The Psychology Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's psychology faculty.


Submissions from 1974


Development of the Self Concept in Black and White Children, Jeanne F. Beglis and Anees A. Sheikh


Eidetic Psychotherapy: Introduction and Evaluation, Nancy C. Panagiotou and Anees A. Sheikh


Future-Time Perspective in Negro and White Adolescents, Anees A. Sheikh and Michael Twerski

Submissions from 1972


Children's Response Speed as a Function of Omission and Delay of a Customary Reward, Anees A. Sheikh and Donald C. Cook

Submissions from 1971

Investigation of Some Variables Influencing Stereotypy in Interpersonal Perception, Anees A. Sheikh and Patrick A. Miller

Submissions from 1968


Children’s Response Speed as a Function of Delay of Reward at Different Distances from the Goal and Incentive Value, Anees A. Sheikh


Stereotypy in Interpersonal Perception and Intercorrelation between Some Attitude Measures, Anees A. Sheikh


Comparative Accuracy of Canadians' Perception of Compatriots and Foreigners, Anees A. Sheikh and Robert C. Gardner

Submissions from 1967


Response Speed as a Function of Different Reinforcement Conditions and a Ready Signal, Anees A. Sheikh

Submissions from 1964


Content of Stereotypes and the Inference of Similarity between Members of Stereotyped Groups, Henri Tajfel, Anees A. Sheikh, and Robert C. Gardner