The Education Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's education faculty.


Submissions from 2006


Gustave Caillebotte, La Machine de Marly, co. 1875, Janet Matthews


Researchers at the Gate: Factors Influencing Districts’ Right of Entry Decisions, Steven A. Melnick and Bill Henk


The Engagement Model of Person-Environment Interaction, Jason E. Neufeld, Heather N. Rasmussen, Shane J. Lopez, Jamie A. Ryder, Jeana L. Magyar-Moe, Alicia Ito Ford, Lisa Edwards, and Jennifer C. Bouwkamp


Hope as a Source of Resilience in Later Adulthood, Anthony D. Ong, Lisa Edwards, and C. S. Bergeman


Envisioning the Future of Catholic Early Childhood Education, Martin Scanlan


Problematizing the Pursuit of Social Justice Education, Martin Scanlan

Submissions from 2005


Entry-Level Competencies of New Student Affairs Professionals: A Delphi Study, Alan W. Burkard, Darnell Cole, Molly Ott, and Tara Stoflet


Review of Crossing Over to Canaan by Gloria Ladson-Billings, Sharon Chubbuck


Item-writing Rules: Collective Wisdom, Bruce B. Frey, Stephanie Petersen, Lisa Edwards, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, and Vicki Peyton


Consensual Qualitative Research: An Update, Clara E. Hill, Sarah Knox, Barbara J. Thompson, Elizabeth Nutt Williams, Shirley A. Hess, and Nicholas Ladany


Addressing Religion and Spirituality in Psychotherapy: Clients' Perspectives, Sarah Knox, Lynn A. Catlin, Margaret Casper, and Lewis Z. Schlosser


Depression and Contributors to Vocational Satisfaction in Roman Catholic Secular Clergy, Sarah Knox, Stephen G. Virginia, Jessica A. Thull, and John P. Lombardo


Development of the Motivational Interviewing Supervision and Training Scale, Michael B. Madson, Todd Campbell, David E. Barrett, Michael J. Brondino, and Timothy P. Melchert


Perceptions of Multicultural Training in Predoctoral Internship Programs: A Survey of Interns and Training Directors, Jeana L. Magyar-Moe, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, Lisa Edwards, Alicia Ito Ford, Heather N. Rasmussen, and Jamie A. Ryder


What Matters Most? A Survey of Accomplished Middle-Level Educators' Beliefs and Values about Literacy, Marla H. Mallette, Bill Henk, Jan E. Waggoner, and Carol J. DeLaney


Parenting young children with challenging behaviour, Bonnie Nicholson, Robert A. Fox, and Sheila D. Johnson


Intern Self-Care: An Exploratory Study Into Strategy Use and Effectiveness, Joseph A. Turner, Lisa Edwards, Iverson M. Eicken, Kayoko Yokoyama, Jennifer R. Castro, Amber Ngoc-Thuy Tran, and Kristee L. Haggins


Using Sociocultural Theory to Guide Teacher Use and Integration of Instructional Technology in Two Professional Development Schools, Joan Whipp, Ellen Eckman, and Leigh A. van den Kieboom

Submissions from 2004


Challenging Behaviors in Young Children: The Father's Role, Ann D. Burbach, Robert A. Fox, and Bonnie C. Nicholson


Effect of Therapist Color-Blindness on Empathy and Attributions in Cross-Cultural Counseling, Alan W. Burkard and Sarah Knox


Whiteness Enacted, Whiteness Disrupted: The Complexity of Personal Congruence, Sharon Chubbuck


Does Gender Make a Difference? Voices of Male and Female High School Principals, Ellen Eckman


Similarities and Differences in Role Conflict, Role Commitment, and Job Satisfaction for Female and Male High School Principals, Ellen Eckman


Measuring Perceived Social Support in Mexican American Youth: Psychometric Properties of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, Lisa Edwards


Utilizing the Strengths of Our Cultures: Therapy with Biracial Women and Girls, Lisa Edwards and Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti


Cognitive Spirituality and Hope in Catholic High School Students, Bruce B. Frey, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, Lisa Edwards, and Diane McDermott


Reflections on History and Quality Education, Harvey Kantor and Robert Lowe


Strategies for Accentuating Hope, Shane J. Lopez, C. R. Snyder, Jeana L. Magyar-Moe, Lisa Edwards, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, Kelly Janowski, Jerri L. Turner, and Cindy Pressgrove


Richard Kluger's Simple Justice after 29 Years: Simple Justice, Robert Lowe


The Strange History of School Desegregation, Robert Lowe


Assessing Student Exposure to and Use of Computer Technologies through an Examination of Course Syllabi, Michael B. Madson, Timothy P. Melchert, and Joan Whipp


The Influence of Accelerated Reader on the Affective Literacy Orientations of Intermediate Grade Students, Marla H. Mallette, Bill Henk, and Steven A. Melnick


A Whole-Class Support Model for Early Literacy: The Anna Plan, Pamela A. Miles, Kathy W. Stegle, Karen G. Hubbs, Bill Henk, and Marla H. Mallette


A New Pathway for the Preparation of Highly Qualified Teachers: The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), Donna M. Post, Kevin C. Wise, Bill Henk, John D. McIntyre, and R. Keith Hillkirkm


E-Learning in Business, Heidi Schweizer


Neuropsychological Functioning of Homeless Men, Cindy L. Solliday-McRoy, Todd Campbell, Timothy P. Melchert, Terrence Young, and Ron A. Cisler


Self-Regulation in a Web-Based Course: A Case Study, Joan Whipp and Stephannie Chiarelli

Submissions from 2003


White Racial Identity Attitudes as a Predictor of Cross-Cultural Working Alliances, Alan W. Burkard, Michele Juarez-Huffaker, and Kativa Ajmere


Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Counselors’ Attitudes and Resources for Integrating Research and Practice, Todd Campbell, Lynn A. Catlin, and Timothy P. Melchert


Performance of a Brief Assessment Tool for Identifying Substance Use Disorders, Todd Campbell, Norman G. Hoffman, Michael B. Madson, and Timothy Melchert


Voices of Women High School Principals, Ellen Eckman


Treatment or Accommodation for Adults with Challenging Behaviors, Robert A. Fox


Addressing Health Disparities in Middle School Students’ Nutrition and Exercise, Marilyn Frenn, Shelly Malin, Naveen K. Bansal, Mary Delgado, Yvonne Greer, Michael Havice, Mary Ho, and Heidi Schweizer


Reading Reminder: A New Tool for Scaffolding Strategic Readers, Bill Henk


The Writing Observation Framework: A Guide for Refining and Validating Writing Instruction, Bill Henk, Barbara A. Marinak, Jesse C. Moore, and Marla H. Mallette


I Sensed You With Me the Other Day: A Review of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature on Clients’ Internal Representations of Therapists, Sarah Knox


African American and European American Therapists’ Experiences of Addressing Race in Cross-Racial Psychotherapy Dyads, Sarah Knox, Alan W. Burkard, Adanna Jinaki Johnson, Lisa A. Suzuki, and Joseph G. Ponterotto


“Here’s a Little Something for You”: How Therapists Respond to Client Gifts, Sarah Knox, Shirley A. Hess, Elizabeth Nutt Williams, and Clara E. Hill


Therapist Self-Disclosure: Research-Based Suggestions for Practitioners, Sarah Knox and Clara E. Hill


Fulfilling Its Promise: Counseling Psychology's Efforts to Understand and Promote Optimal Human Functioning, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa Edwards, Jeana L. Magyar-Moe, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, and Jamie A. Ryder


Environmental Assessment: Examining Influences on Optimal Human Functioning, Heather N. Rasmussen, Jason E. Neufeld, Jennifer C. Bouwkamp, Lisa Edwards, Alicia Ito, Jeana L. Magyar-Moe, Jamie A. Ryder, and Shane J. Lopez


A Qualitative Examination of Graduate Advising Relationships:The Advisee Perspective, Lewis Z. Schlosser, Sarah Knox, Alissa R. Moskovitz, and Clara E. Hill


Rebooting the Promise of Technology in the Classroom: Review of Oversold and Underused: Computers in the Classroom by Larry Cuban, Heidi Schweizer, Carrianne H. Hayslett, and Robert Lowe


Measuring and Labeling the Positive and the Negative, C. R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa Edwards, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, Ellie C. Prosser, Stephanie LaRue Walton, Susan Vehige Spalitto, and Jon C. Ulven


Scaffolding Critical Reflection in Online Discussions: Helping Prospective Teachers Think Deeply About Field Experiences in Urban Schools, Joan Whipp

Submissions from 2002


Workplace Discrimination, Prejudice, and Diversity Measurement: A Review of Instrumentation, Alan W. Burkard, Michael Allen Boticki, and Michael B. Madson


Hierarchical Factor Analysis of the Quick Discrimination Index, Alan W. Burkard, James Jones, and Michael Johll


Maternal Factors Related to Parenting Young Children with Congenital Heart Disease, Lynn K. Carey, Bonnie C. Nicholson, and Robert A. Fox


Women High School Principals: Perspectives on Role Conflict, Role Commitment, and Job Satisfaction, Ellen Eckman


A Positive Relationship Between Religious Faith and Forgiveness: Faith in the Absence of Data?, Lisa Edwards, Regina H. Lapp-Rincker, Jeana L. Magyar-Moe, Jason D. Rehfeldt, Jamie A. Ryder, Jill C. Brown, and Shane J. Lopez


Hispanic Children, Lisa M. Edwards


Self-Disclosure, Clara E. Hill and Sarah Knox


Depression and Anxiety in Roman Catholic Secular Clergy, Sarah Knox, Stephen G. Virginia, and John P. Lombardo


Culture Counts: Examinations of Recent Applications of the Penn Resiliency Program or, Toward a Rubric for Examining Cultural Appropriateness of Prevention Programming, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa Edwards, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, Alicia Ito, and Heather N. Rasmussen


Examining the Milwaukee Parent Choice Program: Options or Opportunities?, Robert Lowe and Joan Whipp


An Exploration of Hope in Catholic School Students, Diane McDermott, Jennifer Teramoto Pedrotti, Lisa Edwards, and Angela M. Houske


One Family at a Time: A Prevention Program for At-Risk Parents, Bonnie Nicholson, Michelle Anderson, Robert A. Fox, and Viktor Brenner


Quality Control in Online Courses: Using a Social Constructivist Framework, Heidi Schweizer, Joan Whipp, and Carrianne H. Hayslett

Submissions from 2001


Prejudice and Racism: Challenges and Progress in Measurement, Alan W. Burkard, Barbara R. Medler, and Michael Allen Boticki


Playing it Safe as a Novice Teacher: Implications for Programs for New Teachers, Sharon Chubbuck, Renee T. Clift, Joanne Allard, and Jane Quinlan


Self-Disclosure, Clara E. Hill and Sarah Knox


Note on Comparability of MicroCog Test Forms, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa Edwards, R. Keith Floyd, Jeana L. Magyar-Moe, Jason D. Rehfeldt, and Jamie A. Ryder

Submissions from 2000


Parenting Among Hispanic and Anglo-American Mothers With Young Children, Pablo G. Cardona, Bonnie C. Nicholson, and Robert A. Fox


A Reading Lesson Observation Framework for Elementary Teachers, Principals, and Literacy Supervisors, Bill Henk, Jesse C. Moore, Barbara A. Marinak, and Barry W. Tomasetti


Clarifying the Effects of Parental Substance Abuse, Child Sexual Abuse, and Parental Caregiving on Adult Adjustment, Timothy Melchert


Parenting Young Children: Comparison of a Psychoeducational Program in Mexico and the United States, Pedro R. Solís-Cámara, Robert A. Fox, and Bonnie C. Nicholson


Rethinking Knowledge and Pedagogy in Dental Education, Joan Whipp


Meeting Psychological Needs in Web-based Courses for Teachers, Joan Whipp and Heidi Schweizer

Submissions from 1999


An Empirically Derived Classification of Parenting Practices, Viktor Brenner and Robert A. Fox


Evaluation of a Community-Based Parenting Program with the Parents of Young Children, Viktor Brenner, Bonnie C. Nicholson, and Robert A. Fox


White Counselor Trainees' Racial Identity and Working Alliance Perceptions, Alan W. Burkard, Joseph Ponterotto, Amy Reynolds, and Vincent Alfonso


Clients' Internal Representations of Their Therapists, Sarah Knox, Julie L. Goldberg, Susan S. Woodhouse, and Clara E. Hill


Relations Among Childhood Memory, a History of Abuse, Dissociation, and Repression, Timothy Melchert


Duty to Warn and Intervention with HIV-Positive Clients, Timothy Melchert and Michele M. Patterson


A Community-Based Parenting Program with Low-Income Mothers of Young Children, Bonnie Nicholson, Viktor Brenner, and Robert A. Fox


Substance Dependence and Personality Disorders: Comorbidity and Treatment Outcome in an Inpatient Treatment Population, Vicki H. Thomas, Timothy P. Melchert, and Joseph A. Banken

Submissions from 1998


Parental Discipline and Behavior Problems in Young Children, Viktor Brenner and Robert Fox


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Among Adults with Severe and Profound Mental Retardation, Robert A. Fox and Erin J Wade


Support for the Validity of the Graduate Record Examination, Timothy Melchert


Testing the Validity of an Instrument for Assessing Family of Origin History, Timothy Melchert


A Review of Instruments for Assessing Family History, Timothy P. Melchert


Family of Origin History, Psychological Distress, Quality of Childhood Memory, and Content of First and Recovered Childhood Memories, Timothy P. Melchert


Review of Preparing and Presenting Expert Testimony in Child Abuse Litigation: A Guide for Expert Witnesses and Attorneys, Timothy P. Melchert


The Development of an Instrument for Measuring Memories of Family of Origin Characteristics, Timothy Melchert and Thomas V. Sayger


Evaluating a Brief Parental-Education Program for Parents of Young Children, Bonnie C. Nicholson, Patricia C. Janz, and Robert A. Fox

Submissions from 1997


Assessing Children's Views about Themselves as Writers Using the Writer Self-Perception Scale, Diane M. Bottomley, Bill Henk, and Steven A. Melnick


Parenting of Young Children by Fathers in Mexico and the United States, Robert A. Fox and Pedro R. Solís-Cámara


How to Develop Independence in Following Written Directions, Bill Henk and John P. Helfeldt


A Qualitative Analysis of Client Perceptions of the Effects of Helpful Therapist Self-Disclosure in Long-Term Therapy, Sarah Knox, Shirley A. Hess, David A. Petersen, and Clara E. Hill


Sexual Attraction Toward Clients, Use of Supervision, and Prior Training: A Qualitative Study of Predoctoral Psychology Interns, Nicholas Ladany, Karen M. O'Brien, Clara E. Hill, Deborah S. Melincoff, Sarah Knox, and David A. Peterson