Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Machine Learning Methods of Material Decomposition in Special Computed Tomography Using Photon Counting Detectors, Kevin Zimmerman
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Qualitative Exploration of the Perceptions of Nursing Undergraduates Regarding Family Care at End-of-Life, Penny A. Alt-Gehrman
Evaluation of Clinical Growth and Nursing Student Motivation in the Traditional Clinical Learning Environment, Jessica Barkimer
Change in Bone Mineral Density among High Frequency Apheresis Blood Donors, Walter Bialkowski
Eighteenth-Century Forerunners of Vatican II: Early Modern Catholic Reform and the Synod of Pistoia, Shaun London Blanchard
Hume on Thick and Thin Causation, Alexander Bozzo
The Impact of Violence on the Emerging Development of Emotion Regulation: The Role of the Caregiver, Christina Caiozzo
Inside and Out: Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Young-Adult Friendships, Samantha Ann Chesney
Motor Compensation During Lower Limb Pedaling After Stroke, Brice Thomas Cleland
Queer and Flourishing: Understanding the Psychosocial Well-Being of Non-Heterosexual Men, Philip James Cooke
Inference and Analysis of Multilayered Mirna-Mediated Networks in Cancer, Duc Do
The Media Matrix of Early Jewish and Christian Literature, Nicholas Andrew Elder
Synthesis and Characterization of Biomimetic Models of Mononuclear Nonheme Iron Dioxygenases and Their Reactive Intermediates, Anne Alyse Fischer
Dynamics and Interactions of Membrane Proteins, Azamat Galiakhmetov
Strategies for the Modulation of Protease Activated Receptors (PARs), Disha M. Gandhi
United States Born Mexican Origin Women's Descriptions About Their Eating Patterns, Juanita Teresa Garcia
Dynamic Lifetime Reliability and Energy Management for Network-on-Chip based Chip Multiprocessors, Milad Ghorbani Moghaddam
Evolution, Naturalism, and Theism: An Inconsistent Triad?, David H. Gordon
Comparing Interprofessional Socialization in Mixed Discipline and Nursing Student only Cohorts, Kara Groom
Changes in Electroencephalogram Coherence in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder after a Social Skills Intervention, Angela D. Haendel
The Parable As Mirror: An Examination of the Use of Parables in the Works of Kierkegaard, Russell Hamer
Chronic Stress and Reproductive Function in Female Childhood Cancer Survivors, Theresa Marie Hardy
The Relationship between Teacher Retention and Original Career Goals, Teacher Efficacy and Empathy: A Study of Teach For America Alumni, Tyra Norbeck Hildebrand
Design, Synthesis and Study of Redox and Optoelectronic Properties of Aromatic Oxidants and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain
Pituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activation Polypeptide (PACAP) Regulates Feeding in the Rat Striatum and Hypothalamus, Matthew M. Hurley
Examining Latino Family Participation in Treatment for Childhood ADHD: The Role of Cultural Factors and Perceptions, Theresa Lauer Kapke
Development and Application of Quantitative Metrics for Computed Tomography Image Quality Assessment, Parag Khobragade
Imagining Demons in Post-Byzantine Jerusalem: John of Damascus and the Consolidation of Classical Christian Demonology, Nathaniel Ogden Kidd
"The Age Demands It": Progressivism in Zion City, Illinois, a Conservative Protestant Theocracy, Gayle A. Kiszely
Anticipated Therapist Absences: The Therapist’s Lens, Graham Gardner Knowlton
Pre-Death Grief, Resourcefulness and Perceived Stress Among Care Givers of Partners with Young Onset Dementia, Karie Kobiske
Dynamic Behavior of Granular Earth Materials Subjected to Pressure-Shear Loading, Jeff Wilson LaJeunesse
Allosteric Regulation of Pyruvate Carboxylase, Yumeng Liu
The Ethos of Dissent: Epideictic Rhetoric and the Democratic Function of American Protest and Countercultural Literature, Jeffrey Lorino Jr
Literary Cosmopolitanisms of Salman Rushdie, Amitav Ghosh, and Arundhati Roy, Sunil Samuel Macwan
An Unsupervised Cluster: Learning Water Customer Behavior Using Variation of Information on a Reconstructed Phase Space, Michele Rae Bizub Malinowski
The View from Here: Toward a Sissy Critique, Tyler Monson
Understanding Water Diffusion in Experimental Spinal Cord Injury Remote from Injury Epicenter, Alice Motovylyak
Mechanisms of Impaired Motor Unit Firing Behavior in the Vastus Lateralis Muscle after Stroke, Spencer Murphy
Psychometric Properties of the Satisfaction with Life Scale Among Arab Americans, Afnan Musaitif
Photoremovable Protecting Groups Based on Electrocyclization with Leaving Group Expulsion Via a Proposed Zwitterion, Gilbert Ndzeidze
Hoc Est Sacrificium Laudis: The Influence of Hebrews on the Origin, Structure, and Theology of the Roman Canon Missae, Matthew S. C. Olver
The Photodynamic and Structural Analyses of Advanced Materials for Solar Fuel Conversion, Brian Pattengale
The Forbidden Zone Writers: Femininity and Anglophone Women War Writers of the Great War, Sareene Proodian
Writing to Learn in a Mutt Course: How Writing Functions in a Social Justice Living Learning Program Seminar, Jennifer K. Reid
Compressed Sensing for Few-View Multi-Pinhole Spect with Applications to Preclinical Imaging, Benjamin Michael Rizzo
Automating the Analysis of Uncertainties in Multi-Body Dynamic Systems Using Polynomial Chaos Theory, Paul Ryan
Mechanisms of Fatigability in People with Type 2 Diabetes and Prediabetes, Jonathon William Senefeld
Home Health Care Effect in Post-Discharge Return to Hospital, Danielle M. Siclovan
Analysis of Sensor Signals for Online Detection of Hydrocarbons in Liquids in the Presence of Interferents, Karthick Sothivelr
Importance of S. Cerevisiae Rcf1 and Rcf2 Proteins for the Mitochondrial Protonmotive Force Generation, Vera Strogolova
Mechanisms of Fatigue with Aging: Evidence from the Whole-Limb to the Single Cell in Humans, Christopher W. Sundberg
Reconciling Universal Salvation and Freedom of Choice in Origen of Alexandria, Lee W. Sytsma
Quantifying Sea-Level Rise Hazard Addressing Climate Forcing and Projection Uncertainty, Matthew Thomas
The Impact of Advance Directives on the Intensity of Care Received in the Acute Care Setting in Older Adults, Marsha Helen Tyacke
Investigation of Performance and Symptom Validity Testing in Children Utilizing Control, Simulation, and Clinical Groups, Elisabeth Vogt
Developing Accessible Collection and Presentation Methods for Observational Data, Drew Marie Williams
Theatrical Weddings and Pious Frauds: Performance and Law in Victorian Marriage Plots, Adrianne A. Wojcik
The Discovery and Characterization of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Pyruvate Carboxylase, Brittney Wyatt
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Motivational and Intervention Systems and Monitoring with mHealth Tools, Golam Mushih Tanimul Ahsan
The Doubt of the Apostles and the Resurrection Faith of the Early Church, J. D. Atkins
The Two Goats: A Christian Yom Kippur Soteriology, Richard Barry
Identifying Regulators from Multiple Types of Biological Data in Cancer, Brittany Baur
Muscle Coordination Contributes to Function after Stroke; Proprioception Contributes to Control of Posture, Movement, Maria Bengtson
Contextualizing Aquinas's Ontology of Soul: An Analysis of His Arabic and Neoplatonic Sources, Nathan McLain Blackerby
Synthesis and Study of the Electrochemical and Optoelectronic Properties of π-Conjugated Poly-P-Phenylene-Based Molecular Wires, Anitha Boddeda
Exodus as New Creation, Israel as Foundling: Stories in the History of an Idea, Christopher Evangelos John Brenna
Experience of Nontenured, Tenure-Track Faculty and Gatekeeping: A Qualitative Research Study, Meghan Butler
The Neural Encoding of Reward in the Striatal-Pallidal Circuitry, Chung Lung Chan
Cognitive Impairment, Depression, Anxiety, and Personality and MS Patient Estimations of Memory Function, Jordan Charboneau
An Empirical Examination of a Well-Being Engine Model, Korey Jacob Connor
Neuromuscular Function in Women Postpartum, Rita Deering
Examining the Durability of PEERS for Adolescents with ASD: Maintenance of Neurological and Behavioral Effects, Bridget Kathleen Dolan
The Social and Historical Subject in Sartre and Foucault and Its Implications for Healthcare Ethics, Kimberly Siobhan Engels
A Novel Approach to Complex Human Activity Recognition, Md Osman Gani
Christus Exemplar: the Politics of Virtue in Lactantius, Jason Matthew Gehrke
Image and Virtue in Ambrose of Milan, Andrew Miles Harmon
Investigations of Worth: Towards a Phenomenology of Values, Dale Hobbs Jr.
Computational Modeling of S-Thiolation Reaction: Toward Discovering the Enzymatic Mechanisms of Endogenous HNO Formation, Elena Ivanova
On the Structure and Properties of S-Nitrosated Cysteine Models: A Computational Study, Dmitry Khomyakov
Regulation of System Xc-by the Neuropeptide PACAP: Implications for Glutamate Transmission in Drug Addiction, Linghai Kong
Heterosexual Allies' Confrontation of Sexual Prejudice: the Effect of Gender, Attitudes, and Past Allied Behavior, Kelly L. LeMaire
Rediscovery of the Microtubule System in Chlamydomonas, Yi Liu
Functional and Structural Studies of Cytochromes P450 by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy, Yilin Liu
Trauma Therapy for Very Young Children Living in Poverty: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Joanna Ruth Love
A God Worth Worshiping: Toward a Critical Race Theology, Duane Terrence Loynes Sr.
Motion Artifact Evaluation of Coronary CT Angiography Images, Hongfeng Ma
Hip Joint Function in People with Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome, Philip Malloy
Conflicts Based on Race/Ethnicity Among Latina/o Students in Schools, Michael James Martinez
The Cry of the Poor: Anthropology of Suffering and Justice in Health Care From a Latin American Liberation Approach, Alexandre Andrade Martins
The Mediating Effects of Positive Thinking and Social Support on Suicide Resilience Among Undergraduate Students, Denise Marie Matel-Anderson
Asset Owner Governance and Fiduciary Effectiveness: The Case of Public Pension Plans, Christopher Kinne Merker
Sleep, Internalizing Symptoms, Executive Functioning, and Diabetes Outcomes in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, Ashley Charlene Moss
The Development and Psychometric Analysis of the MU- Fertility Knowledge Assessment Scale, Qiyan Mu