Submissions from 2009
A molecular phylogeny and classification of Bignoniaceae, R Olmstead, M Zjhra, L Lohmann, S Grose, and A Eckert
What lies beneath? The pattern and abundance of the subterranean tuber bank of the invasive liana cat's claw creeper, Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae), O Osunkoya, K Pyle, T Scharaschkin, and K Dhileepan
The Rise and Evolution of the Cambial Variant in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae), M Pace, LG Lohmann, and V Angyalossy
Elicitor-induced accumulation of stilbenes in cell suspension cultures of Cayratia trifolia (L.) Domin, C Roat and K Ramawat
Ecology of leaf teeth: A multi-site analysis from an Australian subtropical rainforest, D Royer, R Kooyman, S Little, and P Wilf
Phylogenetic relationships of Afrobrunnichia Hutch. & Dalziel (Polygonaceae) based on three chloroplast genes and ITS, A Sanchez and K Kron
Differences in leaf traits, leaf internal structure, and spectral reflectance between two communities of lianas and trees: Implications for remote sensing in tropical environments, G Sanchez-Azofeifa, K Castro, S Wright, J Gamon, M Kalacska, B Rivard, S Schnitzer, and J Feng
Species composition of climbers in seasonal semideciduous forest fragments of Southeastern Brazil, Karin Santos, Luiza Sumiko Kinoshita, and Andréia Alves Rezende
Tree species composition and diversity of tropical mountain cloud forest in the Yunnan, southwestern China, J Shi and H Zhu
The life forms and biological spectrum with varying biotic pressures of Kalakote Range, Rajouri (J&K) India, J Singh and S Kant
Variação cambial em Serjania caracasana (Sapindaceae): enfoque na adequação terminológica, N Tamaio and V Angyalossy
Origin of successive cambia on stem in three species of Menispermaceae, N Tamaio, RC Vieira, and V Angyalossy
Anti-herbivore effects of an ant species, Crematogaster difformis, inhabiting myrmecophytic epiphytes in the canopy of a tropical lowland rainforest in Borneo, H Tanaka, Y Inui, and T Itioka
Environmental effects on Neotropical liana species richness, G van der Heijden and O Phillips
Liana infestation impacts tree growth in a lowland tropical moist forest, G van der Heijden and O Phillips
Silvicultural treatments enhance growth rates of future crop trees in a tropical dry forest, Z Villegas, M Pena-Claros, B Mostacedo, A Alarcon, J Licona, C Leano, W Pariona, and U Choquea
Control of the invasive liana, Hiptage benghalensis, J Vitelli, B Madigan, P Van Haaren, S Setter, and P Logan
Estimating nitrogen uptake of individual roots in container and field-grown plants using a N-15-depletion approach, A Volder, L Anderson, D Smart, A Bloom, A Lakso, and D Eissenstat
Tree mortality due to an El Nino flood along the lower Tana River, Kenya, J Wieczkowski
Diversity and above ground biomass in the tropical seasonal rainforests of Xishuangbanna, SW China, L Xiao-Tao, T Jian-Wei, F Zhi-Li, and L Mai-He
Species composition, diversity, and abundance of lianas in different secondary and primary forests in a subtropical mountainous area, SW China, C Yuan, W Liu, C Tang, and X Li
Hydraulic properties and photosynthetic rates in co-occuring lianas and trees in a seasonal tropical rainforest in southwestern China, S-D Zhu and K-F Cao
Submissions from 2008
Diversity and Distribution of Climbing Plants in a Semi-Deciduous Rain Forest, KNUST Botanic Garden, Ghana, P Addo-Fordjour, AK Anning, EA Atakora, and PS Agyei
Tolerance to herbivory, and not resistance, may explain differential success of invasive, naturalized, and native North American temperate vines, I Ashton and M Lerdau
Induced twining in Convolvulaceae climbing plants in response to leaf damage, C Atala and E Gianoli
Above- and below-ground competition in high and low irradiance: tree seedling responses to a competing liana Byttneria grandifolia, Y-J Chen, F Bongers, K-F Cao, and Z-Q Cai
Floristic and ecological aspects of large lianas from three forest environments on terra firme in Central Amazonia, A de Oliveira, I do Amaral, M Pinto Ramos, and K Formiga
Composition and floristic-structural diversity of a hectare of terra firme dense forest in Central Amazonia, Amazonas, Brazil, A de Oliveira, I do Amaral, M Pinto Ramos, A Nobre, L Couto, and R Sahdo
Intraspecific variation in the fruiting of an Amazonian timber tree: implications for management, M Fonseca, E Vidal, and F Maës dos Santo
Spatial and temporal patterns of gap dominance by low-canopy lianas detected using EO-1 Hyperion and Landsat Thematic Mapper, J Foster, P Townsend, and C Zganjar
Effects of lianas and Hurricane Wilma on tree damage in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, E Garrido-Perez, J Dupuy, R Duran-Garcia, M Ucan-May, SA Schnitzer, and G Gerold
Damage and shade enhance climbing and promote associational resistance in a climbing plant, M Gonzalez-Teuber and E Gianoli
The climbing habit in palms: Biomechanics of the cirrus and flagellum, S Isnard and N Rowe
Contribution of a liana species, Mucuna macrocarpa Wall., to litterfall production and nitrogen input in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, B Kusumoto and T Enoki
Impact of the invasive liana sericostachys on forest composition, I Liengola
Tropical Forests. IV. Lianas, Hemi-Epiphytes, Epiphytes and Mistletoes, U Littge
Predicting species distributions from herbarium collections: does climate bias in collection sampling influence model outcomes?, BA Loiselle, PM Jorgensen, T Consiglio, I Ivan Jimenez, and JG Blake
Landscape context and microenvironment influences on liana communities within treefall gaps, A Malizia and H Grau
Impacts of land use, anthropogenic disturbance, and harvesting on an African medicinal liana, L McGeoch, I Gordon, and J Schmitt
Dual mycorrhizal colonization of forest-dominating tropical trees and the mycorrhizal status of non-dominant tree and liana species, K McGuire, T Henkel, I de la Cerda, G Villa, F Edmund, and C Andrew
Biomass and toxicity responses of poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) to elevated atmospheric CO2: Reply, J Mohan, L Ziska, R Thomas, R Sicher, K George, J Clark, and W Schlesinger
Flowering and fruiting patterns of the Maranhense Amazon rainforest trees, F Muniz
Food trees and lianas in the Gagnoa District of West-Central Cote D'ivoire, M-T N'Dri and G Gnahoua
Wood anatomy of eight liana species of Leguminosae family from Atlantic Rain Forest, A Neves Brandes and C Barros
Wood anatomy of eight liana species of Leguminosae family from Atlantic Rain Forest., A Neves Brandes and C Barros
Solarization for the control of Pueraria montana (kudzu), C Newton, L Nelson, S DeWalt, E Mikhailova, C Post, M Schlautman, S Cox, W Bridgest, and K Hall
Tropical dry evergreen forests of peninsular India: ecology and conservation significance, N Parthasarathy, M Selwyn, and M Udayakumar
Beyond reduced-impact logging: Silvicultural treatments to increase growth rates of tropical trees, M Pena-Claros, T Fredericksen, A Alarco, G Blate, U Choque, C Leano, J Licona, B Mostacedo, W Pariona, and Z Villegas
The effect of collisions with vegetation elements on the dispersal of winged and plumed seeds, E Pounden, D Greene, M Quesada, and J Sanchez
Effect of storage period in seed and seedling vigour of Entada pursaetha DC., an endangered gigantic medicinal liana, S Priya and J Rao
Effect of storage period in seed and seedling vigour of Entada pursaetha DC., an endangered gigantic medicinal liana, S Priya and J Rao
Climatic-requirements models of cat’s claw creeper Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae) to prioritise areas for exploration and release of biological control agents, M Rafter, A Wilson, K Wilmot Senaratne, and K Dhileepan
Shifts in southern Wisconsin forest canopy and understory richness, composition, and heterogeneity, D Rogers, T Rooney, D Olson, and D Waller
Photosynthetic response of two tropical liana species grown under different irradiances, M Sanches and I Valio
Tropical dry forest succession and the contribution of lianas to wood area index (WAI), G Sanchez-Azofeifa, M Kalacska, M Marcos do Espirito-Santo, G Fernandes, and SA Schnitzer
Biomass and toxicity responses of poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) to elevated atmospheric CO2: Comment, SA Schnitzer, R Londre, J Klironomos, and PB Reich
Treefall gaps and the maintenance of species diversity in tropical forests, SA Schnitzer, J Mascaro, and WP Carson
Supplemental protocol for liana censuses, SA Schnitzer, S Rutishauser, and S Aguilar
Biomass allocation and leaf life span in relation to light interception by tropical forest plants during the first years of secondary succession, N Selaya, R Oomen, J Netten, M Werger, and N Anten
Effects of detectability on estimates of geographic range size in Bignonieae, SN Sheth, LG Lohmann, T Consiglio, and I Jimenez
Variations in leaf stomatal density and distribution of 53 vine species in Japan, A-C Tay and A Furukawa
Above- and below-ground competition between the liana Acacia kameruensis and tree seedlings in contrasting light environments, T Toledo-Aceves and M Swaine
Biomass allocation and photosynthetic responses of lianas and pioneer tree seedlings to light, T Toledo-Aceves and M Swaine
Effect of lianas on tree regeneration in gaps and forest understorey in a tropical forest in Ghana, T Toledo-Aceves and M Swaine
Ipomoea tehuantepecensis (Convolvulaceae): A new species from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico, L Torres-Colin, R Torres-Colin, M de Anda, and J McDonald
Breeding systems and seed size in a neotropical flora: Testing evolutionary hypotheses, S Vamosi, S Mazer, and F Cornejo
Infestation of trees by lianas in a tropical forest in Amazonian Peru, G van der Heijden, J Healey, and O Phillips
What controls liana success in Neotropical forests?, G van der Heijden and O Phillips
Silviculture enhances the recovery of overexploited mahogany Swietenia macrophylla, C Verwer, M Peña-Claros, D van der Staak, K Ohlson-Kiehn, and F Sterck
Leaffall phenology in a subtropical wet forest in Puerto Rico: From species to community patterns, M Zalamea and G Gonz√°lez
Long-term effects of prescribed early fire, grazing and selective tree cutting on seedling populations in the Sudanian savanna of Burkina Faso, D Zida, M Tigabu, L Sawadogo, D Tiveau, and P Oden
Submissions from 2007
Abundance and utilization of Pyrenacantha sylvestris in Budongo Forest Reserve, western Uganda, J Agea, S Odur, F Babwetera, and J Kaboggoza
Are lianas increasing in importance in temperate floodplain forests in the southeastern United States?, B Allen, R Sharitz, and P Goebel
Foraging habitats of Alouatta palliata mexicana in three forest fragments, N Asensio, J Cristobal–Azkarate, P Dias, J Vea, and E Rodriguez–Luna
Colonization Strategies of Two Liana Species in a Tropical Dry Forest Canopy, G Avalos, S Mulkey, K Kitajima, and S Wright
Effects of three esca-associated fungi on Vitis vinifera L.: IV. Diffusion through the xylem of metabolites produced by two tracheiphilous fungi in the woody tissue of grapevine leads to esca-like symptoms on leaves and berries., G Bruno, L Sparapano, and A Granit
Seedling growth strategies in Bauhinia species: comparing lianas and trees, Z-Q Cai, L Poorter, K-F Cao, and F Bongers
Lianas in a subtropical Atlantic Forest: Host preference and tree growth, P Campanello, J Garibaldi, M Gatti, and G Goldstein
Tree regeneration and microclimate in a liana and bamboo-dominated semideciduous Atlantic Forest, P Campanello, M Gattia, A Ares, L Montti, and G Goldstein
Patterns of woody plant species abundance and diversity in the seedling layer of a tropical forest, L Comita, S Aguilar, R Perez, S Lao, and S Hubbell
Ecophysiological traits of plant functional groups in forest and pasture ecosystems from eastern Amazonia, Brazil, T Domingues, L Martinelli, and J Ehleringer
Xylem hydraulic and photosynthetic function of Gnetum (Gnetales) species from Papua New Guinea, T Feild and L Balun
Ultrasensitive in situ tracing of the alkaloid Dioncophylline A in the tropical liana Triphyophyllum peltatum by applying deep-UV resonance raman microscopy, T Frosch, M Schmitt, and T Noll
A botanical inventory and diversity assessment of Mt. Marsabit forest, a sub-humid montane forest in the arid lands of northern Kenya, E Githae, M Chuah-Petiot, J Mworia, and D Odee
Introduction history and invasion success in exotic vines introduced to Autralia, C Harris, B Murray, G Hose, and M Hamilton
Mechanical role of the leaf sheath in rattans, S Isnard and N Rowe
Elevational parallels of latitudinal variation in the proportion of lianas in woody floras, M Jimenez-Castillo, S Wiser, and C Lusk
Relationships between soil hydrology and forest structure and composition in the southern Brazilian Amazon, S Jirka, A McDonald, M Johnson, T Feldpausch, E Couto, and S Riha
Explaining variation in Brazil nut fruit production, K Kainer, L Wadt, and C Staudhammer
Hyperspectral discrimination of tropical dry forest lianas and trees: Comparative data reduction approaches at the leaf and canopy levels, M Kalacska, S Bohlman, G Sanchez-Azofelfa, K Castro-Esau, and T Caelli
Variation in carbon storage among tree species: Implications for the management of a small-scale carbon sink project, K Kirby and C Potvin
Assessing the above-ground biomass of a complex tropical rainforest using a canopy crane, M Liddell, N Nieullet, O Campoe, and M Freiberg
Congruence between floristic patterns of trees and lianas in a southwest Amazonian rain forest, M Macia, K Ruokolainen, H Tuomisto, J Quisbert, and V Cala
Biochemical reconstruction of the carboniferous seed fern Lyginopteris oldhamia: Implications for growth form reconstruction and habit, T Masselter, N Rowe, and T Speck
Fruit availability, chimpanzee diet, and grouping patterns on Rubondo Island, Tanzania, L Moscovice, M Issa, K Petrzelkova, N Keuler, C Snowdon, and M Huffman
Mortality of large trees and lianas following experimental drought in an Amazon forest, D Nepstad, I Tohver, and D Ray
Do vine species in neotropical forests see the forest or the trees, I Nesheim and R Okland
Mast Fruiting Is a Frequent Strategy in Woody Species of Eastern South America, N Norden, J Chave, B Belbenoit, A Caubere, and P Chatelet
Mast fruting is a frequent strategy in woody species of Eastern South America, N Norden, J Chave, P Belbenoit, A Caubere, P Chatelet, P-M Forget, and C Thebaud
Lianas de uma floresta estacional semidecidual, MunicÃpio de Paulo de Faria, Norte do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, Andréia Alves Rezende, Neusa Taroda Ranga, and Rodrigo A. Santinelo Pereira