About This Journal | Journal of Gender, Ethnic, and Cross-Cultural Studies | Journals | Marquette University

About This Journal

Founded in 2020, the Journal of Gender, Ethnic, and Cross-Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary effort, led by Dr. Enaya Othman of Marquette University. The journal came about to encourage and publish research on women and gender issues particularly in the contexts of cultural encounter.

While established as a part of the mission of Arab and Muslim Women’s Research and Resource Institute which aims to document women’s experiences and bring them to the center of society and history, the journal is committed to dissemination of new and original research, theoretical and historical analyses, and reviews addressing any linguistic, cultural, religious, ethnic or racial group. It welcomes contributions from all over the world in the disciplines of history, anthropology, cultural studies, sociology, political science, international relations, psychology, and literature.

Distinctively, the journal provides a space for promising and enthusiastic undergraduate students who would be the future scholars to advance research in those fields. To this end, the journal allocates a section for undergraduate research which undergoes peer review process.