School of Dentistry Faculty Research and Publications | Dentistry, School of | Marquette University

The School of Dentistry Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's School of Dentistry faculty.


Submissions from 2006


Force to Debond Brackets from High-fusing and Low-fusing Porcelain Systems, Nicholas P. Ferri, Theodore Eliades, Spiros Zinelis, and T. Gerard Bradley


Immediate Surgical Repositioning Following Intrusive Luxation: A Case Report and Review of the Literature, H. Cem Güngör, S. Burcak Cengiz, and Nil Altay


Porcelain Surface Roughness, Color and Gloss Changes after Orthodontic Bonding, Jacob Jarvis, Spiros Zinelis, Theodre Eliades, and T. Gerard Bradley


A Comparison of Bond Strength Between Direct- and Indirect-bonding Methods, Brandon James Linn, David W. Berzins, Virendra B. Dhuru, and T. Gerard Bradley


Soft Tissue to Hard Tissue Advancement Ratios for Mandibular Elongation Using Distraction Osteogenesis in Children, Michael B. Melugin, Pamela R. Hanson, Christopher A. Bergstrom, William I. Schuckit, and T. Gerard Bradley


Spontaneous Tooth Exfoliation, Maxillary Osteomyelitis and Facial Scarring following Trigeminal Herpes Zoster Infection, Kamala G. Pillai, Kavitha Nayar, and Yeshwant B. Rawal


Gnathic Osteoblastoma: Clinicopathologic Review of Seven Cases with Long-term Follow-up, Yeshwant B. Rawal, Francesca Angiero, Carl M. Allen, John R. Kalmar, Parish P. Sedghizadeh, and Andrew M. Steinhilber


Suppression of the Tumorigenic Phenotype in Human Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Cells by an Ethanol Extract Derived From Freeze-Dried Black Raspberries, Kapila A. Rodrigo, Yeshwant B. Rawal, Robert J. Renner, Steven J. Schwartz, Qingguo Tian, Peter R. Larsen, and Susan R. Mallery


Buccal and Palatal Talon Cusps with Pulp Extensions on a Supernumerary Primary Tooth, Esin Siraci, H. Cem Güngör, Zafer C. Cehreli, and B. Taner


Resistance to Fracture of Two All-Ceramic Crown Materials Following Endodontic Access, Kelly Copps Wood, David W. Berzins, Qing Luo, Geoffrey A. Thompson, Jeffrey M. Toth, and William W. Nagy


Spatially-oriented EMR for Dental Surgery, Min Wu, Lisa J. Koenig, John Lynch, and Thomas S. Wirtz

Submissions from 2005


Treatment of the Prominent Mandibular Angle by Using a Custom Made Surgical Splint, Luis Eduardo Almeida, Kingsley Wang, Davani Costa, and Marco Antonio de Oliveira Filho


Adhesive Fragment Reattachment after Orthodontic Extrusion: A Case Report, S. Burcak Cengiz, Ilken Kocadereli, H. Cem Güngör, and Nil Altay


Prevention of Periodontal Diseases, Andrew R. Dentino, Moawia M. Kassab, and Erica J. Renner


Premolar Bracket Position Revised: Proximal and Occlusal Contacts Assessment, Theodore Eliades, Christiana Gioka, Stavros Papaconstantinou, and T. Gerard Bradley


An Alternative Technique for Applying Fluoride Varnish, Brian D. Hodgson


Palatal Perforation Associated With Intranasal Prescription Narcotic Abuse, Wendi M. Jewers, Yeshwant B. Rawal, Carl M. Allen, John R. Kalmar, Eric Fox, Guillermo E. Chacon, and Parish P. Sedghizadeh


Pilot Survey of Oral Health-related Quality of Life: A Cross-sectional Study of Adults in Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria, Christopher Okunseri, Amit Chattopadhyay, R Iván Lugo, and Colman McGrath


Intraoral Delivery of Antimicrobials, Periathamby A. Raj and Andrew R. Dentino


Presentation of an Epithelioid Cell Histiocytoma on the Ventral Tongue, Yeshwant B. Rawal, John R. Kalmar, Brian S. Shumway, and Susan R. Mallery


The Absence of CD20 Messenger RNA in Recurrent Cutaneous B-cell Lymphoma Following Rituximab Therapy, Yeshwant B. Rawal, Gerard J. Nuovo, Gwyn E. Frambach, Pierluigi Porcu, Robert A. Baiocchi, and Cynthia M. Magro

Submissions from 2004


The Paradigm of the Relationship Among Occlusion, Orthodontics and Temporomandibular Disorders, Jose A. Bosio


Enamel Color Alterations Associated with Orthodontics, Thomas Gerard Bradley


Cementodentinal Tear: A Case Report With 7-Year Follow-Up, James Chou, Yeshwant B. Rawal, Joseph R. O'Neil, and Dimitris N. Tatakis


Morphology of Root Canal Cross-sections of Resected Roots of First and Second Lower Molars, Mariusz Duda, Agata Skoczek, Bartlomiej Kowal, and Agnieszka Domagala


Mitochondrial signal transduction in accelerated wound and retinal healing by near-infrared light therapy, Janis T. Eells, Margaret T. T. Wong-Riley, James VerHoeve, Michele M. Henry, Ellen V. Buchmann, Mary P. Kane, Lisa J. Gould, Rina Das, Marti Jett, Brian Hodgson, David Margolis, and Harry T. Whelan


Exposure to the Dental Environment and Prevalence of Respiratory Illness in Dental Student Populations, Frank A. Scannapieco, Alex W. Ho, Maris DiTolla, Casey Chen, and Andrew R. Dentino


Structural Conformation and Leaching from in vitro Aged and Retrieved Invisalign Appliances, Susan Schuster, George Eliades, Spiros Zinelis, Theodore Eliades, and T. Gerard Bradley


Post-irradiation Leiomyosarcoma of the Maxilla: Report of a case in a Patient with Prior Radiation Treatment for Retinoblastoma, Parish P. Sedghizadeh, Francesca Angiero, Carl M. Allen, John R. Kalmar, Yeshwant B. Rawal, and Eric A. Albright


In Vitro Evaluation of the XR-15 Portable X-Ray Unit for Forensic Odontology, S. Varghese, A. Kimmel, T. Radmer, Thomas Gerard Bradley, and James Bahcall

Submissions from 2002


Mandible Cleft: Report of a Case and Review of the Literature, Luis Eduardo Almeida, Lucienne Ulbrich, and Fabricio Togni


Six-Month Comparison of Powered Versus Manual Toothbrushing for Safety and Efficacy in the Absence of Professional Instruction in Mechanical Plaque Control, Andrew R. Dentino, Gay Derderian, MaryAnn Wolf, MaryAnn Cugini, Randy Johnson, Ronald L. Van Swol, Dennis King, Pam Marks, and Paul Warren


In vitro Evaluation of the Effect of a Surfactant-containing Experimental Acid Gel on Sealant Microleakage, H. Cem Güngör, Nil Altay, Yildiz Batirbaygil, and Nurşen Unlü


Accuracy of the Panoramic Radiograph in Diagnosing Condylar Asymmetries, C. Lovell, S. Varghese, J. Wing, and Thomas Gerard Bradley


The Bond and Rebond Strength of Two Orthodontic Adhesives on Enamel Surfaces, B. Olm, Thomas Gerard Bradley, N. S. Darling, F. Villalobos, and T. Eliades


Current Status of Defensins and Their Role in Innate and Adaptive Immunity, Periathamby A. Raj and Andrew R. Dentino


NASA Light-Emitting Diodes for the Prevention of Oral Mucositis in Pediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Patients, Harry T. Whelan, James F. Connelly, Brian D. Hodgson, Lori Barbeau, A. Charles Post, George Bullard, Ellen V. Buchmann, Mary Kane, Noel T. Whelan, Ann Warwick, and David Margolis

Submissions from 2001


A Retrospective Study of Dento-Alveolar Injuries of Children in Ankara, Turkey, Nil Altay and H. Cem Güngör


Comparison of Enamel Colour Changes Associated with Orthodontic Bonding Using Two Different Adhesives, Theodore Eliades, A. Kakaboura, George Eliades, and T. Gerard Bradley


Enamel Colour Changes Following Whitening with 10 Percent Carbamide Peroxide: A Comparison of Orthodontically‐Bonded/Debonded and Untreated Teeth, K. J. Hintz, T. Gerard Bradley, and Theodore Eliades


Two Cases of Unusually Heavy Odontolithiasis—One Causing Trismus, Kamala G. Pillai and Yeshwant B. Rawal


NASA Light Emitting Diode Medical Applications from Deep Space to Deep Sea, Harry T. Whelan, Ellen V. Buchmann, Noel T. Whelan, Scott G. Turner, Vita Cevenini, Helen Stinson, Ron Ignatius, Todd Martin, Joan Cwiklinski, Glenn A. Meyer, Brian D. Hodgson, Lisa J. Gould, Mary P. Kane, Gina Chen, and James Caviness


Effect of NASA Light-emitting Diode Irradiation on Wound Healing, Harry T. Whelan, Robert L. Smits, Ellen V. Buchmann, Noel T. Whelan, Scott G. Turner, David A. Margolis, Vita Cevenini, Helen Stinson, Ron Ignatius, Todd Martin, Joan Cwiklinski, Alan F. Philippi, William R. Graf, Brian D. Hodgson, Lisa Gould, Mary Kane, Gina Chen, and James Caviness

Submissions from 2000


A Study of Color Change of Orthodontic Debonded and Control Teeth After Bleaching, Thomas Gerard Bradley


Surface Characterization of Retrieved NiTi Orthodontic Archwires, Theodore Eliades, George Eliades, A. E. Athanasiou, and T. Gerard Bradley


Degree of Cure of Orthodontic Adhesives with Various Polymerization Initiation Modes, Theodore Eliades, George Eliades, T. Gerard Bradley, and D. C. Watts


Pulpal Tissue in Bilateral Talon Cusps of Primary Central Incisors: Report of a Case, H. Cem Güngör, Nil Altay, and F. Figen Kaymaz


The Effect of EDTA in Attachment Gain and Root Coverage, Moawia M. Kassab, Robert E. Cohen, Sebastiano Andreana, and Andrew R. Dentino


Large-scale Synthesis and Functional Elements for the Antimicrobial Activity of Defensins, Periathamby A. Raj, K. J. Antonyraj, and T. Karunakaran

Submissions from 1999


Glass-ionomer Adhesives in Orthodontics: Clinical Implications and Future Research Directions, T. Gerard Bradley and Daniel Camargo de Oliveira

Submissions from 1998


Lateral cephalometric analysis of asymptomatic volunteers and symptomatic patients with and without bilateral temporomandibular joint disk displacement, Jose A. Bosio, James G. Burch, Ross H. Tallents, Dale B. Wade, and Frank M. Beck


Ectopic Eruption of Maxillary First Permanent Molars: Treatment Options and Report of Two Cases, H. Cem Güngör and Nil Altay


Adjunctive Use of a Subgingival Controlled‐Release Chlorhexidine Chip Reduces Probing Depth and Improves Attachment Level Compared With Scaling and Root Planing Alone, Marjorie K. Jeffcoat, Kimberly S. Bray, Sebastian G. Ciancio, Andrew R. Dentino, Daniel H. Fine, Jeffrey M. Gordon, John C. Gunsolley, William J. Killoy, Roxanne A. Lowenguth, N. Ingvar Magnusson, Steven Offenbacher, Kent G. Palcanis, Howard M. Proskin, Richard D. Finkelman, and Moshe Flashner

Submissions from 1997


Subtle Differences between Human and Rabbit Neutrophil Receptors Shown by the Secretagogue Activity of Constrained Formyl Peptides, Andrew R. Dentino, Periathamby A. Raj, and Ernesto De Nardin


Results of Limited Initial Periodontal Therapy in Smokers and Non‐Smokers, Jeffery J. Pucher, Othman Schibley, Andrew R. Dentino, and Sebastian G. Ciancio

Submissions from 1996


Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Analyses of Superelastic and Nonsuperelastic Nickel-Titanium Orthodontic Wires, T. Gerard Bradley, William A. Brantley, and Bill M. Culbertson


Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Analyses Of Superelastic And Nonsuperelastic Nickel-Titanium Orthodontic Wires, T. Gerard Bradley, William A. Brantley, and Bill M. Culbertson


Potential Preventive and Therapeutic Hard-Tissue Applications of CO2, Nd:YAG, and Argon Lasers in Dentistry: A Review, Cesar Gonzalez


Clinical Evaluation of an Ionic Toothbrush in the Removal of Established Plaque and Reduction of Gingivitis, R. L. Van Swol, D. E. Van Scotter, J. J. Pucher, and Andrew R. Dentino

Submissions from 1995


Effect of Baking Soda-Peroxide Dentifrice on Post-Surgical Wound Healing, Andrew R. Dentino


A Study of Carbobenzoxy-D-phenylalanine-L-phenylalanine-glycine, an Inhibitor of Membrane Fusion, in Phospholipid Bilayers with Multinuclear Magnetic Resonance, Andrew R. Dentino, Philip W. Westerman, and Philip L. Yeagle


Sealant Status and Factors Associated with Sealant Presence Among Children in Milwaukee, Cesar Gonzalez

Submissions from 1994


Clinical Occupational Bloodborne Exposure in a Dental School, Cesar D. Gonzalez, Ronald J. Pruhs, and Elise Sampson


Developing Consistency in Enamel Etching by CO2 Laser, Cesar Gonzalez and Kenneth L. Zakariasen


Destructive Hostility: The Jeffrey Dahmer Case: A Psychiatric and Forensic Study of a Serial Killer, Jeffrey Jentzen, George Palermo, L. Thomas Johnson, Khang-Cheng Ho, K. Alan Stormo, and John Teggatz

Submissions from 1993


The Antiviral Peptide Carbobenzoxy-D-phenylalanyl-L-phenylalanylglycine Changes the Average Conformation of Phospholipids in Membranes, Philip L. Yeagle, Andrew R. Dentino, Frazer T. Smith, Paul Spooner, and Anthony Watts

Submissions from 1992


Attitudes of Older Versus Younger Adults Toward Dentistry and Dentists, Richard A. Abrams, Curt S. Ayers, and Patrick M. Lloyd


Craniometric Measurements of Craniofacial Malformations in the X-linked Hypophosphatemic (Hyp) Mouse on Two Different Genetic Backgrounds: C57BL/6J and B6C3H, Cesar D. Gonzalez, Ralph A. Meyer, and Robert J. Iorio

Submissions from 1991


Role of Peptide Backbone Conformation on Biological Activity of Chemotactic Peptides, Andrew R. Dentino, Periathamby A. Raj, Krishna K. Bhandary, Mark E. Wilson, and Michael J. Devine


Sealant Use by General Practitioners: A Minnesota Survey, Cesar Gonzalez, P. Jean Frazier, and Louise B. Messer

Submissions from 1989


Bite Mark Evidence: Recognition, Perservation, Analysis and Courtroom Presentation, L. Thomas Johnson and David Cadle

Submissions from 1988


Sealant Knowledge and Use by Pediatric Dentists: A 1987 Minnesota Survey, Cesar Gonzalez, P. Jean Frazier, and Louise B. Messer

Submissions from 1987


Noncariogenic Sweeteners: Sugar Substitutes for Caries Control, Curt S. Ayers and Richard A. Abrams


Craniofacial Morphology and Occlusal Variation in Monozygous and Dizygous Twins, William K. Lobb

Submissions from 1986


Quality Assessment of Dental Restorations: A Comparison by Dentists and Patients, Richard A. Abrams, Curt S. Ayers, and Vogt Petterson


Oral Signs and Symptoms in the Diagnosis of Bulimia, Richard A. Abrams and Jesley C. Ruff


Ankylose des dents au course de l'evolution dentaire, Delmar D. Albers


Pre-School Screening: An Interdisciplinary Training Experience for Nursing and Dental Students, Mary Ann Lough, Lenore Weinstein, and Richard A. Abrams

Submissions from 1982


Dr. Stanford C. Barnum and the Invention of the Rubber Dam, Richard A. Abrams, Claude W. Drake, and Herman Segal

Submissions from 1981


Local Mechanical Irritation: An Aetiology for a Lingual Oral Papilloma, Richard A. Abrams and Saba Noori Sadeghi


Infectious Mononucleosis First Manifest by Mandibular Pericoronitis: Report of Case, Jeffrey B. Kadesh and Delmar D. Albers

Submissions from 1980


Attitudes toward National Health Insurance: Dentists, Dental Students, and Dental Hygiene Students, Richard A. Abrams and Mary Vogt Petterson


Technique for Producing Title Slides, Kenneth J. Waliszewski

Submissions from 1978


Denturism and the Dentists, Richard A. Abrams


Replantation of an Avulsed Incisor: Case Report, Richard A. Abrams


Combined Endodontic and Restorative Treatment Considerations, Kenneth J. Waliszewski and Clyde L. Sabala