Date of Award


Degree Type

Bachelors Essay

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Literatures, Languages, and Cultures


We like what we are not, or we are not what we think we are. In no subject is this truism more evident than in the literature of a people. Literature reflects the taste of the time rather than the time itself, and of­ ten the two are widely different. Literature is, of course, not life, neither history nor material for history, but a scroll whereon are traced and charactered the unfettered thoughts of writer and reader, - a life within a life, fancy somewhat at odds with fact. fut by critics and historians this is often forgotten - "To pass from the art of a time to the time itself," says Wilde, "is the great mistake that all historians commit." It is also the mistake that my of the writers have made who have attempted to analyze Shake­speare,. his works, and characters.


A Thesis submitted partially to fulfill the requirements for The Degree of Bachelor of Philosophy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
