Submissions from 1998
Forest structure and diversity of lianas and understory treelets in monodominant and mixed stands in the Ituri Forest, Democratic Republic of the Congo, J-R Makana, T Hart, and J Hart
Biomechanics of plant growth forms: the trouble with fossil plants, N Rowe and T Speck
Rain forest on Marac√° Island, Roraima, Brazil: artificial gaps and plant response to them, J Thompson, J Proctor, D Scott, P Fraser, R Marrs, R Miller, and V Viana
Altitudinal gradients in tropical forest composition, structure, and diversity in the Sierra de Manantlan, J Vazquez G and T Givnish
Seed dispersal by Ceratogymna hornbills in the Dja Reserve, Cameroon, K Whitney, M Fogiel, A Lamperti, K Holbrook, D Stauffer, B Hardesty, V Parker, and T Smith
Submissions from 1997
Hurricane impacts on liana populations in an old-growth southeastern bottomland forest, B Allen, E Pauley, and R Sharitz
Above-ground biomass estimation of a secondary forest in Sarawak, F Chai
Stem anatomy of some important Phillippine forest woody vines, A Ella and W America
Vessel diameters in roots versus stems of tropical lianas and other growth forms, F Ewers, M Carlton, J Fisher, K Kolb, and M Tyree
A survey of root pressures in vines of a tropical lowland forest, F Ewers, H Cochard, and M Tyree
Survey of root pressure in tropical vines and woody species, J Fisher, G Angeles, F Ewers, and J Lopez-Portillo
Population and genetic structure of the West African rain forest liana Ancistrocladus korupensis (Ancistrocladaceae), P Foster and V Sork
The influence of vines on an oligohaline marsh community: results of a removal and fertilization study, L Gough and J Grace
Damage and herbivory tolerance through resprouting as an advantage of large seed size in tropical trees and lianas, K Harms and J Dalling
Outlook for plant invasions: interactions with other agents of global change, L Huenneke
Biomass collapse in Amazonian forest fragments, W Laurance, S Laurance, L Ferreira, J Rankin-de Merona, C Gascon, and T Lovejoy
An electronic device for continuous, in vivo measurement of forces exerted by twining vines, A Matista and W Silk
Vines of a desert plant community in central Sonora, México, F Molina-Freaner and C Tinoco-Ojanguren
Effects of past disturbance and edges on tree community structure and dynamics within a fragment of tropical semideciduous forest in south-eastern Brazil over a five-year period (1987-1992), A Oliveira-Filho, J Marcio de Mello, and J Scolfor
Biodiversity and population density of woody species in a tropical evergreen forest in Courtallum reserve forest, Western Ghats, India, N Parthasarathy and R Karthikeyan
Plant biodiversity inventory and conservation of two tropical dry evergreen forests on the Coromandel coast, south India, N Parthasarathy and R Karthikeyan
Trees and liana species diversity and population structure in a tropical dry evergreen forest in south India, N Parthasarathy and P Sethi
Liana-tree interactions in a second- growth forest stand in eastern Amazonia, W Stanley
Conseqüências da fragmentação e do efeito de borda sobre a estrutura, diversidade e sustentabilidade de um fragmento de floresta de planalto de Piracicaba, SP, A Tabanez, V Viana, and A Dias
A protocol for measuring abundance and size of a neotropical liana, Desmoncus polyacanthos (Palmae), in relation to forest structure, A Troy, P Ashton, and B Larson
Vine management for reduced-impact logging in eastern Amazonia, E Vidal, J Johns, J Gerwing, P Barreto, and C Uhl
Tree and liana enumeration and diversity on a one-hectare plot in Papua New Guinea, D Wright, J Jessen, P Burke, and H Gomez de Silva Garza
Submissions from 1996
Survival and growth responses of native and introduced vines in New Zealand to light availability, R Baars and D Kelly
Abundance and growth of rattans in Khao Chong National Park, Thailand, A Bogh
Germination behaviour of the seeds of seven New Zealand vine species, C Burrows
Maximum rooting depth of vegetation types at the global scale, J Canadell, R Jackson, J Ehleringer, H Mooney, O Sala, and E-D Schulze
Gap dynamics and succession in neotropical rain forests: models for management?, J Denslow
The effect of selective timber logging on the diversity of woody climbers at Pasoh, E Gardette
Tropical forest structure and composition on a large-scale altitudinal gradient in Costa Rica, D Lieberman, M Lieberman, R Peralta, and G Hartshorn
Responses of Venezuelan understory birds to selective logging, enrichment strips, and vine cutting, D Mason
Reproductive phenology of climbers in a southeastern Brazilian forest, P Morellato and H Leit√£o-Filho
Structure and pattern in temperate seasonal forests, M Quigley and W Platt
Biomechanical characteristics of the ontogeny and growth habit of the tropical liana Condylocarpon guianense (Apocynaceae), N Rowe and T Speck
Rattan inventory: determining plot shape and size, M Stockdale and H Wright
Host preferences of Rhus radicans (Anacardiaceae) in a southern deciduous hardwood forest, S Talley, R Lawton, and W Setzer
Host associations of two adventitious-root-climbing vines in a North Queensland tropical rain forest, S Talley, W Setzer, and B Jackes
Micropropogation of Bauhinia vahlii Wight & Arnott - a leguminous liana, J Upreti and U Dhar
Biology and conservation of forest fragments in the Brazilian Atlantic moist forest, V Viana and A Tabanez
Submissions from 1995
Fruit and seed exploitation by Central American spiny rats, Proechimys semispinosus, G Adler
Long-term xylem pressure measurements in the liana Tetrastigma voinierianum by means of the xylem pressure probe, R Benkert, J-J Zhu, G Zimmermann, R Tirk, F-W Bentrup, and U Zimmermann
Colonization and succession on Krakatau - an analysis of the guild of vining plants, M Bush, R Whittaker, and T Partomihardjo
Prediction of neotropical tree and liana species richness from soil and climatic data, RI Clinebell, O Phillips, A Gentry, N Stark, and H Zuuring
Photosynthetic and biomass allocation response of Liquidambar styraciflua (Hamamelidaceae) to vine competition, L Dillenburg, A Teramura, I Forseth, and D Whigham
The availability of external support affects allocation patterns and morphology of herbaceous climbing plants, K Dubbelden and B Oosterbeek
Vessel dimensions in liana and tree species of Gnetum (Gnetales), J Fisher and F Ewers
Allozyme diversity in the apomictic vine Bryonia alba (Cucurbitaceae): potential consequences of multiple introductions, S Novak and R Mack
Useful lianas of the Siona-Secoya Indians from Amazonian Ecuador, G Paz y Miño C, H Balslev, and R Valencia
Defense and carnivory: dual role of bracts in Passiflort foetida, TR Radhamani, L Sudarshana, and R Krishnan
Community ecology of arboreal lianas in gallery forests of the Rhine valley, France, A Schnitzler
Two new taxa of Bauhinia sect. caulotretus from Bahia, Brazil, A Studart da Fonseca Vaz
Phylogenetic patterns among tropical flowering phenologies, S Wright and O Calderon
Climbing bamboo (Dinochloa spp.) in Deramakot forest reserve, Sabah: biomechanical characterisitics, modes of ascent and abundance in a logged-over forest, S Yap, C Chak, L Majuakim, and M Anuar
Submissions from 1994
Diet of the brown howler monkeyAlouatta fusca in a semi-deciduous forest fragment of southeastern Brazil, A Chiarello
Water relations of a tropical vine-like bamboo (Rhipidocladum racemiflorum): root pressures, vulnerability to cavitation and seasonal changes in embolism, H Cochard, F Ewers, and M Tyree
Effects of light quantity on above-ground biomass investment patterns in the vine Lonicera periclymenum and the shrub Lonicera xylosteum, H During, R Kwant, and M Werger
Spatial distribution of mycelia of the liana (L-) biotype of the agaric Crinipellis perniciosa (Stahel) singer in tropical forest, G Griffith and J Hedger
Annual variation in birds and plants of a tropical second-growth woodland, B Loiselle and J Blake
Vine infestation of large remnant trees in logged forest in Sabah, Malaysia: biomechanical facilitation in vine succession, M Pinard and F Putz
Effects of herbivory on growth and biomass allocation in native and introduced species of Lonicera, K Schierenbeck, R Mack, and R Sharitz
Submissions from 1993
Liana diversity and species richness of Malaysian rain forests, S Appanah, A Gentry, and J LaFrankie
Evolution of plant pollination systems: hypotheses and tests with the neotropical vine Dalechampia, S Armbruster
Factors limiting climber distribution and abundance in a southern African forest, D Balfour and W Bond
Scale and patterns of community structure in Amazonian forests, D Campbell
Ecological relationships between lianas and trees in lowland rain forest in Sabah, East Malaysia, E Campbell and DM Newberry
Understory vines: distribution and relation to environment on a southern mixed hardwood site, B Collins and G Wein
Effects of below- and aboveground competition from the vines Lonicera japonica and Parthenocissus quinquefolia on the growth of the tree host Liquidambar styraciflua, L Dillenburg, D Whigham, A Teramura, and I Forseth
Effects of vine competition on the availability of light, water, and nitrogen to a tree host Liquidambar styraciflua, L Dillenburg, D Whigham, A Teramura, and I Forseth
Acclimatization to flooding of the herbaceous vine, Mikania scandens, M Moon, M Rattray, F Putz, and G Bowes
Short-term photosynthesis measurements predict leaf carbon balance in tropical rain-forest canopy plants, G Zotz and K Winter
Submissions from 1992
Three-dimensional space utilization of lianas: a methodology, V Castellanos
Xylem structure and water transport in a twiner, a scrambler, and a shrub of Lonicera (Caprifoliaceae), S-T Chiu and F Ewers
Allocation patterns in two tropical vines in response to increased atmospheric CO2, M Condon, T Sasek, and B Strain
Xylem pathways in liana stems with variant secondary growth, J Fisher and F Ewers
A synopsis of Bignoniaceae ethnobotany and economic botany, A Gentry
Tropical forest biodiversity: distributional patterns and their conservational significance, A Gentry
The status of banana poka in Hawai'i, A La Rosa
Genetic analysis of restriction fragment length polymorphisms in Vitis, M-C Mauro, M Strefeler, N Weeden, and B Reisch
Carbohydrate, water and nitrogen storage in vines of a tropical deciduous forest, H Mooney, C Chu, and R Robichaux
Primary lowland dipterocarp forest at Danum Valley, Sabah, Malaysia: structure, relative abundance and family composition, D Newbery, E Campbell, Y Lee, C Ridsdale, and M Still
Foraging behaviour in tropical herbaceous climbers (Araceae), T Ray
Spatial and temporal patterns of light and canopy structure in a lowland tropical moist forest, A Smith, K Hogan, and J Idol
Ecological studies on a lowland evergreen rain forest on Marac√° Island, Roraima, Brazil. I. Physical environment, forest structure and leaf chemistry, J Thompson, J Proctor, V Viana, W Milliken, J Ratter, and D Scott
Submissions from 1991
Photosynthesis and gas exchange of vines, A Castellanos
Why vines have narrow stems: histological trends in Bauhinia (Fabaceae)., F Ewers and J Fisher
Structural stability and architecture of vines vs. shrubs of poison oak, Toxicodendron diversilobium, B Gartner
Wood anatomy of the Bignoniaceae with a comparison of trees and lianas, P Gasson and D Dobbins
The distribution and evolution of climbing plants, A Gentry