Date of Award

Spring 2023

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)





First Advisor

Guentsch, Arndt

Second Advisor

Kofina, Vrisiis

Third Advisor

Kassab, Moawia


Purpose: Studies investigating the accuracy of implant placement are utilizing different methods to digitize the post-operative implant position to compare it with the planned reference position. This study aimed to compare the influence on radiographic and digital methods in the accuracy of static computer-assisted and free hand implant placement.Methods: In total, n=40 implants were placed either fully guided (n=20) or free-handed (n=20) in standardized mandible replicas. A static surgical guide was planned for the fully guided surgery group (FG) for an implant at the lower right first molar site and 3D printed. In the free-hand group (FH) the implant surgery was performed without a surgical guide after the planning was reviewed. Three different methods (CBCT, lab scanner [LS], and intra-oral scanner [IOS]) were used to digitize the actual implant position for both groups. Planned and actual position were compared using a treatment evaluation tool in the planning software. The angle deviation was defined as primary outcome parameter. Accuracy of FG and FH were statistically compared using ANOVA and the digitization methods (CBCT, LS, IOS) were compared with a paired t-test. Reliability of the methods was analyzed using Cronbach’s alpha method. Results: All three methods (CBCT, LS, and IOS) showed acceptable agreements (Cronbach’s alpha of 0.7 and 0.9, respectively) for both groups. Significant higher accuracy (each p

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