Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Literatures, Languages, and Cultures


To George Herbert, as evidenced in his prose work A Priest to the Temple, prayer and preaching were two highly important functions of his divine ministry. There is also in lzaak Walton's The Life of George Herbert an interesting note on Herbert's view of the relationship between prayer and preaching. Recounting Herbert's endeavors in the rebuilding of t he parish church at Layton Ecclesia, Walton remarks, "by his order, the Reading Pew and Pulpit were a little distant from each other, and both of equal height: for he would often say, 'They should neither have precedency or priority of the other; but that Prayer and Preaching, being equally useful, might agree like Brethern, and have an equal honour and estimation." His poetic work The Temple is itself both an act of worship and the preaching of the pastor as he leads his people to the discovery of God. The two aspects of his poetry, prayer and preaching, are, for t he most part, so intertwined t hat they are virtually inseparable.


An Essay Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts
