The Biological Sciences Faculty Research and Publications Series is comprised of books and articles published by Marquette University's biological sciences faculty.


Submissions from 2018


Effects of Elevated H+ And Pi on The Contractile Mechanics of Skeletal Muscle Fibres From Young and Old Men: Implications for Muscle Fatigue in Humans, Christopher W. Sundberg, Sandra K. Hunter, Todd A. Trappe, Carolyn S. Smith, and Robert H. Fitts


Phosphate removal and recovery using immobilized phosphatebinding proteins, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Nilisha Pokhrel, Faten Hussein, Edwin Antony, and Brooke K. Mayer


A Host–parasite Model Explains Variation in Liana Infestation Among Co‐occurring Tree Species, Marco D. Visser, Helene C. Muller-Laudau, Stefan A. Schnitzer, Hans de Kroon, Eelke Jongejans, and S. Joseph Wright


Tree Species Vary Widely in Their Tolerance for Liana Infestation: A Case Study of Differential Host Response to Generalist Parasites, Marco D. Visser, Stefan A. Schnitzer, Helene C. Muller-Laudau, Eelke Jongejans, Hans de Kroon, Liza S. Comita, Stephen P. Hubbell, and S. Joseph Wright


Toxicity and Infectivity: Insights from De Novo Prion Formation, Brett T. Wisniewski, Jaya Sharma, Emily R. Legan, Emily Paulson, Stephen J. Merrill, and Anita L. Manogaran


A High-Throughput Screening Assay for Pyruvate Carboxylase, Brittney N. Wyatt, Leggy A. Arnold, and Martin St. Maurice


A Structural and Dynamic Model for the Assembly of Replication Protein A on Single-Stranded DNA, Luke A. Yates, Ricardo J. Aramayo, Nilisha Pokhrel, Colleen C. Caldwell, Joshua A. Kaplan, Rajika L. Perera, Maria Spies, Edwin Antony, and Xiaodong Zhang

Submissions from 2017


Trees as Islands: Canopy Ant Species Richness Increases with the Size of Liana-Free Trees in a Neotropical Forest, Benjamin J. Adams, Stefan A. Schnitzer, and Stephen P. Yanoviak


KLF9 and JNK3 Interact to Suppress Axon Regeneration in the Adult CNS, Akintomide Apara, Joana Galvao, Yan Wang, Murray G. Blackmore, Allison Trillo, Keiichiro Iwao, Dale P. Brown Jr., Kimberly A. Fernandes, Abigail Huang, Tu Nguyen, Masoumeh Ashouri, Ziong Zhang, Peter S. Shaw, Noelia J. Kunzevitzky, Darcie L. Moore, Richard T. Libby, and Jeffrey L. Goldberg


Network Dynamics Mediate Circadian Clock Plasticity, Abdelhalim Azzi, Jennifer A. Evans, Tanya Leise, Jihwan Myung, Toru Takumi, Alec J. Davidson, and Steven A. Brown


A Paradigm for C-H Bond Cleavage: Structural and Functional Aspects of Transition State Stabilization by Mandelate Racemase, Stephen L. Bearne and Martin St. Maurice


A Paradigm for CH Bond Cleavage: Structural and Functional Aspects of Transition State Stabilization by Mandelate Racemase, Stephen L. Bearne and Martin St. Maurice


Activity of Methanogenic Biomass After Heat and Freeze Drying in Air, Ujwal H. Bhattad, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Keerthi Cherukuri, James Maki, and Daniel Zitomer


Biochemical Methane Potential Assays and Anaerobic Digester Bioaugmentation Using Freeze Dried Biomass, Ujwal H. Bhattad, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, James Maki, and Daniel Zitomer


Mrpl35, A Mitospecific Component of Mitoribosomes, Plays A Key Role in Cytochrome C Oxidase Assembly, Jodie M. Box, Jasvinder Kaur, and Rosemary A. Stuart


Physiological Regulation and Efficient Xylem Water Transport Regulate Diurnal Water and Carbon Balances of Tropical Lianas, Ya-Jun Chen, Stefan A. Schnitzer, Yongg-Jiang Zhang, Ze-Xin Fan, Guillermo Goldstein, Kyle W. Tomlinson, Hua Lin, Jiao-Lin Zhang, and Kun-Fang Cao


Cool Geckos: Does Plesiomorphy Explain Morphological Similarities between Geckos from the Southern Cone?, Juan D. Daza, Tony Gamble, Virginia Abdala, and Aaron M. Bauer


Reversible Plasticity of Detrusor Smooth Muscle: Evidence for a Key Role of “Slipping” Actomyosin Cross-Bridges in the Control of Urinary Bladder Compliance, Thomas Eddinger


Effects of Fatigue and Recovery on Contractile Properties of Frog Muscle, Robert H. Fitts and J. O. Holloszy


A Leptin-regulated Circuit Controls Glucose Mobilization During Noxious Stimuli, Jonathan N. Flak, Deanna M. Arble, Warren Pan, Christa Patterson, Thomas Lanigan, Paulette B. Goforth, Jamie Sackner, Maja Joosten, Donald A. Morgan, Margaret B. Allison, John Hayes, Eva Feldman, Randy J. Seeley, David P. Olson, Kamal Rahmouni, and Martin G. Myers Jr.


The Discovery of XY Sex Chromosomes in a Boa and Python, Tony Gamble, Todd A. Castoe, Stuart V. Nielsen, Jason L. Banks, Daren C. Card, Drew R. Schield, Gordon W. Schuett, and Warren Booth


Repeated Evolution of Digital Adhesion in Geckos: A Reply to Harrington and Reeder, Tony Gamble, E. Greenbaum, T. R. Jackman, A. P. Russell, and A. M. Bauer


Mutational Analysis of the QRRQ Motif in the Yeast Hig1 Type 2 Protein Rcf1 Reveals a Regulatory Role for the Cytochrome c Oxidase Complex, Joshua Garlich, Valentina Strecker, Ilka Wittig, and Rosemary A. Stuart


Effects of Lightning on Trees: A Predictive Model Based on in situ Electrical Resistivity, Evan M. Gora, Phillip M. Bitzer, Jeffrey C. Burchfield, Stefan A. Schnitzer, and Stephen P. Yanoviak


On the Origin of Frictional Adhesion in Geckos: Small Morphological Changes Lead to a Major Biomechanical Transition in the Genus Gonatodes, Timothy E. Higham, Tony Gamble, and Anthony P. Russell


Infanticide in Chimpanzees: Taphonomic Case Studies from Gombe, Claire A. Kirchhoff, Michael L. Wison, Deus C. Mjungu, Jane Raphael, Shadrack Kamenya, and D. Anthony Collins


Skeletal Muscle PGC-1β Signaling is Sufficient to Drive an Endurance Exercise Phenotype and to Counteract Components of Detraining in Mice, Samuel Lee, Teresa C. Leone, Lisa Rogosa, John Rumsey, Julio Ayala, Paul M. Coen, Robert H. Fitts, Rick B. Vega, and Daniel P. Kelly


Synthesis of N-Acetyl-ᴅ-quinovosamine in Rhizobium etli CE3 is Completed After Its 4-keto-precursor is Linked to a Carrier Lipid, Tiezheng Li and K. Dale Noel


H+- and Na+- elicited rapid changes of the microtubule cytoskeleton in the biflagellated green alga Chlamydomonas, Yi Liu, Mike Visetsouk, Michelle Mynlieff, Hongmin Qin, Karl F. Lechtreck, and Pinfen Yang


Spatial Sequestration and Oligomer Remodeling During de novo [PSI+] Formation, Douglas Lyke and Anita L. Manogaran


Calsequestrin Depolymerizes When Calcium Is Depleted in The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Working Muscle, Carlo Manno, Lourdes Figueroa, Dirk Gillespie, Robert Fitts, Chul-Hee Kang, Clara Franzini-Armstrong, and Eduardo Rios


A Genetic Tool to Track Protein Aggregates and Control Prion Inheritance, Gregory A. Newby, Szilvia Kiriakov, Erinc Hallacli, Can Kayatekin, Peter Tsvetkov, Christopher P. Mancuso, J. Maeve Bonner, William R. Hesse, Sohini Chakrabortee, Anita L. Manogaran, Susan W. Liebman, Susan Lindquist, and Ahmad S. Khalil


Loss of The RNA Helicase SKIV2L2 Impairs Mitotic Progression and Replication-Dependent Histone mRNA Turnover in Murine Cell Lines, Alexis Marie Onderak and James T. Anderson


Monitoring Replication Protein A (RPA) Dynamics in Homologous Recombination Through Site-specific Incorporation of Non-canonical Amino Acids, Nilisha Pokhrel, Sofia Origanti, Eric Parker Davenport, Disha M. Gandhi, Kyle Kaniecki, Ryan A. Mehl, Eric C. Greene, Chris Dockendorff, and Edwin Antony


Two Adjacent Phenylalanines In the NMDA Receptor GluN2A Subunit M3 Domain Interactively Regulate Alcohol Sensitivity and Ion Channel Gating, Hong Ren, Yulin Zhao, Man Wu, Donard S. Dwyer, and Robert W. Peoples


Functional Analysis of MicroRNA Pathway Genes in the Somatic Gonad and Germ Cells During Ovulation in C. Elegans, Carmela Rios, David Warren, Benjamin Olson, and Allison L. Abbott


Assessment of Five Chilling Tolerance Traits and GWAS Mapping in Rice Using the USDA Mini-Core Collection, Michael Schläppi, Aaron K. Jackson, Georgia C. Eizenga, Aiju Wang, Chengcai Chu, Yao Shi, Naoki Shimoyama, and Debbie L. Boykin


De Novo [PSI+] Prion Formation Involves Multiple Pathways to Form Infectious Oligomers, Jaya Sharma, Grett T. Wisniewski, Emily Paulson, Joanna O. Obaoye, Stephen J. Merrill, and Anita L. Manogaran


Sorting Out the JUNQ: The Spatial Nature of Protein Quality Control, Emily M. Sontag, Jian-Hua Chen, Gerry McDermott, Dan Gestaut, Carolyn Larabell, and Judith Frydman


Mechanisms and Functions of Spatial Protein Quality Control, Emily M. Sontag, Rahul S. Samant, and Judith Frydman


Blurred Lines Between Competition and Parasitism, Tara E. Stewart and Stefan A. Schnitzer


Stage-Specific Timing of the microRNA Regulation of lin-28 by the Heterochronic Gene lin-14 in Caenorhabditis elegans, Jennifer Tsialikas, Mitchell A. Romens, Allison L. Abbott, and Eric G. Moss


Beta-Adrenergic and ATP Sensitive Potassium Channel Effects on Ventricular Action Potential Duration: Alterations with Exercise Training, Xinrui Wang and Robert H. Fitts


Ventricular Action Potential Adaptation to Regular Exercise: Role of β-adrenergic and KATP Channel Function, Xinrui Wang and Robert H. Fitts


Identification of Multiple Functional Receptors for Tyramine on an Insect Secretory Epithelium, Haiying Zhang and Edward M. Blumenthal


General and Specific Promotion of Flagellar Assembly by a Flagellar Nucleoside Diphosphate Kinase, Xiaoyan Zhu, Emiliya Poghosyan, Radhika Gopal, Yi Liu, Kristine S. Ciruelas, Yousif Maizy, Dennis R. Diener, Stephen M. King, Takashi Ishikawa, and Pinfen Yang

Submissions from 2016


Sleeve Gastrectomy Leads to Weight Loss in the Magel2 Knockout Mouse, Deanna M. Arble, Joshua W. Pressler, Joyce Sorrell, Rachel Wevrick, and Darleen A. Sandoval


Using Alien Resources: Caribbean Dwarf Geckos Nesting Communally in Invasive Flora, Justin M. Bernstein, Aaron H. Griffing, Juan D. Daza, Tony Gamble, and Aaron M. Bauer


Spa47 is an oligomerization-activated type three secretion system (T3SS) ATPase from Shigella flexneri, Jamie L. Burgess, Heather B. Jones, Prashant Kumar, Ronald T. Toth IV, C. Russell Middaugh, Edwin Antony, and Nicholas E. Dickenson


Triclocarban Influences Antibiotic Resistance and Alters Anaerobic Digester Microbial Community Structure, Daniel Elliott Carey, Daniel Zitomer, Krassimira R. Hristova, Anthony D. Kappell, and Patrick J. McNamara


Chronic Exposure to Triclosan Sustains Microbial Community Shifts and Alters Antibiotic Resistance Gene Levels in Anaerobic Digesters, Daniel Elliott Carey, Daniel Zitomer, Anthony D. Kappell, Melinda J. Choi, Krassimira R. Hristova, and Patrick J. McNamara


Negative Cooperativity in the Nitrogenase Fe Protein Electron Delivery Cycle, Karamatullah Danyal, Sudipta Shaw, Taylor R. Page, Simon Duval, Masaki Horitani, Amy R. Marts, Dmitriy Lukoyanov, Dennis R. Dean, Simone Raugei, Brian M. Hoffman, Lance C. Seefeldt, and Edwin Antony


Rad51 Nucleoprotein Filament Disassembly Captured Using Fluorescent Plasmodium falciparum SSB as a Reporter for Single-Stranded DNA, Eric Parker Davenport, Derek F. Harris, Sofia Origanti, and Edwin Antony


Muscle Fatigue from the Perspective of a Single Crossbridge, Edward Patrick Debold, Robert H. Fitts, Christopher W. Sundberg, and Thomas M. Nosek


Trade-offs Between Water Transport Capacity and Drought Resistance in Neotropical Canopy Liana and Tree Species, Mark E. De Guzman, Louis S. Santiago, Stefan A. Schnitzer, and Leonor Álvarez-Cansino


The Role of Acidosis in Fatigue: Pro Perspective, Robert Fitts


Using RAD‐seq to recognize sex‐specific markers and sex chromosome systems, Tony Gamble


Cryptic Lineages and Diversification of an Endemic Anole Lizard (Squamata, Dactyloidae) of the Cerrado Hotspot, Carlos E. Guarnizo, Fernanda P. Werneck, Lilian G. Giugliano, Marcella G. Santos, Jéssica Fenker, Lucas Sousa, Annelise B. D;Angiolella, Adriana R. Dos Santos, Christine Strussmann, Miguel T. Rodrigues, Tainá F. Dorado-Rodrigues, Tony Gamble, and Guarino R. Colli


Single-particle imaging reveals intraflagellar transport–independent transport and accumulation of EB1 in Chlamydomonas flagella, J. Aaron Harris, Yi Liu, Pinfen Yang, Peter Kner, and Karl F. Lechtreck


Effect of Benzene and Ethylbenzene on the Transcription of methyl-tert-butyl Ether Degradation Genes of Methylibium petroleiphilum PM1, Geetika Joshi, Radomir Schmidt, Kate M. Scow, Michael S. Denison, and Krassimira R. Hristova


Sexual Differentiation of Circadian Clock Function in the Adrenal Gland, Ian Kloehn, Savin B. Pillai, Laurel Officer, Claire Klement, Paul J. Gasser, and Jennifer A. Evans


Lianas and Soil Nutrients Predict Fine‐scale Distribution of Above‐ground Biomass in a Tropical Moist Forest, Alicia Ledo, Janine B. Illian, Stefan A. Schnitzer, S. Joseph Wright, James W. Dalling, and David F.R.P. Burslem


The Urea Carboxylase and Allophanate Hydrolase Activities of Urea Amidolyase Are Functionally Independent, Yi Lin, Cody J. Boese, and Martin St. Maurice


Mutations in Mtr4 Structural Domains Reveal Their Important Role in Regulating tRNAi Met Turnover in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Mtr4p Enzymatic Activities In Vitro, Yan Li, Joseph Burclaff, and James T. Anderson


Lianas Suppress Seedling Growth and Survival of 14 Tree Species in a Panamanian Tropical Forest, Laura Martinez Izquierdo, Maria M. Garcia, Jennifer S. Powers, and Stefan A. Schnitzer


Liana canopy cover mapped throughout a tropical forest with high-fidelity imaging spectroscopy, David C. Marvin, Gregory P. Asner, and Stefan A. Schnitzer


Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Inhibit the Metabolic Activity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae , Michael Joseph Mashock, Anthony D. Kappell, Nadia Hallaj, and Krassimira R. Hristova


Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Impact Several Toxicological Endpoints and Cause Neurodegeneration in Caenorhabditis elegans, Michael Joseph Mashock, Tyler Zanon, Anthony D. Kappell, Lisa N. Petrella, Erik C. Andersen, and Krassimira R. Hristova


mcrA Gene Abundance Correlates with Hydrogenotrophic Methane Production Rates in Full-scale Anaerobic Waste Treatment Systems, R. L. Morris, Vaibhav Panjabrao Tale, P. P. Mathai, Daniel Zitomer, and James Maki


Destabilization of The Ornithine Decarboxylase mRNA Transcript by the RNA-Binding Protein Tristetraprolin, Shannon L. Nowotarski, Sofia Origanti, Suzanne Sass-Kuhn, and Lisa M. Shantz


Myc-binding Protein Orthologue Interacts with AKAP240 In the Central Pair Apparatus of the Chlamydomonas Flagella, Venkatramanan G. Rao, Ruhi B. Sarafdar, Twinkle S. Chowdhury, Priyanka Sivadas, Pinfen Yang, Prabhakar M. Dongre, and Jacinta S. D'Souza


Contribution of Lianas to Plant Area Index and Canopy Structure in A Panamanian Forest, M. Elizabeth Rodríguez-Ronderos, Gil Bohrer, Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa, Jennifer S. Powers, and Stefan A. Schnitzer


Would Ecology Fail the Repeatability Test?, Stefan A. Schnitzer and Walter P. Carson


A Reply to Verbeeck and Kearsley: Addressing the Challenges of Including lianas in Global Vegetation Models, Stefan A. Schnitzer, Geertje M. F. van der Heijden, and Jennifer S. Powers


Hypothalamic Vitamin D Improves Glucose Homeostasis and Reduces Weight, Stephanie R. Sisley, Deanna M. Arble, Adam P. Chambers, Ruth Gutierrez-Aguilar, Yanlin He, Yong Xu, David Gardner, David D. Moore, Randy J. Seeley, and Darleen A. Sandoval


Supercomplex-Associated Cox26 Protein Binds to Cytochrome c Oxidase, Valentina Strecker, Zibirnisa Kadeer, Juliana Heidler, Cristina-Maria Cruciat, Heike Angerer, Heiko Giese, Kathy Pfeiffer, Rosemary A. Stuart, and Ilka Wittig


Relating Anaerobic Digestion Microbial Community and Process Function, Kaushik Venkiteshwaran, Benjamin T.W. Bocher, James Maki, and Daniel Zitomer


Draft genome of the leopard gecko, Eublepharis macularius, Zijun Xiong, Fang Li, Qiye Li, Long Zhou, Jiao Zheng, Tony Gamble, Ling Kui, Cai Li, Shengbin Li, Huanming Yang, and Guojie Zhang


Draft Genome of the Leopard Gecko, Eublepharis Macularius, Zijun Xiong, Fang Li, Long Zhou, Tony Gamble, Jiao Zheng, Ling Kui, Cai Li, Shengbin Li, Huanming Yang, and Guojie Zhang


Evidence That the Pi Release Event Is the Rate-Limiting Step in the Nitrogenase Catalytic Cycle, Zhi-Yong Yang, Rhesa Ledbetter, Sudipta Shaw, Natasha Pence, Monika Tokmina-Lukaszewska, Brian Eilers, Qingjuan Guo, Nilisha Pokhrel, Valerie L. Cash, Dennis R. Dean, Edwin Antony, Brian Bothner, John W. Peters, and Lance C. Seefeldt


Radial Spokes-A Snapshot of the Motility Regulation, Assembly, and Evolution of Cilia and Flagella, Xiaoyan Zhu, Yi Liu, and Pinfen Yang

Submissions from 2015


Liana Competition with Tropical Trees Varies Seasonally but not with Tree Species Identity, Leonor Álvarez-Cansino, Stefan A. Schnitzer, Joseph P. Reid, and Jennifer S. Powers


Impact of Sleep and Circadian Disruption on Energy Balance and Diabetes: A Summary of Workshop Discussions, Deanna M. Arble, Joseph Bass, Cecilia Diniz Behn, Matthew P. Butler, Etienne Challet, Charles Czeisler, Christopher M. Depner, Joel Elmquist, Paul Franken, Michael A. Grandner, Erin C. Hanlon, Alex C. Keene, Michael J. Joyner, Ilia Karatsoreos, philip A. Kern, Samuel Klein, Christopher J. Morris, Allan I. Pack, Satchidananda Panda, Louis J. Ptacek, Naresh M. Punjabi, Paolo Sessone-Corsi, Frank A. Scheer, Richa Saxena, Elizabeth R. Seaquest, Matthew S. Thimgan, Eve Van Cauter, and Kenneth P. Wright


The Melanocortin-4 Receptor Integrates Circadian Light Cues and Metabolism, Deanna M. Arble, Jenna Holland, Nickki Ottaway, Joyce Sorrell, Joshua W. Pressler, Rachel Morano, Stephen C. Woods, Randy J. Seeley, James P. Herman, Darleen A. Sandoval, and Diego Perez-Tilve


Mechanisms Underlying Weight Loss and Metabolic Improvements in Rodent Models of Bariatric Surgery, Deanna M. Arble, Darleen A. Sandoval, and Randy J. Seeley


Metabolic Effects of Bariatric Surgery in Mouse Models of Circadian Disruption, Deanna M. Arble, Darleen A. Sandoval, Fred W. Turek, Stephen C. Woods, and Randy J. Seeley


Rapid Liana Colonization along a Secondary Forest Chronosequence, Kathryn E. Barry, Stefan A. Schnitzer, Michiel van Breugel, and Jefferson S. Hall


Relating Methanogen Community Structure and Anaerobic Digester Function, Benjamin T.W. Bocher, Keerthi Cherukuri, James Maki, M. Johnson, and Daniel Zitomer


Arabidopsis AZI1 Family Proteins Mediate Signal Mobilization for Systemic Defence Priming, Nicolas M. Cecchini, Kevin Steffes, Michael Schläppi, Andrew N. Gifford, and Jean T. Greenberg


Shell Neurons of the Master Circadian Clock Coordinate the Phase of Tissue Clocks Throughout the Brain and Body, Jennifer A. Evans, Ting-Chung Suen, Ben L. Callif, Andrew S. Mitchell, Oscar Castanon-Cervantes, Kimberly M. Baker, Ian Kloehn, Kenkichi Baba, Brett J.W. Teubner, J. Christopher Ehlen, Ketema N. Paul, Timothy J. Bartness, Gianluca Tosini, Tanya Leise, and Alec J. Davidson


Weekly Versus Monthly Testosterone Administration On Fast and Slow Skeletal Muscle Fibers in Older Adult Males, Robert Fitts, James R. Peters, E. Lichar Dillon, William J. Durham, Melinda Sheffield-Moore, and Randall J. Urban


Restriction Site-Associated DNA Sequencing (RAD-seq) Reveals an Extraordinary Number of Transitions among Gecko Sex-Determining Systems, Tony Gamble, Jessi Coryell, Tariq Ezaz, and Joshua Lynch


Into the Light: Diurnality has Evolved Multiple Times in Geckos, Tony Gamble, E. Greenbaum, Todd R. Jackman, and Aaron M. Bauer


The Reverse Transcription Signature of N-1-Methyladenosine in RNA-Seq is Sequence Dependent, Ralf Hauenschild, Lyudmil Tserovski, Katharina Schmid, Kathrin Thuring, Marie-Luise Winz, Sunny Sharma, Karl-dieter Entian, Ludvine Wacheul, Denis L.J. Lafontaine, James T. Anderson, Juan Alfonzo, Andreas Hildebrandt, Andres Jaschke, Yuri Motorin, and Mark Helm


Gene mdpC Plays a Regulatory Role in the Methyl-tert-butyl Ether Degradation Pathway of Methylibium petroleiphilum Strain PM1, Geetika Joshi, Radomir Schmidt, Kate M. Scow, Michael S. Denison, and Krassimira R. Hristova


Detection of Multi-drug Resistant Escherichia coli in the Urban Waterways of Milwaukee, WI, Anthony D. Kappell, Maxwell S. DeNies, Neha H. Ahuja, Nathan A. Ledeboer, Ryan J. Newton, and Krassimira R. Hristova


GABAB Receptors Couple to Gαq to Mediate Increases in Voltage-Dependent Calcium Current During Development, Andrew S. Karls and Michelle Mynlieff


Intrinsically Disordered C-Terminal Tails of E. coli Single-Stranded DNA Binding Protein Regulate Cooperative Binding to Single-Stranded DNA, Alexander G. Kozlov, Elizabeth A. Weiland, Anuradha Mittal, Vince Waldman, Edwin Antony, Nicole Fazio, Rohit V. Pappu, and Timothy M. Lohman


Gene Expression in Experimental Aortic Coarctation and Repair: Candidate Genes for Therapeutic Intervention?, John F. LaDisa Jr., Serdar Bozdag, Jessica Olson, Ramani Ramchandran, Judy R. Kersten, and Thomas J. Eddinger


Quinol Oxidase Encoded by cyoABCD in Rhizobium etli CFN42 is Regulated by ActSR and is Crucial for Growth at Low pH or Low Iron Conditions, Zachary Ryan Lunak and K. Dale Noel