The Psychology Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's psychology faculty.


Submissions from 2017


Revising the Body Esteem Scale with a U.S. College Student Sample: Evaluation, Validation, and Uses for the BES-R, Katherine Frost, Stephen L. Franzoi, Debra L. Oswald, and Stephanie A. Shields


Behavioral Therapy for Tourette Syndrome and Chronic Tic Disorders, Odette Frundt, Douglas W. Woods, and Christos Ganos


Gratitude as an Interpersonal Emotion Regulation Strategy, Nakia S. Gordon


Incremental Clinical Utility of ADHD Assessment Measures With Latino Families, Margaret Grace, Theresa Lauer Kapke, Al Castro, and Alyson C. Gerdes


Predictors of Comorbid Eating Disorders and Association with Other Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders in Trichotillomania, Erica Greenberg, Jon E. Grant, Erin E. Curley, Christine Lochner, Douglas W. Woods, Esther S. Tung, Dan J. Stein, Sarah A. Redden, Jeremiah M. Scharf, and Nancy Keuthen


Turn Taking, Team Synchronization, and Non-stationarity in Physiological Time Series, Stephen J. Guastello, David E. C. Marra, Julian Castro, Michael Equi, and Anthony F. Peressini


Performance and Participation Dynamics in an Emergency Response Simulation, Stephen J. Guastello, David E. C. Marra, Julian Castro, Maribeth Gomez, and Claire Perna


Development of a Synchronization Coefficient for Biosocial Interactions in Groups and Teams, Stephen J. Guastello and Anthony F. Peressini


Culturally Appropriate Assessment of Functional Impairment in Diverse Children: Validation of the ADHD-FX Scale With an At-Risk Community Sample, Lauren Marie Haack and Alyson C. Gerdes


ACT-Enhanced Behavior Therapy in Group Format for Trichotillomania: An Effectiveness Study, Ashild Tellefsen Haaland, Shirin O. Eskeland, Erna M. Moen, Patrick A. Vogel, Svein Haseth, Kjetil Mellingen, Joseph A. Himle, Douglas W. Woods, and Benjamin Hummelen


Group Psychotherapy with Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Adults: Evidence-Based Practice Applications, Nicholas C. Heck


Omitted Data in Randomized Controlled Trials for Anxiety and Depression: A Systematic Review of the Inclusion of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Nicholas C. Heck, Lucas A. Mirabito, Kelly L. LeMaire, Nicholas A. Livingston, and Annesa Flentje


Men's Sexual Coerciveness, Perceptions of Women's Attachment, and Dating Preferences, Lucie Holmgreen and Debra Oswald


Investigating Habituation to Premonitory Urges in Behavior Therapy for Tic Disorders, David C. Houghton, Matthew R. Capriotti, Lawrence Scahill, Sabine Wilhelm, Alan L. Peterson, John T. Walkup, John Piacentini, and Douglas W. Woods


Rare Copy Number Variants in NRXN1 and CNTN6 Increase Risk for Tourette Syndrome, Alden Y. Huang, Dongmei Yu, Lea K. Davis, Jae Hoon Sul, Fotis Tsetsos, Vasily Ramensky, Ivette Zelaya, Eliana Marisa Ramos, Lisa Osiecki, Jason A. Chen, Lauren M. McGrath, Cornelia Illmann, Paul Sandor, Cathy L. Barr, Marco Grados, Harvey S. Singer, Marcus M. Nöthen, Johannes Hebebrand, Robert A. King, Yves Dion, Guy Rouleau, Cathy L. Budman, Christel Depienne, Yulia Worbe, Andreas Hartmenn, Kirsten R. Müller-Vahl, Manfred Stuhrmann, Harald Aschauer, Mara Stamenkovic, Monika Schloegelhofer, Anastasios Konstantinidis, Gholson J. Lyon, William M. McMahon, Csaba Barta, Zsanett Tarnok, Peter Nagy, James R. Batterson, Renata Rizzo, Danielle C. Cath, Tomasz Wolanczyk, Cheston Berlin, Irene A. Malaty, Michael S. Okun, Douglas W. Woods, Elliott Rees, Carlos N. Pato, Michele T. Pato, James A. Knowles, Danielle Posthuma, David L. Pauls, Nancy J. Cox, Benjamin M. Neale, Nelson B. Freimer, Peristera Paschou, Carol A. Mathews, Jeremiah M. Scharf, and Giovanni Coppola


Autism and Research Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Norah L. Johnson, Nicole M.G. Salowitz, Michael Van Abel, Bridget Dolan, Amy V. Van Hecke, and Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed


TakeCARE, a Video to Promote Bystander Behavior on College Campuses: Replication and Extension, Ernest N. Jouriles, Kelli Sargent, Katie Lee Salis, Christina Caiozzo, David Rosenfield, Michele Cascardi, John H. Grych, K. Daniel O'Leary, and Renee McDonald


Motor Timing Intraindividual Variability in Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Cognitively Intact Elders at Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease, Christina D. Kay, Michael Seidenberg, Sally Durgerian, Kristy A. Nielson, J. Carson Smith, John L. Woodard, and Stephen M. Rao


Battling on the Home Front: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Conflict Behavior Among Military Couples, Lynne M. Knobloch-Fedders, Catherine Caska-Walace, Timothy W. Smith, and Keith Renshaw


Informative Disagreements: Associations Between Relationship Distress, Depression, and Discrepancy in Interpersonal Perception Within Couples, Lynne M. Knobloch-Fedders, Kenneth L. Critchfield, and Erin M. Staab


Military Children’s Difficulty with Reintegration after Deployment: A Relational Turbulence Model Perspective, Leanne K. Knobloch, Lynne M. Knobloch-Fedders, Jeremy B. Yorgason, Aaron T. Ebata, and Patricia C. McGlaughlin


Adverse Consequences to Assisting Victims of Campus Violence: Initial Investigations Among College Students, Alison Krauss, Ernest N. Jouriles, Kristen Yule, John H. Grych, Kelli S. Sargent, and Victoria Banyard


Associations Among Parent-Child Relationships and Cognitive and Language Outcomes in A Clinical Sample of Preschool Children, Kara Leiser, Amy Heffelfinger, and Astrida S. Kaugars


Ecological Momentary Assessment of Daily Discrimination Experiences and Nicotine, Alcohol, and Drug Use Among Sexual and Gender Minority Individuals, Nicholas A. Livingston, Annesa Flentje, Nicholas C. Heck, Allen Szalda-Petree, and Bryan N. Cochran


The Measurement Properties of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale‐Parent Version in a Large International Pooled Sample of Young People with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Iliana Magiati, Jian Wei Lerh, Matthew J. Hollocks, Mirko Uljarevic, Jacqui Rodgers, Helen McConachie, Ann Ozsivadjian, Mikle South, Amy V. Van Hecke, Antonio Hardan, Robin Libove, Susan Leekam, and Emily Simonoff


Item Response Modeling of Multivariate Count Data With Zero Inflation, Maximum Inflation, and Heaping, Brooke E. Magnus and David M. Thissen


Integrating Item Accuracy and Reaction Time to Improve the Measurement of Inhibitory Control Abilities in Early Childhood, Brooke E. Magnus, Michael T. Willoughby, Clancy B. Blair, and Laura J. Kuhn


Brief Report: Does Gender Matter in Intervention for ASD? Examining the Impact of the PEERS® Social Skills Intervention on Social Behavior Among Females with ASD, Alana J. McVey, Hillary Schiltz, Angela Haendel, Bridget Kathleen Dolan, Kirsten S. Willar, Sheryl Pleiss, Jeffrey S. Karst, Audrey M. Carson, Christina Caiozzo, Elisabeth M. Vogt, and Amy V. Van Hecke


Post-learning Arousal Enhances Veridical Memory And Reduces False Memory In The Deese-Roediger-McDermott Paradigm, Kristy A. Nielson and Anthony N. Correro


Stress and Decision Making: Effects on Valuation, Learning, and Risk-taking, Anthony J. Porcelli and Mauricio R. Delgado


Gay-Straight Alliances as Settings to Discuss Health Topics: Individual and Group Factors Associated with Substance Use, Mental Health, and Sexual Health Discussions, V. P. Poteat, Nicholas C. Heck, H. Yoshikawa, and J. P. Calzo


Psychometric Evaluation and Design of Patient-Centered Communication Measures for Cancer Care Settings, Bryce B. Reeve, David M. Thissen, Carla M. Bann, Nicole Mack, Katherine Treiman, Hanna K. Sanoff, Nancy Roach, Brooke E. Magnus, Jason He, Laura K. Wagner, Rebecca Moultrie, Kathryn D. Jackson, Courtney Mann, and Lauren A. McCormack


Five-Year Longitudinal Brain Volume Change in Healthy Elders at Genetic Risk for Alzheimer's Disease, Katherine Reiter, Kristy A. Nielson, Sally Durgerian, John L. Woodard, J. Carson Smith, Michael Seidenberg, Dana A. Kelly, and Stephen M. Rao


Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome, Mary M. Robertson, Valsamma Eapen, Harvey S. Singer, Davide Martino, Jeremiah M. Scharf, Peristera Paschou, Veit Roessner, Douglas W. Woods, Marwan Hariz, Carol A. Mathews, Rudi Črnčec, and James F. Leckman


Providing Feedback Following Leadership Walkrounds is Associated with Better Patient Safety Culture, Higher Employee Engagement and Lower Burnout, J. Bryan Sexton, Kathryn C. Adair, Michael W. Leonard, Terru Christensen Frankel, Joshua Proulx, Sam R. Watson, Brooke E. Magnus, Brittany Bogan, Maleek Jamal, Rene Schwendimann, and Allan S. Frankel


Psychometrics of a Child Report Measure of Maternal Support following Disclosure of Sexual Abuse, Daniel W. Smith, Genelle K. Sawyer, Nicholas C. Heck, Kristyn Zajac, David Solomon, Shannon Self-Brown, Carla K. Danielson, and M. Elizabeth Ralston


Anxiety and ASD: Current Progress and Ongoing Challenges, Mikle South, Jacqui Rodgers, and Amy V. Van Hecke


Moderators and Predictors of Response to Behavior Therapy for Tics in Tourette Syndrome, Denis G. Sukhodolsky, Douglas W. Woods, John Piacentini, Sabine Wilhelm, Alan L. Peterson, Lily Katsovich, James Dziura, John T. Walkup, and Lawrence Scahill


Invariant Two-Component Structure of the Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS), Elisabeth M. Vogt, Gregory D. Prichett, and James Hoelzle


The Role of Internalized Homonegativity in the Faith and Psychological Health of Lesbians, Dane R. Whicker, Ed de St. Aubin, and Kimberly R. Skerven


Developmental Delays in Executive Function from 3 to 5 Years of Age Predict Kindergarten Academic Readiness, Michael T. Willoughby, Brooke E. Magnus, Lynne Vernon-Feagans, and Clancy B. Blair


I Just Can’t Stop: Tourette’s Disorder: Psychotherapeutic Perspective, Douglas W. Woods


College Students’ Perceptions of Barriers to Bystander Intervention, Kristen Yule and John H. Grych

Submissions from 2016


Factor Analysis of the Milwaukee Inventory for Subtypes of Trichotillomania-Adult Version, Jennifer R. Alexander, David C. Houghton, Michael P. Twohig, Martin E. Franklin, Stephen M. Saunders, Angela M. Neal-Barnett, Scott N. Compton, and Douglas W. Woods


Subjective versus Objective Measures of Tic Severity in Tourette Syndrome – The Influence of Environment, Meirav Barnea, Noa Benaroya-Milshtein, Eva Gilboa-Sechtman, Douglas W. Woods, John Piacentini, Silvana Fennig, Alan Apter, and Tamar Steinberg


Predicting Aggression in Late Adolescent Romantic Relationships: A Short-Term Longitudinal Study, Christina Caiozzo, Jessica Houston, and John H. Grych


Exercise Training and Functional Connectivity Changes in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Healthy Elders, Theresa J. Chirles, Katherine Reiter, Lauren R. Weiss, Alfonso J. Alfini, Kristy A. Nielson, and J. Smith Carson


The International Deep Brain Stimulation Registry and Database for Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome: How Does It Work?, Wissam Deeb, Peter J. Rossi, Mauro Porta, Veerle Visser-Vandewalle, Domenico Servello, Peter Silburn, Terry Coyne, James F. Leckman, Thomas Foltynie, Marwan Hariz, Eileen M. Joyce, Ludvic Zrinzo, Zinovia Kefalopoulou, Marie-Laure Welter, Carine Karachi, Luc Mallet, Jean-Luc Houeto, Joohi Shahed-Jimenez, Fan-Gang Meng, Brian T. Klassen, Alan Y. Mogilner, Michael H. Pourfar, Jens Kuhn, L. Ackermans, Takanobu Kaido, Yasin Temel, Robert E. Gross, Harrison C. Walker, Andres M. Lozano, Suketu M. Khandhar, Benjamin L. Walter, Ellen Walter, Zoltan Mari, Barbara K. Changizi, Elena Moro, Juan C. Baldermann, Daniel Huys, S. Elizabeth Zauber, Lauren E. Schrock, Jian-Guo Zhang, Wei Hu, Kelly D. Foote, Kyle Rizer, Jonathan W. Mink, Douglas W. Woods, Aysegul Gunduz, and Michael S. Okun


A Long Look at the Middle Years: Review of The Prime of Life: A History of Modern Adulthood by Steven Mintz, Ed de St. Aubin


Brief Report: Assessment of Intervention Effects on In Vivo Peer Interactions in Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Bridget Dolan, Amy V. Van Hecke, Audrey M. Carson, Jeffrey S. Karst, Sheryl Jayne Stevens, Kirsten A. Schohl, Stephanie Potts, jenna Kahne, Nina Linneman, Rheanna Remmel, and E. Hummel


Triangulation and Parent–Adolescent Relationships: Implications for Adolescent Dating Competence and Abuse, Gregory M. Fosco, Mengya Xia, Mark G. Lynn, and John H. Grych


Vaccination Confidence and Parental Refusal/Delay of Early Childhood Vaccines, Melissa Gilkey, Annie-Laurie McRee, Brooke E. Magnus, Paul Reiter, Amanda F. Dempsey, and Noel T. Brewer


Validation of the Vaccination Confidence Scale: A Brief Measure to Identify Parents at Risk for Refusing Adolescent Vaccines, Melissa Gilkey, Paul Reiter, Brooke E. Magnus, Annie-Laurie McRee, Amanda F. Dempsey, and Joseph M. Brewer


Thinking Positively: Optimism and Emotion Regulation Predict Interpretation of Ambiguous Information, Nakia S. Gordon, Samantha A. Chesney, and Katherine Reiter


Introduction to Interpersonal Synchronization, Stephen Guastello

Cognitive Workload and Fatigue in Financial Decision Making, Stephen J. Guastello


Nonlinear Dynamical Systems for Theory And Research In Ergonomics, Stephen J. Guastello


Physiological Synchronization in a Vigilance Dual Task, Stephen J. Guastello


Cognitive Workload and Fatigue in a Vigilance Dual Task: Miss Errors, False Alarms, and the Effect of Wearing Biometric Sensors While Working, Stephen J. Guastello, David E. C. Marra, Claire Perna, Julian Castro, Maribeth Gomez, and Anthony F. Peressini


Determining Optimization-Risk Profiles for Individual Decision Makers, Stephen J. Guastello and Anthony F. Peressini


Physiological Synchronization in Emergency Response Teams: Subjective Workload, Drivers and Empaths, Stephen J. Guastello and Anthony F. Peressini


Understanding and Measuring Functional Impairment in Diverse Children With ADHD: Development of the ADHD-FX Scale With an At-Risk, Community Sample, Lauren M. Haack, Alyson C. Gerdes, Kathryn E. Lawton, and Brian W. Schneider


Assessing Impairment in Childhood ADHD: Validation of the Parent and Teacher ADHD-FX Rating Scale in a Dual-Site Clinical Sample, Lauren M. Haack, Kelsey Gonring, Michael Harris, Alyson C. Gerdes, and Linda Pfiffner


Rates, Associations, and Predictors of Psychopathology in a Convenience Sample of School-Aged Latino Youth: Identifying Areas for Mental Health Outreach, Lauren M. Haack, Theresa Lauer Kapke, and Alyson C. Gerdes


Prevention of Interpersonal Violence, Sherry L. Hamby, Victoria Banyard, and John H. Grych


Strengths, Narrative, and Resilience: Restorying Resilience Research, Sherry L. Hamby, Victoria Banyard, and John H. Grych


A Naturalistic Study of Narrative: Exploring the Choice and Impact of Adversity Versus Other Narrative Topics, Sherry L. Hamby, Elizabeth Taylor, John H. Grych, and Victoria Banyard


What Difference do Bystanders Make? The Association of Bystander Involvement with Victim Outcomes in a Community Sample, Sherry L. Hamby, Marcela C. Weber, John H. Grych, and Victoria Banyard


Advances in Research with LGBTQ Youth in Schools, Nicholas C. Heck, Paul V. Poteat, and Carol S. Goodenow


The Psychosocial Impact of Tic Disorders: Nature and Intervention, David C. Houghton, Jennifer R. Alexander, and Douglas W. Woods


Photographic Assessment of Change in Trichotillomania: Psychometric Properties and Variables Influencing Interpretation, David C. Houghton, Maddison R. Franklin, Michael P. Twohig, Martin E. Franklin, Scott N. Compton, Angela M. Neal-Barnett, Stephen M. Saunders, and Douglas W. Woods


Comorbidity and Quality of Life in Adults with Hair Pulling Disorder, David C. Houghton, Joyce Maas, Michael P. Twohig, Stephen M. Saunders, Scott N. Compton, Angela M. Neal-Barnett, Martin E. Franklin, and Douglas W. Woods


Trauma and Trichotillomania: A Tenuous Relationship, David C. Houghton, Abel S. Mathew, Michael P. Twohig, Stephen M. Saunders, Martin E. Franklin, Scott N. Compton, Angela M. Neal-Barnett, and Douglas W. Woods


DSM-5 Trichotillomania: Perception of Adults With Trichotillomania After Psychosocial Treatment, David C. Houghton, Colleen S. McFarland, Martin E. Franklin, Michael P. Twohig, Scott N. Compton, Angela M. Neal-Barnett, Stephen M. Saunders, and Douglas W. Woods


Maternal Attachment Buffers the Association Between Exposure to Violence and Youth Attitudes About Aggression, Jessica Houston and John H. Grych


Seven Reasons to Invest in Well-Being, Kathryn H. Howell, John K. Coffey, Gregory M. Fosco, Kristen Kracke, Katherine S. Nelson, Emily F. Rothman, and John Grych


TakeCARE, a Video Bystander Program to Help Prevent Sexual Violence on College Campuses: Results of Two Randomized, Controlled Trials, Ernest N. Jouriles, Renee McDonald, David Rosenfield, Nicole Levy, Kelli Sargent, Christina Caiozzo, and John H. Grych


Latino Family Participation in Youth Mental Health Services: Treatment Retention, Engagement, and Response, Theresa Lauer Kapke and Alyson C. Gerdes


Diffusion Tensor Imaging Predictors of Episodic Memory Decline in Healthy Elders at Genetic Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease, Melissa A. Lancaster, Michael Seidenberg, J. Carson Smith, Kristy A. Nielson, John L. Woodard, Sally Durgerian, and Stephen M. Rao


The Impact of Failing to Identify Suspect Effort in Patients Undergoing Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Assessment, Paul S. Marshall, James B. Hoelzle, Danielle Heyerdahl, and Matthew W. Nelson


A Replication and Extension of the PEERS® for Young Adults Social Skills Intervention: Examining Effects on Social Skills and Social Anxiety in Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Alana J. McVey, Bridget Dolan, Kirsten S. Willar, Sheryl Pleiss, Jeffrey S. Karst, Christina L. Casnar, Christina Caiozzo, Elisabeth M. Vogt, Nakia Gordon, and Amy V. Van Hecke


An Empirical Examination of Symptom Substitution Associated with Behavior Therapy for Tourette's Disorder, Alan L. Peterson, Joseph F. McGuire, Sabine Wilhelm, John Piacentini, Douglas W. Woods, John T. Walkup, John P. Hatch, Robert Villarreal, and Lawrence Scahill


Acute Stress Enhances Expression of Instrumentally Conditioned Financial Preferences, Anthony J. Porcelli


Pilot Open Case Series of Voice over Internet Protocol-Delivered Assessment and Behavior Therapy for Chronic Tic Disorders, Emily J. Ricketts, Christopher C. Bauer, Dagong Ran, Michael B. Himle, and Douglas W. Woods


Pilot Testing Behavior Therapy for Chronic Tic Disorders in Neurology and Developmental Pediatrics Clinics, Emily J. Ricketts, Donald L. Gilbert, Samuel H. Zinner, Jonathan W. Mink, Tara D. Lipps, Geoffrey A. Wiegand, Amy E. Vierhile, Laura J. Ely, John Piacentini, John T. Walkup, and Douglas W. Woods


A Randomized Waitlist-controlled Pilot Trial of Voice Over Internet Protocol-delivered Behavior Therapy for Youth with Chronic Tic Disorders, Emily J. Ricketts, Amy R. Goetz, Matthew R. Capriotti, Christopher C. Bauer, Natalie G. Brei, Michael B. Himle, Flint M. Espil, Ivar Snorrason, Dagong Ran, and Douglas W. Woods


Perceptions of Blame in Intimate Partner Violence: The Role of the Perpetrator's Ability to Arouse Fear of Injury in the Victim, Brenda Russell, Shane W. Kraus, Kristine M. Chapleau, and Debra Oswald

A Christian Guide to Mental Illness, Stephen M. Saunders


Interactive Effects of Physical Activity and APOE-ε4 On White Matter Tract Diffusivity in Healthy Elders, J. Carson Smith, Melissa A. Lancaster, Kristy A. Nielson, John L. Woodard, Michael Seidenberg, Sally Durgerian, Ken Sakaie, and Stephen M. Rao


Are Nonclinical Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms Associated with Bias Toward Habits?, Ivar Snorrason, Han Joo Lee, Sanne de Wit, and Douglas W. Woods


The Classification of Obsessive–Compulsive and Related Disorders in the ICD-11, D. J. Stein, C. S. Kogan, M. Atmaca, N. A. Fineberg, L. F. Fontenelle, J. E. Grant, H. Matsunaga, Y. C.J. Reddy, H. B. Simpson, P. H. Thomsen, O. A. van den Heuvel, D. Veale, Douglas W. Woods, and G. M. Reed


Joint Attention and the Social Phenotype of Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Perspective from Developmental Psychopathology, Amy V. Van Hecke, Tasha Oswald, and Peter Mundy


Personality Characteristics and Experiential Avoidance in Trichotillomania: Results from an Age and Gender Matched Sample, Chad T. Wetterneck, Eric B. Lee, Christopher A. Flessner, Rachel C. Leonard, and Douglas W. Woods


Evidence-Based Psychosocial Treatments for Pediatric Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior Disorders, Douglas W. Woods and David C. Houghton

Submissions from 2015


Values Narratives for Personal Growth: Formative Evaluation of the Laws of Life Essay Program, Victoria Banyard, Sherry L. Hamby, Ed de St. Aubin, and John H. Grych


Discrepancy between Parents and Children in Reporting of Distress and Impairment: Association with Critical Symptoms, Laura Bein, Megan Lynn Petrik, Stephen M. Saunders, and James V. Wojcik


Psychometric Properties of the Family Caregiver Delirium Knowledge Questionnaire, Margaret J. Bull, Jennifer M. Sjostedt, Lesley Boaz, and Debra Oswald


Substance Use Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Clients Entering Substance Abuse Treatment: Comparisons to Heterosexual Clients, Annesa Flentje, Nicholas C. Heck, and James L. Sorensen


A Review of Peer Relationships and Friendships in Youth With ADHD, Denise M. Gardner and Alyson C. Gerdes


Examination of a Parent-Assisted, Friendship-Building Program for Adolescents With ADHD, Denise M. Gardner, Alyson C. Gerdes, and Kelsey Ann Weinberger