Date of Award


Degree Type

Master's Essay - Restricted

Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



First Advisor

Frank L. Steeves

Second Advisor

Harvey Kaupman


Changes in educational methods and approaches are receiving a great deal of attention both inside and outside the field of education. Too often, however, the changes are merely readjustments of the basic framework which contains a teacher, a learner, and e content. The changes may be temp­ oral, such as modular scheduling or long periods or concentra­tion upon e single subject. The changes may be with the organ­ization of teacher assignment, such as team teaching, small group meetings, or even teacher-student meetings one one to one basis. There is available a wide assortment or "hardware" to facilitate the "learning process.n The content may be new, revised , or updated, and more "relevant" to the student or today. Certainly mention must be made of the improvement in the design of the modern school building. Most of the recent innovations have produced measureable increases in the achievement of cognitive skills.


An Essay Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Education Department, Marquette University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Education. Milwaukee , Wisconsin
