Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Evaluation of Shoulder Complex Kinematics Pre and Post Rotator Cuff Repair and Effects of Altering Rotation Sequence, Alyssa Joy Schnorenberg
Investigations into the Negative Impact of Temperature Stress on Fertility in Wild Strains of Caenorhabditis Elegans, Nicholas B. Sepulveda
Maximus the Confessor in Aquinas's Christology, Corey John Stephan
Rewriting the Ending: Malachi's Threat and the Destruction of the Temple in the Gospel of Mark, John Michael Strachan
All Pairs Routing Path Enumeration Using Latin Multiplication and Julia, Haochen Sun
Nondisclosure of Supervisee Disagreement to Supervisor Feedback: A Qualitative Study, Elizabeth A. Tinsley
Relationship of Spirituality, Self-Awareness, and Effective Leadership Among Lay Catholic High School Leaders in Nigeria, Emmanuel I. Ugwejeh
Adaptive Pedagogy Framework for Risk Management, Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Education, Hsiao-An Wang
Reluctant Sons: The Irish Matrilineal Tradition of Oscar Wilde, James Joyce, and Flann O’Brien, Jessie Wirkus Haynes
Britain's Extraterrestrial Empire: Colonial Ambition, Anxiety, and Ambivalence in Early Modern Literature, Mark Edward Wisniewski
Behold the Beasts Beside You: The Adaptation and Alteration of Animals in LXX-Job, James Wykes
Load Balancing Algorithms for Parallel Spatial Join on HPC Platforms, Jie Yang
Continuous Myoelectric Prediction of Future Ankle Kinematics and Kinetics for the Control of Active Powered Prostheses, Erika Virginia Zabre González
Semantic Representation of Road Infrastructure Information, tianjiao zhao
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Motor Performance and Motor Unit Behavior in Response to Ischemic Conditioning Post Stroke, Saad Alqahtani
Experiences of Exclusively Expressing Breast Milk for Term Infants: A Qualitative Analysis, Lisa Anders
Ecological Momentary Assessment of Anxiety, Daily Stress, and Daily Glycemic Control in Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes, Natalie Benjamin
Mechanisms of Balance Impairment in Cervical Myelopathy, Timothy F. Boerger
Enacting Systemic Change: The Evolving Landscape of Computer Science Education in the State of Wisconsin, Heather Bort
Integration of Multi-Omics Data to Compute Gene Regulatory Networks and to Predict Personalized Drug Response in Cancer, Banabithi Bose
Biased in a World of Bias: A Cognitive and Spiritual Approach to Knowing Racial Justice, Stephen Calme
Thermal Deformation in High Pressure Die Casting Shot Sleeves, Ross Crowley
Predictive Analysis on Knee X-Ray Image and Mosquito Spectral Data, Manzur Rahman Farazi
The Empathetic Autistic: A Phenomenological Look at the Feminine Experience, Dana Fritz
Toward Understanding the Origin of Mass-Independent Fractionation in Sulfur Allotropes and in Ozone, Igor Gayday
Improved Motor Imagery Decoding Using Deep Learning Techniques, Olawunmi Olaboopo George
The Impact of Change in Self-Compassion, Psychological Inflexibility, and Interpersonal Courage in PSTD Treatment, Peter Philip Grau
Dynamic Material Properties Copper Mountain Sandstone Under Uniaxial and Oblique Impact, Nathaniel Steven Helminiak
Examining the Relationship of Physical Activity, Inflammation & Adiposity on Physical Function with Gender Differences, Jeanne Hlebichuk
Role of Cortisol in the Development of Post-Traumatic Stress and Dysphoria, Devi Jayan
Micromechanics of Additively Manufactured Materials Under Dynamic Loading, Christopher Rueben Johnson
Direct and Non-Invasive Monitoring of Battery Internal State Via Novel GMI-IDT Magnetic Sensor, Akila Khatun
Scope and Mechanistic Studies of Ruthenium Catalyzed C-N Bond Activation Reactions, Pandula Taepith Kirinde Arachchige
Can’t Say No and Won’t Take No: Gender Socialization, Entitlement, and Sexual Coercion, Mackenzie Sierra Kirkman
Inequalities of Intradistrict School Choice in a Mid-Sized Urban School District, Jacob Konrath
Combined Gene Therapy and Rehabilitative Approaches to Repair the Corticospinal Tract Following Injury, Audra Kramer
'Our Duty is to Furnish Such Education:' Black Children and Schooling in Baltimore City, 1828 - 1900, Lisa Rose Lamson
Securing Nasogastric Tubes in Children, Julie Ann Lavoie
Hierarchical and Adaptive Filter and Refinement Algorithms for Geometric Intersection Computations on GPU, Yiming Liu
Exploring Culture of Safety and Failure to Rescue, Holly Lynn Losurdo
Intimate Partner Violence and Parenting: A Qualitative Study with Immigrant Latinas, Karina Tobon Loyo
Resonant Two-Photon Ionization and Velocity Mapped Ion Imaging Studies of Aromatic Van Der Waals Complexes, James T. Makuvaza
Development of MQCT Method for Calculations of Collisional Energy Transfer for Astrochemistry and Planetary Atmospheres, Bikramaditya Mandal
Processes Used by Mothers in Opioid Recovery to Manage the Needs of the Maternal-Infant Dyad: A Grounded Theory Study, Nicole M. Mattson
The Process of Healing from Opioid Addiction, James Edward McDonald
Where is Wisdom? Privileging Perspectives in the Book of Job, Israel McGrew
Developing and Testing a Brief Alcohol Intervention for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Populations, Lucas Anthony Mirabito
Deep Convolutional Correlation Particle Filter for Visual Tracking, Reza Jalil Mozhdehi
Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Standards Utilization and Influences on Their Adoption, Julie Beckel Nelsen
The Role of Infrastructure Capital and Financial Efficiency on Economic Growth and Development in Sub-Saharan Africa, Mercy Ogutu Otieno
Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies of Ruthenium Catalyzed C-C, C-H and C-N Bond Activation Reactions, Nuwan Asanka Pannilawithana
Pregnant Women's Experiences with Gastrointestinal Discomforts and Strategies They Use to Cope, Heidi Jo Paquette
Being and Naming God: Essence and Energies in St. Gregory Palamas, Tikhon Alexander Pino
With Due Respect for Humanity: Engaging Affectivity Through Simulation in Catholic Seminary Formation, Marie Diane Pitt-Payne
Arginine Vasopressin Modulates Circadian Timekeeping in a Sex-Dependent Manner, Kayla Rohr
Synthesis and Pharmacological Studies of Ph-Sensitive, Allosteric, and Bivalent Ligands As Modulators of GPCRs, Ricardo Rosas Jr.
Sacrifice and Redemption: A New Approach From Mimetic Theory, Nicholas Gregory Roumas
Sepsis Monitoring Using Contextually-Tailored Online Change Point Detection and Beyond, Nazmus Sakib
Examining Social Factors in Self-Management for Older Adults Living Alone, Margaret Salinas
Neuromuscular Function in Achilles Tendinopathy, Lauren K. Sara
Beyond Ramen: Students' Lived Experiences of Campus Food Insecurity at Two Catholic Universities, Noreen Margaret Siddiqui
Building Empathy Toward Community and Reducing Bias in a Chicago Police Sample: A Case for Perspective Taking and Reappraisal within Virtual Reality, Sydney Timmer-Murillo
Media Competency and Media Literacy Education (MLE) Among Tribal Religious/Seminarians (TRS), Justin Tirkey
Functional Singular Spectrum Analysis: Nonparametric Decomposition and Forecasting Approaches for Functional Time Series, Jordan Christopher Trinka
Explainable Retinal Screening with Self-Management Support to Improve Eye-Health of Diabetic Population via Telemedicine, Jannatul Ferdause Tumpa
Concerning Aristotelian Animal Essences, Damon Andrew Watson
Design and Synthesis of Selective Estrogen Receptor Agonists, Edward Edward Wetzel
When to Trust Authoritative Testimony: Generation and Transmission of Knowledge in Saadya Gaon, Al-Ghazālī and Thomas Aquinas, Brett A. Yardley
Reflective Functioning in Caregivers: Links to Adverse Childhood Experiences and Emotion Socialization Behaviors, Kristen Anne Yule
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Status of Irrationality: Karl Jaspers' Response to Davidson and Searle, Daniel Adsett
Exploring the Neural Basis of Emotion Regulation in Trichotillomania: A Resting-State Pilot Study, Jennifer Rose-Lee Alexander
Stochastic Methods for Fine-Grained Image Segmentation and Uncertainty Estimation in Computer Vision, Philipe Ambrozio Dias
The Influence of Autonomic Function on Pain Modulation Before and After Exercise and Cognitive Task in Fibromyalgia, Abdulaziz Awali
The Role of Ethgender Identity in the Relationship between Gendered Racism and Activism among Black Women, Maha Baalbaki
Anthropogenic Drivers and Ecological Concepts of Antimicrobial Resistance, Rachelle E. Beattie
An Exploration of Five Secondary-School Teachers’ Conceptions of Social Justice, Gabrielle M. Belknap
Pain Modulatory Effects of Exercise in Chronic Pain, Giovanni Berardi
Modeling Heart Failure Predictive Mortality in Skilled Nursing Facilities, Stephen Charles Biondi
"The Colored Problem:" Milwaukee's White Protestant Churches Respond to the Second Great Migration, Peter Borg
Submaximal Isometric Force Steadiness in People with Multiple Sclerosis Under Single and Dual Task Conditions, Sheri Bunyan
Characterizing the Mechanisms of Ectopic Expression of Dream Complex Target Genes and the HTA Phenotype in C. Elegans, Jerrin Roy Cherian
When the Foreign Became Familiar: Modernism, Expatriation, and Spatial Identities in the Twentieth Century, Danielle Kristene Clapham
Understanding the Requisite Content for Interprofessional Education on Sentinel Injuries, A Qualitative Study, Elizabeth A. Cleek
The Experience of Simple Living: A Consensual Qualitative Research Study, Jeremy Connelly
Mechanisms of ATP-Dependent Substrate Reduction in the Nitrogenase-Like DPOR Complex, Elliot Irwin Corless
The Effects of Alexithymia and Age on Inhibitory Control, Anthony Correro
Unity and Catholicity in Christ: The Ecclesiology of Francisco Suárez, S.J., Eric DeMeuse
Reforming Victorian Sense/Abilities: Disabilities in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Social Problem Novels, Hunter Nicole Duncan
Teachers' Impact on Psychosocial Treatment for Latino Youth with ADHD, Margaret Anne Grace
1. DFT-Guided Discovery of Hybrid Catalysts for C-C Bond Formation; 2. Synthesis of a Reported PDI Inhibitor, Eric Greve
Filled with 'The Fullness of the Gifts of God': Towards a Pneumatic Theosis, Kirsten Guidero
The Progressive Center: Midwestern Liberalism in the Age of Reagan, 1978-1992, Cory Haala
A Comparison of Training Procedures on the Emergence of Multiply Controlled Tacts, Mary Elizabeth Halbur
Cathedrals of the Mind: Theological Method and Speculative Renewal in Trinitarian Theology, Ryan Hemmer
Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Non-Covalent Interactions in S-Nitrosothiols and Thio-Carboxylic Acids, Niloufar Hendinejad
Genre and Loss: The Impossibility of Restoration in 20th Century Detective Fiction, Kathryn Hendrickson
Cosmic City - Cosmic Teleology: A Reading of Metaphysics Λ 10 and Politics I 2, Brandon Henrigillis
The Role of System XC- in Cognition: The Importance of Neuron-Astrocyte Signaling, Evan Michael Hess
Characterization of Neuroimage Coupling Between EEG and FMRI Using Within-Subject Joint Independent Component Analysis, Nicholas Heugel