Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)




One characteristic of the present age in the history of Catholic education is a healthy spirit of unrest. This age is also marked by a move toward professionalism, the attempt on the part of the schools to fit more effectively into the mainstream of education, an urge to improve in every aspect. Issues of pressing importance and problems of considerable weight face those charged with planning and administering Catholic schools. Despite the unrest, the pressing issues and problems , there is a spirit which pervades the ranks of Catholic educators which is unmistakably one of challenge and undaunted courage. Unfortunately, not all Catholics view these same issues and problems as a challenge . Many see them as a reason for pessimistic fear and discouragement. Changes within the ecclesiastical structure as the Church seeks to identify itself more closely with the modern world have had repercussions, within the Catholic school systems. We must keep in mind that these changes have not, as yet, run their full course. We can expect more changes, then, both in structure and administration of the Catholic school. A healthy attitude toward change, for the real educator, would be to consider change as a challenge to better performance in his field of endeavor.


An Essay Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Education Department, Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education Milwaukee, Wisconsin
