The Theology Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's theology faculty.
Submissions from 2018
The Unity of the Virtues in a Missionary Key, Andrew J. Kim
Direitos Humanos e Saúde Pública Global em Diálogo Interdisciplinar e Libertador, Alexandre A. Martins
Laudato si’: Integral Ecology and Preferential Option for the Poor, Alexandre A. Martins
Lessons from Medellín for Just Health Care: Catholic Ministry, Incarnation, and Participation, Alexandre A. Martins
People or Profit: A Comparison of Health Care in Brazil and the United States, Alexandre A. Martins
Solidarity and Social Justice in Promoting Mental Health and Wellness among Impoverished People: Looking from Mercy and Liberation, Alexandre A. Martins
Conceiving God: Literal and Figurative Prompt for a More Tectonic Distinction, Robert Masson
Foreword to Putting God on the Map, Robert Masson
Faith in Creation: Martin Luther's Sermons on Genesis 1, Mickey L. Mattox
Luther the Iconographer of the Saints of Genesis, Mickey L. Mattox
Martin Luther's University Lectures and Biblical Commentaries, Mickey L. Mattox
Balthasar's Theology of Christ's Impasse and "Dark Night", Danielle Nussberger
Sainthood Revisited in Newman and Balthasar, Danielle Nussberger
Two Powers in Heaven … Manifested, Andrei Orlov
Book Review of Maximus the Confessor. Jesus Christ and the transfiguration of the world, By Paul M. Blowers, Marcus Plested
Non abbiamo una città permanente, ma cerchiamo quella futura” (Eb. 13,14): “Xeniteía” e “philoxenía” nella tradizione ortodossa, Marcus Plested
Vatican II on the Inculturation of Reason and Faith: ‘That the philosophical and theological disciplines be more suitably aligned…', Philip J. Rossi
Converting to and Nourishing Ecological Consciousness-Individually and Collectively, Jame Schaefer
Converting to and Nurturing Ecological Consciousness--Individually, Collectively, Actively, Jame Schaefer
Encountering Earth from a Scientifically Informed Theological Perspective, Jame Schaefer
Responding to Small Island Nations Imperiled by Human-Forced Climate Change: An Ethical Imperative for Christians, Jame Schaefer
Review of The Cosmic Common Good: Religious Grounds for Ecological Ethics by Daniel P. Scheid, Jame Schaefer
A Soldier’s Faith: The Civil War Experiences and Reflections of William Porcher DuBose, Robert B. Slocum
A Voice to Contradict Death: William Stringfellow’s Victories of Life, Robert B. Slocum
Filling the Gaps in Civil Society The Role of the Catholic Church in Latin American Democratization, John Thiede and Matthew Carnes
Pope Francis and Ecumenism, Susan K. Wood
The Ecumenical Imperative After Vatican II: Achievements and Challenges, Susan K. Wood
Submissions from 2017
Last Words of Jesus: Judaism, Joshua Ezra Burns
Roman Law in the Jewish House of Study: Constructing Rabbinic Authority after the Constitutio Antoniniana, Joshua Ezra Burns
Temple (Jerusalem), Joshua Ezra Burns
A Reconstruction of Bernard Lonergan's 1947-48 Course On Grace, Part 2, Robert M. Doran
Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan Volume 14: Method in Theology, Robert M. Doran and John D. Dadosky
Introduction to This Issue, Kenneth Himes and Kate Ward
Paul of Hungary’s Summa de penitentia, Mark Johnson
Christology and the Essence of Catholic Health Care, Conor M. Kelly
Review of Passions and Virtue by Servais Pinckaers, Conor M. Kelly
Sloth: America's Ironic Structural Vice, Conor M. Kelly and Christopher D. Jones
Empathy as a Corrective to Pseudospeciation: On the Role of Noncombatant Immunity in the Just War Ethic, Andrew J. Kim
De Moderatione in Sacra Theologia. Über die Grenzen theologischer Rede bei Ludovico Muratori, Ulrich Lehner
God is Not Nice, Ulrich Lehner
The Forgotten Dimension of Catholic Exile Literature: The Case of Otto Michael Knab (d. 1990), Ulrich Lehner
Cultural Immersion and Global Health: An Experience Among the Guaranis, Alexandre A. Martins
Diálogo: Antigo e Novo Desafio para a Ética Teológica no Brasil, Alexandre A. Martins
Do Desenraizamento ao Fundamentalismo: Uma Visão a Partir do Enraizamento Weiliano e do Diálogo Libertador Freireano, Alexandre A. Martins
Review of Inventing God: Psychology of Belief and the Rise of Secular Spirituality by Jon Mills, Robert Masson
Luther on Eve, Women, and the Church, Mickey Mattox
Martin Luther: Student of the Creation, Mickey Mattox
Cosmology, Mickey L. Mattox
Critical Dogmatics and the God of Easter: Paul Hinlicky's Beloved Community, Mickey L. Mattox
Luther’s Life, 1526-1546, Mickey L. Mattox
Martin Luther's Life, 1526–1546, Mickey L. Mattox
The Catholic Luther, Then & Now, Mickey L. Mattox
African Perspectives on Culture and World Christianity, Joseph Ogbonnaya
The Greatest Mirror: Heavenly Counterparts in the Jewish Pseudepigrapha, Andrei Orlov
Unveiling the Face: The Heavenly Counterpart Traditions in Joseph and Aseneth, Andrei Orlov
Yahoel and Metatron, Andrei Orlov
Leah in Bible and in Christian Interpretation, Sharon Pace
Reconfiguring East and West in Byzantine and Modern Orthodox Theology, Marcus Plested
The Spiritual Senses, Monastic and Theological, Marcus Plested
Introduction: Advancing Mariology at Marquette University, Jame Schaefer
New Hope for the Oceans: Engaging Faith-Based Communities in Marine Conservation, Jame Schaefer
Receiving God's Gift of Creation, Jame Schaefer
Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy (‘Woodbine Willie’): The Crucified God, Robert B. Slocum
Jesuit and Feminist Hospitality: Pope Francis’ Virtue Response to Inequality, Kate Ward
Presence, Privilege, and Moral Appropriation: Reading Zubik as an Act of Protest, Kate Ward
Review Symposium: Four Perspectives on Karl Rahner's Theological Aesthetics, by Peter Joseph Fritz, Judith Wolfe, Gesa Thiessen, Robert Masson, and Mark F. Fischer
Baptism, Susan K. Wood
Daniélou, Jean, Cardinal, SJ (1905–1974), Susan K. Wood
Ecclesiology, Susan K. Wood
From Conflict to Communion?, Susan K. Wood
Lubac, Henri de, Cardinal, SJ (1896–1991), Susan K. Wood
Nouvelle Théologie, Susan K. Wood
Rousselot, Pierre, SJ (1878–1915), Susan K. Wood
Sources Chrétiennes, Susan K. Wood
The Shifting Ecumenical Landscape at the 2017 Reformation Centenary, Susan K. Wood
Submissions from 2016
Catholic Moral Traditions and Energy Ethics for the Twenty-First Century, Erin Lothes Biviano, David Cloutier, Elaine Padilla, Christiana Z. Peppard, and Jame Schaefer
Spirituality and Religiosity in Adolescents Living with Sickle Cell Disease, Dora L. Clayton-Jones, Kristin Haglund, Ruth Belknap, Jame Schaefer, and Alexis A. Thompson
Wilderness in Public Theology: A Dialogical Approach, Mary Doak and Thomas Hughson
Invisible Missions: The Grace that Heals Disjunctions, Robert Doran
Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan Volume 13: A Second Collection, Robert Doran, John D. Dadosky, and Bernard Lonergan
Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan Volume 8: The Incarnate Word, Robert Doran, John D. Dadosky, and Bernard Lonergan
A Reconstruction of Bernard Lonergan’s 1947-48 Course on Grace, Part 1, Robert M. Doran
God's Immanence: Liturgical Implications?, Thomas Hughson
Kenotic Ecclesiology: Context, Orientations, Secularity, Thomas Hughson
Life After Liturgy: The Paraclete and Social Mission, Thomas Hughson
The Holy Spirit and the Church: Ecumenical Reflections with a Pastoral Perspective, Thomas Hughson
A Note on Thomas and the Divine Mercy, Mark Johnson
Campaign Finance and Collective Egotism, Conor M. Kelly
The Family as a “Structure of Virtue”: Reexamining Gaudium et Spes’s Call for the Family Fifty Years Later, Conor M. Kelly
The Role of the Moral Theologian in the Church: A Proposal in Light of Amoris Laetitia, Conor M. Kelly
Das Menschliche an der Kirche Christi: Der Paderborner Domprobst Paul Simon (1882–1946) zur Apologetik gegen den Nationalsozialismus, Ulrich Lehner
Forward to You Shall Not Kill: Johannes Ude (1874-1965)--Maverick and Visionary, Ulrich Lehner
Introduction to The Human Element in the Church of Christ: The Threat of the Nazi Worldview and Catholic Apologetics, Ulrich Lehner
On the Road to Vatican II: German Catholic Enlightenment and Reform of the Church, Ulrich Lehner
Philosophia Perennis im Umfeld kritischer Neuscholastik, Ulrich Lehner
The Catholic Enlightenment, Ulrich Lehner
Mysticism and Reform in Catholic Theology between 1600 and 1800, Ulrich Lehner and William P. O'Brien
A Modest Proposal: An Irish AIPAC, Daniel C. Maguire
Marquette's Gender Regime, Mickey Mattox
Dorothy Day: Scholarship and Inspiration for Contemporary Students, Susan M. Mountin