Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Robert B. Nordberg

Second Advisor

Frank L. Steeves


The role of the elementary school counselor is at present vaguely defined. Counseling is relatively new in the elementary schools, where it exists at all. It is often left to the judgment and discretion of the individual counselor to evaluate the needs of the school and to set up a counseling program to meet those needs.

No one seems exactly sure as to just what duties should be undertaken by the elementary counselor, and this makes an evaluation of elementary counseling programs extremely difficult . Differences of opinions may be encountered about the various activities of the counselor, but one common denominator does exist. It is agreed that the counselor's fundamental reason for being placed in the school is to provide individual and group counseling services for those children who want and need these services. The counselor must meet the needs of the children in the school. This presents a number of problems. Who are these children? How can they be reached and directed to the counselor? What is the operational range of the counselor? Is there any value in counseling?


An Essay Submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
