The English Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's English faculty.
Submissions from 2024
Milwaukee Liddy Hagiography, Tyler Farrell
Walk a Little Differently Up Hill, Tyler Farrell
Submissions from 2023
Designing "Writing for Health and Medicine": Course Arcs, Anchors, and Action, Elizabeth L. Angeli and Lillian Campbell
Possibility Thinking in the Community-Engaged Classroom: Uniting Hope and Imagination towards Anti-Racist Action, Betsy Bowen, Lillian Campbell, Jenna Green, and Emily A. Phillips
Negotiating Scientific Identity and Agency: Graduate Student Perspectives on a Public Communication of Science Course, Lillian Campbell
Pedagogies of Rhetorical Empathy-in-Action: Role Playing and Story Sharing in Healthcare Provider Education, Lillian Campbell and Elisabeth L. Miller
Review of Shakespeare and Montaigne, John E. Curran Jr.
The Pleasing Analysis of The Faerie Queene, John E. Curran Jr.
Feeling for Deaf Resonance in the Eighteenth Century and Beyond, Jason S. Farr
Review of What Pornography Knows: Sex and Social Protest since the Eighteenth Century by Kathleen Lubey, Jason S. Farr
Capacitating Community: The Writing Innovation Symposium, Jenn Fishman, Abigayle Farrier, Aleisha R. Balestri, Barbara Clauer, Bump Halbritter, Darci Thoune, Derek G. Handley, Gitte Frandsen, Holly Burgess, Lillian Campbell, Elizabeth L. Angeli, Louise Zamparutti, Jenna Green, Jennifer Kontny, Jessica R. Edwards, Jessie Wirkus Haynes, Julie Lindquist, Kaia L. Simon, Kayla Urban Fettig, Kelsey Otero, Margaret Perrow, Maria Novotny, Marie Cleary-Fishman, Maxwell Gray, Melissa Kaplan, Patrick W. Thomas, Paul Feigenbaum, Sara Heaser, and Seán McCarthy
Review of John Lydgate, "The Dance of Death", and Its Model, the French "Danse Macabre", Elizaveta Strakhov
Review of The ‘Romance of the Rose’ and the Making of Fourteenth-Century English Literature, Elizaveta Strakhov
Submissions from 2022
EMS Report Writing Improved by Enhanced Structured Narrative Prompts, Elizabeth L. Angeli and Julia Jezykowski
Documenting Patient Interaction: Emergency Medical Services Report Reader Expectations and Improvements for Providers, Elizabeth L. Angeli, Julia Jezykowski, Patrick Sinclair, Tom Grawey, James T. Poltrock, and Ben Weston
Education Survey Finds Providers Feel Unprepared, Elizabeth L. Angeli, Victoria Reinhartz, Sabrina Alahmad, and Julia Jezykowski
Comics (Book chapter), Gerry Canavan
Disney Won't Save You, Gerry Canavan
Ice-Sheet Collapse and the Consensus Apocalypse in the Science Fiction of Kim Stanley Robinson, Gerry Canavan
Morally Depraved Fantasy: ‘House of the Dragon’ and ‘Rings of Power’, Gerry Canavan
Spenser and Logic: Gigantomachia and Contentlessness in The Faerie Queene, John E. Curran Jr.
"A Kind of Insanity in My Spirits": Frankenstein, Childhood, and Criminal Intent, Melissa J. Ganz
Corporate Persons, Collective Responsibility, and the Literary Imagination, Melissa J. Ganz
'The fidelity of promising': Egoism and Obligation in Austen, Melissa J. Ganz
Novels (Book chapter), Sean Guynes and Gerry Canavan
Opening Pandora’s Box: Charles d’Orléans’s Reception and the Work of Critical Bibliography: The 2022 Annual Meeting Keynote, Elizaveta Strakhov
Review of Female Desire in Chaucer’s “Legend of Good Women” and Middle English Romance, Elizaveta Strakhov
Review of Reading English Verse in Manuscript, c. 1350-c. 1500, Elizaveta Strakhov
‘Travel’ of the Mind via Study: translatio studii et imperii, Elizaveta Strakhov
Review of Children of the Raven and the Whale, Sarah Wadsworth
Submissions from 2021
Gender and Scientific Communication, Lillian Campbell
Nursing Simulations and Intermediary Genres: Bridging Students' Classroom and Clinical Writing, Lillian Campbell
Rhetorical Body Work: Professional Embodiment in Health Provider Education and the Technical Writing Classroom, Lillian Campbell
Multimodal Analysis and the Composition TAship: Exploring Embodied Teaching in the Writing Classroom, Lillian Campbell and Jaclyn Fiscus-Cannaday
Chris Ware: Jimmy Corrigan – The Smartest Kid on Earth, Gerry Canavan
Read More, Read Better: Review of Invoking Hope: Theory and Utopia in Dark Times by Phillip E. Wegner, Gerry Canavan
Science Fiction and Utopia in the Anthropocene, Gerry Canavan
What Does It Take to Create a World?: On Lynell George’s “A Handful of Earth, A Handful of Sky: The World of Octavia E. Butler”, Gerry Canavan
Review of Hamlet’s Choice: Religion and Resistance in Shakespeare’s Revenge Tragedies by Peter Lake, John E. Curran Jr.
Disability as Metaphor and Lived Experience in Samuel Richardson's Pamela and Sarah Scott's Millenium Hall, Jason S. Farr
Review of Victorian Bestseller: The Life of Dinah Craik, Jason S. Farr
Debating Persuasion, Melissa J. Ganz
Health Humanities and British Romanticism, Brittany Pladek
Review of Contest, Translation, and the Chaucerian Text, Elizaveta Strakhov
Review of Strange Footing: Poetic Form and Dance in the Late Middle Ages, Elizaveta Strakhov
Review of The Court of Richard II and Bohemian Culture: Literature and Art in the Age of Chaucer and the Gawain Poet, Elizaveta Strakhov
Behind Every Man(uscript) Is a Woman: Social Networks, Christine de Pizan, and Westminster Abbey Library, MS 21, Elizaveta Strakhov and Sarah Wilma Watson
Submissions from 2020
Simulating Gender: Student Learning in Clinical Nursing Simulations, Lillian Campbell
Aliens: District 9 (Blomkamp, 2009) -- Monsters of Hybridity, Gerry Canavan
We Are Terror Itself: Wakanda as Nation, Gerry Canavan
Which COVID-19? Whose Crisis?, Gerry Canavan
Apocalypse Now: Covid-19 and the SF Imaginary, Gerry Canavan, Jennifer Cooke, and Caroline Edwards
Despaire and Briton Moniments: Moments of Protestant Clarity in The Faerie Queene, John E. Curran Jr.
Keats In and Out of Place: Reviews of Keats's Negative Capability and Keats's Places, Brittany Pladek
Spectral Vikings in Nineteenth-Century American Poetry, Angela Sorby
The Syllabus as Handwork, Angela Sorby
Eavesdropping on Henry James: Reading Gender in the Correspondence of William and Henry, Sarah Wadsworth
Submissions from 2019
Literature, Sex, and the Invisible World: Shaffer & Stoppard Confront the Cultural “Other”, Edwin Block
Gen-Ed Revisions and Community Engagement: Opportunities for Alignment and Potential Pitfalls, Lillian Campbell
Rhetorically Framing the “Inside Woman”: Female Healthcare Workers across Editions of Our Bodies, Ourselves, Lillian Campbell
Textual Mediation in Simulated Nursing Handoffs: Examining How Student Writing Coordinates Action, Lillian Campbell
Embodied Healthcare Intuition: A Taxonomy of Sensory Cues Used by Healthcare Providers, Lillian Campbell and Elizabeth L. Angeli
Dan Trachtenberg’s 10 Cloverfield Lane (2016) – Inconceivable Horror, Gerry Canavan
Disney’s Endgame: How the Franchise Came to Rule Cinema, Gerry Canavan
Eden, Just Not Ours Yet: On Parable of the Trickster and Utopia, Gerry Canavan
Hope, with Teeth: On “Black Museum”, Gerry Canavan
The Legend of Zelda in the Anthropocene, Gerry Canavan
New Directions: Determin'd Things: The Historical Reconstruction of Character in Antony and Cleopatra, John E. Curran Jr.
Rome and Tragic Ambivalence: The Case of Jonson's Sejanus, John E. Curran Jr.
Book Review of A Stone to Carry Home by Andrea Potos, Tyler Farrell
Lost and Found in Translation: The Genesis of Modernism's Siren Songs, Leah Flack
"Do I Look Sick to You" (Notes on How to Make Love to a Cancer Patient), C. J. Hribal
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Marriage, C. J. Hribal
“Transfer Talk” in Talk about Writing in Progress: Two Propositions about Transfer of Learning, Rebecca Nowacek, Bridget Bodee, Julia E. Douglas, William V. Fitzsimmons, Katherine A. Hausladen, Megan Knowles, and Molly Nugent
Everyday Reflective Writing: What Conference Records Tell Us About Building a Culture of Reflection, Rebecca Nowacek, Andrew Hoffmann, Carolyne Hurlburt, Lisa Lamson, Sareene Proodian, and Anna P. Scanlon
Rondeau, Elizaveta Strakhov
Children's Literature, Sarah Wadsworth
"New Friendship Flourished like Grass in Spring": Cross-Gender Friendship in Moods and Little Women, Sarah Wadsworth
"One crowded hour of glorious life": Growing Up and Growing Old in The Awkward Age, Sarah Wadsworth
Review of Books for Idle Hours: Nineteenth-Century Publishing and the Rise of Summer Reading By Donna Harrington-Lueker, Sarah Wadsworth
Submissions from 2018
Assemblage Mapping: A Research Methodology for Rhetoricians of Health and Medicine, Elizabeth L. Angeli
Predatory Value: Economies of Dispossession and Disturbed Relationalities, Jodi A. Byrd, Alyosha Goldstein, Jodi Melamed, and Chandan Reddy
Student-designed Texts and Classroom Mediation: A UX Analysis of Clinical Nursing Simulations, Lillian Campbell
For the Purposes of Education as Well as Recreation: Historical Notes on “The Handmaid’s Tale (Special Edition)”, Gerry Canavan
Living in the Future, Gerry Canavan
No Follow-Through: Review of Star Trek: Discovery, Season 1, Gerry Canavan
Peak Oil after Hydrofracking, Gerry Canavan
Review of Moana by Ron Clements and John Musker, Gerry Canavan
The Limits of Black Panther's Afrofuturism, Gerry Canavan
Utopia, Gerry Canavan
Whedon Studies after Whedon: A Conversation with Sherryl Vint, Gerry Canavan
Why the Marvel Cinematic Universe Can Show Us a Story, But Can’t Tell Us a Plot, Gerry Canavan
Symposium on Science Fiction and the Climate Crisis, Gerry Canavan, Chan Kit-Sze Amy, Moritz Ingerwersen, Meolody Jue, Hua Li, Patrick D. Murphy, Kim Stanley Robinson, Steven Shaviro, Vandana Singh, Imre Szeman, and Wong Kin Yuen
Introduction: Buffy at Twentysomething, Gerry Canavan and James B. South
Review of Conscience in Early Modern English Literature by Abraham Stoll, John E. Curran Jr.
That Suggestion: Catholic Casuistry, Complexity, and Macbeth, John E. Curran Jr.
Stichomythia, Tyler Farrell
Ode to the Dive Bar, C. J. Hribal
Weather, C. J. Hribal
Law and Literature and History, Christine Krueger