The Nursing Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's nursing faculty.
Submissions from 1999
Inhibitors of Prostaglandin Synthesis Do Not Improve Food Intake or Body Weight of Tumor-Bearing Rats, Donna O. McCarthy
The Effect of Nutritional Supplements on the Food Intake of Radiotherapy Patients, Donna O. McCarthy and D Weihofen
Commentary on “Mothers’ Experiences Caring for Children with Disabilities who Require a Gastrostomy Tube”, Maureen O'Brien
Commentary on “Planning Educational Services for Children Who Are Ventilator Assisted”, Maureen O'Brien
Strategic Planning for Research Use in Nursing Practice, Chris Van Mullem, Laura Burke, Kari Dohmeyer, Marie Farrell, Sue Harvey, Laura John, Carolyn Kraly, Fran Rowley, Margaret Sebern, Kerry Twite, and Roberta Zapp
Submissions from 1998
Religiosity and Sexual Activity Among Older Adolescents, Richard Fehring, Kerry H. Cheever, Karyn German, and Connie Philpot
Evaluation of the Lady Free Biotester® in Determining the Fertile Period, Richard Fehring and Nancy Gaska
Accuracy of the Ovulon Fertility Monitor to Predict and Detect Ovulation, Richard Fehring and William D. Schlaff
Health Promotion: Theoretical Perspectives and Clinical Applications, Marilyn Frenn and Shelly Malin
Self-Reported Energy Intake and Energy Expenditure in Elderly Women, Randall J. Gretebeck and R. A. Boileau
Antley‐Bixler Syndrome: A Case Report and Discussion, Scott LeBard and Lisa Thiemann
Medium-Chain Compared to Long-Chain Triacylglycerol Emulsions Improve Macrophage Response and Increase Mucosal Mass in Parenterally-Fed Rats, Donna O. McCarthy
Relationship of social Support to Stress Responses and Immune Function in Healthy and Asthmatic Adolescents, Donna O. McCarthy
Meperidine Attenuates the Secretion but Not the Transcription of IL-1ß in Human Mononuclear Leukocytes, Donna O. McCarthy, Susan Murray, Dawn Galagan, James E. Gern, and Paul R. Hutson
International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP): Most-frequently Asked Questions, Judith J. Warren and Amy Coenen
A Comparison of Temperature Measurements using Three Ear Thermometers, Marianne Weiss, Verna Sitzer, Meg Clarke, Kathy Haley, Mary Richards, Ann Sanchez, and Ian Gocka
Submissions from 1997
Spiritual Well-Being, Religiosity, Hope, Depression, and Other Mood States in Elderly People Coping with Cancer, Richard Fehring, Judith Fitzgerald Miller, and Christine Shaw
Developments in Client Information Systems, Marilyn Frenn
Gender Differences: Exercise Beliefs Among Youth, Marilyn Frenn
Prism: Special Issue on Nursing Centers, Marilyn Frenn
Adaptation of The Doubly Labeled Water Method for Subjects Consuming Isotopically Enriched Water, Randall J. Gretebeck, Dale A. Schoeller, Rick A. Socki, Janis Davis-Street, Everett K. Gibson, Leslie O. Schulz, and Helen W. Lane
Immune Responses to Final Exams in Healthy and Asthmatic Adolescents, Duck-Hee Kang, Christopher L. Coe, Donna O. McCarthy, and William B. Ershler
Cytokine Profiles of Stimulated Blood Lymphocytes in Asthmatic and Healthy Adolescents Cross the School Year, Duck-Hee Kang, Christopher L. Coe, Donna O. McCarthy, Nizar N. Jarjour, Elizabeth A. Kelly, Raymond R. Rodriguez, and William W. Busse
Comparison of Ground-based and Space Flight Energy Expenditure and Water Turnover in Middle-aged Healthy Male US Astronauts, Helen W. Lane, Randall J. Gretebeck, Dale A. Schoeller, Janis Davis-Street, Rick A. Socki, and Everett K. Gibson
Short Term Regulation of Energy Intake is Intact in Hypophagic Tumor-Bearing Rats, Donna O. McCarthy
The Effect of Protein Density of Food on Food Intake and Nutritional Status of Tumor-Bearing Rats, Donna O. McCarthy, Chyi Lo, Huong Nguyen, and Denise M. Ney
Tumor Growth, Weight Loss, and Cytokines in SCID Mice, Susan Murray, Kathleen Schell, Donna O. McCarthy, and Mark R. Albertini
Sensitized Lymphocytes Partially Transfer Rat Pulmonary Late Responses, D. Ortega-Carr, Donna O. McCarthy, R. Sorkness, and R. Lemanske
Practice Versus Knowledge When It Comes to Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Barbara Provo, Linda B. Piacentine, and Susan Dean-Baar
Submissions from 1996
A Comparison of the Ovulation Method With the CUE Ovulation Predictor in Determining the Fertile Period, Richard Fehring
Older Adults' Experience of Health Promotion: A Theory for Nursing Practice, Marilyn Frenn
Symposium on Nursing Centers: Past, Present and Future, Marilyn Frenn
Lipopolysaccharide-Responder and Nonresponder C3H Mouse Strains Are Equally Susceptible to an Induced Escherichia Coli Urinary Tract Infection, Walter J. Hopkins, Annette Gendron-Fitzpatrick, Donna O. McCarthy, James E. Haine, and David T. Uehling
Academic Examinations Significantly Impact Immune Responses, but Not Lung Function, in Healthy and Well-Managed Asthmatic Adolescents, Duck-Hee Kang, Christopher L. Coe, and Donna O. McCarthy
Explication of the Construct of Shared Care and the Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Home Health Care, Margaret Sebern
Exploring the Boundaries of Pediatric Practice: Nurse Stories Related to Relationships, Joan P. Totka
Submissions from 1995
Physician and Nurses' Knowledge and Use of Natural Family Planning, Richard Fehring
The Effect of Caloric Density of Food on Energy Intake and Body Weight of Tumor-Bearing Rats, Nanna Fridriksdottir and Donna O. McCarthy
The Immune System, Betty Bierut Gallucci and Donna O. McCarthy
Gender and Developmental Differences in Exercise Beliefs Among Youth and Prediction of Their Exercise Behavior, Anne W. Garcia, Mary Ann Norton Broda, Marilyn Frenn, Cynthia Coviak, Nola J. Pender, and David L. Ronis
Energy Expenditure during Antiorthostatic Bed Rest (Simulated Microgravity), Randall J. Gretebeck, Dale A. Schoeller, Everett K. Gibson, and Helen W. Lane
Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) Enhances Immune Response in Dexamethasone-Treated or Surgically Stressed Rats Maintained with Total Parenteral Nutrition, Pamela S. Hinton, Catherine A. Peterson, Hui-Chen Lo, Huan Yang, Donna O. McCarthy, and Denise M. Ney
Fever and the Acute Elevation in Whole-Body Thermogenesis Induced by Lateral Hypothalamic Lesions, Terry A. Lennie, Matt D. Hirvonen, Donna O. McCarthy, and Richard E. Keesey
Body energy status and the metabolic response to acute inflammation, Terry A. Lennie, Donna O. McCarthy, and Richard E. Keesey
Relationship of Body Energy Status and the Metabolic Response to Injury, Terry A. Lennie, Donna O. McCarthy, and Richard E. Keesey
Submissions from 1994
Reflections on the Spirituality of Natural Family Planning, Richard Fehring
Spiritual Well-Being, Self-Esteem and Intimacy Among Couples Using Natural Family Planning, Richard Fehring and Donna M. Lawrence
Use Effectiveness of the Creighton Model Ovulation Method of Natural Family Planning, Richard Fehring, Donna M. Lawrence, and Connie Philpot
Health Promotion in the Community, Marilyn Frenn
Older Adults' Experience of Health Promotion: A Guide for Taxonomic Development, Marilyn Frenn
The Effect of Psychological Stress on Neutrophil Superoxide Release, Duck-Hee Kang and Donna O. McCarthy
Metabolic Energy Required for Flight, Helen W. Lane and Randall J. Gretebeck
Measurement of Symptoms of Interstitial Cystitis, Donna O. McCarthy
Implementing Writing-To-Learn in an Undergraduate Nursing Program, Donna O. McCarthy and Barbara J. Bowers
Information Needs Prior to Breast Biopsy, Christine Shaw, Sarah A. Wilson, and Maureen O'Brien
How to Make Research Happen: Working with Staff, Barbara S. Turner and Marianne Weiss
Using Roy's Adaptation Model in Practice: Nurses' Perspectives, Marianne Weiss, Wendy J. Hastings, Debra C. Holly, and Debra I. Craig
Infrared Tympanic Thermometry for Neonatal Temperature Assessment, Marianne Weiss, Debra Poelter, and Ian Gocka
Submissions from 1993
Developing Analytic Thinking Skills in Early Undergraduate Education, Barbara J. Bowers and Donna O. McCarthy
The Role of Cholecystokinin in Interleukin-1 Induced Anorexia, Jane M. Daun and Donna O. McCarthy
Cross-Cultural Adaptation to Cesarean Birth, Jacqueline Fawcett, Marianne Weiss, and Ramona T. Mercer
Natural Family Planning and Catholic Hospitals: A National Survey, Richard Fehring and Carl Werner
Association of Mononuclear Cells and Eosinophils with Airway Resistance and Responsiveness in Rat Pulmonary Inflammatory Responses, Donna O. McCarthy
The Effects of Cyclooxygenase Inhibitors on Tumor-Induced Anorexia in Rats, Donna O. McCarthy
Meperidine Attenuates the Febrile Response to Interleukin-1 in Rats, Donna O. McCarthy, Jane M. Daun, and Paul R. Hutson
Cell-Mediated Immunity and Rat Pulmonary Late Allergic Responses [abstract], D. Ortega-Carr, Donna O. McCarthy, R. Sorkness, J. Clough, and R. Lemanske
The Inventory of Functional Status-Fathers: Development and Psychometric Testing, Lorraine Tulman, Jacqueline Fawcett, and Marianne Weiss
Linking Perinatal Standards, Documentation, and Quality Monitoring, Marianne Weiss and Frann Teplick
Submissions from 1992
Nursing's Agenda for Health Care Reform Guides Nursing Center Research Agenda, Marilyn Frenn
Nutrition, More Than Body Requirement, Marilyn Frenn
Nutrition, more than body requirement: Risk, Marilyn Frenn
Health Maintenance, Altered, Marilyn Frenn and Helena Lee
Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirement: Risk, Marilyn Frenn and Sharon Willadsen
Variability of Some Objective Measures of Physical Activity, Randall J. Gretebeck and Henry J. Montoye
Health Seeking Behaviors (Specify), Helena Lee and Marilyn Frenn
The Role of Gastric Stasis in Tumor-Induced Anorexia in Rats, Donna O. McCarthy
The Effect of Diet Consistency on Food Intake of Anorectic Tumor-Bearing Rats, Donna O. McCarthy and Jane M. Daun
The Role of Prostaglandins in IL-l Induced Gastroparesis, Donna O. McCarthy and Jane M. Daun
The Effect of Noise Stress on Leukocyte Function in Rats, Donna O. McCarthy, Mary E. Ouimet, and Jane M. Daun
Nutrition, Less Than Body Requirement, Sharon Willadsen and Marilyn Frenn
Submissions from 1991
New Technology in Natural Family Planning, Richard Fehring
Multinational Validation of Anxiety, Hopelessness, and Ineffective Airway Clearance, Richard Fehring, Teresa Fadden, and Madeline Wake
Shades of Florence Nightingale: Potential Impact of Noise Stress on Wound Healing, Donna O. McCarthy, Mary E. Ouimet, and Jane M. Daun
Interleukin-1 Inhibitor Activity Induced by Respiratory Syncytial Virus: Abrogation of Virus-Specific and Alternate Human Lymphocyte Proliferative Responses, Alan R. Salkind, Donna O. McCarthy, Joan E. Nichols, Frank M. Domurat, Edward E. Walsh, and Norbert J. Roberts Jr
Biological and Clinical Effects of Intravenous Tumor Necrosis Factor-α Administered Three Times Weekly, Joan H. Schiller, Barry E. Storer, Patricia L. Witt, Dona Alberti, Mary Beth Tombes, Rhoda Arzoomanian, Richard A. Proctor, Donna O. McCarthy, Raymond R. Brown, Stephan D. Voss, Scott C. Remick, Jean L. Grem, Ernest C. Borden, and Donald L. Trump
Integrating Ethics into the Nursing Curriculum, Margaret Sebern
Tympanic Infrared Thermometry for Fullterm and Preterm Neonates, Marianne Weiss
Postpartum Mothers' Preferences for Nighttime Care of the Neonate, Marianne Weiss and Merry Armstrong
Laboratory and Hospital Testing of New Infrared Tympanic Thermometers, Marianne Weiss, Alex F. Pue, and Jay Smith III
Submissions from 1990
Guinea Pig (GP) Lung Mononuclear Cell Factor(s) Effect on Pulmonary Mast Cell (MC) Histamine Release (HR) [abstract], Owen Doran, Jane M. Daun, Donna O. McCarthy, and Frank M. Graziano
Methods Used to Self-Predict Ovulation A Comparative Study, Richard Fehring
Submissions from 1989
The Mythical Danger of Rapid Urinary Drainage, Sheri L. Bristoll, Teresa Fadden, Richard Fehring, Lori Rohde, Prue K. Smith, and Barbara A. Wohlitz
Self-Esteem, Spiritual Well-Being, and Intimacy: A Comparison among Couples Using NFP and Oral Contraceptives, Richard Fehring, Donna M. Lawrence, and Catherine M. Sauvage
Payment for Nursing Services: Issues in Policy Implementation, Marilyn Frenn
Lifestyle Changes in a Cardiac Rehabilitation Program: The Client Perspective, Marilyn Frenn, Debra Borgeson, Helena A. Lee, and Gladys Simandl
Interleukin-1 Inhibitor Production by Human Mononuclear Leukocytes and Leukocyte Subpopulations Exposed to Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Donna O. McCarthy, Frank M. Domurat, Joan E. Nichols, and Norbert J. Roberts Jr
Cost and Efficacy of Pressure Ulcer Management in a Metropolitan Visiting Nurse Association, Margaret Sebern
Submissions from 1987
Toward a Nursing Diagnosis in Wellness, Patricia de Silva M.S., R.N.; Geri L. Dickson M.S.N., R.N.; Nancy Falconer M.S, R.N.; Marilyn Frenn M.S.N., R.N.; Helen Lee M.S.N., R.N.; Karen M. Miller M.S.N., R.N.; and Kathleen A. Strong M.S.N., R.N.
Methods to Validate Nursing Diagnoses, Richard Fehring
Psychological and Spiritual Well-Being in College Students, Richard Fehring, Patricia Flatley Brennan, and Mary L. Keller