Submissions from 2020
Lianas de uma Floresta Estacional Semidecidual, MunicÃpio de Paulo de Faria, norte do Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, Andréia Alves Rezende, Neusa Taroda Ranga, and Rodrigo Augusto Santinelo Pereira
Submissions from 2012
Liana-tree relationships: consequences for tree communities and tree evolution, E.I. Garrido-Pérez, R. Durán, and G. Gerold
Ecophysiological Traits May Explain the Abundance of Climbing Plant Species across the Light Gradient in a Temperate Rainforest, E Gianoli, A Saldaña, and M Jimenez
Bignonieae: Insights from morphology and molecules, LG Lohmann, PF Stevens, and EA Kellogg
Traits and growth of liana regneration in primary and secondary forests of Central Amazonia, M Roeder, D Holscher, and IDK Ferraz
Evolution and development of tendrils in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae, Lamiales), MS Sousa-Baena, NR Sinha, and LG Lohmann
Stem characteristics and ant body size in a Costa Rican rain forest, SP Yanoviak, C Silveri, CA Hamm, and M Solis
Submissions from 2011
Contrasting phylogenetic signals and evolutionary rates in floral traits of Neotropical lianas, S Alcantara and LG Lohmann
An overview on the anatomy development and evolution of the vascular system of lianas, V Angyalossy, G Angeles, MR Pace, CL Dias-Leme, and AC Lima
Taxonomy and remote sensing of leaf mass per area (LMA) in humid tropical forests, GP Asner, RE Martin, R Tupayachi, R Emerson, and P Martinez
Anatomical and molecular identification of \"guaco\" Mikania glomerata e Mikania laevigata (Asteraceae), two important medicinal species from Brazil., CL Bastos, CS Mata, VH Maia, RAX Borges, and N Tamaio
Molecular phylogeny of tribe Rhipsalideae (Cactaceae) and taxonomic implications for Schlumbergera and Hatiora, A Calvente, DC Zappi, F Forest, and LG Lohmann
Long-term change within a Neotropical forest: assessing differential functional and floristic responses to disturbance and drought, BJ Enquist and CAF Enquist
Traits and ecological strategies of Australian tropical and temperate climbing plants, R Gallagher, M Leishman, and A Moles
Phytogeographic implications of fossil endocarps of Menispermaceae from the Paleocene of Colombia, F Herrera, SR Manchester, SB Hoot, KM Wefferling, C Carvalho, and MR Jaramillo
First record of Alston’s Woolly Mouse Opossum (Micoureus alstoni) from the canal area of Central Panama, TD Lambert; MK Halsey; J Dittel; SA Mangan; and E, Adler, GA, Schnitzer, SA Delfosse
Water relations of climbing ivy in a temperate forest, S Luezinger, A Hartmann, and C Korner
Dendrochronology of lianas of the Leguminosae family from the Atlantic Forest, Brazil, A Neves Brandes, C Lisi, and C Barros
The evolution of disparity between the regular and variant phloem in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae), MR Pace, LG Lohmann, and V Angyalossy
Tropical vine growth and the effects on forest succession: A review of the ecology and management of tropical climbing plants, G Paul and J Yavitt
Community and Functional Ecology of Lianas in the Yasunà Forest Dynamics Plot, Amazonian Ecuador, HG Romero-Saltos
Increasing liana abundance and biomass in tropical forests: emerging patterns and putative mechanisms, SA Schnitzer and F Bongers
Community and ecosystem ramifications of increasing lianas in neotropical forests, SA Schnitzer, F Bongers, and SJ Wright
Understanding bias in geographic range size estimates, SN Sheth, LG Lohmann, T Distler, and I Jimenez
Ants inhabiting myrmecophytic ferns regulate the distribution of lianas on emergent trees in a Bornean tropical rainforest, HO Tanaka and T Itioka
Lianas as structural parasites: a re-evaluation, Y Tang, R Kitching, and C Min
Bignonia corymbosa (Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae): A plant who deceives their floral visitors, MN Umana, PR Stevenson, S Alcantara, and LG Lohmann
Climbing plants in a temperate rainforest understory: searching for high light or coping with deep shade, F Valladares, E Gianoli, and A Saldana
Submissions from 2010
Evolution of floral morphology and pollination system in Bignonieae (Bignoniaceae), S Alcantara and LG Lohmann
Canopy phylogenetic, chemical and spectral assembly in a lowland Amazonian forest, GP Asner and RE Martin
Compensatory growth responses to defoliation and light availability in two native Mexican woody plant species, H Ballina-Gomez, S Iriarte-Vivar, R Orellana, and L Santiago
Nested liana-tree network in three distinct neotropical vegetation formations, J Caram Sfair, A Casarin Rochelle, A Alvez Rezende, J Van Melis, and V De Lara Weiser
Arboreal substrates influence foraging in tropical ants, NA Clay, M Bauer, M Solis, and SP Yanoviak
Mechanosensing of stem bending and its interspecific variability in five neotropical rainforest species, C Coutand, M Chevolot, A Lacointe, N Rowe, and I Scotti
Annual rainfall and seasonality predict pan-tropical patterns of liana density and basal area, SJ DeWalt, SA Schnitzer, J Chave, F Bongers, R Burnham, Z-Q Cai, G Chuyong, D Clark, C Ewango, and J Gerwing
Predicted impact of exotic vines on an endangered ecological community under future climate change, R Gallagher, L Hughes, M Leishman, and P Wilson
The evolution of host specificity in liana-tree interactions, EI Garrido-Perez and RJ Burnham
Distribution and abundance of vines along the light gradient in a southern temperate rain forest, E Gianoli, A Saldana, M Jimenez-Castillo, and F Valladares
Tropical vine growth and the effects on forest succession: A review of the ecology and management of tropical climbing plants, S Gillian and J Yavitt
Evolutionary biology in biodiversity science, conservation, and policy: a call to action, AP Hendry, LG Lohmann, E Conti, J Cracraft, and KA Crandall
Morphology and mechanics of the adhesive disc of liana Parthenocissus tricuspidata, T He, L Zhang, H Xin, and W Deng
Factors controlling the abundance of lianas along an altitudinal transect of tropical forests in Ecuador., J Homeier, F Englert, C Leuschner, P Weigelt, and M Unger
The impact of lianas on 10 years of tree growth and mortality on Barro Colorado Island, Panama, L Ingwell, SJ Wright, KK Becklund, SP Hubbell, and SA Schnitzer
Liana host preference and implications for deciduous forest regeneration, L Ladwig and S Meiners
Spatiotemporal dynamics of lianas during 50 years of succession to temperate forest, L Ladwig and S Meiners
Liana habitat and host preferences in northern temperate forests, S Leicht-Young, N Pavlovica, K Frohnapplea, and R Grundel
Seasonality and Growth Rings in Lianas of Bignoniaceae, AC Lima, MR Pace, and V Angyalossy
Soil phosphorus and disturbance influence liana communities in a subtropical montane forest, A Malizia, H.R. Grau, and J.W. Lichstein
A large-scale inventory of liana diversity in tropical forests of South Eastern Ghats, India, C Muthumperumal and N Parthasarathy
Plant composition in the May Biosphere Reserve: natural and anthropogenic influences, I Nesheim, R Halvorsen, and I Nordal
Liana regeneration in secondary and primary forests of central Amazonia, M Roeder, D HoÃà lschera, and I Ferrazc
Lianas suppress tree regeneration and diversity in treefall gaps, SA Schnitzer and WP Carson
Lianas suppress tree regeneration and diversity in treefall gaps, SA Schnitzer and WP Carson
Development of corded vascular cylinder in Thinouia restingae Ferruci & Somner (Sapindaceae: Paullinieae)., N Tamaio and GV Somner
Within-tree distribution of nest sites and foraging areas of ants on canopy trees in a tropical rainforest in Borneo, O Tanaka, S Yamane, and T Itioka
Calibrating the liana crown occupancy index in Amazonian forests, GMF van der Heijden, TR Feldpausch, A de la Fuente Herrero, NK van der Velden, and OL Phillips
Contrasting cost-benefit strategy between lianas and trees in a tropical seasonal rain forest in southwestern China, S-D Zhu and K-F Cao
Contrasting cost-benefit strategy between lianas and trees in a tropical seasonal rain forest in southwestern China, S-D Zhu and K-F Cao
Submissions from 2009
Liana species richness, abundance and relationship with trees in the Bobiri forest reserve, Ghana: Impact of management systems, P Addo-Fordjour, A Anning, J Larbi, and S Akyeampong
Effects of human disturbances and plant invasion on liana community structure and relationship with trees in the Tinte Bepo forest reserve, Ghana, P Addo-Fordjour, S Obeng, M Addo, and S Akyeampong
Impact of landscape spatial patterns on liana communities in tropical rainforests at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico, V Arroyo-Rodriguez and T Toledo-Aceves
Floristic composition of seasonal riparian forests in Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil, V Baptista-Maria, R Rodrigues, G Damasceno Junior, F Maria, and V Souza
Network properties of arboreal plants: Are epiphytes, mistletoes and lianas structured similarly?, R Blick and K Burns
Gelatinous fibers are widespread in coiling tendrils and twining vines, A Bowling and K Vaughn
An Overview of the Fossil Record of Climbers: Bejucos, Sogas, Trepadoras, Lianas, Cipos, and Vines., R Burnham
Seasonal differences in leaf-level physiology give lianas a competitive advantage over trees in a tropical seasonal forest, Z-Q Cai, S Schnitzer, and F Bongers
Liana Communities in Three Tropical Forest Types in Xishuangbanna, South-West China, Z-Q Cai, S Schnitzer, B Wen, Y Chen, and F Bongers
Abundance of climbing plants in a southern temperate rain forest: host tree characteristics or light availability?, F Carrasco-Urra and E Gianoli
Intensive research activity alters short-term seedling dynamics in a tropical forest, L Comita, G Goldsmith, and S Hubbell
The forest vegetation of Ramal de Guaramacal in the Venezuelan Andes, A Cuello and A Cleef
Effects of logging on the diversity of lianas in a lowland tropical rain forest in Hainan Island, South China, Y Ding and R Zang
Land-use history and the origins and effects of lianas on tree communities., E Garrido-Perez and G Gerold
Morphological differentiation of current-year shoots of deciduous and evergreen lianas in temperate forests in Japan, R Ichihashi, H Nagashima, and M Tateno
Moving with climbing plants from Charles Darwin's time into the 21st Century, S Isnard and W Silk
Host infestation patterns of the massive liana Hydrangea serratifolia (Hydrangeaceae) in a Chilean temperate rainforest, M Jimenez-Castillo and C Lusk
Liana abundance, diversity and tree infestation in the Imbak Canyon Conservation Area, Sabah, Malaysia, L Kammesheidt, A Berhaman, J Tay, G Abdullah, and M Azwal
Optimisation of spatial allocation patterns in lianas compared to trees used for support, M Kazda, J Miladera, and J Salzer
Enrichment planting as a silvicultural option in the eastern Amazon: Case study of Fazenda cauaxi, K Keefe, M Schulze, C Pinheiro, J Zweede, and D Zarin
Impacts of temperate lianas on tree growth in young deciduous forests, L Ladwig and S Meiners
Ethnobotanical knowledge of Philippine lowland farmers and its application in agroforestry, G Langenberger, V Prigge, K Martin, B Belonias, and J Sauerborn
Effects of an Invasive Plant Species, Celastrus orbiculatus, on Soil Composition and Processes, S Leicht-Young, H O'Donnell, A Latimer, and J Silander
Woodiness within the Spermacoceae-Knoxieae alliance (Rubiaceae): retention of the basal woody condition in Rubiaceae or recent innovation?, F Lens, I Groeninckx, E Smets, and S Dessein
Lianas and self-supporting plants during tropical forest succession, S Letcher and R Chazdon
Diversity and aboveground biomass of lianas in the tropical seasonal rain forests of Xishuangbanna, SW China, X Lu, J Tang, Z Feng, and M Li
Changes in tree and liana communities along successional gradient in a tropical dry forest in south-eastern Brazil, B Madeira, M Espirito-Santo, SC Neto, Y Nunes, G Azofeifa, G Fernandes, and M Quesada
Structural characteristics of a giant tropical liana and its mode of canopy spread in an alien environment, R Maheshwari, K Rao, and T Ramachandra
Ecologia y diversidad de lianas en la Selva Pedemontana de las Yungas Australes, A Malizia, HR Ayarde, and Y Sasal
Generic relationships and dating of lineages in Winteraceae based on nuclear (ITS) and plastid (rpS16 and psbA-trnH) sequence data, X Marquinez, LG Lohmann, ML Faria Salatino, A Salatino, and F Gonzalez
Developmental plasticity and biomechanics of treelets and lianas in Manihot aff. quinquepartita (Euphorbiaceae): a branch-angle climber of French Guiana, L Menard, D Mckey, and N Rowe
Floristic structure and diversity of a tropical montane evergreen forest (shola) of the Nilgiri Mountains, southern India, D Mohandass and P Davidar
Grapevine (Vitis spp.) dynamics in association with manual tending, physiography, and host tree associations in temperate deciduous forests, R Morrissey, M-M Gauthier, J Kershaw Jr., D Jacobs, J Selfert, and B Fischer
Effects of elevated CO2 on grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): Physiological and yield attributes, J Moutinho-Pereira, B Goncalves, E Bacelar, J Boaventura Chnha, J Coutinho, and C Correia
Lianas and livelihoods: The role of fibrous forest plants in food security and society around Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, O Muhwezi, A Cunningham, and R Bukenya-Ziraba
Angiosperms, Climbing plants in tropical forests of southern Eastern Ghats, Tamil Nadu, India, C Muthumperumal and N Parthasarathy
Effects of liana load, tree diameter and distances between conspecifics on seed production in tropical timber trees, J Nabe-Nielsen, J Kollmann, and M Pena-Claros
Interspecific variation in seedling responses to seed limitation and habitat conditions for 14 Neotropical woody species, N Norden, J Chave, P Belbenoit, A Caubere, P Chatelet, P-M Forget, B Riera, and J Viers
A molecular phylogeny and classification of Bignoniaceae, RG Olmstead, ML Zjhra, LG Lohmann, SO Grose, and AJ Eckert