The Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's civil and environmental engineering faculty.
Submissions from 1994
Dynamic Modeling of Slab Formwork during Concrete Placement, Saeed Karshenas and Stephen M. Heinrich
Submissions from 1993
[Review of] Variational Methods in Mechanics, Stephen M. Heinrich
Effect of Chip and Pad Geometry on Solder Joint Formation in SMT, Stephen M. Heinrich, Paul Edwin Liedtke, Nicholas J. Nigro, A. F. Elkouh, and P. S. Lee
Finite Element Method for Predicting Equilibrium Shapes of Solder Joints, Nicholas J. Nigro, A. F. Elkouh, X. Zou, Raymond Fournelle, Stephen M. Heinrich, and Ping S. Lee
Submissions from 1992
Effect of Dead Space on Gain and Noise of Double-Carrier-Multiplication Avalanche Photodiodes, Majeed M. Hayat, B.E.A Saleh, and Malvin Carl Teich
Submissions from 1991
Torsional Stress Interference in Transverse Isotropy, Stephen M. Heinrich
Effect of Workpart Curvature on the Stiffness Properties of Circular Filamentary Brushes, Stephen M. Heinrich, R. J. Stango, and Chih-Yuan Shia
Submissions from 1990
Solder Joint Formation in Surface Mount Technology—Part I: Analysis, Stephen M. Heinrich, A. F. Elkouh, Nicholas J. Nigro, and Ping S. Lee
Solder Joint Formation in Surface Mount Technology—Part II: Design, Stephen M. Heinrich, Nicholas J. Nigro, A. F. Elkouh, and Ping S. Lee
Submissions from 1989
Analysis of Constrained Filament Deformation and Stiffness Properties of Brushes, Stephen M. Heinrich, Chih-Yuan Shia, and Robert Stango
Stress Interference in a Transversely Isotropic Body under Axisymmetric Loading, Stephen M. Heinrich and J. Y. Wang