"Radicalism in the Poetry of Walt Whitman" by Camille A.H. Fortier Jr

Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Literatures, Languages, and Cultures

First Advisor

William H. Bucknell


Walt Whitman was a rabid radical. Not only in his poetry, but in his love and religion as well the spirit of radicalism prevails.

This foreword is to prepare the reader for the startling, and overwhelming statements and thoughts of Whitman in regard to his radicalism. This thesis is written purely objectively and no personal opinions have entered into the discussion of the radicalistic view of Walt Whitman in his poetry, love, and religion.

How anyone can sa the whole idea of the Church is low, loathsome, horrible, a sort of moral degration, out of touch with the struggles of contemporary humanity, l.eaves no doubt in our mind but what an individual with such reasoning is a radical without question.
