Document Type
Numeric Data
Full-spectrum k-distribution (FSK) look-up table for major combustion gases (CO2, H2O, and CO) from 0.1 bar to 80 bar from 300 K to 3000 K temperature range. Please note that the archive size is approximately 5 GB.
The archive also contains Fortran files needed to read the data.
Related Publications:
C. Wang, W. Ge, M.F. Modest, and B. He, "A full-spectrum k-distribution look-up table for radiative transfer in nonhomogeneous gaseous media," J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transf., vol. 168, pp. 46-56, 2016.
File Format
.tar archive
Viewing Instructions
All data along with associated instructions are archived in a single gunzipped tar archive. Files within the archive contains binary data as described in the README file within the archive.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Wang, Chaojun; Modest, Michael; and Ge, Wenjun, "[Data] FSK Lookup Table for Carbon Dioxide, Water, Carbon Monoxide from 0.1 bar to 80 bar (FSKTable v1)." (2019). FSK Lookup Table. 2.