Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)




This study of the Sacrament of the annointing of the sick seeks to investigate, first of all, Christ's healing mission among men, and then secondly, to see how the Church has sacramentally understood and expressed this mission during her history. The logical conclusion of this work would be for the author to propose valid expressions of this ministry as the Church of today moves into her future. The author felt, however, that this would be beyond the limited scope of this work. It was judged more important at this time to provide the background for such extrapolation by amassing the heritage of the past, since the future has always its roots in this past. The history of this sacrament proves to be most interesting, if somewhat disappointing. It records the Church's interpretation of Christ's healing ministry going to the extreme of understanding the Sacrament as Extreme Unction. This history records how the rites, prayers, theologians, and particularly the titles of the sacrament itself have expressed the understanding of this sacrament by different ages. This study of the history is, nevertheless, limited, touching only those events and men who alter the course of this history. Great emphasis, as well as the greater share of this investigation is placed on the work done by men in the last fifty years.


An Essay submitted to the Faculty of the Graduate School, Marquette University, in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Theology. Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Author AKA as Sister Marlene A. Stinn, CSJ
