The Civil and Environmental Engineering Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's civil and environmental engineering faculty.
Submissions from 2019
A Microfluidic Platform For the Simultaneous Quantification of Methanogen Populations in Anaerobic Digestion Processes, Prince Peter Mathai, Hannah M. Dunn, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Daniel Zitomer, James Maki, Satoshi Ishii, and Michael J. Sadowsky
From Micro to Macro-Contaminants: The Impact of Low-Energy Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis Followed by Filtration on The Mitigation of Drinking Water Organics, Brooke K. Mayer, Carlan Johnson, Yu Yang, Nicole Wellenstein, Emily K. Maher, and Patrick J. McNamara
Impact of hurricane Harvey on the results of regional flood frequency analysis, Walter M. McDonald and Joseph Naughton
Stormwater Management Actions Under Regulatory Pressure: A Case Study of Southeast Wisconsin, Walter M. McDonald and Joseph Naughton
Comment On “Patented Blunderings, Efficiency Awareness, And Self-Sustainability Claims in The Pyrolysis Energy from Waste Sector”, Patrick J. McNamara, Daniel Zitomer, and Zhongzhe Liu
Ion exchange nutrient recovery from anaerobic membrane bioreactor permeate, Patrick Mullen, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Daniel Zitomer, and Brooke K. Mayer
Evaluating the Variability of Urban Land Surface Temperatures Using Drone Observations, Joseph Naughton and Walter M. McDonald
Power Law Growth and Delayed Feedbacks in Socio‐Hydrological Systems, Anthony J. Parolari and Gabriele Manolia
Communication of Recommendations for the Disposal of Unused Prescription Opioid Medications by Stakeholders in the News Media, Megan Lynn Petrik, Patrick J. McNamara, Susan M. Moeschler, and Benjamin D. Blair
Global Opportunities to Increase Agricultural Independence Through Phosphorus Recycling, Stephen M. Powers; R. B. Chowdhury; G. K. MacDonald; A, H.W. Beusen; A. F. Bouwman; S. E. Hampton; Brooke Mayer; M. L. McCracklin; and D. A. Vaccari
Toxicity of Various Pyrolysis Liquids From Biosolids on Methane Production Yield, Seyedfatemeh Seyedi, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, and Daniel Zitomer
Improved Reliability of Stormwater Detention Basin Performance Through Water Quality Data-informed Real-time Control, Sazzad Sharior, Walter M. McDonald, and Anthony J. Parolari
An Analytical Approach to Ascertain Saturation-excess Versus Infiltration-excess Overland Flow in Urban and Reference Landscapes, Ryan D. Stewart, Aditi S. Bhaskar, Anthony J. Parolari, Dustin L. Herrmann, Jinshi Jian, Laura A. Schifman, and William D. Shuster
Adsorption of Organic Micropollutants to Biosolids-Derived Biochar: Estimation of Thermodynamic Parameters, Yiran Tong, Brooke K. Mayer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Adsorption of Organic Micropollutants Onto Biochar: A Review of Relevant Kinetics, Mechanisms and Equilibrium, Yiran Tong, Patrick J. McNamara, and Brooke K. Mayer
Methane Yield and Lag Correlate with Bacterial Community Shift Following Bioplastic Anaerobic Co-Digestion, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Nicholas Benn, Saba Seyedi, and Daniel Zitomer
Long-term Impact on Environmental Attitudes and Knowledge Assessed over Three Semesters of an Environmental Engineering Sequence, Benjamin Michael Wallen, Nathaniel Sheehan, Luke Plante, Erick Martinez, and Jeffrey A. Starke
Effect of specimen thicknesses on water absorption and flexural strength of CFRP laminates subjected to water or alkaline solution immersion, Xue Zhang, Yanlei Wang, Baolin Wan, Gaochuang Cai, and Yuan Qu
Experimental study of hybrid strengthening technique using carbon fiber laminates and steel plates for reinforced concrete slabs, Xiaohong Zheng, Baolin Wan, Peiyan Huang, and Jinlin Huang
Submissions from 2018
Impact of Wide-Base Tires on Pavements: A National Study, Imad L. Al-Qadi, Jaime Hernandez, Angeli Gamez, Mojtaba Ziyadi, Osman Erman Gungor, and Seunggu Kang
Construction Engineering Education Committee: Past, Present, and Future, Yong Bai
Pretreatment and Anaerobic Co-digestion of Selected PHB and PLA Bioplastics, Nicholas John Norio Benn and Daniel Zitomer
Metagenomics Reveal Triclosan-Induced Changes in the Antibiotic Resistome of Anaerobic Digesters, M. Fujimoto, Daniel Elliott Carey, and Patrick J. McNamara
Development of Domain Analysis to Predict Multi-Axial Flexible Airfield Pavement Responses Due to Gear and Environmental Loadings, Angeli Gamez, Jaime Hernandez, and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Development of Domain Analysis for Determining Potential Pavement Damage, Angeli Gamez, Jaime Hernandez, Hasan Ozer, and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Concrete Pavement Blowup Considering Generalized Boundary Conditions, Jaime Hernandez and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Micromechanical Modeling of I-FIT Asphalt Concrete Specimens, Jaime Hernandez, Mohammed Sawalha, Jose Rivera-Perez, Hasan Ozer, and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Driver Responses to Graphic-Aided Portable Changeable Message Signs in Highway Work Zones, Yilei Huang and Yong Bai
Enhancing FRP-to-concrete Bond Behavior by Epoxy Ribs, Cheng Jiang, Baolin Wan, and John Omboko
Epoxy Interlocking: A Novel Approach to Enhance FRP-to-concrete Bond Behavior, Cheng Jiang, Baolin Wan, Yu-Fei Wu, and John Omboko
Removal of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in an Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor Treating Primary Clarifier Effluent at 20 °C, Anthony D. Kappell, Lee K. Kimbell, Matthew Seib, Daniel Elliott Carey, Melinda J. Choi, Tino Kalayil, Masanori Fujimoto, Daniel Zitomer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Effect of Pyrolysis on the Removal of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Class I Integrons from Municipal Wastewater Biosolids, Lee Kimbell, Anthony D. Kappell, and Patrick J. McNamara
Biosolids-Derived Biochar for Triclosan Removal from Wastewater, Lee K. Kimbell, Yiran Tong, Brooke K. Mayer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Energy Harvesting Assessment Using PZT Sensors and Roadway Materials, Seonghoon Kim, Ilan Stern, Junan Shen, Mohammad Ahad, Yong Bai, and Ahmad Safayet
Characteristics and Applications of Biochars Derived from Wastewater Solids, Zhongzhe Liu, Simcha L. Singer, Yiran Tong, Lee Kimball, Erik Anderson, Matthew Hughes, Daniel Zitomer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Sub-Pilot-Scale Autocatalytic Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids for Enhanced Energy Recovery, Zhongzhe Liu, Simcha L. Singer, Daniel Zitomer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Managing Diffuse Phosphorus at the Source versus at the Sink, Katrina A. Macintosh, Brooke K. Mayer, Richard W. McDowell, Stephen M. Powers, Lawrence A. Baker, Treavor H. Boyer, and Bruce E. Rittmann
Evaluation of Continuous Monitoring as a Tool for Municipal Stormwater Management Programs, Walter M. McDonald, Randel L. Dymond, and Vinod K. Lohani
Stochastic Water Balance Dynamics of Passive and Controlled Stormwater Basins, Anthony J. Parolari, Steven Pelrine, and Mark S. Bartlett
An Environmental Science and Engineering Framework for Combating Antimicrobial Resistance, Amy Pruden, Reinaldo E. Alcalde, Pedro J.J. Alvarez, Nicholas Ashbolt, Heather Bischel, Natalie L. Capiro, Emily Crossette, Dominic Frigon, Kassandra Grimes, Charles N. Haas, Kaoru Ikuma, Anthony D. Kappell, Timothy M. LaPara, Lee K. Kimbell, Mengyan Li, Xu Li, Patrick J. McNamara, Youngwoo Seo, Mark D. Sobsey, Emanuele Sozzi, Tala Navab-Daneshmand, Lutgarde Raskin, Maria Virginia Riquelme, Peter Vikesland, Krista Wigginton, and Zhi Zhou
Accounting for landscape heterogeneity improves spatial predictions of tree vulnerability to drought, Amanda M. Schwantes, Anthony J. Parolari, Jennifer J. Swenson, Daniel M. Johnson, Jean-Christopher Domec, Robert B. Jackson, Norman F. Pelak, and Amilcare Porporato
Ion Exchange for Nutrient Recovery Coupled with Biosolids-Derived Biochar Pretreatment to Remove Micropollutants, Yiran Tong, Lee K. Kimbell, Anna Avila, Patrick J. McNamara, and Brooke K. Mayer
Meta-Analysis of Non-Reactive Phosphorus in Water, Wastewater, and Sludge, and Strategies to Convert it for Enhanced Phosphorus Removal and Recovery, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Patrick J. McNamara, and Brooke K. Mayer
Phosphate removal and recovery using immobilized phosphatebinding proteins, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Nilisha Pokhrel, Faten Hussein, Edwin Antony, and Brooke K. Mayer
Axial Compressive Behavior of Square Ice Filled Steel Tubular Stub Columns, Yanlei Wang, Guipeng Chen, Baolin Wan, and Hao Lin
In Situ Strain and Damage Monitoring of GFRP Laminates Incorporating Carbon Nanofibers under Tension, Yanlei Wang, Yongshuai Wang, Baoguo Han, Baolin Wan, Gaochuang Cai, and Ruijuan Chang
Strain Monitoring of Concrete Components Using Embedded Carbon Nanofibers/Epoxy Sensors, Yanlei Wang, Yongshuai Wang, Baoguo Han, Baolin Wan, Gaochuang Cai, and Zhizheng Li
Strain and Damage Self-Sensing of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates Fabricated with Carbon Nanofibers/Epoxy Composites Under Tension, Yanlei Wang, Yongshuai Wang, Baolin Wan, Baoguo Han, Gaochuang Cai, and Ruijuan Chang
Properties and Mechanisms of Self-Sensing Carbon Nanofibers/Epoxy Composites for Structural Health Monitoring, Yanlei Wang, Yongshuai Wang, Baolin Wan, Baoguo Han, Gaochuang Cai, and Zhizheng Li
A New Thickness-Based Accelerated Aging Test Methodology for Resin Materials: Theory and Preliminary Experimental Study, Yanlei Wang, Xue Zhang, Gaochuang Cai, Baolin Wan, Danièle Waldmann, and Yuan Qu
Fully Probabilistic Analysis of FRP-to-Concrete Bonded Joints Considering Model Uncertainty, Dongming Zhang, Xiang-Lin Gu, Qian-Qian Yu, Hongwei Huang, Baolin Wan, and Cheng Jiang
Submissions from 2017
Reply to Comment by Fred L. Ogden et al. on "Beyond the SCS-CN Method: A Theoretical Framework for Spatially Lumped Rainfall-Runoff Response", Mark Bartlett, Anthony J. Parolari, Jeffrey McDonnell, and Amilcare Porporato
Inclusion of an Introduction to Infrastructure Course in a Civil and Environmental Engineering Curriculum, Esmaeili Behzad, Philip J. Parker, Steven D. Hart, Brooke K. Mayer, Led Klosky, and Michael R. Penn
Activity of Methanogenic Biomass After Heat and Freeze Drying in Air, Ujwal H. Bhattad, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Keerthi Cherukuri, James Maki, and Daniel Zitomer
Biochemical Methane Potential Assays and Anaerobic Digester Bioaugmentation Using Freeze Dried Biomass, Ujwal H. Bhattad, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, James Maki, and Daniel Zitomer
Curriculum Innovation: Incorporating the Kern Engineering Entrepreneurial Network (KEEN) Framework into Online Discussions, Lisa Bosman, Brooke Mayer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Hydrologic Transport of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and Its Control on Chemical Weathering, Salvatore Calabrese, Anthony J. Parolari, and Amilcare Porporato
Comparative Analysis of Construction Process at Building Sites, Chang-Ray Chen, Feifei Cheng, and Yong Bai
How Weather Events Affect Freeway Demand Patterns, Amjad Dehman and Alexander Drakopoulos
Editorial" Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites for Structural Applications in Construction, Jun Deng, Marcus M.K. Lee, Baolin Wan, and Giuseppina Amato
A Comparative Life Cycle Assessment between a Metered Dose Inhaler and Electric Nebulizer, Brandon Goulet, Lars E. Olson, and Brooke K. Mayer
Development of Adjustment Factors for MEPDG Pavement Responses Utilizing Finite-Element Analysis, Osman Erman Gungor, Imad L. Al-Qadi, Angeli Gamez, and Jaime Hernandez
Semicoupled Modeling of Interaction between Deformable Tires and Pavements, Jaime Hernandez and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Tire-Pavement Interaction Modeling: Hyperelastic Tire and Elastic Pavement, Jaime Hernandez and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Baseline Rolling Resistance for Tires’ On-Road Fuel Efficiency Using Finite Element Modeling, Jaime Hernandez, Imad L. Al-Qadi, and Hasan Ozer
The Effect of Plant Water Storage on Water Fluxes within the Coupled Soil–Plant System, Cheng-Wei Huang, Jean-Christopher Domec, Eric J. Ward, Tomer Duman, Gabriele Manolia, Anthony J. Parolari, and Gabriel Katul
Biosolids Reuse: Continuous Flow-Through Column Testing of Biosolids-Derived Biochar to Sorb Micropollutants, Lee Kimbell, Yiran Tong, Brooke Mayer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Virtual Reality of Earthquake Ground Motions for Emergency Response, Ting Lin
Increasing Atmospheric Humidity and CO2 Concentration Alleviate Forest Mortality Risk, Yanlan Liu, Anthony J. Parolari, Mukesh Kumar, Chang-Wei Huang, Gabriel Katul, and Amilcare Porporato
Autocatalytic Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids for Product Upgrading, Zhongzhe Liu, Patrick J. McNamara, and Daniel Zitomer
Can Autocatalytic Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids be Energy Neutral and Generate Value-Added Products?, Zhongzhe Liu, Simcha L. Singer, Daniel Zitomer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Bond Behavior of FRP–Concrete in Presence of Intermediate Crack Debonding Failure, Tayyebeh Mohammadi, Baolin Wan, Kent A. Harries, and Michael E. Sweriduk
A Shared Ontology Approach to Semantic Representation of BIM Data, Mehrdad Niknam and Saeed Karshenas
Climate, Not Conflict, Explains Extreme Middle East Dust Storm, Anthony J. Parolari, Dan Li, Elie Bou-Zeid, Gabriel Katul, and Shmuel Assouline
Boom and Bust Carbon-Nitrogen Dynamics during Reforestation, Anthony J. Parolari, Megan L. Mobley, Allan R. Bacon, Gabriel Katul, Daniel deB. Richter, and Amilcare Porporato
Fate and Impacts of Triclosan, Sulfamethoxazole, and 17β-estradiol during Nutrient Recovery via ion Exchange and Struvite Precipitation, Yiran Tong, Patrick J. McNamara, and Brooke K. Mayer
Correlating Methane Production to Microbiota in Anaerobic Digesters Fed Synthetic Wastewater, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, K. Milferstedt, M. Fujimoto, M. Johnson, and Daniel Zitomer
Higher Education on Buildings: Case Study in the North Dakota Region, Houjun Yang, Malini Srivastava, Yanmei Xie, and Yong Bai
Submissions from 2016
Beyond the SCS-CN Method: A Theoretical Framework for Spatially Lumped Rainfall-runoff Response, Mark Bartlett, Anthony J. Parolari, Jeffrey McDonnell, and Amilcare Porporato
Framework for Event-based Semidistributed Modeling that Unifies the SCS-CN Method, VIC, PDM, and TOPMODEL, Mark Bartlett, Anthony J. Parolari, Jeffrey McDonnell, and Amilcare Porporato
Framework for Incorporating Probabilistic Building Performance in the Assessment of Community Seismic Resilience, Henry V. Burton, Gregory Deierlein, David Lallemant, and Ting Lin
Framework for Incorporating Probabilistic Building Performance in the Assessment of Community Seismic Resilience, Henry V. Burton, Gregory Deierlein, David Lallemant, and Ting Lin
Altered Antibiotic Tolerance in Anaerobic Digesters Acclimated to Triclosan Or Triclocarban, Daniel Elliott Carey and Patrick J. McNamara
Recovery of Agricultural Nutrients from Biorefineries, Daniel Elliott Carey, Yu Yang, Patrick J. McNamara, and Brooke Mayer
Triclocarban Influences Antibiotic Resistance and Alters Anaerobic Digester Microbial Community Structure, Daniel Elliott Carey, Daniel Zitomer, Krassimira R. Hristova, Anthony D. Kappell, and Patrick J. McNamara
Chronic Exposure to Triclosan Sustains Microbial Community Shifts and Alters Antibiotic Resistance Gene Levels in Anaerobic Digesters, Daniel Elliott Carey, Daniel Zitomer, Anthony D. Kappell, Melinda J. Choi, Krassimira R. Hristova, and Patrick J. McNamara
Consumer Product Antimicrobials Select for Antibiotic Resistance in Anaerobic Digesters, Daniel Elliott Carey, Daniel Zitomer, and Patrick J. McNamara
Investigation of Peak-Hour Factor at Freeway Segments: Urban and Suburban Vicinities, Amjad Dehman and Alexander Drakopoulos
Revisiting Merge-Influence Area Empirically: Operations Inside Recurrent Freeway Bottlenecks, Amjad Dehman and Alexander Drakopoulos
A Simple Kinetic Analysis of Syngas During Steam Hydrogasification of Biomass Using a Novel Inverted Batch Reactor with Instant High Pressure Feeding, Xin Fan, Zhongzhe Liu, Joseph M. Norbeck, and Chan S. Park
Transient Analysis of Analyte Desorption Due to Thermal Cycling with Varying Pulse Duration, Patrick Getz, Christopher Carron, Stephen M. Heinrich, Fabien Josse, and Oliver Brand
Quantitative Assessment of the Effect of Wide-Base Tires on Pavement Response by Finite Element Analysis, Osman Erman Gungor, Jaime Hernandez, Angeli Gamez, and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Removal of Trace Metal Contaminants from Potable Water by Electrocoagulation, Joe Heffron, Matt Marhefke, and Brooke K. Mayer
Emerging Investigators Series: Virus Mitigation by Coagulation: Recent Discoveries and Future Directions, Joe Heffron and Brooke K. Mayer
On the Role of Adsorbate Position, Geometry, and Binding Characteristics on the Multi-Modal Response of Cantilever-Based Resonators for Higher-Order Discrete-Mass Detection, Stephen M. Heinrich, Pierre-Henri Ducrot, C. Ayela, Hongjian Zhang, and Isabelle Dufour
Contact Phenomenon of Free-Rolling Wide-Base Tires: Effect of Speed and Temperature, Jaime Hernandez and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Hyperelastic Modeling of Wide-Base Tire and Prediction of Its Contact Stresses, Jaime Hernandez and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Effect of Wide-Base Tires on Nationwide Flexible Pavement Systems: Numerical Modeling, Jaime Hernandez, Angeli Gamez, and Imad L. Al-Qadi
Pyrolysis of Wastewater Biosolids Significantly Reduces Estrogenicity, T. C. Hoffman, Daniel Zitomer, and Patrick J. McNamara