Submissions from 2007
Gall-forming and free-feeding herbivory along vertical gradients in a lowland tropical rainforest: the importance of leaf sclerophylly, S Ribeiro and Y Basset
Ecological limitations of reduced-impact logging at the smallholder scale, C Rockwell, K Kainer, N Marcondes, and C Baraloto
Future crop tree damage in a certified community forest in southwestern Amazonia, C Rockwell, K Kainer, C Staudhammer, and C Baraloto
Differences in biomass allocation, light interception and mechanical stability between lianas and trees in early secondary tropical forest, N Selaya and N Anten
Above-ground biomass investments and light interception of tropical forest trees and lianas early in succession, N Selaya, N Anten, R Oomen, M Matthies, and M Werger
Lianas may be favoured by low rainfall: evidence from Ghana, M Swaine and J Grace
Effect of three species of climber on the performance of Ceiba pentandra seedlings in gaps in a tropical forest in Ghana, T Toledo-Aceves and M Swaine
Latitudinal patterns of range size and species richness of New World woody plants, M Weiser, B Enquist, B Boyle, T Killeen, P J√âˆrgensen, G Fonseca, M Jennings, A Kerkhoff, T Lacher, and A Monteagudo
Relationships among ecologically important dimensions of plant trait variation in seven neotropical forests, I Wright, D Ackerly, F Bongers, K Harms, G Ibarra-Manriquez, M Martinez-Ramos, S Mazer, H Muller-Landau, H Paz, and N Pitman
The bushmeat harvest alters seedling banks by favoring lianas, large seeds, and seeds dispersed by bats, birds, and wind, S Wright, A Hernandez, and R Condit
Submissions from 2006
Effect of low vegetation on the recruitment of plants in successional habitat types, J Benitez-Malvido
Diet of the Atlantic forest maned sloth Bradypus torquatus (Xenartha: Bradypodidae), A Chiarello
Liana habitat associations and community structure in a Bornean lowland tropical forest, S DeWalt, K Ickes, R Nilus, K Harms, and D Burslem
Effects of vegetation cover on seedling and sapling dynamics in secondary tropical wet forests in Costa Rica, J Dupuy and R Chazdon
Novel methods improve prediction of species distributions from occurrence data, J Elith, CH Graham, RP Anderson, M Dudik, and S Ferrier
A standard protocol for liana censuses, J Gerwing, S Schnitzer, R Burnham, F Bongers, J Chave, S DeWalt, C Ewango, R Foster, D Kenfack, and M Martinez-Ramos
Life history trade-offs in tropical trees and lianas, B Gilbert, S Wright, H Muller-Landau, K Kitajima, and A Hernandez
The mechanics of climbing and attachment in twining plants, A Goriely and S Neukirch
Liana loads and their association with Bertholletia excelsa fruit and nut production, diameter growth and crown attributes, K Kainer, L Wadt, D Gomes-Silva, and M Capanu
Differences in the allocation patterns between liana and shrub Hydrangea species, Y Kaneko and K Homma
Predicting liana crown location from stem diameter in three Panamanian lowland forests, B Kurzel, S Schnitzer, and W Carson
Edge effects on the density of Cheirogaleus major, S Lehman, A Rajaonson, and S Day
Differential responses of invasive Celastrus orbiculatus (Celastraceae) and native C. scandens to changes in light quality, S Leicht and JJ Silander
Untangling the Phylogeny of Neotropical Lianas (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae), LG Lohmann
The distribution of lianas and their change in abundance in temperate forests over the past 45 years, R Londre and S Schnitzer
Plant sexual systems and a review of the breeding system studies in the Caatinga, a Brazilian tropical dry forest, I Machado, A Lopes, and M Sazima
The regional variation of aboveground live biomass in old-growth Amazonian forests, Y Malhi, D Wood, T Baker, J Wright, O Phillips, T Cochrane, P Meir, J Chave, S Almeida, and L Arroyo
Liana-host tree associations in a subtropical montane forest of north-western Argentina, A Malizia and H Grau
Edge effects on species composition and exotic species abundance in the North Carolina Piedmont, R McDonald and D Urban
Biomass and toxicity responses of poison ivy (Toxicodendron radicans) to elevated atmospheric CO2, J Mohan, L Ziska, W Schlesinger, R Thomas, R Sicher, K George, and J Clark
Plant community structure in tropical rain forest fragments of the Western Ghats, India, S Muthuramkumar, N Ayyappan, N Parthasarathy, D Mudappa, T Raman, M Selwyn, and L Pragasan
Response of an invasive liana to simulated herbivory: implications for its biological control, S Raghu, K Dhileepan, and M Trevino
Liana diversity and distribution on host trees in four inland tropical dry evergreen forests of peninsular India, M Reddy and N Parthasarathy
Nutritional differences and leaf acclimation of climbing plants and the associated vegetation in different types of an Andean montane rainforest, J Salzer, S Matezki, and M Kazda
Leaf optical properties of two liana species Canavalia parviflora Benth. and Gouania virgata Reissk in different light conditions, M Sanches and I Valio
Leaf functional traits of tropical forest plants in relation to growth form, L Santiago and S Wright
Censusing and measuring lianas: a quantitative comparison of the common methods, SA Schnitzer, SJ DeWalt, and J Chave
Ivy (Hedera helix L.) dynamics in riverine forests: effects of river regulation and forest disturbance, A Schnitzler and P Heuze
Biomechanical Plasticity Facilitates Invasion of Maritime Forests in the southern USA by Brazilian pepper (Schinus terebinthifolius), T Spector and F Putz
Diversity of vascular plants on Ssese islands in Lake Victoria, central Uganda, P Ssegawa and D Nkuutu
Secondary succession and indigenous management in semideciduous forest fallows of the Amazon Basin, M Toledo and J Salick
Effects of logging, liana tangles and pasture on seed fate of dry forest tree species in Central Brazil, D Vieira and A Scariot
Growth strategy of the stoloniferous rattan Calamus javensis in Mt. Halimun, Java., N Watanabe, J Miyamoto, and E Suzuki
Morphological and anatomical development in the Vitaceae. VIII. Comparative development of three Cyphostemma (Vitaceae) species reveals important vegetative and reproductive differences among the species, T Wilson, J Gerrath, and U Posluszny
Seasonal, El Niño and longer term changes in flower and seed production in a moist tropical forest, S Wright and C Osvaldo
In situ growth stimulation of a temperate zone liana (Hedera helix) in elevated CO2, G Zotz, N Cueni, and C Korner
Submissions from 2005
Cytotoxic diterpenoids from two lianas from the Suriname rainforest, E Adou, R Williams, J Schilling, S Malone, J Meyer, J Wisse, D Frederik, D Koese, M Werkhoven, and C Snipes
Twelve years post-hurricane liana dynamics in an old-growth southeastern floodplain forest, B Allen, R Sharitz, and P Goebel
Water uptake and transport in lianas and co-occuring trees of a seasonally dry tropical forest, J Andrade, F Meinzer, G Goldstein, and S Schnitzer
Canastos: Ethnobotany and the Economic Importance, A Benzecry
Drought stress and tropical forest woody seedlings: effect on community structure and composition, D Bunker and W Carson
Patterns in the diversity and distribution of epiphytes and vines in a New Zealand forest, K Burns and J Dawson
Successional dynamics of woody seedling communities in wet tropical secondary forests, R Capers, R Chazdon, A Brenes, and B Alvarado
Vertical stratification of leaf-beetle assemblages (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in two forest types in Panama, E Charles and Y Basset
Ecological, practical, and political inputs into selection of weed targets: What makes a good biological control target?, R Charudattan
The impacts of logging on the abundance, species richness and community composition of butterfly guilds in Borneo, D Cleary, T Boyle, T Setyawati, and S Menken
Ecology of an improbable association: The pseudomyrmecine plant-ant Tetraponera tessmanni and the myrmecophytic liana Vitex thyrsiflora (Lamiaceae) in Cameroon, C Djieto-Lordon, A Dejean, R Ring, B Nkongmeneck, J Lauga, and D McKey
The climbers of a semi-deciduous forests in Cote d'lvoire: the case of Haut Sassandra, D Etien and D Traore
Leaf damage induces twining in a climbing plant, E Gianoli and M Molina-Montenegro
Levantamento floriÂstico das especies de ervas, subarbustos, lianas e hemiepifitas da mata da reserva da Cidade Universidade \"Armando de Salles Oliveira\", Sao Paulo, SP, Brasil, M Groppo and JR Pirani
Implications of seed banking for recruitment of southern Appalachian woody species, J Hille Ris Lambers, J Clark, and M Lavine
Carbon isotope composition of canopy leaves in a tropical forest in Panama throughout a seasonal cycle, J Holtum and K Winter
Biomechanics and development of the climbing habit in two species of the South American palm genus Desmoncus (Arecaceae), S Isnard, T Speck, and N Rowe
A botanical synopsis of the lianas and other forest climbers, C Jongkind
Climbers in forest fragments in Togo, K Kokou and G Caballe
Climber abundance, diversity and colonisation in degraded forests of different ages in Cote d'lvoire, M Kuzee and F Bongers
Oligarchic dominance in western Amazonian plant communities, M Macia and J Svenning
Resprouting of saplings following a tropical rainforest fire in north-east Queensland, Australia, M Marrinan, W Edwards, and J Landsberg
Climber species composition, abundance and relationship with trees in a Nigerian secondary forest, J Muoghalu and O Okeesan
Climber species composition, abundance and relationship with trees in a Nigerian secondary forest, J Muoghalu and O Okeesan
Taxonomic diversity of climbers in riparian forests in Benin, A Natta and B Sinsin
Climbers after logging: the case of Haut Sassandra, F N' Kouame, D Traore, F Bongers, and L Poorter
Management of climbers in the forests of West Africa, M Parren and F Bongers
Logging and lianas in West Africa, M Parren and F Doumbia
On censusing lianas: a review of common methodologies, MPE Parren, F Bongers, J Nabe-Nielsen, and SA Schnitzer
Desert vines: a comparison of Australia with other areas, R Parsons
Number of lianas per tree and number of trees climbed by lianas at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, D Perez-Salicrup and W de Meijere
Large lianas as hyperdynamic elements of the tropical forest canopy, O Phillips, R Vasquez Martinez, A Monteagudo Mendoza, T Baker, and P Núñez Vargas
Lianas da Estacco Ecologica do Noroeste Paulista, Sao Jose Do Rio Preto/Mirassol, SP, AA Rezende and NT Ranga
Plant growth forms: an ecological and evolutionary perspective, N Rowe and T Speck
Biomass variability in tropical american lowland rainforests, G Sarmiento, M Pinillos, and I Garay
A mechanistic explanation for global patterns of liana abundance and distribution, SA Schnitzer
Lianas and gap-phase regeneration: implications for forest dynamics and species diversity, SA Schnitzer and F Bongers
Disentangling above- and below-ground competition between lianas and trees in a tropical forest, SA Schnitzer, M Kuzee, and F Bongers
The diversity and distribution of lianas in the Afromontane rain forests of Ethiopia, F Senbeta, C Schmitt, M Denich, S Demissew, P Vlek, H Preisinger, T Woldemariam, and D Teketay
The abundance and distribution of rattan over an elevation gradient in Sulawesi, Indonesia, S Siebert
Taxonomy, population dynamics and utilisation of the rattan palms of Upper Guinea, T Sunderland, V Beligne, L Bonnehin, E Ebanyenle, A Oteng-Amoako, and E-J Zouzou
Climbing plants in Ghanaian forests, M Swaine, W Hawthorne, F Bongers, and M Toledo Aceves
Utilisation of climbers in two forests reserves in western Cote d'lvoire, H Tra Bi, F N' Kouame, and D Traore
Lianas and their supporting plants in the understorey at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, I Vleut and D Perez-Salicrup
Population structure and nut yield of a Bertholletia excelsa stand in Southwestern Amazonia, L Wadt, K Kainer, and D Gomes-Silva
Tropical forests in a changing environment, S Wright
Reproductive size thresholds in tropical trees: variation among individuals, species and forests, S Wright, M Jaramillo, J Pavon, R Condit, S Hubbell, and R Foster
Species composition, physiognomy and plant diversity of the tropical montane evergreen broad-leaved forest in Southern Yunnan, H Zhu, J Shi, and C Zhao
Submissions from 2004
Liana loads and post-logging liana densities after liana cutting in a lowland forest in Bolivia, D Alvira, F Putz, and T Fredericksen
Floristic inventory of secondary vegetation in agricultural systems of East-Amazonia, R Baar, M Dos Reis Cordeiro, M Denich, and H Frlster