Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Sanctification as Virtue and Mission: The Politics of Holiness, Nathan Willowby
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
Computational Approaches for Monitoring of Health Parameters and Their Evaluation for Application in Clinical Setting., Mohammad Adibuzzaman
Data Cleaning in the Energy Domain, Hermine Nathalie Akouemo Kengmo Kenfack
The Word Became Flesh: An Exploratory Essay on Jesus’s Particularity and Nonhuman Animals, Andy Alexis-Baker
RENOVATIO: Martin Luther's Augustinian Theology of Holiness (1515/16 and 1535-46), Phillip L. Anderas
The Relationship of Spasticity and Impairments in Force Regulation and Neuromuscular Fatigue Post Stroke, Reivian Berrios Barillas
The Effects of Specific Mental Illness Stigma Beliefs on Treatment Seeking Attitudes, Henry Arthur Boeh
Stay-at-home-fathers Navigating Depression: A Consensual Qualitative Research Study, William Douglas Meyers Caperton
Models of Conversion in American Evangelicalism: Jonathan Edwards, Charles Hodge and Old Princeton, and Charles Finney, Mark B. Chapman
Biomechanical Characerization and Evaluation of Conservative Clubfoot Correction, Tamara Loren Cohen
Noninvasive Assessment of Photoreceptor Structure and Function in the Human Retina, Robert Francis Cooper
Openness to the "Other" During a Summer Language Study Abroad in Madrid, Spain: Six Case Studies, Samuel Cox
Biplanar Fluoroscopic Analysis of in vivo Hindfoot Kinematics During Ambulation, Janelle Ann Cross
Mechatronics Design Process with Energy Optimization for Industrial Machines, Aderiano Medeiros da Silva
Ambivalent Sexism and Positive Illusions of Physical Attractiveness in Heterosexual Romantic Relationships, Michaela Engdahl
The Kingdom of God and the Holy Spirit: Eschatology and Pneumatology in the Vineyard Movement, Douglas R. Erickson
S-Nitrosothiols: Electronic Structure and Substituent Effects, Matthew Flister
A Parent-Child Therapy Program for Latino Families, Michael P. Fung
Examination of a Parent-Assisted, Friendship-Building Program for Adolescents with ADHD, Denise Marie Gardner
The All-Embracing Frame: Distance in the Trinitarian Theology of Hans Urs von Balthasar, Christopher Hadley
"Breaking Up, and Moving Westward": The Search for Identity in Post-Colonial America, 1787-1828, Bethany Harding
Identification and Retraining of Sensorimotor Deficits to Reduce Intention Tremor in Multiple Sclerosis, Megan Heenan
Health Condition Monitoring and Fault-Tolerant Operation of Adjustable Speed Drives, Jiangbiao He
Saving the Grotesque: The Grotesque System of Liberation in British Modernism (1922-1932), Matthew Henningsen
Mixed Valent Metal Pincer Complexes and Reactivity of Metal Complexes of Extended Pincer Ligands, Jeewantha Sampath Hewage
Affective Computing in the Area of Autism, Niharika Jain
"Make My Joy Complete": The Price of Partnership in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians, Mark Avery Jennings
Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies of Ruthenium Catalyzed C-C, C-N and C-O Bond Activation Reactions, Nishantha Kumara Kalutharage
Computational Approaches for Remote Monitoring of Symptoms and Activities, Ferdaus Kawsar
The Pulpit's Muse: Conversive Poetics in the American Renaissance, Michael William Keller
Subversive Humor, Chris A. Kramer
The Role of Acculturation Differences and Acculturation Conflict in Latino Family Mental Health, Kathryn E. Lawton
Diffusion of Inclusion: Measuring Willingness, Janet A. Levey
The Role and Regulation of Quinol Oxidase in Rhizobium Etli, Zachary Ryan Lunak
The Contribution of Syntrophic Fatty-Acid Degrading Microbial Communities to Anaerobic Digester Function and Stability, Prince Peter Mathai
Hope Among Resilient African American Adolescents, Jessica Briana McClintock
A Single Man of Good Fortune: Postmodern Identities and Consumerism in the New Novel of Manners, Bonnie McLean
The Unsettled Church: The Search for Identity and Relevance in the Ecclesiologies of Nicholas Healy, Ephraim Radner, and Darrell Guder, Emanuel D. Naydenov
A Semantics-Based Approach to Construction Cost Estimating, Mehrdad Niknam
Julian of Norwich: Voicing the Vernacular, Therese Elaine Novotny
Effects of Spiritual Care Education on Pediatric Nurses' Knowledge, Attitudes, and Competence, Cheryl Lynn Petersen
Hybrid Computational Toxicology Models for Regulatory Risk Assessment, Prachi Pradeep
Seeing Two Worlds: The Eschatological Anthropology of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification, Jakob Karl Rinderknecht
Primary and Family Stigma of Mental Illness: Comparing Perceptions of African Americans and European Americans, Julia Rubinshteyn
Multimodal Sensory Integration for Perception and Action in High Functioning Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Nicole Marie Gregor Salowitz
Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors to Treat Municipal Wastewater at Ambient Temperatures, Matthew D. Seib
With Vibrationally Excited Thiophosgene Molecule and Double-Well Ion Traps, Dmytro Shyshlov
Virtue, Oppression, and Resistance Struggles, Trevor William Smith
Health As Embodied Authenticity, Margaret Steele
Neural Plasticity in Response to Intervention in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sheryl Jayne Stevens
Recognition and Political Ontology: Fichte, Hegel, and Honneth, Velimir Stojkovski
Dynamic Modeling of Human Gait Using a Model Predictive Control Approach, Jinming Sun
In Harm's Way: Wisconsin Workers and Disability from the Gilded Age to the Great Depression, Karalee Donna Surface
Application of Item Response Theory to Measures of Verbal Learning, Indrani K. Thiruselvam
A Neurobiological Pathway That Mediates Stress-Induced Drug Use, Oliver Vranjkovic
Ligand Frameworks for Transition-Metal Complexes That Model Metalloenzyme Active, Denan Wang
The Conceptual Priority of the Perfect, Matthew Peter Zdon
Molecular Sites and Mechanisms of Action of Alcohol on the NMDA Receptor GluN2B Subunit, Yulin Zhao
Spectral Characterization of Cytochromes CYP11A1 (aka P450scc) Active Site and Catalytic Intermediates, Qianhong Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
The Importance Of Institutional Culture At A Technical College, Sarah Adams
Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW)-Based Gas Flow Sensor, Nisar Ahmad
Relationships among Uncertainty, Coping, and Psychological Distress in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment, Jennifer Sjostedt Avery
Interpersonal Communication in the Context of Dementia: Examining Family Caregivers' Appraisals and Burden, Stacy Lynn Barnes
Investigations of Synthetic Models of Mononuclear Nonheme Iron Dioxygenases, Michael Bittner
Ventral Tegmental Area Regulation Of Stress-Induced Reinstatement Of Cocaine-Seeking Behavior, Jordan Michael Blacktop
Homecomings: Victorian British Women Travel Writers And Revisions Of Domesticity, Emily Paige Blaser
Determination Of Correlations Induced By The Sense And Grappa Pmri Models With An Application To Mri Rf Coil Design, Iain Peter Bruce
From Pastorals to Paterson: Ecology in the Poetry and Poetics of William Carlos WIlliams, Daniel Edmund Burke
Argument in Poetry: (Re)Defining the Middle English Debate in Academic, Popular, and Physical Contexts, Kathleen R. Burt
Spirituality And Religiosity In Adolescents With Sickle Cell Disease: A Descriptive Qualitative Study, Dora L. Clayton-Jones
I Cheat Because I Can: Power, Sexism And Approval Of Infidelity, Teni Davoudian
Generation Of Diverse Molecular Complexity From Cyclooctatetraene, Mohamed Fawzy El Mansy
Dangerous Knowledge? Morality And Moral Progress After Naturalism, Daniel Diederich Farmer
A Subject-Specific Multiscale Model of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Brian Daniel Goodwin
Early Termination And Barriers To Treatment In Parent And Child Therapy, Brittany Lynn Gresl
Apocalyptic Mentalities in Late-Medieval England, Steven A. Hackbarth
Nanogap Device: Fabrication and Applications, Jun Hyun Han
Predicting Cognitive Decline in Older Adults Through Multi-Voxel Pattern Analysis, Nathan Hantke
Palliative Care's Sacramental and Liturgical Foundations: Healthcare Formed by Faith, Hope, and Love, Darren M. Henson
A Feminist Perspective On Listening To Women: Birth Stories Of Vaginal Birth Following Previous Cesarean Delivery, Elizabeth Hill-Karbowski
Child Sexual Abuse, Attachment, Dating Behaviors, And Sexual Assault, Lucie Holmgreen
Characterization of Bone Material Properties and Microstructure in Osteogenesis Imperfecta/Brittle Bone Disease, John Robert Jameson
"Now These Things Happened As Examples For Us" (1 Cor. 10:6):the Biblical-Narrative Depiction Of Human Sinfulness, Stephen Frederick Jenks
Speaker Independent Acoustic-to-Articulatory Inversion, An Ji
Improving fMRI Analysis and MR Reconstruction with the Incorporation of MR Relaxivities and Correlation Effect Examination, Meryem Muge Karaman
Mechanism Of Gabab Receptor-Activated Increases In L-Type Calcium Current In The Neonatal Mammalian Hippocampus, Andrew S. Karls
Parent And Family Outcomes Of An Empirically Validated Social Skills Intervention For Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders, Jeffrey Scott Karst
Bioinformatics Systems And Mathematical Models For Improved Understanding Of Malaria Transmission, Control, And Elimination, Samson Sifael Kiware
Nietzsche's Revaluation of All Values, Joseph Anthony Kranak
Mechanisms of Isometric Exercise-Induced Hypoalgesia in Young and Older Adults, Kathy J. Lemley
Structural and Biochemical Studies of the Carboxyltransferase Domain from Pyruvate Carboxylase, Adam David Lietzan
Structural and Functional Studies of Urea Amidolyase, Yi Lin
Coordination of Primer Sugar Synthesis with O-antigen Initiation in Rhizobium Etli CE3, Tiezheng Li
Love For God And Earth: Ecospirituality In The Theologies Of Sallie Mcfague And Leonardo Boff, Rebecca A. Meier-Rao
Failure Mechanisms and Key Parameters of FRP Debonding from Cracked Concrete Beams, Tayyebeh Mohammadi
Stabilitas In Congregatione: The Benedictine Evangelization Of America In The Life And Thought Of Martin Marty, O.s.b., Paul Gregory Monson
The Word Is An Angel Of The Mind: Angelic And Temple Imagery In The Theology Of John Mansur, The Damascene., Elijah Nicolas Mueller