Theses/Dissertations from 2017
The Impact of Racial Miscategorization and Racial Ambiguity on Multiracial Identity and Well-Being: A Qualitative Study, Shirley A. Newcomb
Pediatric Oncology Nurses' Experiences with Prognosis-Related Communication, Amy Rose Newman
Design and Synthesis of Selective Estrogen Receptor β Agonists and Their Pharmacology, K. L. Iresha Sampathi Perera
Hegel and the Problem of the Multiplicity of Conflicting Philosophies, Matthew M. Peters
Aquinas, Averroes, and the Human Will, Traci Ann Phillipson
Relationship of Exposure to Heart Failure Discharge Teaching to Readmission Within 30 Days, Becky Ann Pogacar
Stress and Prosocial Decision Making: The Influence of Acute Stress on Trust Behavior, Stephanie Ross Potts
Transmitting Revolution: Radio, Rumor, and the 1953 East German Uprising, Michael Palmer Pulido
Redox and Spectroscopic Properties of Protonated Species of Iron Porphyrin Nitroxlys and Their Analogues, Md. Hafizur Rahman
Markerless Kinematics of Pediatric Manual Wheelchair Mobility, Jacob Robert Rammer
Aging, Executive Function, Fronto-Parietal Network Cortical Thickness: Insights from Cognitive Reserve, Katherine Reiter
Functional Analysis of Microrna Pathway Genes in the Somatic Gonad and Germ Cells During Ovulation in C. Elegans, Carmela Rios
Reductions in Mesolimbic Dopamine Signaling and Aversion: Implications for Relapse and Learned Avoidance, Mykel A. Robble
Computational Strategies in Uncertainty Quantification for Hazard Mapping, Regis Rutarindwa
Quantifying Forecast Uncertainty in the Energy Domain, Mohammad Saber
Feature Space Augmentation: Improving Prediction Accuracy of Classical Problems in Cognitive Science and Computer Vison, Piyush Saxena
Mixed Quantum/Classical Theory (MQCT) for Rotationally and Vibrationally Inelastic Scattering and Its Application to the Molecules of Astrochemical Importance, Alexander Semenov
Nucleotide-Dependent Preferential Localization of Ras in Model Membranes with Lipid Raft Nanodomains, Anna Shishina
Theoretical Study of Ozone Forming Recombination Reaction and Anomalous Isotope Effect Associated with It, Alexander Teplukhin
The First Thing Andrew Did' [John 1:41]: Readers As Witnesses in the Fourth Gospel, Mark L. Trump
Spectral Characterization of Cytochromes P450 Active Sites Using NMR and Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, Remigio Usai
Biculturalism, Bilingualism, & Executive Function Among U.S. Latinos: Implications for Cognitive Reserve, Leticia G. Vallejo
Work-Family Balance: A Narrative Analysis of the Personal and Professional Histories of Female Superintendents, Nicole White
Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback Training as an Intervention for Chronic Pain, Annette Marie Wilson
The Noncanonical Roles of Two Primordial Molecules in Flagella, Xiaoyan Zhu
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
Designing Human-Centered Collective Intelligence, Ivor Addo
Regulation of the Cystine/Glutamate Antiporter and its Contribution to Neuronal Death, Rebecca Albano
Probing the Effects of Nano-Domains on the Redox Products in Molecular Solvents-RTILs Mixtures, Abderrahman Atifi
Performance-Robust Dynamic Feedback Control of Lipschitz Nonlinear Systems, Winston Baker
Initial Validation of the Race-Ethnicity Supervision Scale (RESS), Stephanie Bartell
Synthesis and Characterization of Biologically Relevant Fe(II) Complexes Containing Redox-Active (Hydro)quinone Ligands, Amanda Elizabeth Baum
Creator Spirit, Spirit of Grace: Trinitarian Dimensions of a Charitological Pneumatology, Wesley Scott Biddy
Finding Meaning and Sensemaking in Hospital Nursing Teams: The Promise of Narrative Medicine, Shelley Bobb
Novel Convergence Results in Nonlinear Filtering, Jennifer Lynn Bonniwell
Out-Tournament Adjacency Matrices with Equal Ranks, Zachary Buelow
The Economic Trinity: Communion with the Triune God in a Market Economy, David Glenn Butner Jr.
The Role of Household Antimicrobials in the Proliferation of Antibiotic Resistance During Anaerobic Digestion, Daniel Elliott Carey
Special Education as a Moral Mandate in Catholic Schools, Mary E. Carlson
"The Property of the Nation": Democracy and the Memory of George Washington, 1799-1865, Matthew Ryan Costello
Thermal Microfluidic Devices; Design, Fabrication and Applications, Benyamin Davaji
A Behavioral and Neural Investigation of the Impact of Age and Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease on Inhibitory Control, Kathleen Hazlett Elverman
Design Optimization of Permanent Magnet Machines Over a Target Operating Cycle Using Computationally Efficient Techniques, Alireza Fatemi
Reinforcement Learning, Error-Related Negativity, and Genetic Risk for Alzheimer's Disease, Christina Marie Figueroa
Judgment, Justification, and the Faith Event in Romans, Raymond Foyer
Injury Risk Assessment of the Femur in Children with Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Jessica Marie Fritz
Primeval History According to Paul: "In Adam" and "In Christ" in Romans, Timothy A. Gabrielson
Characterization of the RCF1 Q-X3-R-X-R-X3-Q Motif and Its Role in Supporting Oxidative Phosphorylation Enzyme Complexes, Joshua Garlich
Understanding Women's Experiences with Women-Only Leadership Development Programs in Higher Education: A Mixed Methods Approach, Danielle Marie Geary
Program for Education and Enrichment of Relational Skills: Parental Outcomes with an ADHD Sample, Kelsey Gonring
Scripture in History: A Systematic Theology of the Christian Bible, Joseph K. Gordon
In Plain Sight: Changing Representations of "Biracial" People in Film 1903-2015, Charles Lawrence Gray
Effect of Sequence of Simulated and Clinical Practicum Learning Experiences on Clinical Competency, Jamie Hansen
Development of the Early Childhood Traumatic Stress Screen, Sara Elisabeth Harris
Nature, Feminism, and Flourishing: Human Nature and the Feminist Ethics of Flourishing, Celeste D. Harvey
Gary Dorrien, Stanley Hauerwas, Rowan Williams, and the Theological Transformation of Sovereignties, David Wade Horstkoetter
Supportive Relationships as Protective for Children Exposed to Violence: Exploring Underlying Mechanisms, Jessica Houston
Long Journeys to a Middle Ground: Indians, Catholics, and the Origins of a New Deal in Montana and Idaho, 1855-1945, Aaron David Hyams
Novel Numerical Models of Electrostatic Interactions and Their Application to S-Nitrosothiol Simulations, Maxim Vadimovich Ivanov
Photochemical Electrocyclic Ring Closure and Elimination Reactions of N-(Oxothioxanthenyl)Naphthothiophene Carboxamides, Himali Devika Jayasekara
Structural-Functional Brain Connectivity Underlying Integrative Sensorimotor Function After Stroke, Benjamin Thomas Kalinosky
Gendering Scientific Discourse from 1790-1830: Erasmus Darwin, Thomas Beddoes, Maria Edgeworth, and Jane Marcet, Bridget E. Kapler
Experiences of Registered Nurses Who Were Not Initially Successful on the NCLEX-RN, Then Subsequently Passed, Tammy L. Kasprovich
The Mystical and Political Body: Christian Identity in the Theology of Karl Rahner, Erin Kidd
Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies of Ruthenium Catalyzed C-C and C-O Bond Activation Reactions, Junghwa Kim
Love the Stranger for You were Strangers: The Development of a Biblical Literary Theme and Motif, Helga Kisler
Developing Capabilities: A Feminist Discourse Ethics Approach, Chad Kleist
A Fourier Description of Covariance, and Separation of Simultaneously Encoded Slices with In-Plane Acceleration in fMRI, Mary C. Kociuba
Theo-Dramatic Ethics: A Balthasarian Approach to Moral Formation, Andrew John Kuzma
Discarding Dreams and Legends: The Short Fiction of Elizabeth Madox Roberts, Flannery O’Connor, Katherine Anne Porter, and Eudora Welty, Katy L. Leedy
Cortical Oscillations During a Lateral Balance Perturbation While Walking, Joseph Lee
Kierkegaard in Light of the East: A Critical Comparison of the Philosophy of Søren Kierkegaard with Orthodox Christian Philosophy and Thought, Agust Magnusson
Development of a Wireless Mobile Computing Platform for Fall Risk Prediction, AKM Jahangir Alam Majumder
Examining Mechanism of Toxicity of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles to Saccharomyces Cerevisiae and Caenorhabditis Elegans, Michael Joseph Mashock
Effects of Within-Group Discrimination on Mental Health Symptoms in Latinos, Felicia Mata-Greve
The Secular Transformation of Pride and Humility in the Moral Philosophy of David Hume, Kirstin April Carlson McPherson
No Sympathy for the Devil: The Significance of Demons in John Chrysostom's Soteriology, Samantha Lynn Miller
Truly Human, Fully Divine: The Kenotic Christ of Thomas Aquinas, Gregorio Montejo
Living within the Sacred Tension: Paradox and Its Significance for Christian Existence in the Thought of Søren Kierkegaard, Matthew Thomas Nowachek
Depletion of the RNA Helicase SKIV2L2 Impedes Mitotic Progression and Histone mRNA Turnover in Murine Cell Lines, Alexis Marie Onderak
Moral Imagination and Adorno: Before and After Auschwitz, Catlyn Origitano
Didymus the Blind, Origen, and the Trinity, Kellen Plaxco
The Impact of Balance Disturbance on Cognition, Erin Quasney
A Mobile Health Approach to Assist Veterans Reintegrating into Civilian Life, Rizwana Rizia
ITE, MISSA EST! A Missional Liturgical Ecclesiology, Eugene Richard Schlesinger
PEERS®: Long-Term Effects on Social Skills, Social Anxiety, and Physiological Regulation in Adolescents with Autism, Kirsten Ashley Schohl
Analytical Modeling of a Novel Microdisk Resonator for Liquid-Phase Sensing: An All-Shear Interaction Device (ASID), Mohamad Sadegh Sotoudegan
Gene Set Enrichment and Projection: A Computational Tool for Knowledge Discovery in Transcriptomes, Karl Douglas Stamm
The Impact of Teen Intimate Partner Violence on Subsequent New Dating Experiences Among Latinas, Lucia J. Stubbs
From Modes of Production to the Resurrection of the Body: A Labor Theory of Revolutionary Subjectivity & Religious Ideas, Benjamin Suriano
Predicting Multiple Target Tracking Performance for Applications on Video Sequences, Juan Esteban Tapiero Bernal
Blinded Eyes and Hardened Hearts: Intra-Jewish Critique in the Gospel of John, Nathan Thiel
An Investigation of the Requirements for Excimer Formation and Charge Stabilization in Model Pi-Stacked Assemblies, Brandon Uhler
Racially and Ethnically Underrepresented Students’ Completion of RN BSN Program: Factors Affecting Success, Patricia Ann Varga
Essence and Necessity, and the Aristotelian Modal Syllogistic: A Historical and Analytical Study, Daniel James Vecchio
Bioaugmentation and Correlating Anaerobic Digester Microbial Community to Process Function, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran
Monarchianism and Origen's Early Trinitarian Theology, Stephen Edward Waers
Resonance Raman Studies of Oxygenated Forms of Myoglobin and CYP2B4 and Their Mutants, Ying Wang
Masculinity Matters: Perceptions of One’s Own Gender Status and the Effects on Psychosocial Well Being Among Gay Men, Dane Robert Whicker