"Probability, The Historical Development of the Theory and its Applicat" by Rose M. Brandt

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science (BS)


Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science


The theory of probability had its origin in isolated mathematical problems taken from games of chance. The beginnings of many of our modern theories and concepts can be traced back to Chinese origin. So too can the theory of probability. With the exception of the Chinese problem, dating from the beginning of the Christian era, no reference seems to have again been made to the theory prior to the latter part of the fifteenth century. In 1494 an Italian monk, Pacioli, was one of the first to introduce the "Problem of Points" into a treatise on mathematics. By the solution of this prob~em, gamblers determine, at any given stage of the game, the probability each player has of winning the game. If two players are forced to quit their game before either has won, and if the number of points each has is known and the number required to win is known, this solution will decide how the stake shall be divided.


A Thesis submitted to the Faculty or the College of Liberal Arts, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science
