The Exercise Science Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's exercise science faculty.
Submissions from 2010
Response to task-specific sex differences in muscle fatigue: Is there a common underlying cause?, Sandra K. Hunter
The Underrecognized Role of Impaired Muscle Function in Cancer-Related Fatigue, Alexander V. Ng
The Effect of Concurrent Activation Potentiation During Fast Stretch Shortening Cycle Activity, Erich Petushek, Luke Garceau, and William Ebben
Dynamic Stabilization During the Landing Phase of Plyometric Exercises, Erich Petushek, Luke Garceau, Tyler VanderZanden, Brad Wurm, Christina Feldmann, and William Ebben
Submissions from 2009
Sex Differences and Mechanisms of Task-Specific Muscle Fatigue, Sandra K. Hunter
Sex differences in time to task failure and blood flow for an intermittent isometric fatiguing contraction, Sandra K. Hunter, Erin E. Griffith, Kristine M. Schlachter, and Tim D. Kufahl
Quantifying the onset of the concentric phase of the force–time record during jumping, S.K. Leissring, William Ebben, Luke Garceau, Erich Petushek, and R.L. Jensen
Sex differences in response to cognitive stress during a fatiguing contraction, Tejin Yoon, Manda Linea Keller, Bonnie Schlinder-Delap, April L. Harkins, Romuald Lepers, and Sandra K. Hunter
Submissions from 2008
Leg Sympathetic Response to Noxious Skin Stimuli is Similar in High and Low Level Human Spinal Cord Injury, M. Kevin Garrison, Alexander V. Ng, and Brian D. Schmit
Recovery from supraspinal fatigue is slowed in old adults after fatiguing maximal isometric contractions, Sandra K. Hunter, Gabrielle Todd, Jane E. Butler, Simon C. Gandevia, and Janet L. Taylor
Time to task failure and muscle activation vary with load type for a submaximal fatiguing contraction with the lower leg, Sandra K. Hunter, Tejin Yoon, Joseph Farinella, Erin E. Griffith, and Alexander V. Ng
Age-related muscle fatigue after a low-force fatiguing contraction is explained by central fatigue, Bonnie A. Schlinder-Delap, Tejin Yoon, Erin E. Griffith, and Sandra K. Hunter
Submissions from 2007
Mechanisms of fatigue differ after low- and high-force fatiguing contractions in men and women, Tejin Yoon, Bonnie A. Schlinder-Delap, Erin E. Griffith, and Sandra K. Hunter
Submissions from 2006
Effects of sprint training on extrarenal potassium regulation with intense exercise in Type 1 diabetes, Alison R. Harmer, Patricia A. Ruell, Michael J. McKenna, Donald J. Chisholm, Sandra K. Hunter, Jeanette M. Thom, Norman R. Morris, and Jeff R. Flack
Supraspinal fatigue does not explain the sex difference in muscle fatigue of maximal contractions, Sandra K. Hunter, Jane E. Butler, Gabrielle Todd, Simon C. Gandevia, and Janet L. Taylor
Active hyperemia and vascular conductance differ between men and women for an isometric fatiguing contraction, Sandra K. Hunter, Jennie M. Schletty, Kristine M. Schlachter, Erin E. Griffith, Aaron J. Polichnowski, and Alexander V. Ng
Submissions from 2005
Muscle Endurance is Greater for Old Men Compared with Strength-matched Young Men, Sandra K. Hunter, Ashley Critchlow, and Roger M. Enoka
Time to Task Failure Differs with Load Type when Old Adults Perform a Submaximal Fatiguing Contraction, Sandra K. Hunter, Ludovic Rochette, Ashley Critchlow, and Roger M. Enoka
Variability of motor unit discharge and force fluctuations across a range of muscle forces in older adults, Brian L. Tracy, Katrina S. Maluf, Jennifer L. Stephenson, and Sandra K. Hunter
Submissions from 2004
Influence of aging on sex differences in muscle fatigability, Sandra K. Hunter, Ashley Critchlow, and Roger M. Enoka
Men are more fatigable than strength-matched women when performing intermittent submaximal contractions, Sandra K. Hunter, Ashley Critchlow, In-Sik Shin, and Roger M. Enoka
Fatigability of the elbow flexor muscles for a sustained submaximal contraction is similar in men and women matched for strength, Sandra K. Hunter, Ashley Critchlow, In-Sik Shin, and Roger M. Enoka
Muscle Fatigue and the Mechanisms for Task Failure, Sandra K. Hunter, Jacques Duchateau, and Roger M. Enoka
Submissions from 2003
The Female Athlete Triad: An Emerging Role for Physical Therapy, Paula Papanek
Submissions from 2002
Complex Training: a Brief Review, William Ebben
Ventilatory Phenotypes among Four Strains of Adult Rats., Matthew Hodges, Hubert Forster, Paula Papanek, Melinda R. Dwinell, and Genevieve E. Hogan
A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Effects of Noncontact Normothermic Wound Therapy on Chronic Full-thickness Pressure Ulcers, Luther C. Kloth, Joseph E. Berman, Marilyn Nett, Paula Papanek, and Sonia Dumit-Minkel
Submissions from 2001
Angiotensin II and VEGF are Involved in Angiogenesis Induced by Short-Term Exercise Training, Sandra L. Amaral, Paula Papanek, and Andrew S. Greene
Submissions from 2000
Effects of a Normothermic Dressing on Pressure Ulcer Healing, Luther C. Kloth and Paula Papanek
Submissions from 1998
Gender-Specific Protection from Microvessel Rarefaction in Female Hypertensive Rats, Paula E. Papanek, Mark J. Rieder, Julian H. Lombard, and Andrew S. Greene
Influence of Hip Position and Gender on Active Hip Internal and External Rotation, Guy G. Simoneau, Karen J. Hoenig, Johanna E. Lepley, and Paula Papanek
Submissions from 1997
Corticosterone Inhibition of Osmotically Stimulated Vasopressin from Hypothalamic-Neurohypophysial Explants., Paula Papanek, Celia D. Sladek, and Hershel Raff
Effect of Exposure to Hypoxia from Birth on Aldosterone in Rabbits: Role of Unesterified Fatty Acids., Hershel Raff, Barbara M. Jankowski, Theodore L. Goodfriend, John E. Baker, and Paula Papanek
Submissions from 1996
Aldosterone Release from Adrenal Cells is Inhibited by Reduced Oxygen Levels in vitro during Maturation in Rabbits, Paula E. Papanek, Barbara M. Jankowski, and Hershel Raff
Vasopressin Responses to Corticotropin-Releasing Factor and Hypertonicity after Truncal Vagotomy in Dogs, Paula Papanek, Hershel Raff, and Verne E. Cowles
Submissions from 1995
In vitro Effects of Two Silver Electrodes on Select Wound Pathogens, Linda Jean Laatsch-Lybeck, Poh Chye Ong, and Luther C. Kloth
Submissions from 1994
Hypertension Induced by High Salt Intake in Absence of Volume Retention in Reduced Renal Mass Rats, Allen W. Cowley Jr., Meredith M. Skelton, Paula Papanek, and Andrew S. Greene
Effect of Chronic Renal Medullary Nitric Oxide Inhibition on Blood Pressure., David L. Mattson, Shanhong Lu, Kazushige Nakanishi, Paula Papanek, and Allen W. Cowley Jr.
Chronic Physiological Increases in Cortisol Inhibit the Vasopressin Response to Hypertonicity in Conscious Dogs, Paula Papanek and Hershel Raff
Physiological Increases in Cortisol Inhibit Basal Vasopressin Release in Conscious Dogs., Paula Papanek and Hershel Raff
The Effect of Intracarotid Vasopressin Infusion on ACTH Release in Neurohypophysectomized, Conscious Dogs, Hershel Raff, Paula Papanek, Jean-Francois Liard, and Allen W. Cowley Jr.
Submissions from 1993
Chronic Pressure-Natriuresis Relationship in Dogs with Essential Hypertension, Paula E. Papanek, Kenneth C. Bovee, Meredith M. Skelton, and Allen W. Cowley Jr.
Submissions from 1992
Effect of hypotension and hyperosmolality on vasopressin and ACTH responses to hypoglycemia in conscious dogs, Hershel Raff, Paula Papanek, and Allen W. Cowley Jr.
Effect of a Reduction in Sodium Intake on Cold-Induced Elevation of Blood Pressure in the Rat, Patricia Van Bergen, Melvin J. Fregly, and Paula Papanek
Submissions from 1991
Changes in blood pressure and dipsogenic responsiveness to angiotensin II during chronic exposure of rats to cold, Melvin J. Freegly, Orit Shechtman, Patricia Van Bergen, Clifford Reeber, and Paula Papanek
Role of the sympathetic nervous system in cold-induced hypertension in rats, Paula Papanek, Charles E. Wood, and Melvin J. Fregly
ACTH and vasopressin responses to insulin-induced hypoglycemia in intact and neurohypophysectomized conscious dogs., Hershel Raff, Paula Papanek, and Allen W. Cowley Jr.
Prevention of Cold-Induced Increase in Blood Pressure of Rats by Captopril, Orit Shechtman, Melvin J. Fregly, Patricia van Bergen, and Paula Papanek
Submissions from 1990
Factors Affecting Cold-Induced Hypertension in Rats, Orit Shechtman, Melvin J. Fregly, and Paula Papanek
Reversibility of cold-induced hypertension after removal of rats from cold, Orit Shechtman, Paula Papanek, and Melvin J. Fregly
Submissions from 1986
Effect of Chronic Treatment with Deoxycorticosterone Acetate on Content of a Natriuretic Substance in Atria of Rats, Susan J. Hathaway, Melvin J. Fregly, Karen M. Wilson, Paula Papanek, and William N. Henley
Effects of smoking cessation on weight gain, metabolic rate, caloric consumption, and blood lipids., B. A. Stamford, S. Matter, R. D. Fell, and Paula Papanek
Submissions from 1984
Cigarette Smoking, Physical activity, and Alcohol Consumption: Relationship to Blood Lipids and Lipoproteins in Premenopausal Females, Bryant A. Stamford, Sharleen Matter, Ronald D. Fell, Stanley Sady, Mary K. Cresanta, and Paula Papanek
Cigarette Smoking, Exercise and High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, Bryant A. Stamford, Sharleen Matter, Ronald D. Fell, Stanley Sady, Paula Papanek, and Mary K. Cresanta