Policies | Journal of Gender, Ethnic, and Cross-Cultural Studies | Journals | Marquette University


  1. You must be the author, or the authorized agent of the author(s) and copyright holder (if different from the author(s));
  2. the author(s) must have approved the work for publication;
  3. the author(s) must have agreed to submit the article to the Journal;
  4. the author(s) must accept full responsibility for the content of the Article;
  5. the Article must be the Author(s) original work and must not contain any libelous or unlawful statements or infringe on the rights or privacy of others or contain material or instructions that might cause harm or injury
  6. the Article must not have been previously published, is not pending review elsewhere, and will not be submitted for review elsewhere pending the completion of the editorial decision process at the Journal.

Each article submitted will undergo the Journal's editorial decision process. The Journal is not under any obligation to publish the Article. We will send you notices at the email address associated with your account.

If the Journal agrees to publish the Article, in order to expedite the publishing process and enable the Journal to circulate your work to the fullest extent, you hereby agree that upon publication, the following is automatically assigned to the publisher: an exclusive license to publish for a term of 10 years from the date of publication, including that requests from third parties for permission to reprint material found in the journal should come to the Editor In Chief of the Journal during this extent of this exclusive license. All copyrights remain with the author(s).

Open Access
All articles in The Journal of Gender, Ethnic, and Cross-Cultural Studies are published Open Access for readership without subscription or fee barriers to readers or authors. This is a core tenant of the mission of the journal. Reuse of material published in the journal is subject to copyright. Permissions for reuse should be directed to the Editor In Chief of the Journal.

    Manuscript Style and Preparation
  1. Articles cannot exceed 8,000 words maximum, including endnotes and references.
  2. The journal uses a double blind peer review process. Manuscripts should not include the author’s name or any other information that identifies the author in the footer, header, or title page. If referencing your own work, published or unpublished, please cite the work in third person.
  3. The language of the manuscript must be English and follow latest edition of Chicago Manual style16th edition.
  4. All manuscripts should include a full bibliography.
  5. All articles should be presented in Microsoft Office Word format, Times New Roman, 12, at 1.5 lines, and will be submitted through the electronic submission system
  6. The editors reserve the right to do the final edit of the articles.

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