"A Guide to Avoiding Antitrust Violation" by James Stephen Papez

Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Business Administration (MBA)


Business Administration


Within the socio-economic system that predominates in the United States there exists two major underlying and apparently conflicting philosophies The economic philosophy of free enterprise essentially states that business, includ­ing all classes of purchasers and sellers, when left to its own devices to achieve its only goal will, in and of itself, create a completely equitable and optimum system. Its only goal is some form of pror1t maximization. The social justice philosophy implies that goods have an intrinsic value dependent upon their utility in satisfying man's needs and basic wants. It calls for a price structure that meets the demands of exchange distributive and contributive justice in the de jure market structure.


An Essay Presented to the Faculty of, the Graduate School Marquette University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Business Administration
