The Biomedical Engineering Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's biomedical engineering faculty.


Submissions from 2012


Upper Extremity Kinematics in Children with Spinal Cord Injury during Wheelchair Mobility, Brooke Slavens, Alyssa Paul, Adam Graf, Joseph Krzak, Lawrence Vogel, and Gerald Harris


Subclinical Photoreceptor Disruption in Response to Severe Head Trauma, Kimberly E. Stepien, Wanda M. Martinez, Adam M. Dubis, Robert F. Cooper, Alfredo Dubra, and Joseph Carroll


Adaptive Optics Scanning Ophthalmoscopy with Annular Pupils, Yusufu N. Sulai and Alfredo Dubra


Persistent Vascular Collagen Accumulation Alters Hemodynamic Recovery from Chronic Hypoxia, Diana M. Tabima, Alejandro Roldan-Alzate, Zhijie Wang, Timothy A. Hacker, Robert C. Molthen, and Naomi C. Chesler


Biocompatibility of Polyaryletheretherketone Polymers, Jeffrey M. Toth


Diffusion Tensor Imaging and Tractography in Brown-Sequard Syndrome, A. Vendatam, Michael B. Jirjis, Brian D. Schmit, M. D. Budde, J. L. Ulmer, Mei Wang, and S. N. Kurpad


Monosynaptic Functional Connectivity in Cerebral Cortex During Wakefulness and Under Graded Levels of Anesthesia, Jeannette A. Vizuete, Siveshigan Pillay, Kamran Diba, Kristina M. Ropella, and Anthony G. Hudetz


Functional Classification of Skeletal Muscle Networks. II. Applications to Pathophysiology, Yu Wang, Jack Winters, and Shankar Subramaniam


Functional Classification of Skeletal Muscle Networks. I. Normal Physiology, Yu Wang, John Winters, and Shankar Subramaniam


Including Aortic Valve Morphology in Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulations: Initial Findings and Application to Aortic Coarctation, David C. Wendell, Margaret M. Samyn, Joseph Richard Cava, Laura M. Ellwein, Mary M. Krolikowski, Kimberly L. Gandy, Andrew N. Pelech, Shawn C. Shadden, and John F. LaDisa


A First-Order Primal-dual Reconstruction Algorithm for Few-View SPECT, Paul Arthur Wolf, Jakob Heide Jørgensen, Taly Gilat Schmidt, and Emil Y. Sidky


Robotic Resistance Treadmill Training Improves Locomotor Function in Human Spinal Cord Injury: A Pilot Study, Ming Wu, Jill M. Landry, Brian Schmit, T. George Hornby, and Sheng-Che Yen


Tyrosine Nitration of Voltage-dependent Anion Channels in Cardiac Ischemia-reperfusion: Reduction by Peroxynitrite Scavenging, Meiying Yang, Amadou K.S. Camara, Bassam T. Wakim, Yifan Zhou, Ashish K. Gadicherla, Wai-Meng Kwok, and David F. Stowe


Locomotor Adaptation to Resistance During Treadmill Training Transfers to Overground Walking in Human SCI, Sheng-Che Yen, Brian D. Schmit, Jill M. Landry, Heidi Roth, and Ming Wu

Submissions from 2011


Mechanisms of Stem Subsidence in Femoral Impaction Allografting, Carolyne Albert, Hanspeter Frei, Clive Duncan, and Goran Fernlund


Ranolazine Reduces Ca2+ Overload and Oxidative Stress and Improves Mitochondrial Integrity to Protect Against Ischemia Reperfusion Injury in Isolated Hearts, Mohammed Aldakkak, Amadou K.S. Camara, James S. Heisner, Meiying Yang, and David F. Stowe


Global Flow Impacts Time-to-passage Judgments Based on Local Motion Cues, Scott A. Beardsley, Elif M. Sikoglu, Heiko Hecht, and Lucia M. Vaina


Different Motion Cues Are Used to Estimate Time-to-arrival for Frontoparallel and Loming Trajectories, Finnegan J. Calabro, Scott A. Beardsley, and Lucia M. Vaina


Mitochondrial Approaches to Protect Against Cardiac Ischemia And Reperfusion Injury, Amadou K.S. Camara, Martin Bienengraeber, and David F. Stowe


Biophysical Properties of the Aorta in Patients with Marfan Syndrome and Related Connective Tissue Disorders: Evaluation with MRI and Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling, Joseph A. Camarda, Michael G. Earing, Ronak Jashwant Dholakia, Hongfeng Wang, Sung Kwon, John F. LaDisa Jr., and Margaret M. Samyn


Postoperative Foot and Ankle Kinematics in Rheumatoid Arthritis, Karl Canseco, Carolyne Albert, Jason T. Long, Michael Khazzam, Richard Marks, and Gerald F. Harris


Effects of Wrist Tendon Vibration on Arm Tracking in People Poststroke, Megan O. Conrad, Robert A. Scheidt, and Brian D. Schmit


Effects of Wrist Tendon Vibration on Targeted Upper-Arm Movements in Poststroke Hemiparesis, Megan O. Conrad, Robert A. Scheidt, and Brian D. Schmit


Spatial and Temporal Variation of Rod Photoreceptor Reflectance in the Human Retina, Robert F. Cooper, Adam M. Dubis, Ashavini M. Pavaskar, Jungtae Rha, Alfredo Dubra, and Joseph Carroll


Multimodality Imaging of Abnormal Vascular Perfusion and Morphology in Preclinical 9L Gliosarcoma Model, Moses M. Darpolor, Robert C. Molthen, and Kathleen M. Schmainda


Noninvasive Imaging of the Human Rod Photoreceptor Mosaic Using a Confocal Adaptive Optics Scanning Ophthalmoscope, Alfredo Dubra, Yusufu N. Sulai, Jennifer L. Norris, Robert F. Cooper, Adam M. Dubis, David R. Williams, and Joseph Carroll


Optical Coherence Tomography for Patient-specific 3D Artery Reconstruction and Evaluation of Wall Shear Stress in a Left Circumflex Coronary Artery, Laura M. Ellwein, Hiromasa Otake, Timothy J. Gundert, Bon-Kwon Koo, Toshiro Shinke, Yasuhiro Honda, Junya Shite, and John F. LaDisa


Is Facet Fusion Biomechanically Equivalent to Posterolateral Onlay Fusion?, Kevin Foley, Jeffrey M. Toth, Lawrence Lenke, Howard Seim, Mei Wang, and Simon Turner


Quantifying Mitochondrial and Plasma Membrane Potentials in Intact Pulmonary Arterial Endothelial Cells Based on Extracellular Disposition of Rhodamine Dyes, Zhuohui Gan, Said H. Audi, Robert D. Bongard, Kathryn M. Gauthier, and Marilyn P. Merker


Differential Responses of Targeted Lung Redox Enzymes to Rat Exposure to 60 or 85% Oxygen, Zhuohui Gan, David L. Roerig, Anne V. Clough, and Said H. Audi


A Database for Estimating Scanner-Specific CT Dose, Taly Gilat-Schmidt


Osteoanatomy of the Adult Humerus for Rehabilitative Assessment: Referenced to the NIH Visible Human Project (NIH-VHP), Steven I. Grindel and Gerald F. Harris


Mechanical Characterization of Fourth Generation Composite Humerus, Prateek Grover, Carolyne Albert, Mei Wang, and Gerald F. Harris


A Rapid and Computationally Inexpensive Method to Virtually Implant Current and Next-Generation Stents into Subject-Specific Computational Fluid Dynamics Models, Timothy J. Gundert, Shawn C. Shadden, Andrew R. Williams, Bon-Kwon Koo, Jeffrey A. Feinstein, and John F. LaDisa


Sensing with the Motor Cortex, Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos and Aaron J. Suminski


Visual and Proprioceptive Contributions to Compensatory and Pursuit Tracking Movements in Humans, Megan L. Heenan, Robert A. Scheidt, and Scott A. Beardsley


Effect of Sensory Feedback from the Proximal Upper Limb on Voluntary Isometric Finger Flexion and Extension in Hemiparetic Stroke Subjects, Gilles Hoffmann, Brian D. Schmit, Jennifer H. Kahn, and Derek G. Kamper


Micro-CT Characterization of Human Trabecular Bone in Osteogenesis Imperfecta, John Jameson, Carolyne Albert, Peter Smith, Robert C. Molthen, and Gerald F. Harris


Bilateral Assessment of Functional Tasks for Robot-assisted Therapy Applications, Michelle J. Johnson, Sarah Wang, Ping Bai, Elaine Strachota, Guennady Tchekanov, Jeff Melbye, and John McGuire


Quantifying the Tibiofemoral Joint Space Using X-ray Tomosynthesis, Benjamin Kalinosky, John M. Sabol, Kelly Piacsek, Beth Heckel, and Taly Gilat Schmidt


Upper Extremity Joint Dynamics During Walker Assisted Gait: A Quantitative Approach Towards Rehabilitative Intervention, Katherine A. Konop, Kelly M.B. Strifling, Joseph Krzak, Adam Graf, and Gerald F. Harris


Analysis of Push-Off Power During Locomotion in Children with Type 1 Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Joseph Krzak, Adam Graf, Ann Flanagan, Angela Caudill, and Gerald F. Harris


Current Research and Clinical Applications in Human Motion Analysis, Ken N. Kuo and Gerald F. Harris


Computational simulations demonstrate altered wall shear stress in aortic coarctation patients previously treated by resection with end-to-end anastomosis, John F. LaDisa, Ronak Jashwant Dholakia, Alberto Figueroa, Irene E. Vignon-Clementel, Frandics P. Chan, Margaret M. Samyn, Joseph Richard Cava, Charles A. Taylor, and Jeffrey A. Feinstein


Computational Simulations for Aortic Coarctation: Representative Results From a Sampling of Patients, John F. LaDisa, Alberto Figueroa, Irene E. Vignon-Clementel, Hyun Jin Kim, Nan Xiao, Laura M. Ellwein, Frandics P. Chan, Jeffrey A. Feinstein, and Charles A. Taylor


Reorganization of Finger Coordination Patterns During Adaptation to Rotation and Scaling of a Newly Learned Sensorimotor Transformation, Xiaolin Liu, Kristine M. Mosier, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi, Maura Casadio, and Robert A. Scheidt


Implications of Arm Restraint on Lower Extremity Kinetics During Gait, Jason T. Long, John B. Groner, Dan C. Eastwood, Timothy R. Dillingham, Prateek Grover, and Gerald F. Harris


A Model for the Evaluation of Lower Extremity Kinematics with Integrated Multisegmental Foot Motion, Jason T. Long, Mei Wang, and Gerald F. Harris


Carotid Plaque Regression Following 6-month Statin Therapy Assessed by 3T Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance: Comparison with Ultrasound Intima Media Thickness, Raymond Q. Migrino, Mark Bowers, Leanne Harmann, Robert W. Prost, and John F. LaDisa


Sensory Motor Remapping of Space in Human-Machine Interfaces, Ferdinando A. Mussa-Ivaldi, Maura Casadio, Zachary C. Danziger, Kristine M. Mosier, and Robert A. Scheidt


Dynamic Imaging of Airways During Bronchoconstriction and Deep Inspiration in Intact Rats, Gabriel Rapalo, Scott W. Sinclair, Patrudu Makena, Robert C. Molthen, and Christopher M. Waters


Salen Mn Complexes Mitigate Radiation Injury in Normal Tissues, Rosalind A. Rosenthal, Brian Fish, Richard P. Hill, Karl D. Huffman, Zelmira Lazarova, Javed Mahmood, Meetha Medhora, Robert C. Molthen, John E. Moulder, Stephen T. Sonis, Philip J. Tofilon, and Susan R. Doctrow


Energy Deposition in the Breast During CT Scanning: Quantification and Implications for Dose Reduction, Franco Rupcich, Iacovos Kyprianou, Andreu Badal, and Taly Gilat Schmidt


Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging Can Detect Early Vascular Changes in Children with Type 1 Diabetes (T1DM), Margaret M. Samyn, Pippa Simpson, Michael E. Widlansky, Mary M. Krolikowski, Jennifer Co-Vu, Ronak Jashwant Dholakia, John F. LaDisa, and Ramin Alemzadeh


Patterns of Hypermetria and Terminal Cocontraction during Point-to-point Movements Demonstrate Independent Action of Trajectory and Postural Controllers, Robert A. Scheidt, Claude Ghez, and Supriya Asnani


Region-of-Interest Material Decomposition From Truncated Energy-Resolved CT, Taly Gilat Schmidt


What is Inverse-Geometry CT?, Taly Gilat Schmidt


Effect of Ankle Orientation on Heel Loading and Knee Stability for Post-stroke Individuals Wearing Ankle-foot Orthoses, M. Barbara Silver-Thorn


A Quantitative and Standardized Robotic Method for the Evaluation of Arm Proprioception After Stroke, Lucia Simo, Claude Ghez, Lior Botzer, and Robert A. Scheidt


Motion Analysis of the Upper Extremities During Lofstrand Crutch-Assisted Gait in Children with Orthopaedic Disabilities, Brooke A. Slavens, Neha Bhagchandani, Mei Wang, Peter A. Smith, and Gerald F. Harris


Biomechanical and Histomorphometric Evaluation of Pedicle Screws Augmented with rhBMP-2, Jeffrey M. Toth, Chetan Patel, Akshi Arora, and Mei Wang


Postural Sway in Children with Diplegic and Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy, K. D. Bustamante Valles, Jason T. Long, Adam Graf, Joseph Krzak, Sahar Hassani, S. A. Riedel, and Gerald F. Harris


Effects of Acute Rho Kinase Inhibition on Chronic Hypoxia-induced Changes in Proximal and Distal Pulmonary Arterial Structure and Function, Rebecca R. Vanderpool, Ah Ram Kim, Robert C. Molthen, and Naomi Chesler


Race- and Sex-related Differences in Retinal Thickness and Foveal Pit Morphology, Melissa Wagner-Schuman, Adam M. Dubis, Rick Nordgren, Yuming Lei, Daniel Odell, Hellen Chiao, Eric Weh, William Fischer, Yusufu N. Sulai, Alfredo Dubra, and Joseph Carroll


A Compressed Sensing Algorithm for Sparse-View Pinhole Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, Paul Arthur Wolf, Emil Y. Sidky, and Taly Gilat Schmidt


A Novel Cable-Driven Robotic Training Improves Locomotor Function in Individuals Post-Stroke, Ming Wu, Jill M. Landry, Sheng-Che Yen, Brian D. Schmit, T. George Hornby, and Miriam Rafferty


Instrument Independent Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy, Bing Yu, Henry L. Fu, and Nirmala Ramanujam

Submissions from 2010


Mitochondrial Matrix K+ Flux Independent of Large-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ Channel Opening, Mohammed Aldakkak, David F. Stowe, Qunli Cheng, Wai-Meng Kwok, and Amadou K.S. Camara


Motion of the Multisegmental Foot in Hallux Valgus, Karl Canseco, Leah Rankine, Jason T. Long, Thomas Smedberg, Richard Marks, and Gerald F. Harris


Ankle Strength and Functional Limitations in Children and Adolescents With Type I Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Angela Caudill, Ann Flanagan, Sahar Hassani, Adam Graf, Ruta Bajorunaite, Gerald F. Harris, and Peter A. Smith


The Effect of ACE Inhibition on the Pulmonary Vasculature in Combined Models of Chronic Hypoxia and Pulmonary Arterial Banding in Sprague Dawley Rats, Shanelle Clarke, Shelley Baumgardt, and Robert C. Molthen


Testing Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors in Combination with EUK 207 for Mitigation of Radiation Pneumonitis, Feng Gao, Swarajit N. Ghosh, Lakhan Kma, QingPing Wu, Robert C. Molthen, Brian L. Fish, John E. Moulder, Susan R. Doctrow, and Meetha Medhora


Correction to Mitochondrial Free [Ca2+] Increases during ATP/ADP Antiport and ADP Phosphorylation: Exploration of Mechanisms, Johan Haumann, Ranjan K. Dash, David F. Stowe, Age D. Boelens, Daniel A. Beard, and Amadou K.S. Camara


Mitochondrial Free [Ca2+] Increases during ATP/ADP Antiport and ADP Phosphorylation: Exploration of Mechanisms, Johan Haumann, Ranjan K. Dash, David F. Stowe, Age D. Boelens, Daniel A. Beard, and Amadou K.S. Camara


Epidermal Neural Crest Stem Cell (EPI-NCSC)--Mediated Recovery of Sensory Function in a Mouse Model of Spinal Cord Injury, Yao Fei Hu, Krishnaj Gourab, Clive Wells, Oliver Clives, Brian D. Schmit, and Maya Sieber-Blum


Validation of a Micro-CT Approach for Characterization of Murine and Human Bone in Osteogenesis Imperfecta, John Jameson, Brooke Slavens, Robert Molthen, Peter Smith, and Gerald Harris


Time-Efficient Patient-Specific Quantification of Regional Carotid Artery Fluid Dynamics and Spatial Correlation with Plaque Burden, John F. LaDisa, Mark Bowers, Leanne Harmann, Robert W. Prost, Anil Vamsi Doppalapudi, Tayyab Mohyuddin, Osama Zaidat, and Raymond Q. Migrino


Aortic Coarctation: Recent Developments in Experimental and Computational Methods to Assess Treatments for this Simple Condition, John F. LaDisa, Charles A. Taylor, and Jeffrey A. Feinstein


Arterial Morphology Responds Differently to Captopril then N-Acetylcysteine in a Monocrotaline Rat Model of Pulmonary Hypertension, Robert C. Molthen, QingPing Wu, Shelley Baumgardt, Laura Kohlhepp, Rahul Shingrani, and Gary S. Krenz


Mitigation of Radiation-Induced Pneumonitis and Pulmonary Vascular Injury Using Combined Therapy: Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Superoxide Dismutase (SOD) Mimetics, Robert C. Molthen, QingPing Wu, Brian L. Fish, Elizabeth R. Jacobs, John E. Moulder, Susan R. Doctrow, and Meetha Medhora


Coronary Artery Bifurcation Biomechanics and Implications for Interventional Strategies, James E. Moore Jr., Lucas H. Timmins, and John F. LaDisa


The Effect of Abductor Muscle and Anterior-Posterior Hip Contact Load Simulation on the In-vitro Primary Stability of a Cementless Hip Stem, Youngbae Park, Carolyne Albert, Yong-San Yoon, Göran Fernlund, Hanspeter Frei, and Thomas R. Oxland


Distribution of Capillary Transit Times in Isolated Lungs of Oxygen-Tolerant Rats, Madhavi Ramakrishna, Zhuohui Gan, Anne V. Clough, Robert C. Molthen, David L. Roerig, and Said H. Audi


Visual, Motor and Attentional Influences on Proprioceptive Contributions to Perception of Hand Path Rectilinearity during Reaching, Robert A. Scheidt, Kyle P. Lillis, and Scott J. Emerson


CT Energy Weighting in the Presence of Scatter and Limited Energy Resolution, Taly Gilat Schmidt


Dedicated Breast CT: Current Status and New Directions, Taly Gilat Schmidt


Automation Process for Morphometric Analysis of Volumetric CT Data from Pulmonary Vasculature in Rats, Rahul Shingrani, Gary S. Krenz, and Robert Molthen


Integration Mechanisms for Heading Perception, Elif M. Sikoglu, Finnegan J. Calabro, Scott A. Beardsley, and Lucia M. Vaina


Incorporating Feedback from Multiple Sensory Modalities Enhances Brain–Machine Interface Control, Aaron J. Suminski, Dennis C. Tkach, Andrew H. Fagg, and Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos


Local Hemodynamic Changes Caused by Main Branch Stent Implantation and Subsequent Side Branch Balloon Angioplasty in a Representative Coronary Bifurcation, Andrew R. Williams, Bon-Kwon Koo, Timothy J. Gundert, Peter J. Fitzgerald, and John F. LaDisa Jr.

Submissions from 2009


Modulation of Mitochondrial Bioenergetics in the Isolated Guinea Pig Beating Heart by Potassium and Lidocaine Cardioplegia: Implications for Cardioprotection, Mohammed Aldakkak, David F. Stowe, Edward J. Lesnefsky, James S. Heisner, Qun Chen, and Amadou K.S. Camara


Simulated Scatter Performance of an Inverse-Geometry Dedicated Breast CT System, Reema Bhagtani and Taly Gilat Schmidt


Single-Unit Stability Using Chronically Implanted Multielectrode Arrays, Adam S. Dickey, Aaron J. Suminski, Yali Amit, and Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos


Discriminating Pulmonary Hypertension Caused by Monocrotaline Toxicity from Chronic Hypoxia by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Methods of Analysis, Simon Duri, Robert C. Molthen, and Chieu D. Tran


A Pilot Study Evaluating Use of a Computer-assisted Neurorehabilitation Platform for Upper-extremity Stroke Assessment, Xin Feng and Jack Winters


Flexor Reflex Decreases during Sympathetic Stimulation in Chronic Human Spinal Cord Injury, Mark Kevin Garrison and Brian D. Schmit


Vascular Injury After Whole Thoracic X-Ray Irradiation in the Rat, S. N. Ghosh, Q. Wu, M. Mäder, B. L. Fish, John E. Moulder, Elizabeth R. Jacobs, Meetha Medhora, and Robert C. Molthen


Feasibility of Imaging the First-pass Tracer Uptake in Small-Animal Multi-pinhole SPECT, Taly Gilat-Schmidt


Preliminary Feasibility of Dedicated Breast CT With an Inverse Geometry, Taly Gilat-Schmidt


Ankle Load Modulates Hip Kinetics and EMG During Human Locomotion, Keith E. Gordon, Ming Wu, Jennifer H. Kahn, Yasin Y. Dhaher, and Brian D. Schmit