The Communication Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's communication faculty.


Submissions from 1991


Book Review of Mass Communication and Political Information Processing by Sidney Kraus, Robert Griffin

Interpreting Public Issues, Robert J. Griffin Ph.D., Dayle H. Molen, Clay Schoenfeld, and James F. Scotton

Beginner’s Guide To Doing Qualitative Research In Mass Communication, John J. Pauly


Broadcasts of Basketball, Tennis Events Provide Greatest Exposure to Courtside Advertisers, According to Research, James Pokrywczynski


In-arena Signage Registers Brand Names with Sports Fans; Rotating Signage has Higher Sponsor Recall than Still Signs, James Pokrywczynski

Submissions from 1990


Legal Communication: An Introduction to Rhetorical and Communication Theory Perspectives, Steven Goldzwig and M. J. Cody


“Locating” the Bishops' Advocacy: A Response to Hogan, Steven R. Goldzwig and George Cheney


Energy in the Eighties: Education, Communication, and the Knowledge Gap, Robert Griffin

Submissions from 1989


A Social Movement Perspective on Demagoguery: Achieving Symbolic Realignment, Steven R. Goldzwig


John F. Kennedy's Civil Rights Discourse: The Evolution from “Principled Bystander” to Public Advocate, Steven R. Goldzwig and George N. Dionisopoulos


Communication and the Adoption of Energy Conservation Measures by the Elderly, Robert Griffin

Radio Warfare: OSS and CIA Subversive Propaganda, Lawrence Soley

Submissions from 1988


Review of Guts: Advertising From the Inside Out by John Lyons, James Pokrywczynski


Sex in Ads Targeted To Black and White Readers, James Pokrywczynski

Submissions from 1987


A Rhetoric of Public Theology: The Religious Rhetor and Public Policy, Steven R. Goldzwig


Book Review of Randomized Response: A Method for Sensitive Surveys, edited by James Alan Fox and Paul Edwin Tracy, Robert Griffin


The Perceived Informativeness of National and Retail Advertising, Karen Whitehall King, Leonard N. Reid, Spencer F. Tinkham, and James Pokrywczynski


Communication and Energy Conservation, Jack M. McLeod, Carroll J. Glynn, and Robert Griffin


Computer Software Applications in Key Areas of Broadcasting, James Pokrywczynski

Clandestine Radio Broadcasting: A Study of Revolutionary and Counterrevolutionary Electronic Communication, Lawrence Soley and John S. Nichols

Submissions from 1986


Explaining It to Ourselves: The Phases of National Mourning in Space Tragedy, Steven R. Goldzwig and George N. Dionisopoulos

Submissions from 1985


James Watt's Subversion of Values: An Analysis of Rhetorical Failure, Steven R. Goldzwig


Book Review of The Integrative Research Review: A Systematic Approach, Harris M. Cooper, Robert Griffin


The Effectiveness of Advocacy Advertising Relative to News Coverage, Charles T. Salmon, Leonard N. Reid, James Pokrywczynski, and Robert W. Willett


The Effectiveness of Advocacy Advertising Versus Publicity in a Public Relations Situation, Charles T. Salmon, Leonard N. Reid, James Pokrywczynski, and Robert W. Willett

Submissions from 1984


The U. S. Catholic Bishops on Nuclear Arms: Corporate Advocacy, Role Redefinition, and Rhetorical Adaptation, Steven R. Goldzwig and George Cheney

Submissions from 1982


Environmental Impact: University Programs in Journalism, Robert Griffin and Clay Schoenfeld


Ecology and Environment: They've Been Integrated into J-Education Thinking, Clay Schoenfeld and Robert J. Griffin

Submissions from 1981


Communication: A Human Factor, Clay Schoenfeld and Robert J. Griffin

Submissions from 1980


Book Review of The Effects of Television Advertising on Children by Richard P. Adler, Gerald S. Lesser, Laurene Krasny Meringoff, Thomas S. Robertson, John R. Rossiter and Scott Ward, Robert Griffin

Submissions from 1979


Constructing a Social Problem: The Press and the Environment, A. Clay Schoenfeld, Robert F. Meier, and Robert J. Griffin