The Communication Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's communication faculty.
Submissions from 2010
The American Journalism History Reader, Bonnie Brennen and Hanno Hardt
A Different Kind of Inter-Media Agenda Setting: How Campaign Ads and Presidential Debates Influenced the Blogosphere in the 2008 U.S. Campaign, Sumana Chattopadhyay and Molly Greenwood
Threads of Intersection and Distinction: Joining an Ongoing Conversation within Organizational Communication Research, Sarah Bonewits Feldner and Scott C. D'Urso
The World War II Patriotic Mother, Ana C. Garner and Karen L. Slattery
Commencing the Rationale for War: George W. Bush’s Address at West Point, June 1, 2002, Steven R. Goldzwig
Review of The Anti-Intellectual Presidency: The Decline of Presidential Rhetoric from George Washington to George W. Bush, Steven R. Goldzwig
Weaving Your Way Through the Creative Labyrinth: Words of Wisdom from Professionals, Jean M. Grow
Where are the women? Creative voices from Spain and the United States, Jean M. Grow
Sports Public Relations, Tom Isaacson
Branding the Family Drama: Genre Formations and Critical Perspectives on Gilmore Girls, Amanda R. Keeler
Interview with Thomas G. Smith, Educational Filmmaker, Amanda R. Keeler
Review of Jan Olsson's Los Angeles Before Hollywood: Journalism and American Film culture, 1905 to 1915, Amanda R. Keeler
Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Comparison of Arab and Western Audiences, Kevin Keenan and James Pokrywczynski
Relational Maintenance Behaviors in the Grandchild–Grandparent Relationship, Daniel H. Mansson, Scott A. Myers, and Lynn H. Turner
Symptom Information in Direct-to-Consumer Antidepressant Advertising and College Students' Perception of the Lifetime Risk Depression, Jin Seong Park and Jean M. Grow
Brand Logos More Prevalent In Recent News Sports Photos, James Pokrywczynski, John Carvalho, and Thomas Preston Jr.
Censored on Final Approach, Phyllis Ravel
Getting on the "E" List: E-Mail Use in a Community of Service Provider, Craig R. Scott, Laurie K. Lewis, and Scott C. D'Urso
New Media for a New China, James Scotton and William A. Hachten
Emerging interpersonal norms of text messaging in India and the United States, Robert Shuter and Sumana Chattopadhyay
Projective Techniques for Advertising and Consumer Research, Lawrence Soley
Projective Techniques in US Marketing and Management Research: The Influence of The Achievement Motive, Lawrence Soley
The New Abridged Reporter's Privilege: Policies, Principles, and Pathological Perspectives, Erik Ugland
Newspaper Theft, Self-Preservation and the Dimensions of Censorship, Erik Ugland and Jennifer L. Lambe
Review of Online Public Relations: A Practical Guide to Developing an Online Strategy in the World of Social Media, Joyce M. Wolburg
Advertising, Society, and Consumer Culture, Joyce M. Wolburg and Roxanne Hovland
Submissions from 2009
A Plea for PR Ethics Research, Kati Tusinski Berg
Finding Connections Between Lobbying, Public Relations and Advocacy, Kati Tusinski Berg
Lobbying as Advocacy Public Relations and Its ‘Unspoken’ Code of Ethics, Kati Tusinski Berg
Teaching Ethics with the Help of Hollywood, Kati Tusinski Berg
Teaching Media Ethics at the Graduate Level, Kati Tusinski Berg
The Future of Journalism, Bonnie Brennen
Web 2.0: Opportunities and Challenges for Advertising Educators, Mary Caravella, Daradirek Ekachai, Charles Jaeger, and Debra Zahay
The Past, Present, and Future of Human Communication and Technology Research: An Introduction, Scott C. D'Urso
Connected to the Organization: A Survey of Communication Technologies in the Modern Organizational Landscape, Scott C. D'Urso and Kristen M. Pierce
What’s in a Name? Managing Multiple Organizational Identities in a Catholic University, Sarah Bonewits Feldner and Scott C. D'Urso
What’s in a Name? Managing Multiple Organizational Identities in a Catholic University, Sarah Bonewits Feldner and Scott C. D'Urso
World War I and the Mobilization of Maternal Sacrifice: Considerations for Peace Politics, Ana C. Garner and Karen L. Slattery
Nike Women’s Advertising: A Matter of Principle, Jean M. Grow
The Gender of Branding: Antenarrative Resistance in Early Nike Women’s Advertising, Jean M. Grow
Review of Kristen Haring's Ham Radio's Technical Culture, Amanda R. Keeler
“Exploring the Basement of Social Justice Issues”: A Graduate Upon Graduation, Erika L. Kirby, Sarah Bonewits Feldner, Jay Leighter, M. Chad McBride, Bren Ortega Murphy, Stacy Tye-Williams, and Lynn H. Turner
Dialogue, Discourse Ethics, and Disney, Rebecca Meisenbach and Sarah Bonewits Feldner
Library as Research Source, James Pokrywczynski
Finding a Home for Communication Technologies, Craig R. Scott, Laurie K. Lewis, Scott C. D'Urso, and Jenn D. Davis
Risk Information Seeking Among U.S. and Dutch Residents: An Application of the Model of Risk Information Seeking and Processing, Ellen F. J. ter Huurne, Robert Griffin, and Jan M. Gutteling
The Aims of Public Scholarship in Media Law and Ethics, Erik Ugland
Misguided Optimism Among College Student Smokers: Leveraging Their Quit-Smoking Strategies for Smoking Cessation Campaigns, Joyce M. Wolburg
"Regulating Sin" Across Cultures, Joyce M. Wolburg and Olesya Venger
Submissions from 2008
Communication and the Knowable Community, Bonnie Brennen
From Religiosity to Consumerism: Press Coverage of Thanksgiving, 1905-2005, Bonnie Brennen
Work in Progress: Labor and the Press in 1908, Bonnie Brennen
Creative Women in Advertising Agencies: Why So Few “Babes in Boyland”?, Sheri L. Broyles and Jean M. Grow
Book Review of A Companion to Media Studies, edited by A. Valdivia, Sumana Chattopadhyay
Bowling Alone, Sumana Chattopadhyay
Larry Sabato, Sumana Chattopadhyay
Reporters without Borders, Sumana Chattopadhyay
Rhetoric in Hostile Diplomatic Situations: A Case Study of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Rhetoric During His 2007 US Visit, Vidhi Chaudhri and Jeremy P. Fyke
Examining the Scope of Channel Expansion: A Test of Channel Expansion Theory with New and Traditional Communication Media, Scott C. D'Urso and Stephen A. Rains
Communication with Pharmacy Technicians: How to Reduce Stress and Improve Pharmacy Operations, Jeremy P. Fyke and Mary F. Hoffman
Medication Therapy Management Implementation, Part 2: Study Methodologies, Barriers, and Recommendations, Jeremy P. Fyke, Robert N. Yale, Corinne Corbett, and Natalie Litera
Medication Therapy Management Implementation, Part 3: Barriers and Recommendations to Overcome Barriers, Jeremy P. Fyke, Robert N. Yale, Corinne Corbett, and Natalie Litera
Recommendations for Overcoming Barriers to Medication Therapy Management Implementation, Part 1: Review of Literature, Jeremy P. Fyke, Robert N. Yale, Corinne Corbett, and Natalie Litera
Truman’s Whistle-stop Campaign, Steven R. Goldzwig
Task Force Report on the Ethical Responsibilities of Presidential Rhetoric, Steven R. Goldzwig, Karrin Vasby Anderson, Frederick J. Antczak, Thomas W. Benson, and Rita Kirk Whillock
Environmental Education, Robert Griffin
After the Flood: Anger, Attribution, and the Seeking of Information, Robert Griffin, Zheng Yang, Ellen F. J. ter Huurne, Francesca Boerner, Sherry Ortiz, and Sharon Dunwoody
Breaking the Silence Surrounding Hepatitis C by Promoting Self-Efficacy: A Study of Hepatitis C Public Service Announcements, Jean Grow and Stephanie Christopher
Seeing the World While Staying at Home: Slapstick, Modernity and American-ness, Amanda R. Keeler
Urban Watershed/Water Body Restoration - The Driving Forces, Vladimir Novotny, David E. Clark, and Robert J. Griffin
The Social Reality of Depression: DTC Advertising of Antidepressants and Perceptions of the Prevalence and Lifetime Risk of Depression, Jin Seong Park and Jean M. Grow
Community Renegades: Micro-radio and the Unlicensed Radio Movement, Lawrence Soley
Sex and Shock Jocks: An Analysis of the Howard Stern and Bob & Tom Shows (book chapter), Lawrence Soley
Projective Techniques for Social Science and Business Research, Lawrence Soley and Aaron Lee Smith
Preschool Children and the Media, William J. Thorn
Demarcating the Right to Gather News: A Sequential Interpretation of the First Amendment, Erik Ugland
The Legitimacy and Moral Authority of the National News Council (USA), Erik Ugland
"Selling Sin" in a Hostile Environment: A Comparison of Ukrainian and American Tobacco Advertising Strategies in Magazines, Olesya Venger and Joyce M. Wolburg
Condoms, Cigarettes, and Cell Phones: Does Brand Advertising Increase Generic Demand?, Joyce M. Wolburg
Review of Branded Entertainment: Product Placement & Brand Strategy in the Entertainment Business, Joyce M. Wolburg
Smoking Cessation: Why Do Smokers Fail?, Joyce M. Wolburg
Barriers to Providing MTMS, Robert N. Yale, Natalie Litera, Jeremy P. Fyke, and Corinne Corbett
Submissions from 2007
A Meta-Analysis of Political Advertising, William L. Benoit, Glenn M. Leshner, and Sumana Chattopadhyay
A Description of Lobbying as Advocacy Public Relations, Kati Tusinski Berg
Review of The Postwar Decline of American Newspapers, 1945-1965, Bonnie Brennen
The New York Times Code of Ethics, Bonnie Brennen
The Corporatization of Communication, Eric Chiappinelli, Adam Candeub, Jeffrey Chester, and Lawrence Soley and Activist Challenges: A Habermasian Perspective on Corporate Legitimacy, Sarah Bonewits Feldner and Rebecca J. Meisenbach
Saving Disney: Activating Publics through the Internet, Sarah Bonewits Feldner and Rebecca J. Meisenbach
Patriotic Motherhood and the Iraq War, Ana C. Garner and Karen L. Slattery
Risk Communication, Risk Beliefs, and Democracy: The Case of Agricultural Biotechnology, Robert Griffin
Review of Sex in Consumer Culture: The Erotic Content of Media and Marketing, Jean M. Grow
Thank You Don Imus: Nike Advertises Social Justice, Jean M. Grow
Political Engagement through Debates: Young Citizens’ Reactions to the 2004 Presidential Debates, Mitchell S. McKinney and Sumana Chattopadhyay
Sports Journalism as Moral and Ethical Discourse, Thomas P. Oates and John J. Pauly
Blending Journalism and Communication Studies, John J. Pauly
We Have All Been Here Before, John J. Pauly, William R. Burleigh, and E. W. Scripps
Exploring Lay Uncertainty about an Environmental Health Risk, Maria Powell, Sharon Dunwoody, Robert Griffin, and Kurt Neuwirth