The Biomedical Engineering Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's biomedical engineering faculty.


Submissions from 2004


Dynamic Small Animal Lung Imaging Via a Postacquisition Respiratory Gating Technique Using Micro-Cone Beam Computed Tomography, Jicun Hu, Steven Thomas Haworth, Robert C. Molthen, and Christopher Dawson


Post-Acquisition Small-Animal Respiratory Gated Imaging Using Micro Cone-Beam CT, Jicun Hu, Steven Thomas Haworth, Robert C. Molthen, and Christopher A. Dawson


Use of Polylactide Resorbable Film as a Barrier to Postoperative Peridural Adhesion in an Ovine Dorsal Laminectomy Model, Lisa S. Klopp, William C. Welch, Joseph W. Tai, Jeffrey M. Toth, G. Bryan Cornwall, and Simon Turner


Computerized Biofeedback Knee Goniometer: Acceptance and Effect on Exercise Behavior in Post-total Knee Arthroplasty Rehabilitation, Todd A. Kuiken, Hagay Amir, and Robert A. Scheidt


Cardioprotection by Glucose-Insulin-Potassium: Dependence on KATP Channel Opening and Blood Glucose Concentration Before Ischemia, John F. LaDisa, John G. Krolikowski, Paul S. Pagel, David C. Warltier, and Judy R. Kersten


Stent Design Properties and Deployment Ratio Influence Indexes of Wall Shear Stress: a Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Investigation within a Normal Artery, John F. LaDisa, Lars E. Olson, Ismail Guler, Douglas Anthony Hettrick, Said H. Audi, Judy R. Kersten, David C. Warltier, and Paul S. Pagel


Geometry Analysis of an Inverse-Geometry Volumetric CT System With Multiple Detector Arrays, Samuel R. Mazin, Taly Gilat Schmidt, Edward G. Solomon, Rebecca Fahrig, and Norbert J. Pelc


Impact of pulmonary arterial endothelial cells on duroquinone redox status, Marilyn P. Merker, Robert D. Bongard, Gary S. Krenz, Hongtao Zhao, Viola S. Fernandes, Balaraman Kalyanaraman, Neil Hogg, and Said H. Audi


On the Impact of Distensible Vessels Upon Pulmonary Arterial Tree Hymodynamics, Robert C. Molthen


Effect of Captopril Treatment on Chronic Hypoxia Induced Pulmonary Vascular Remodeling in the Fawn-Hooded, Spraque-Dawley, and Brown-Norway Rat, Robert C. Molthen, Amy E. Heinrich, Steven Thomas Haworth, Gary S. Krenz, and John B. Gordon


Changes in Pulmonary Arterial Wall Mechanical Properties and Lumenal Architecture with Induced Vascular Remodeling, Robert C. Molthen, Amy Heinrich, Steven Thomas Haworth, and Christopher A. Dawson


Quantitative Models of the Rat Pulmonary Arterial Tree Morphometry Applied to Hypoxia-Induced Arterial Remodeling, Robert C. Molthen, Kelly L. Karau, and Christopher A. Dawson


Noise Simulations For an Inverse-Geometry Volumetric CT System, Taly Gilat Schmidt, Rebecca Fahrig, and Norbert J. Pelc


An Inverse-Geometry Volumetric CT System With a Large-Area Scanned Source: A Feasibility Study, Taly Gilat Schmidt, Rebecca Fahrig, Norbert J. Pelc, and Edward G. Solomon


Nonlinear Viscoelastic Material Property Estimation of Lower Extremity Residual Limb Tissues, Ergin Tönük and M. Barbara Silver-Thorn


Practical Illustrations in Tissue Engineering: Surgical Considerations Relevant to the Implantation of Osteoinductive Devices, Ester Vogelin; Neil F. Jones; Jerry I, Huang; John H. Brekke; and Jeffrey M. Toth


Quantification of Bronchial Circulation Perfusion in Rats, Christian Wieholt, Robert C. Molthen, Steven Thomas Haworth, David L. Roerig, Christopher A. Dawson, and Anne V. Clough

Submissions from 2003


Reactive Oxygen Species Modulate Coronary Wall Shear Stress and Endothelial Function During Hyperglycemia, Eric R. Gross, John F. LaDisa, Dorothee Weihrauch, Lars E. Olson, Tobias T. Kress, Douglas Anthony Hettrick, Paul S. Pagel, David C. Warltier, and Judy R. Kersten


Adenosine Type 1 (A ) Receptors Mediate Protection Against Myocardial 1 Infarction Produced by Chronic, Intermittent Ingestion of Ethanol in Dogs, Franz Kehl, John G. Krolikowski, John F. LaDisa, Judy R. Kersten, David C. Warltier, and Paul S. Pagel


Influence of Isoflurane on Left Atrial Function in Dogs With Pacing-Induced Cardiomyopathy: Evaluation With Pressure-Volume Relationships, Franz Kehl, John F. LaDisa, Douglas Anthony Hettrick, Judy R. Kersten, David C. Warltier, and Paul S. Pagel


Three-Dimensional Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling of Alterations in Coronary Wall Shear Stress Produced by Stent Implantation, John F. LaDisa, Ismail Guler, Lars E. Olson, Douglas Anthony Hettrick, Judy R. Kersten, David C. Warltier, and Paul S. Pagel


Sensitivity to Hand Path Curvature during Reaching, Kyle P. Lillis and Robert A. Scheidt


Mechanisms of Volatile Anesthetic-Induced Myocardial Protection, Lynda M. Ludwig, Judy R. Kersten, Katsuya Tanaka, Weidong Gu, John F. LaDisa, David C. Warltier, and Paul S. Pagel


Distensibility of the Pulmonary Arteries of Normoxia and Hypoxia Adapted Rats, Robert C. Molthen


Effect of Ventilation Rate on Instilled Liquid Transport in the Lungs of Rats, Robert C. Molthen


Measuring the effect of airway pressure on pulmonary arterial diameter in the intact rat lung, Robert C. Molthen, Steven Thomas Haworth, Amy Heinrich, and Christopher A. Dawson


Rhythm Classification Using Reconstructed Phase Space of Signal Frequency Sub-bands, Felice M. Roberts, Richard J. Povinelli, and Kristina M. Ropella


Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Algorithm for a Reverse-Geometry Volumetric CT System With a Large-Array Scanned Source, Taly Gilat Schmidt, Rebecca Fahrig, and Norbert J. Pelc


Prosthetic and Orthotic Devices, M. Barbara Silver-Thorn


Nonlinear Elastic Material Property Estimation of Lower Extremity Residual Limb Tissues, Ergin Tönük and M. Barbara Silver-Thorn


SPECT Imaging of Pulmonary Blood Flow in a Rat, Christian Wieholt, Robert C. Molthen, Roger H. Johnson, Christopher A. Dawson, and Anne V. Clough


A Reconstructed Phase Space Approach for Distinguishing Ischemic from Non-Ischemic ST Changes using Holter ECG Data, Michael W. Zimmerman, Richard J. Povinelli, Michael T. Johnson, and Kristina M. Ropella

Submissions from 2002


Compensation for the Passive Dynamics of a Five-bar Neurorehabilitation Robot, Matthew R. Amans, Kyle P. Lillis, and Robert A. Scheidt


A 1-Year Study of Osteoinduction in Hydroxyapatite-Derived Biomaterials in an Adult Sheep Model: Part I, Arun K. Gosain, Liansheng Song, Paul A. Riordan, Marco T. Amarante, Paul G. Nagy, Charles R. Wison, Jeffrey M. Toth, and John L. Ricci


Quasi-Exact Helical Cone Beam Reconstruction for Micro CT, Jicun Hu, Robert C. Molthen, Roger Johnson, Steven Haworth, and Christopher Dawson


Stent Implantation Alters Coronary Artery Hemodynamics and Wall Shear Stress During Maximal Vasodilation, John F. LaDisa, Douglas Anthony Hettrick, Lars E. Olson, Ismail Guler, Eric R. Gross, Tobias T. Kress, Judy R. Kersten, David C. Warltier, and Paul S. Pagel


Design and Validation of a Real-time Controller for a Two-joint Neurorehabilitation Robot, Kyle P. Lillis, Matthew R. Amans, and Robert A. Scheidt


Estimation of Pulmonary Arterial Volume Changes in the Normal and Hypertensive Fawn-Hooded Rat from 3D Micro-CT data, Robert C. Molthen, Christian Wieholt, Steven Thomas Haworth, and Christopher A. Dawson


Are Nonlinear Ventricular Arrhythmia Characteristics Lost, As Signal Duration Decreases?, Richard J. Povinelli, Felice M. Roberts, Michael T. Johnson, and Kristina M. Ropella


An Automated Coronary Artery Occlusion Device for Stimulating Collateral Development in Vivo, Richard Rys, John F. LaDisa, John P. Tessmer, Weidong Gu, Judy R. Kersten, David C. Warltier, and Paul S. Pagel


Histologic Evaluation of the Efficacy of rhBMP-2 Compared With Autograft Bone in Sheep Spinal Anterior Interbody Fusion, Harvinder Sandhu, Jeffrey M. Toth, Ashish Diwan, H. B. Seim III, Linda E.A. Kanim, J. Michael Kabo, and A. Simon Turner


Reengineering Biomedical Engineering Curricula: A New Product Development Approach, Robert A. Scheidt, L. Waples, and Kristina M. Ropella


Investigation of Lower-limb Tissue Perfusion during Loading, Barbara Silver-Thorn


A Rehabilitation Engineering Course for Biomedical Engineers, M. Barbara Silver-Thorn


A Pneumatically Actuated Manipulandum for Neuromotor Control Research, Aaron J Suminski, Kristina M. Ropella, and Robert A. Scheidt


Mechanism of Preconditioning by Isoflurane in Rabbits: A Direct Role for Reactive Oxygen Species, Katsuya Tanaka, Dorothee Weihrauch, Franz Kehl, Lynda M. Ludwig, John F. LaDisa, Judy R. Kersten, Paul S. Pagel, and David C. Warltier


Point of View: Artificial Intervertebral Disc Replacement Using Bioactive Three-Dimensional Fabric, Jeffrey M. Toth


Evaluation of 70/30 poly (l-lactide-co-d,l-lactide) for Use as a Resorbable Interbody Fusion Cage, Jeffrey M. Toth, Bradley T. Estes, Mei Wang, Howard Seim, Jeffrey L. Scifert, Anthony S. Turner, and G. Bryan Cornwall


Evaluation of 70/30 D,L-PLa for Use as a Resorbable Interbody Fusion Cage, Jeffrey M. Toth, Mei Wang, Jeffrey L. Scifert, G. Bryan Cornwall, Bradley T. Estes, Howard Seim, and Simon Turner


Use of Polylactide Resorbable Film as an Adhesion Barrier, William C. Welch, Kevin A. Thomas, G. Bryan Cornwall, Peter C. Gerszten, Jeffrey M. Toth, Edwin M. Nemoto, and Simon Turner

Submissions from 2001


Walker-Assisted Gait in Rehabilitation: A Study of Biomechanics and Instrumentation, Rebecca Ann Bachschmidt, Gerald F. Harris, and Guy G. Simoneau


Semiautomated Skeletonization of the Pulmonary Arterial Tree in Micro-CT Images, Christopher C. Hanger, Steven Thomas Haworth, Robert C. Molthen, and Christopher A. Dawson


Microfocal X-ray CT Imaging and Pulmonary Arterial Distensibility in Excised Rat Lungs, Kelly L. Karau, Roger H. Johnson, Robert C. Molthen, Anita H. Dhyani, Steven Thomas Haworth, Christopher C. Hanger, David L. Roerig, and Christopher A. Dawson


Pulmonary arterial remodeling revealed by microfocal x-ray tomography, Kelly L. Karau, Robert C. Molthen, Anita H. Dhyani, Steven Thomas Haworth, and Christopher A. Dawson


Pulmonary Arterial Morphometry from Microfocal X-Ray Computed Tomography, Kelly L. Karau, Robert C. Molthen, Anita H. Dhyani, Steven Thomas Haworth, Christopher C. Hanger, David L. Roerig, Roger H. Johnson, and Christopher A. Dawson


Learning to Move Amid Uncertainty, Robert A. Scheidt, Jonathan B. Dingwell, and Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi

Submissions from 2000


An Iterative Approach to the Beam Hardening Correction in Cone Beam CT, Jiang Hsieh, Robert C. Molthen, Christopher A. Dawson, and Roger H. Johnson


Micro-CT Image-Derived Metrics Quantify Arterial Wall Distensibility Reduction in a Rat Model of Pulmonary Hypertension, Roger H. Johnson, Kelly L. Karau, Robert C. Molthen, Steven Thomas Haworth, and Christopher A. Dawson


Persistence of Motor Adaptation During Constrained, Multi-Joint, Arm Movements, Robert A. Scheidt, David J. Reinkensmeyer, Michael A. Conditt, W. Zev Reymer, and Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi


Control Strategies for the Transition From Multijoint to Single-Joint Arm Movements Studied Using a Simple Mechanical Constraint, Robert A. Scheidt and W. Zev Rymer


Development of a Pediatric Musculoskeletal Model of the Foot and Ankle, Sara J. Stabelfeldt, M. Barbara Silver-Thorn PhD, Peter Smith, and M. Timins


Direct Current Electrical Stimulation Increases the Fusion Rate of Spinal Fusion Cages, Jeffrey M. Toth, Howard Seim, Jeffrey D. Schwardt, Wendy B. Humphrey, Joel A. Wallskog, and A. Simon Turner

Submissions from 1999


The Use of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2 (rhBMP-2) to Promote Spinal Fusion in a Nonhuman Primate Anterior Interbody Fusion Model, Brian P. Hecht, Jeffrey S. Fischgrund, Harry N. Harkowitz, Lori Penman, Jeffrey M. Toth, and Ali Shirkhoda


An Iterative Approach to the Beam Hardening Correction in Cone Beam CT (Proceedings), Jiang Hsieh, Robert C. Molthen, Christopher A. Dawson, and Roger H. Johnson


3D Micro-CT for Functional Genomics, R. H. Johnson, Robert C. Molthen, Christopher C. Hanger, Kelly Lynn Karau, Steven Haworth, and Christopher Dawson


3D X-Ray Microtomography Applied to Structural and Mechanical Characterization of Arterial Trees, R. H. Johnson, Robert C. Molthen, Christian Wietholt, Kelly Lynn Karau, Christopher C. Hanger, and Christopher Dawson


Efficacy of Beam-Hardening Correction for Vascular Morphometry Using 3D Conebeam Micro-CT, Roger H. Johnson, Jiang Hsieh, Robert C. Molthen, and Christopher A. Dawson


Exploiting Self-Similarity of Arterial Trees to Reduce the Complexity of Analysis, Roger H. Johnson, Kelly Lynn Karau, Robert C. Molthen, and Christopher Dawson


Quantification of Pulmonary Arterial Wall Distensibility Using Parameters Extracted from Volumetric Micro-CT Images, Roger H. Johnson, Kelly Lynn Karau, Robert C. Molthen, and Christopher A. Dawson


Analysis of 3D Pulmonary Microangiograms, Robert C. Molthen


Branching Patterns of Coronary collateral Vascular Networks, Robert C. Molthen


Anatomy of Soft Tissues of the Spinal Canal, Hogan Quinn and Jeffrey M. Toth


Detection of Changes in Lung Tissue Properties with Multiple-indicator Dilution, David L. Roerig, Said H. Audi, John H. Linehan, Gary S. Krenz, S. B. Ahlf, W. Lin, and Christopher A. Dawson


Cellular Responses to Whitlockite, L. M. Ryan, H. S. Cheung, R. Z. LeGeros, I. V. Kurup, Jeffrey M. Toth, P. R. Westfall, and G. M. McCarthy


Finite Element Analysis of Anterior Tooth Root Stresses Developed During Endodontic Treatment, Barbara Silver-Thorn and T. P. Joyce


In vivo Indentation of Lower Extremity Limb Soft Tissues, M. Barbara Silver-Thorn


A Murine Model of Latex Allergy-induced Airway Hyperreactivity, J. C. Thakker, J. Q. Xia, David A. Rickaby, Gary S. Krenz, K. J. Kelly, V. P. Kurup, and Christopher A. Dawson

Submissions from 1998


Pulmonary Disposition of Lipophilic Amine Compounds in the Isolated Perfused Rabbit Lung, Said H. Audi, Christopher A. Dawson, John H. Linehan, Gary S. Krenz, S. B. Ahlf, and David L. Roerig


Accounting for the Heterogeneity of Capillary Transit Times in Modeling Multiple Indicator Dilution Data, Said H. Audi, John H. Linehan, Gary S. Krenz, and Christopher A. Dawson


Principles of Tissue Engineering Applied to Programmable Osteogenesis, John H. Brekke and Jeffrey M. Toth


Sensory Changes in Adults with Unilateral Transtibial Amputation, Judith B. Kosasih and Barbara Silver-Thorn


Using Phase Information in Ultrasonic Backscatter for In Vivo Liver Analysis, Robert C. Molthen, V. Manjo Narayanan, P. M. Shankar, J. M. Reid, V. Genis, F. Forsberg, E. J. Halpern, and B. B. Goldberg


Comparisons of the Rayleigh and K-Distribution Models Using in vivo Breast and Liver Tissue, Robert C. Molthen, P. M. Shankar, J. M. Reid, F. Forsberg, E. J. Halpern, C. W. Piccoli, and B. B. Goldberg


A Rate-Controlled Indentor for In vivo Analysis of Residual Limb Tissues, Arvind Pratap Pathak, M. Barbara Silver-Thorn, Christopher A. Thierfelder, and Thomas E Prieto

Submissions from 1997


Water Transport and the Distribution of Aquaporin-1 in Pulmonary Air Spaces, Richard M. Effros, C. Darin, Elizabeth R. Jacobs, R. A. Rogers, Gary S. Krenz, and E. E. Schneeberger


Studies on Ultrasonic Scattering from Quasi-Periodic Structures, V. Manjo Narayanan, Robert C. Molthen, P. M. Shankar, L. Vergara, and J. M. Reid


Laparoscopic Assisted Fusion of the Lumbosacral Spine: A Biomechanical and Histologic Analysis of the Open Versus Laparoscopic Technique in an Animal Model, Lee H. Riley III, Jason C. Eck, Hiryuki Yoshida, Jeffrey M. Toth, Nguyen Cahn, Tae Hong Lim, and Linda M. McGrady


Experimental Spinal Fusion With Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Without Decortication of Osseous Elements, Harvinder Sandhu, Linda E.A. Kanim, Jeffrey M. Toth, J. Michael Kabo, David Liu, Rick B. Delamarter, and Edgar G. Dawson


Generic, Geometric Finite Element Analysis of the Transtibial Residual Limb and Prosthetic Socket, Barbara Silver-Thorn and Dudley S. Childress

Submissions from 1996


An Interpretation of 14C-urea and 14C-primidone Extraction in Isolated Rabbit Lungs, Said H. Audi, C. A. Dawson, J. H. Linehan, Gary S. Krenz, S. B. Ahlf, and David L. Roerig


Using the K-Distribution and Phase Statistics to Examine in vivo Breast and Liver Data, Robert C. Molthen, P. M. Shankar, V. Manjo Narayanan, J. M. Reid, V. Genis, F. Forsberg, C. W. Piccoli, A. E. Lindenmayer, and B. B. Goldberg


Effective Doses of Recombinant Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 in Experimental Spinal Fusion, Harvinder Sandhu, Linda E.A. Kanim, J. Michael Kabo, Jeffrey M. Toth, Erik N. Zeegen, David Liu, Rick B. Delamarter, and Edgar G. Dawson


Studies on the use of Non-Rayleigh Statistics for Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization, P. M. Shankar, Robert C. Molthen, V. Manjo Narayanan, J. M. Reid, V. Genis, F. Forsberg, C. W. Piccoli, A. E. Lindenmayer, and B. B. Goldberg


Parametric Analysis Using the Finite Element Method to Investigate Prosthetic Interface Stresses for Persons with Trans-tibial Amputation, Barbara Silver-Thorn and Dudley S. Childress


A Review of Prosthetic Interface Stress Investigations, Barbara Silver-Thorn, John W. Steege, and Dudley S. Childress


Guest Editorial: Introduction to "Soft Tissue Interfaces in Rehabilitation", M. Barbara Silver-Thorn, Joan E. Sanders, and David M. Brienza

Submissions from 1995


Prospective Comparison of Autograft vs. Allograft for Adult Posterolateral Lumbar Spine Fusion: Differences Among Freeze-Dried, Frozen, and Mixed Grafts, Howard S. An, Kenneth L. Lynch, and Jeffrey M. Toth


Estimation of the pulmonary capillary transport function in isolated rabbit lungs., Said H. Audi, J H. Linehan, Gary S. Krenz, C A. Dawson, S B. Ahlf, and David L. Roerig


Preliminary Experience with a Novel Model Assessing In vivo Mechanical Strength of Bone Grafts and Substitute Materials, K. R. Hamson, Jeffrey M. Toth, J. B. Stiehl, and Kenneth L. Lynch


Characterization of Ultrasonic B-Scans Using Non-Rayleigh Statistics, Robert C. Molthen, P. M. Shankar, and J. M. Reid