The Clinical Lab Sciences Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's clinical lab sciences faculty.
Submissions from 2023
Building a Community-Academic Partnership to Improve Screening for Intimate Partner Violence: Integrating Advocates in Healthcare Clinic Settings, Erin C. Schubert, Colleen M. Galambos, Teresa Jerofke-Owen, Erica Arrington, Greer C. Jordan, Nilanjan Lodh, Heidi Paquette, Gisela Chelimsky, and Linda B. Piacentine
Submissions from 2022
Changes in Streptococcus pneumoniae Susceptibility in Wisconsin: Implications for Clinical Treatment Decisions for Respiratory Infections, Erik Munson, Stephen C. Lavey, Megan R. Lasure, and Barry C. Fox
Submissions from 2021
Biographical Feature: Karen C. Carroll, M.D., Erik Munson
Surveillance of Wisconsin Organisms for Trends in Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology (SWOTARE): 2018-2019 Report on Enterobacter cloacae and Klebsiella pneumoniae Clinical Isolates, Alyssa Reynoso and Erik Munson
Confidential Machine Learning on Untrusted Platforms: a Survey, Sharma Sagar and Keke Chen
Submissions from 2020
SGX-MR: Regulating Dataflows for Protecting Access Patterns of Data-Intensive SGX Applications, A.K.M. Mubashwir Alam, Sagar Sharma, and Keke Chen
Assessment of Dual Schistosome Infection Prevalence from Urine in An Endemic Community of Ghana By Molecular Diagnostic Approach, William K. Anyan, Brittany R. Pulkkila, Clare E. Dyra, Miriam Price, Jean M. Naples, Joseph Quartey, Abraham K. Anang, and Nilanjan Lodh
Determinants of low bone mineral density in people with multiple sclerosis: Role of physical activity, Brice T. Cleland, Paula Papanek, Benjamin A. Ingraham, April L. Harkins, Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal, Douglas Woo, Mary Ellen Csuka, and Alexander V. Ng
Biographical Feature: Robin Patel, M.D.(C.M.), D(ABMM), F(AAM), FIDSA, FACP, Erik Munson
Biographical Feature: William A. Hinton, M.D., Erik Munson
Moving Targets of Bacterial Taxonomy Revision: What Are They and Why Should We Care?, Erik Munson
Comprehensive Molecular Screening in a Cohort of Young Men Who Have Sex With Men and Transgender Women: Effect of Additive Rectal Specimen Source Collection and Analyte Testing, Erik Munson, Alyssa Reynoso, Morena Pass, Kathleen Buehler, Daniel Ryan, Antonia Clifford, Ethan Morgan, and Brian Mustanski
Submissions from 2019
Strengthening Public Health in Wisconsin Through the Wisconsin Clinical Laboratory Network, Allen C. Bateman, Erin J. Bowles, Erik Munson, Raymond P. Podzorski, Eric T. Beck, Richard Dern, Alana K. Sterkel, David M. Warshauer, and Peter A. Shult
Whither Extensive Genomic-Based Microbial Taxonomic Revision?, Erik Munson and Karen C. Carroll
The Photo Quiz: A Look Back and a Look Forward, Erik Munson and Alexander J. McAdam
Testing the Infection Prevalence of Schistosoma mansoni after Mass Drug Administration by Comparing Sensitivity and Specificity of Species- Specific Repeat Fragment Amplification by PCR and Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification, Miriam Price, Austin Cyrs, Chummy Sikasunge, James C. L. Mwansa, and Nilanjan Lodh
Staphylococcus aureus Resistance Patterns in Wisconsin: 2018 Surveillance of Wisconsin Organisms for Trends in Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology (SWOTARE) Program Report, Rebecca H. Schulte and Erik Munson
Does Weight Status Impact Metabolic Health in Adolescents When Controlling for Physical Fitness?, Stacy Stolzman, Joseph Skelton, April L. Harkins, and Marie K. Hoeger Bement
Submissions from 2018
A Retrospective Analysis of Treatment and Clinical Outcomes among Patients with Methicillin-Susceptible Staphlococcus aureus Bloodstream Isolates Possessing detecable mecA by a Commercial PCR Assay Compared to Patients with Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Isolates, Dylan Jones, Ramy Elshaboury, Erik Munson, and Thomas J. Dilworth
Biographical Feature: Richard B. (Tom) Thomson, Jr., Ph.D., D(ABMM), F(AAM), Erik Munson
Laboratory Focus on Improving the Culture of Biosafety: Statewide Risk Assessment of Clinical Laboratories That Process Specimens for Microbiologic Analysis, Erik Munson, Erin J. Bowles, Richard Dern, eric Beck, Raymond P. Podzorski, Allen C. Batemman, Timothy K. Block, Joshua L. Kropp, Tyler Radke, Karen Siebers, Brian Simmons, Mary A. Smith, Frances Spray-Larson, and David M. Warshauer
Determination of MIC and Disk Diffusion Quality Control Guidelines for Meropenem–Vaborbactam, a Novel Carbapenem/Boronic Acid β-Lactamase Inhibitor Combination, Erik Munson, Michael D. Huband, Mariana Castanheira, Kelley A. Fedler, and Robert K. Flamm
Surveillance of Wisconsin Organisms for Trends in Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology: Introduction to the Program and Summary of 2016 Geographic Variation, Erik Munson, Erin Hueppchen, and Heather Zeman
Mechanisms for the Increased Fatigability of the Lower Limb in People with Type 2 Diabetes, Jonathon Senefeld, Steven B. Magill, April Harkins, Alison R. Harmer, and Sandra K. Hunter
A Preliminary Investigation of Acculturative Stress and Diurnal Cortisol Among Latina Women, Lucas Torres, Felicia Mata-Greve, and April L. Harkins
Submissions from 2017
Composites Containing Fullerenes and Polysaccharides: Green and Facile Synthesis, Biocompatibility, and Antimicrobial Activity, Simon Duri, April Harkins, Anna J. Frazier, and Chieu D. Tran
Detection of Duo-Schistosome Infection from Filtered Urine Samples from School Children in Zambia After MDA, Megan J. Hessler, Austin Cyrs, Steven C. Krenzke, El Shaimaa Mahmoud, Chummy Sikasunge, James C. L. Mwansa, and Nilanjan Lodh
Point of Care Diagnosis of Multiple Schistosome Parasites: Species-specific DNA Detection in Urine by Loop-mediated Isothermal Amplification (LAMP), Nilanjan Lodh, Kei Mikita, Kwabena M. Bosompem, William K. Anyan, Joseph K. Quartey, Joseph Otchere, and Clive J. Shiff
Biographical Feature: Thomas F. Smith, Ph.D., Erik Munson
Correction for Munson and Carroll, “What’s in a Name? New Bacterial Species and Changes to Taxonomic Status from 2012 through 2015”, Erik Munson and Karen C. Carroll
What's in a Name? New Bacterial Species and Changes to Taxonomic Status from 2012 through 2015, Erik Munson and Karen C. Carroll
Clinical Laboratory Assessments for Mycoplasma genitalium in a High-Prevalence Sexually-Transmitted Infection Community Reveal Epidemiologic Dichotomies with Trichomonas vaginalis, Erik Munson, Kimber L. Munson, and Ronald F. Schell
Expansion of Comprehensive Screening of Male Sexually Transmitted Infection Clinic Attendees with Mycoplasma genitalium and Trichomonas vaginalis Molecular Assessment: a Retrospective Analysis, Erik Munson, David Wenten, Sheila Jhansale, Mary Kay Schuknecht, Nicki Pantuso, Joshua Gerritts, Aaron Steward, Kimber L. Munson, Maureen Napierala, and Deb Hamer
Surveillance of Wisconsin Organisms for Trends in Antimicrobial Resistance and Epidemiology (SWOTARE): epidemiologic correlates for 2016 surveillance isolates, Erik Munson, Heather Zeman, and Erin Hueppchen
Answer to November Photo Quiz: Campylobacter jejuni Pleuritis, Robin Olson, Kimber L. Munson, Maureen Napierala, and Erik Munson
Photo Quiz: A 69-Year-Old Immunosuppressed Male with Chest Pain and Shortness of Breath, Robin Olson, Kimber L. Munson, Maureen Napierala, and Erik Munson
Results of A Local Combination Therapy Antibiogram For Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Isolates: Is Double Worth The Trouble?, Matthew Song, Thomas J. Dilworth, Erik Munson, Jim Davis, and Ramy Elshaboury
Biocompatible Copper Oxide Nanoparticle Composites from Cellulose and Chitosan: Facile Synthesis, Unique Structure, and Antimicrobial Activity, Chieu D. Tran, James Makuvaza, Erik Munson, and Brian Bennett
Submissions from 2016
Arthritis Is Developed in Borrelia-Primed And -Infected Mice Deficient of Interleukin-17, Joseph Kuo, Thomas F. Warner, Erik Munson, Dean T. Nardelli, and Ronald F. Schell
Diagnosis of Strongyloides stercoralis: Detection of Parasite-Derived DNA in Urine, Nilanjan Lodh, Reynaldo Caro, Shterna Sofer, Alan Scott, Alejandro Krolewiecki, and Clive J. Shiff
Biographical Feature: Clyde Thornsberry, Ph.D., Erik Munson
Surveillance of Wisconsin Antibacterial Susceptibility Patterns, Erik Munson, Timothy K. Block, Erin J. Bowles, Michael Costello, Richard Dern, Thomas R. Fritsche, Michael A. Helgesen, Joshua L. Kropp, Raymond P. Podzorski, Karen Siebers, Brian Simmons, Mary A. Smith, Frances Spray-Larson, Tam T. Van, and David M. Warshauer
Clinical Laboratory Assessment of Mycoplasma genitalium Transcription-Mediated Amplification Using Primary Female Urogenital Specimens, Erik Munson, Holly Bykowski, Kimber L. Munson, Maureen Napierala, Pamela J. Reiss, Ronald F. Schell, and Jeanne E. Hryciuk
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Caused by Plasmodium falciparum Infection, Erik Munson, Patricia G. Luedke, and William D. Timm
Update on Laboratory Diagnosis and Epidemiology of Trichomonas vaginalis: You Can Teach an “Old” Dog “New” Trichs, Erik Munson, Maureen Napierala, and Kimber L. Munson
Application of Alternative Nucleic Acid Extraction Protocols to ProGastro SSCS Assay for Detection of Bacterial Enteric Pathogens, Erik Munson, Maureen Napierala, Kimber L. Munson, Dorothy Bilbo, and Michael A. Schulte
Suboptimal Trichomonas vaginalis Antigen Test Performance in a Low-Prevalence Sexually Transmitted Infection Community, Kimber L. Munson, Maureen Napierala, and Erik Munson
Suboptimal Trichomonas vaginalis Antigen Test Performance in a Low-Prevalence Sexually Transmitted Infection Community, Kimber L. Munson, Maureen Napierala, and Erik Munson
Submissions from 2015
Fabrication of multianalyte CeO2 nanograin electrolyte–insulator–semiconductor biosensors by using CF4 plasma treatment, Chyuan Haur Kao, Hsiang Chen, Fang Yao Stephen Hou, Shan Wei Chang, Che Wei Chang, Chao Sung Lai, Chin Pang Chen, Yun Yang He, Shang-Ren Lin, Kun Min Hsieh, and Min Han Lin
If You’ve Seen One Worm, Have You Seen Them All? Spatial, Community, And Genetic Variability of Tubificid Communities in Montana, Nilanjan Lodh, Donna M. Rizzo, Billie L. Kerans, Stephanie McGinnis, Nikolaos Fytilis, and Lori Stevens
Sex Differences in Arm Muscle Fatigability With Cognitive Demand in Older Adults, Hugo M. Pereira, Vincent C. Spears, Bonnie Schlinder-Delap, Tejin Yoon, April Harkins, Kristy A. Nielson, Marie K. Hoeger Bement, and Sandra K. Hunter
Submissions from 2014
Chitosan-Cellulose Composite for Wound Dressing Material. Part 2. Antimicrobial Activity, Blood Absorption Ability, and Biocompatibility, April Harkins, Simon Duri, Luther C. Kloth, and Chieu D. Tran
Detection of Parasite-Specific DNA in Urine Sediment Obtained by Filtration Differentiates between Single and Mixed Infections of Schistosoma mansoni and S. haematobium from Endemic Areas in Ghana, Nilanjan Lodh, Jean M. Naples, Kwabena M. Bosompem, Joseph Quartey, and Clive J. Shiff
Effect of Preanalytical Processing of ThinPrep Specimens on Detection of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus by the Aptima HPV Assay, Erik Munson, Elizabeth R. Schroeder, Kevin C. Ross, Connie Yauck, Theresa Bieganski, Robert D. Amrhein, Maureen Napierala, and April L. Harkins
Cellulose-Chitosan-Keratin Composite Materials: Synthesis, Immunological and Antibacterial Properties, Meghann Rosewald, Fang Yao Stephen Hou, Tamutsiwa Moven Mututuvari, April L. Harkins, and Chieu D. Tran
Submissions from 2013
Cytotoxicity in the Age of Nano: The Role of Fourth Period Transition Metal Oxide Nanoparticle Physicochemical Properties, Charles C. Chusuei, Chi-Heng Wu, Shravan Mallavarapu, Fang Yao Stephen Hou, Chen-Ming Hsu, Jeffrey G. Winiarz, Robert S. Aronstam, and Yue-Wern Huang
Evidenced Based Practice: Classroom to Clinical Laboratory, Cecelia W. Landin
Diagnosis of Schistosoma mansoni without the Stool: Comparison of Three Diagnostic Tests to Detect Schiostosoma mansoni Infection from Filtered Urine in Zambia, Nilanjan Lodh, James C. L. Mwansa, Mabel M. Mutengo, and Clive J. Shiff
Facile Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Activity of Cellulose-Chitosan-Hydroxyapatite Composite Material: A Potential Material for Bone Tissue Engineering, Tamutsiwa M. Mututuvari, April Harkins, and Chieu D. Tran
Recyclable Synthesis, Characterization, and Antimicrobial Activity of Chitosan-based Polysaccharide Composite Materials, Chieu D. Tran, Simon Duri, and April Harkins
Submissions from 2012
The Parasite that Causes Whirling Disease, Myxobolus cerebralis, is Genetically Variable Within and Across Spatial Scales, Nilanjan Lodh, Billie L. Kerans, and Lori Stevens
Restoring Functional Status: A Long-Term Case Report of Severe Lung and Ventilatory Muscle Pump Dysfunction Involving Recurrent Bacterial Pneumonias, Dennis Sobush, Linda Jean Laatsch-Lybeck, and Randolph J. Lipchik
Submissions from 2011
Pain Perception after Isometric Exercise in Women with Fibromyalgia, Marie K. Hoeger Bement, Andy Weyer, Sarah Hartley, Breanna Drewek, April Harkins, and Sandra K. Hunter
Molecular Diagnosis of Sexually-transmitted Chlamydia trachomatis in the United States, April Harkins and Munson Erik
Supraspinal Fatigue Is Similar in Men and Women for a Low-Force Fatiguing Contraction, Manda L. Keller, Jaclyn Pruse, Tejin Yoon, Bonnie Schlinder-Delap, April Harkins, and Sandra K. Hunter
Prevalence of Myxobolus cerebralis Infections Among Genetic Lineages of Tubifex tubifex at Three Locations in the Madison River, Montana, Nilanjan Lodh, Lori Stevens, and Billie Kerans
Submissions from 2009
Sex differences in response to cognitive stress during a fatiguing contraction, Tejin Yoon, Manda Linea Keller, Bonnie Schlinder-Delap, April L. Harkins, Romuald Lepers, and Sandra K. Hunter
Submissions from 2007
Bactericidal and Cytotoxic Effects of Chloramine-T on Wound Pathogens and Human Fibroblasts In Vitro, Luther C. Kloth, Joseph E. Berman, Linda Jean Laatsch-Lybeck, and Phyllis A. Kirchner
Submissions from 2005
Cooperative Learning Effects On Teamwork Attitudes In Clinical Laboratory Science Students, Linda Laatsch, Lynda Britton, Susan Keating, Phyllis A. Kirchner, Don Lehman, Karen Madsen-Myers, Linda Milson, Catherine Otto, and Libby Spence
Submissions from 1996
Does Cooperative Learning Enhance Student Achievement?, Linda Laatsch and Linda Milson
Submissions from 1995
In vitro Effects of Two Silver Electrodes on Select Wound Pathogens, Linda Jean Laatsch-Lybeck, Poh Chye Ong, and Luther C. Kloth
Submissions from 1994
Antibacterial Effects of a Silver Electrode Carrying Microamperage Direct Current in vitro, Poh Chye Young, Luther C. Kloth, and Linda Jean Laatsch-Lybeck
Submissions from 1992
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching Specimen Collection, Linda Laatsch and Barbara R. Kollath
A Young Scholar Program in Clinical Laboratory Science, Linda Milson
Submissions from 1986
Use of Interdisciplinary Education to Foster Familiarization among Health Professionals, Linda Jean Laatsch-Lybeck, Linda Milson, and Susan E. Zimmer
Medical Parasitology Course Development Over 25 Years, Linda Milson and Linda Laatsch
Submissions from 1985
Pharyngeal Carriage of Beta-Hemolytic Streptococci and the Effect of Laboratory Exposure in Medical Technology Students, Linda Laatsch
Interdisciplinary Education In Dental Hygiene: A Pilot Project, Susan E. Zimmer, Linda Milson, and Linda Laatsch
Submissions from 1982
Antibiotic Susceptibility of Black-Pigmented Bacteroides Isolates from the Human Oral Cavity, Linda Jean Laatsch, Paul R. Hohenfeldt, and William L. Kos