Theses/Dissertations from 2020
Shock Processes in Water: Multi-Scale Comparison and Experimental Results, Longhao Huang
Design of Novel Experiments and Analyses for Head and Spine Trauma Biomechanics, John Robert Humm
Phenomenal Consciousness: An Husserlian Approach, John Jered Janes
Determination of Elevations for Excavation Operations Using Drone Technologies, Yuhan Jiang
Generating Alternative Solutions when Depression is the Problem, Benjamin Todd Johnson
Fire in the Bread, Life in the Body: The Pneumatology of Ephrem the Syrian, David Kiger
The Role of the Prefrontal Cortex in Aversive Memory Formation: Contribution of Sex and Circuit, Adam Kirry
Leading Rural Nurse Academic Progression, Cynthia Jean Larsen
Deep Learning for Quantitative Susceptibility Mapping Reconstruction, Juan Liu
Characterization of De Novo Protein Aggregate Formation in S. Cerevisiae, Douglas Lyke
Characterization of the MIR-44 Family of Micrornas in the C. Elegans Germline, Katherine Ann Maniates
Ethnic and Sexist Discrimination Among Women of Color: Exploring the Roles of Cognitive Vulnerabilities of Depression, Felicia Mata-Greve
Malleability of Neural Activity in Response to Treatment: fMRI Biomarkers Across Intervention for Autistic Adolescents, Alana J. McVey
Machine Learning and Data Mining-Based Methods to Estimate Parity Status and Age of Wild Mosquito Vectors of Infectious Diseases from Near-Infrared Spectra, Masabho Peter Milali
Excellence and Equity: Admission Merit and Diversity in Physical Therapist Education Programs, Matthew Nuciforo
Al-Fārābī Metaphysics, and the Construction of Social Knowledge: Is Deception Warranted if it Leads to Happiness?, Nicholas Andrew Oschman
A Productive Failure: Existentialism in Fin de Siècle England, Maxwell Patchet
Second Law Applications in Modeling, Design and Optimization, David M. Paulus
Small Geckos Yield Great Insight into the Patterns and Processes of Speciation and Sex Chromosome Evolution, Brendan John Pinto
Establishing the Roles of the DNA Binding Domains of Replication Protein A (RPA), Nilisha Pokhrel
An Exploration of Atypical Recovery from Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI), Kathryn Ann Ritchie
Overcoming Anaerobic Digestion Toxicity of Aqueous Liquid from Wastewater Solids Pyrolysis, Seyedehfatemeh Seyedi
Reaching Performance in Heathy Individuals and Stroke Survivors Improves after Practice with Vibrotactile State Feedback, Valay A. Shah
Stress Analysis of Bonded Axisymmetric Assemblies under Thermal Loading: Applications in Microelectronics, Shilak Shakya
Probabilistic Framework for Balancing Smart Grid's Performance Enhancement and Resilience to Cyber Threat, Rezoan Ahmed Shuvro
EEG Characterization of Sensorimotor Networks: Implications in Stroke, Dylan Blake Snyder
Indirect Structural Connectivity As a Biomarker for Stroke Motor Recovery, Miguel Renato Sotelo Munoz
Chronic Variable Stress Induces Avolition and Disrupts Corticoaccumbens Encoding of Approach Cues, Mitchell Spring
Contributions to the Theory and Application of Multiple Model Estimation, Alia R. Strandt
Looks That Kill: White Power, Christianity, and the Occlusion of Justice, Wesley Sutermeister
Biofeedback Measures of Pelvic Floor Muscle Function in Asymptomatic and Incontinent Women, Jeannette M. Tries
A Professional Learning Partnership: Educator Perceptions About Program Effectiveness and Impact on Rural Educators, Tara Lynn Villalobos
The Epistemology of Disagreement: Hume, Kant, and the Current Debate, Robert Kyle Whitaker
Dependable and Scalable Public Ledger for Policy Compliance, a Blockchain Based Approach, Zhou Wu
Hybrid Metal/Covalent Organic Frameworks for Solar Fuel Conversion, sizhuo yang
Analysis of Bristle-Tip Impact Crater for Wire Impact Tool, Jian Zhang
Inquiry and Provocation: The Use of Ambiguity in Sixteenth-Century English Political Satire, Jason James Zirbel
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
The Role of Movement Pattern in Relation to Running Related Injuries Risk Factors, Marwan Mahmoud A Aljohani
The Impact of Isometric Exercise on Somatosensory Processing in People with or without Chronic Pain, Ali Mohammed Alsouhibani
The Influence of Continuity of Nursing Care in the Acute Care Setting on Readiness for Discharge and Post-Discharge Return to Hospital, Sarah J. Bahr
Teachers' Perspectives on Their Role in Fostering Supportive Relationships with Their Students, Jamee S. Carroll
SynMuv B Proteins Regulate Chromatin Compaction during Development, Meghan Elizabeth Costello
Understanding Baccalaureate Nursing Education Progression from the Student Perspective Using a Grounded Theory Approach, Jennifer Jean Dahlman
Identifying a History of Nonfatal Strangulation: What Impacts Screening by Healthcare, Law Enforcement and Advocates?, Jennifer Delwiche
Sex, Drugs, & Prefrontal Cortex: Influence of Biological Sex on Cocaine Seeking, Elizabeth M. Doncheck
Ecological Succession in Tropical Forests: The Role of Edaphic Factors, Initial Conditions and Competition, Sergio Estrada Villegas
Disaggregation: Inferring Daily Gas Flow from Billing Cycle Data, Maral Fakoor
'Our Feet are Mired In the Same Soil': Deepening Democracy with the Political Virtue of Sympathetic Inquiry, Jennifer Lynn Kiefer Fenton
Towards a Philosophy of the Musical Experience: Phenomenology, Culture, and Ethnomusicology in Conversation, J. Tyler Friedman
Healthcare Provider Influence on Health Behavior Modification in Gestational Diabetics, Denise K. Fryzelka
Beyond Slavery: Christian Theology and Rehabilitation from Human Trafficking, Christopher Michael Gooding
No Home but the World: Forced Migration and Transnational Identity, Justice Hagan
Investigation of the Mechanisms Governing Carrier Domain Translocation in S. Aureus Pyruvate Carboxylase, Joshua Hakala
BEst (Biomarker Estimation): Health Biomarker Estimation Non-invasively and Ubiquitously, Md Kamrul Hasan
The Ambiguity of Being: Medieval and Modern Cooperation on the Problem of the Supernatural, Jonathan Robert Heaps
Iron-Enhanced Mitigation of Viruses in Drinking Water, Joseph Aiden Heffron
The City As a Trap: 20th and 21st Century American Literature and the American Myth of Mobility, Andrew Joseph Hoffmann
Dual-modality Smartphone-based Fiber-optic Microendoscope System for Early Detection of Cervical Neoplasia, XIANGQIAN HONG
Bifurcation in Weighted Digraphs and Their Applications in Ecology, Kehinde Irabor
Measuring Polyvictimization Among Vulnerable Children: A Confirmatory Factor Analysis, Kelli J. Jones
The Alpha-Activator Complex, Cellular Maturation, and Catalytic Mechanism of Iron-Type Nitrile Hydratase, Wasantha Lankathilaka Karunagala Pathiranage
Advanced Silicon Carbide Based Fault-Tolerant Multilevel Converters, Ramin Katebi
The Fantastic and the First World War, Brian Kenna
Toward Quality Preceptorship: A Dyad Sudy, Laurie Ann Kunkel-Jordan
Electrochemical Removal of Estrogenic Compounds from Drinking Water, Emily Maher
Neuropsychological Sequela of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Contemporary Meta-Analytic Review, David E. Marra
Humor, Power and Culture: A New Theory on the Experience and Ethics of Humor, Jennifer Marra
Examining the Effects of Stress and Age on Neural Reward Processing: Considerations for the Role of Individual Differences in Autonomic Reactivity, William McCuddy
Care of the Sexual Self: Askesis As a Route to Sex Education, Shaun Douglas Miller
Widow As the Altar of God: Retrieving Ancient Sources for Contemporary Discussions on Christian Discipleship, Lisa Marin Moore
The New Day of Atonement: A Matthean Typology, Hans Moscicke
The Role of Values Enculturation, Mental Health Stigma, & Attitudes about Treatment on Help-Seeking Intent among Latinos, Natasha Suhail Najar
Investigation of the Active Site Maturation and Catalytic Mechanism of Nitrile Hydratases (NHase, E.C., Irene Anyango Ogutu
Re-Evaluating Augustinian Fatalism through the Eastern and Western Distinction between God's Essence and Energies, Stephen John Plecnik
Hybrid Catalysis for the Direct Addition of Unactivated Aldehydes and Ketones to Alkenes and Alkynes, Jacob Porter
Passive Compliance Control of Redundant Serial Manipulators, Jacob J. Rice
Multi-Scale Traction Dynamics in Obliquely Impacted Polymer-Metal Targets, Peter Anthony Sable
Insane in the Brain, Blood, and Lungs: Gender-Specific Manifestations of Hysteria, Chlorosis, & Consumption in 19th-Century Literature, Anna P. Scanlon
High Fidelity Dynamic Modeling and Nonlinear Control of Fluidic Artificial Muscles, Jonathon Earl Slightam
"The Present Evil Age": The Origin and Persistence of Evil in Galatians, Tyler Allen Stewart
Reading Multicultural Novels Melancholically: Racial Grief and Grievance in the Joy Luck Club, Beloved, and Anil's Ghost, Jennifer Arias Sweeney
Men Who Abuse Women: Testing a Narrative-Feminist Approach to Group Psychotherapy, Ketan Tailor
A Sweet Influence: St. Bonaventure’s Franciscan Reception of Dionysian Hierarchy, Luke Vittorio Togni
Exploring the Cognitive Process and Complexity of Diverse Patient Conceptualization: A Mixed Methods Study, Michelle Parisa Toigo
The Fantastic Structure of Freedom: Sartre, Freud, and Lacan, Gregory A. Trotter
Transforming the Foundation: Lonergan's Transposition of Aquinas' Notion of Wisdom, Juliana Vazquez Krivsky
Infideles Et Philosophi: Assent, Untruth, and Natural Knowledge of the Simple God, Jeffrey M. Walkey
The Role of Racial Microaggressions, Belongingness, and Coping in African American Psychology Doctoral Students’ Well-being, Ryan Charles Warner
Bayesian Estimation of Transient Engine Exhaust Composition from Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Measurements, David Hilton Wilson
The Province of Conceptual Reason: Hegel's Post-Kantian Rationalism, William Clark Wolf
Assessing Intersectional Identity: Investigating the Scales of Contextualized Identity and Perceived Marginalization, Lauren Yadlosky
Structure and Mechanisms of Metalloenzymes for Incorporation of Water Across CN and C-Cl Bonds, Xinhang Yang
Confessing Characters: Coming to Faith in the Gospel of John, Dominic Zappia