Projective Techniques for Social Science and Business Research
Lawrence Soley and Aaron Lee Smith
Projective techniques have been used for social, business and behavioral research for more than half a century. Projective Techniques for Social Science and Business Research is the first book to explain how these techniques have been, and should be, used in research settings. This book provides historical information about the development of projective methods, discussions of their underlying theories, instruction for methodological applications and interpretations, and a framework for the future of research with projective techniques. Projective Techniques for Social Science and Business Research is a vital resource for researchers, instructors, and students seeking a comprehensive reference for these long neglected research methods and instruments.
Justini Febronii Commentarius In Suam Retractionem (1781)
Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim and Ulrich Lehner
1763 veröffentlichte der Trierer Weihbischof Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim (1701-1790) seine Schrift De statu ecclesiae unter dem Pseudonym Justinus Febronius Jurisconsultus. Wie kaum ein anderes Werk artikulierte derFebronius das Unbehagen der deutschen Reichskirche an der päpstlichen Jurisdiktion. Die Bewegung des Febronianismus, die De Statu Ecclesiae zur ideologischen Grundlage wählte, trat u.a. für die Oberhoheit eines allgemeinen Konzils über den Papst, eine Stärkung des Bischofsamtes, deutlicheren staatlichen Einfluß auf kirchliche Entscheidungen sowie für eine Abkehr von der scholastischen Theologie ein. Das Buch avancierte innerhalb kürzester Zeit zum Kassenschlager, wurde aber wegen der deutlichen Kritik am Papsttum auf den Index der verbotenen Bücher gesetzt. Da De statu ecclesiae aufgrund zahlreicher Kontroversen zu einem mehrbändigen Werk heranwuchs, sah sich Hontheim 1777 genötigt, eine Zusammenfassung seiner Thesen über den Zustand der Kirche und der legitimen Gewalt des Papstes vorzulegen, den hier vorliegenden Febronius abbreviatus et emendatus.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich L. Lehner, Professor für Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte der Neuzeit an der Marquette University in Milwaukee (USA). Mitglied desPrinceton Institute of Advanced Studies, School of Historical Studies. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Aufklärung und der frühen Neuzeit. Mitherausgeber von Brill's Companion to the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe.
Justinus Febronius Abbreviatus et Emendatus (1777)
Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim and Ulrich Lehner
1763 veröffentlichte der Trierer Weihbischof Johann Nikolaus von Hontheim (1701-1790) seine Schrift De statu ecclesiae unter dem Pseudonym Justinus Febronius Jurisconsultus. Wie kaum ein anderes Werk artikulierte derFebronius das Unbehagen der deutschen Reichskirche an der päpstlichen Jurisdiktion. Die Bewegung des Febronianismus, die De Statu Ecclesiae zur ideologischen Grundlage wählte, trat u.a. für die Oberhoheit eines allgemeinen Konzils über den Papst, eine Stärkung des Bischofsamtes, deutlicheren staatlichen Einfluß auf kirchliche Entscheidungen sowie für eine Abkehr von der scholastischen Theologie ein. Das Buch avancierte innerhalb kürzester Zeit zum Kassenschlager, wurde aber wegen der deutlichen Kritik am Papsttum auf den Index der verbotenen Bücher gesetzt. Da De statu ecclesiae aufgrund zahlreicher Kontroversen zu einem mehrbändigen Werk heranwuchs, sah sich Hontheim 1777 genötigt, eine Zusammenfassung seiner Thesen über den Zustand der Kirche und der legitimen Gewalt des Papstes vorzulegen, den hier vorliegenden Febronius abbreviatus et emendatus.
Prof. Dr. Ulrich L. Lehner, Professor für Kirchen- und Theologiegeschichte der Neuzeit an der Marquette University in Milwaukee (USA). Mitglied desPrinceton Institute of Advanced Studies, School of Historical Studies. Zahlreiche Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte der Aufklärung und der frühen Neuzeit. Mitherausgeber von Brill's Companion to the Catholic Enlightenment in Europe.
Aging and Work in the 21st Century
Gary A. Adams
The aging of baby boomers, along with the predicted decrease of the available labor pool, will place increased scrutiny and emphasis on issues relating to an aging workforce. Furthermore, future economic downturns will place strong pressure on older workers to remain in the workforce, and on retirees to seek employment again. Aging and Work in the 21st Century reviews, summarizes, and integrates existing literature from various disciplines with regard to aging and work. Chapter authors, all leading experts within their respective areas, provide recommendations for future research, practice, and/or public policy.
Bush versus Kerry: A Functional Analysis of Campaign 2004
William L. Benoit, Kevin A. Stein, John P. McHale, Sumana Chattopadhyay, Rebecca Verser, and Stephen Price
Bush versus Kerry analyzes the 2004 presidential campaign using the functional theory of political campaign communication. After an introduction and explication of political campaign communication theory, chapters investigate the content of candidate messages - for example, television spots, debates, webpages, and acceptance addresses - and media coverage of the campaign.
Capstone Design Courses: Producing Industry-Ready Biomedical Engineers
Jay R. Goldberg
The biomedical engineering senior capstone design course is probably the most important course taken by undergraduate biomedical engineering students. It provides them with the opportunity to apply what they have learned in previous years; develop their communication (written, oral, and graphical), interpersonal (teamwork, conflict management, and negotiation), project management, and design skills; and learn about the product development process. It also provides students with an understanding of the economic, financial, legal, and regulatory aspects of the design, development, and commercialization of medical technology.
The capstone design experience can change the way engineering students think about technology, society, themselves, and the world around them. It gives them a short preview of what it will be like to work as an engineer. It can make them aware of their potential to make a positive contribution to health care throughout the world and generate excitement for and pride in the engineering profession. Working on teams helps students develop an appreciation for the many ways team members, with different educational, political, ethnic, social, cultural, and religious backgrounds, look at problems. They learn to value diversity and become more willing to listen to different opinions and perspectives. Finally, they learn to value the contributions of nontechnical members of multidisciplinary project teams. Ideas for how to organize, structure, and manage a senior capstone design course for biomedical and other engineering students are presented here. These ideas will be helpful to faculty who are creating a new design course, expanding a current design program to more than the senior year, or just looking for some ideas for improving an existing course.
Women's Literary Creativity and the Female Body
Diane Hoeveler and Donna Decker Schuster
This collection attempts to place in convergence a few central questions: how has woman’s experience of her body shaped her creativity? How do women exist in cultural contexts and, more importantly, how do they respond to cultural traditions that impose their conventions and contexts on women’s identities? Does the experience of being a woman, or more specifically of giving birth, alter the creative process for women? How and in what ways are women’s bodies conduits for ideological messages? How do women’s literary works respond to the variety of different ideologies imposed upon them? How are the literary genres they use shaped by women’s responses to their cultural positions? Large questions, perhaps ultimately unanswerable, but these are the topics around which this volume revolves in its explorations of British, American, Spanish, and Canadian women artists as well as through the various genres in which they have written.
Missions, States, and European Expansion in Africa
Chima J. Korieh and Raphael Chijioke Njoku
Missions, States, and European Expansion in Africa aims to explore the ways Christianity and colonialism acted as hegemonic or counter hegemonic forces in the making of African societies. As Western interventionist forces, Christianity and colonialism were crucial in establishing and maintaining political, cultural, and economic domination. Indeed, both elements of Africa’s encounter with the West played pivotal roles in shaping African societies during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. This volume uses a wide range of perspectives to address the intersection between missions, evangelism, and colonial expansion across Africa. The contributors address several issues, including missionary collaboration with the colonizing effort of European powers; disagreements between missionaries and colonizing agents; the ways in which missionaries and colonial officials used language, imagery, and European epistemology to legitimize relations of inequality with Africans; and the ways in which both groups collaborated to transform African societies.
Die scholastische Theologie im Zeitalter der Gnadenstreitigkeiten I: Neue Texte von Diego Paez († 1582), Diego del Mármol († 1664) und Gregor von Valencia († 1603)
Ulrich Lehner
Die Gnadenstreitigkeiten des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts bilden die entscheidende geistesgeschichtliche Auseinandersetzung der frühen Neuzeit. Sie führen vor Augen, wie die katholische Theologie zum letzten Mal aus eigener rationaler Anstrengung heraus die christliche Welt zu polarisieren verstand, indem sie - gespalten in die Lager von Molinisten, Augustinisten und Thomisten - das Wirken der göttlichen Gnadenhilfe zu erklären versuchte.
Die hier versammelten Editionen zweier bisher unbekannter Jesuitentheologen, Diego Paez und Diego Marmol, verfolgen den Gang der spanischen Jesuitentheologie im 17. Jahrhundert und bereichern dadurch auch die Geschichtsschreibung der neuzeitlichen Philosophie. Ein Dossier über Gregor von Valencia gibt weiteres Material an die Hand, um Kontinuität und Diskontinuität dieser Entwicklung zu untersuchen.
Kants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der deutschen Schulphilosophie und -theologie
Ulrich Lehner
It is widely agreed that Protestant scholasticism influenced Kant’s thinking on the question of Divine Providence. But the nature and extent of that influence have never been explored in detail. This is the scholarly lacuna the present volume seeks to fill. It shows how Kant, from his pre-Critical period onward, grappled with the concept of Divine Providence, sought to subjectivize and naturalize it, and how Protestant scholasticism played an important role, both positive and negative, in this endeavor. It also makes clear how this critical philosophical conversation gave rise to a powerful notion of the progress of the human species – a vital part of the Enlightenment’s enduring legacy. This study thus provides not only a unique theological-philosophical overview of 18th-century speculation on the question of Divine Providence; it also sheds important new light on the significance of the German Enlightenment.
Theologia ex-magica (1780) oder Theologie ohne Hexen und Zauberer (1784). Mit einem Anhang, Von dem gemeinen Vorurtheile der wirkenden und thätigen Hexerey (1766)
Benedikt Poiger and Ulrich Lehner
Die theologischen Aufklärer der zweiten Reihe, deren Wirken mehr volkspädagogisch als spekulativ-theologisch war, aber zumeist einen breiten Wirkungskreis umfasste, ist noch geringfügig erforscht. Einen Beitrag hierzu versucht die vorliegende Edition zu leisten, indem sie mit zwei zentralen Werken des Augustiner-Chorherren Benedikt Poiger (1755-1832) vertraut macht.
Die Kleinschriften "Theologia Ex-Magica" (1780) und "Theologie ohne Hexen und Zauberer" (1784) sind zwar Jahrzehnte nach dem Ende der Hexenverfolgungen entstanden, zeigen aber, dass mit Ende der Verfolgung keinesfalls auch der Hexenglaube zum Erliegen kam. Gegen eine solche Verflechtung von Religion und Magie traten Aufklärungstheologen wie Benedikt Poiger auf.
Light in a Burning-Glass, A Systematic Presentation of Austin Farrer’s Theology
Robert B. Slocum
Light in a Burning-Glass introduces readers to the distinctive synthesis of theological reflection and everyday faith that characterizes the life and theology of Austin Farrer (1904–1968), a man widely considered to be the most important Anglican theologian of the twentieth century. Often quoted for isolated insights but rarely appreciated for his depth and coherency, Farrer is a theologian who, according to Robert Boak Slocum, is fascinating to consider but difficult to master. In this survey and explanation of the Anglican leader's prodigious output and complexity of thought, Slocum sorts through Farrer's many writings to articulate his theological vision.
Slocum delves into Farrer's treatises, essays, lectures, correspondence, and reviews in an exploration of his three primary areas of theological concern: pastoral, biblical, and philosophical. Noting that few theologians have published so many significant works in such varied areas of theological study, Slocum maps the connectedness of thought that unites Farrer's works.
Slocum moves from a basic study of Farrer's background and methodology to a consideration of his major themes, including his understanding of Christian hope, the problem of evil, the role of image and imagination in Christian faith, the use of literary methods in the interpretation of theology, and the interplay of divine action and human freedom in the Christian life.
Religion nach Kant: Ausgewählte Texte aus dem Werk Johann Heinrich Tieftrunks (1759-1834)
Johann Heinrich Tieftrunks and Ulrich Lehner
Anders als Krug, Pölitz, Reinhold, Schmid u.a. blieb Johann Heinrich Tieftrunk (1759-1834) stets ein buchstabengetreuer Gefolgsmann kantischer Theologie. Die vorliegende Publikation versammelt einige der schwer zugänglichen Texte des letzten orthodoxen Kantianers, der die Grundsätze Kants auf die Grundlehren des Christentums anwandte. Sie eröffnet damit die Möglichkeit, einen Einblick in die von Kant direkt inspirierte theologische Spekulation zu bekommen.
Der Anhang enthält einen Beitrag zur Kritik der Tieftrunk'schen Religionsphilosophie durch Karl Friedrich Stäudlin sowie die seltene und anonym verfaßte Kleinschrift "Ueberzeugender Beweis, daß die Kantische Philosophie der Orthodoxie nicht nachtheilig, sondern ihr vielmehr nützlich sei" (1788).
Moral Understandings: A Feminist Study in Ethics
Margaret Urban Walker
This is a revised edition of Walker's well-known book in feminist ethics first published in 1997. Walker's book proposes a view of morality and an approach to ethical theory which uses the critical insights of feminism and race theory to rethink the epistemological and moral position of the ethical theorist, and how moral theory is inescapably shaped by culture and history. The main gist of her book is that morality is embodied in "practices of responsibility" that express our identities, values, and connections to others in socially patterned ways. Thus ethical theory needs to be empirically informed and politically critical to avoid reiterating forms of socially entrenched bias. Responsible ethical theory should reveal and question the moral significance of social differences. The book engages with, and challenges, the work of contemporary analytic philosophers in ethics.
Moral Understandings has been influential in reaching a global audience in ethics and feminist philosophy, as well as in tangential fields like nursing ethics; research ethics; disability ethics; environmental ethics, and social and political theory. This revised edition contains a new preface, a substantive postscript to Chapter 1 about "the subject of moral philosophy"; the addition of a new chapter on the importance of emotion in practices of responsibility; and the addition of an afterword, which responds to critics of the book.
Policing: Continuity and Change
Geoffrey P. Alpert, Roger G. Dunham, and Meghan S. Stroshine
Building on the successful foundation of Policing Urban America, the authors have collaborated on this concise text to offer readers a solid overview of police work today. Policing: Continuity and Change combines theory, research, policy, and practical experience in a very readable presentation of the current context of policing. Readers can track the evolution of policing from its origins in London through possibilities for the future, as the police respond to demands for accountability and learn to utilize technology to their advantage. Discussions about recruitment, socialization, and organization delineate who the police are and what they do. The text emphasizes the proactive skills officers need to solve problems and to interact with community members. In addition to describing the functions of the police, the book explores challenges facing police officers, including corruption, stress, use of force, and police pursuits. After discussing the many facets of being a police officer, the book concludes with a chapter on available employment opportunities.
The A to Z Dictionary of Feminism
Janet K. Boles and Diane Hoeveler
Over 150 entries of the second edition of the Historical Dictionary of Feminism (2004) have been updated, corrected, or revised for The A to Z of Feminism. Furthermore, several new entries and additional cross-references have also been added, and the chronology of feminism now extends through 2005. This paperback edition has a short bibliography of classic and contemporary materials for use by students and the general public. The dictionary, which contains several hundred cross-referenced entries on persons, organizations, key terms, canonical publications, public policies, and campaigns, addresses feminism as both a social movement and a political theory in all nations and periods.
Race & Family: A Structural Approach
Roberta L. Coles
In Race and Family: A Structural Approach, author Roberta L. Coles looks at ethnic minority families in a novel way— through a structural lens. Unlike many texts on race and family, this book offers an approach that illustrates overarching structural factors affecting all families as opposed to examining each ethnicity in isolation from one another. By focusing on various structural factors such as demographic, economic, and historical aspects, this book analyzes various family trends in a cross-cutting manner to exemplify the similarities and distinctions among all racial and ethnic groups.
Key Features:
- Establishes commonalities and differences across various cultures within American society in an approach that enables students to better compare and contrast different ethnic groups
- Covers multiracial families, in addition to traditional ethnic groups such as African American, Native American, Latino American, and Asian American, to provide the most contemporary examination of American families
- Uses the latest research and Census data to present a relevant assessment of trends in family structure, gender relations, intergenerational relations, family violence, acculturation, interracial marriage, and adoption in an increasingly diverse American context
- Includes an annotated listing of suggested videos, autobiographies, articles, and Web sites students can explore for further information
Race and Family is a brief core textbook designed for advanced undergraduate and graduate students studying ethnic minority families and family diversity in the departments of Human Development & Family Studies, Family & Consumer Sciences, and Sociology.
Recent Developments in Economic Methodology
John B. Davis
This important collection tackles the main developments and contributions by the leading individuals in the field of economic methodology since 1990.
Volume one looks at the chief historical developments, including articles on Popper and Lakatos, rhetoric and discourse, realism, constructivism, the economics of science, and symmetry and reflexivity.
The second volume focuses on new, leading approaches – feminist economic methodology, postmodernism, and methodological pluralism and open systems thinking – and also covers broad topics of concern – rationality, philosophy of mind, and evolution.
Volume three brings together articles explaining the methodological choices of economists, and includes sections on models and assumptions, econometrics, microeconomics and macroeconomics, normative themes, formalism, and history of economics. The volume concludes with a set of discussions on the present state of economic methodology.
Jesuit Writings of the Early Modern Period, 1540-1640
John Donnelly
This is a balanced collection of sources in translation. It is ideal for use in courses on the Counter-Reformation, on the history of the Jesuit order, or as part of a more general course on the history of Christianity in the early modern period.
James Bond and Philosophy: Questions are Forever
Jacob M. Held and James B. South
James Bond 007 strode into the human imagination in the novel Casino Royale in 1953 and hit the movie screens with Dr. No in 1962. He has become one of the best-known personalities, real or imagined, in global history. One out of every four people in the entire world has now seen a Bond movie, and every month thousands of new readers become addicted to Ian Fleming’s original Bond stories.
In James Bond and Philosophy, seventeen scholars examine hidden philosophical issues in the hazardous, deceptive, glamorous world of Double-0 Seven. Is Bond a Nietzschean hero who graduates "beyond good and evil"? Does Bond paradoxically break the law in order, ultimately, to uphold it like any "stupid policeman"? What can Bond’s razor-sharp reasoning powers tell us about the scientific pursuit of truth? Does 007’s license to kill help us understand the ethics of counterterrorism? What motivates all those despicable Bond villains—could it be a Hegelian quest for recognition?
Interrogating Orientalism: Contextual Approaches and Pedagogical Practices
Diane L. Hoeveler and Jeffrey Cass
Orientalism is based upon the traditional belief that Western culture is superior to that of Islamic countries of the Near and Middle East. It arose in the British colonial period in the belief that the East was not civilized enough to understand itself; therefore, it had to be “interpreted” by the West for both Easterners and Westerners, thus giving rise to an “Us versus Them” dichotomy which has proved to be increasingly dangerous. As a concept, Orientalism has generated new fields of study and dynamically affected fields as diverse as anthropology, history, popular culture, and architecture.
The essays in Interrogating Orientalism: Contextual Approaches and Pedagogical Practices, edited by Diane Long Hoeveler and Jeffrey Cass, confront the problematics of Orientalist definition and representation. The contributors to this volume define “Interrogating Orientalism” as a method of introducing students—at all levels—to the ways in which Orientalism is not an academic concept, but one that exists in their everyday lives.
Moving chronologically, the first section of the volume explores a variety of the theoretical approaches to British Orientalism. Some of the essays interrogate the concept and survey the ways that Orientalism has been approached in literary and cultural studies. Others historically outline various iterations of Orientalism, from Edward Said’s famous exploration of the term in Orientalism to the postcolonial critics who have challenged Saidian Orientalism: Homi Bhabha, Ali Behdad, Ania Loomba, Dennis Porter, James Clifford, and Sara Mills. Some of the essays further construct a critique that attempts to render the field of Orientalism and its representations more dynamic, more capable of producing a critical model that explains the complex interchanges between Orient and Occident.
Romanticism: Comparative Discourses
Diane Hoeveler and Larry H. Peer
Exploring how discourse is figured in the texts of key European Romantic authors such as Wackenroder, Coleridge, Byron, and Hugo, this volume offers nuanced readings of the under-explored syntactic, semantic, and ideological structures of Romantic works. Rather than proposing a new theoretical position on the issue of what constitutes Romantic discourse studies, the editors have commissioned essays that seek to capture aspects of this discursive field, building on previous scholarship to offer fresh ways of seeing how Romantic discourse matrices work. The volume is organized into three sections: Language and Romantic Discourse Systems; Women Writers and Romantic Constructions of Power; and Varieties of Revisionist Discourse in Romanticism. Each section features individual essays providing critical re-readings of nine Romantic texts and four Romantic topoi. Whether writing on Charlotte Smith's The Old Manor House or Anne Brontë's Agnes Grey, on rescue operas or criminal drama, the contributors, who include Marjean Purinton, Kari Lokke, Rodney Farnsworth, and Jeffrey Cass, expand our understanding of Romantic modes of argumentation.
Marketing Ethics: Cases and Readings
Patrick E. Murphy and Gene R. Laczniak
Marketing Ethics recognizes the higher order obligations of marketing and provides a forum to discuss critical issues and incidents that raise questions about ethics in marketing.
Faith Doing Justice: A Manual for Social Analysis, Catholic Social Teachings and Social Justice
Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator
A Manual for Social Analysis, Catholic Social Teachings and Social Justice - Introduces readers to understanding our social context using the principles of Catholic Social Teachings.
A gallery of books authored, co-authored, or edited by Marquette University faculty. The books in this series offer a snap-shot of the monograph publishing efforts of the university faculty. They are offered with a downloadable table of contents. Because of copyright concerns, the complete full text of these books is not available.
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