammt einen Anhange von der Möglichkeit einer Vereinigung zwischen unserer, und der evagelisch-lutherischen Kirche (1789), Beda Mayr and Ulrich Lehner
Arboreal Metaphors and the Divine Body Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham, Andrei Orlov
Moses' Heavenly Counterpart in the Book of Jubilees and the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian, Andrei Orlov
The Eschatological Yom Kippur in the Apocalypse of Abraham: Part I: The Scapegoat Ritual, Andrei Orlov
The Pteromorphic Angelology of the Apocalypse of Abraham, Andrei Orlov
Church, State, and Catholic Ethics: The Kenyan Dilemma, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
The Sky is Wide Enough: A Historico-Critical Appraisal of Theological Activity and Method in Africa, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Sojourners, Guests, and Strangers: The Church as Enactment of the Hospitality of God, Philip J. Rossi
Crafting a Theological Response to Human-Forced Climate Change, Jame Schaefer
Review of Christ in Evolution by Ilia Delio, Jame Schaefer
Review of Cosmology: From Alpha to Omega: The Creative Mutual Interaction of Theology and Science by Robert John Russell, Jame Schaefer
The Reception of Pragmatism in France & The Rise of Roman Catholic Modernism, 1890-1914, David G. Schultenover
Submissions from 2008
Catholic-Methodist-Pentecostal: A Trialogue?, Ralph Del Colle
Inspiration and Inerrancy in Scripture, Ralph Del Colle
Being in Love with God: A Source of Analogies for Theological Understanding, Robert Doran
Interpreting Vatican II: “A New Pentecost”, Thomas Hughson
Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim's Febronius: A Censored Bishop and His Ecclesiology, Ulrich Lehner
Friendship with God: Anointing the Sick as a Theological Hermeneutic, M. Therese Lysaught
From the Challenge of Peace to the Gift of Peace: Reading the Consistent Ethic of Life as an Ethic of Peacemaking, M. Therese Lysaught
“Ten Decades to a More Christ-like You!”: Liturgy as God's Workout Plan for the Church “Ten Decades to a More Christ-like You!”: Liturgy as God's Workout Plan for the Church, M. Therese Lysaught
Book Review: Moral Habitat: Ethos and Agency for the Sake of Earth by Nancie Erhard, Daniel Maguire
Seeking the Path to Adjunct Justice at Marquette University, Daniel C. Maguire
Fortuita Misericordia: Martin Luther on the Salvation of Biblical Outsiders, Mickey Mattox
Towards an Islamic Theology of Nonviolence: A Critical Appraisal of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's View of Jihad (Part I), Irfan A. Omar
Towards an Islamic Theology of Nonviolence: A Critical Appraisal of Maulana Wahiduddin Khan's View of Jihad (Part II), Irfan A. Omar
In the Mirror of the Divine Face: The Enochic Features of the Exagoge of Ezekiel the Tragedian, Andrei Orlov
Praxis of the Voice: The Divine Name Traditions in the Apocalypse of Abraham, Andrei Orlov
The Pillar of the World: The Eschatological Role of the Seventh Antediluvian Hero in 2 (Slavonic) Enoch, Andrei Orlov
A Tale of Two Elephants: Overcoming the Postelection Crisis in Kenya, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Catholic Social Teaching and Peacemaking in Africa: A Tale of Two Traditions, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Ethics of HIV/AIDS Prevention: Paradigms of a New Discourse from an African Perspective, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Faith Doing Justice in the Context of Postmodernism, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Key Ethical Issues in the Practices and Policies of Refugee Serving NGOs and Churches, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Method and Context: How and Where Theology Works in Africa, Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
Cosmopolitanism and the Interests of Reason: A Social Framework for Human Action in History, Philip J. Rossi
Review of A Secular Age by Charles Taylor, Philip J. Rossi
Responding to a Trans-Generational Environmental Phenomenon, Jame Schaefer
Review of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin on People and Planet, Jame Schaefer
Review of Sacramental Commons: Christian Ecological Ethics by John Hart, Jame Schaefer
Review of Christ and Horrors: The Coherence of Christology by Marilyn McCord Adams, Robert B. Slocum
Review of To Build Christ’s Kingdom, F. D. Maurice and His Writings, edited by Jeremy Morris, Robert Boak Slocum
Justini Febronii Commentarius In Suam Retractionem (1781), Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim and Ulrich Lehner
Justinus Febronius Abbreviatus et Emendatus (1777), Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim and Ulrich Lehner