The Nursing Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's nursing faculty.
Submissions from 1987
Wholistic Nursing Care: A Church & University Join Forces, Richard Fehring and Marilyn Frenn
The Use of Nursing Diagnoses for Health Promotion in Community Practice, Marilyn Frenn
Delphi Survey to Gain Consensus on Wellness and Health Promotion Nursing Diagnoses, Marilyn D. Frenn M.S.N., R.N.; Carol A. Jacobs M.S.N., R.N.; Helena A. Lee M.S.N., R.N.; Monica T. Sanger M.S.N., R.N.; and Kathleen A. Strong M.S.N., R.N.
The Gastrostomy Feeding Button™, Myra Martz Huth and Maureen O'Brien
Expanding the Concept of Continuing Education Conferences: The Conference Participants as a Delphi Method Sample, Susan K. Riesch, Richard Fehring, and Judeen Schulte
Home-team Strategies for Treating Pressure Sores, Margaret Sebern
Submissions from 1986
Toward a Definition of Nurse-Managed Centers, Richard Fehring, Judeen Schulte, and Susan K. Riesch
Nursing Diagnosis in Nurse-Managed Wellness Centers, Marilyn Frenn
Reducing the Stress of Cardiac Catheterization by Teaching Relaxation, Marilyn Frenn, Richard Fehring, and Susan Kartes
Effect of Centrally Administered Interleukin-1 and Endotoxin on Food Intake of Fasted Rats, Donna O. McCarthy, Matthew J. Kluger, and Arthur J. Vander
Pressure Ulcer Management in Home Health Care: Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Moisture Vapor Permeable Dressing, Margaret Sebern
Submissions from 1985
Suppression of Food Intake During Infection: Is Interleukin-1 Involved?, Donna O. McCarthy
The Effect of Peripheral and Intracerebroventricular Administration of Interleukin-1 on Food Intake of Rats, Donna O. McCarthy, Matthew J. Kluger, and Arthur J. Vander
Enhanced Hydrogen Peroxide Generation by Human Neutrophils Following Exercise [Abstract], J. C. Strainer, Donna O. McCarthy, M. Shlafer, and M. J. Kluger
Submissions from 1984
Clinical Utility of Daily Patient Weights in the Coronary Care Unit, Donna O. McCarthy
The Role of Fever in Appetite Suppression after Endotoxin Administration, Donna O. McCarthy
Submissions from 1983
Effects of Biofeedback-Aided Relaxation on the Psychological Stress Symptoms of College Students, Richard Fehring
Stress Management in Borderline Hypertension, Richard Fehring, Patricia Allen, and Evelyn C. Robinson
Physical Fitness of Physical Therapy Students, Dennis Sobush and Richard Fehring
Submissions from 1982
The Impact of Supplemental Simulation on Newly Licensed Registered Nurses, Aimee A. Woda, Kristina Dreifuerst, and Mauricio Garnier-Villarreal
Submissions from 1978
Primary Nursing: Its Implementation and Six month Outcome, Donna O. McCarthy and Marita Schifalacqua