Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Utilizing Diffusion Tensor Imaging to Investigate the Anatomical Changes in the Spinal Cord Post Injury, Yahya Yousef Bahlool
In Vitro Cytotoxicity of Amalgam with and without Zinc to Dental Pulp Stem Cells, Douglas R. Barden
An Approach for Protein-Ligand Binding Prediction Based on Docking Studies of Distinct, Low Energy Conformations, Peter S. Bazeley
The Relationship Between Acculturation Level and African American English Usage in Young Adult African American Males, Dené Yvette Brown
Application of Uncertainty Analysis to Urban Stream Restoration Design, Jennifer Byrd
Distensibility of Coronary and Intestine Arterioles in Relation to Heart Disease, Jason Clyne
Fiber Reinforced Polymer Use in Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members, Anne M. Crisp
Fatigue Test for Determining the Isothermal Cyclic Stress-Strain Response of Solder Joints on a Circuit Board, Paul B. Crosbie
Relationship Between Percent Density and Micro-Hardness in Compacted Powder Metal Green Parts, Matthew Robert Daraskavich
Witnessing Parental Violence: A Retrospective Analysis of the Effects on Partner Violence in a Sample of Ethnically Diverse Women, Terri A. deRoon
Physical Properties of Denture Base Resins Resistant to Candidiasis, Gunjan Dhir
Age-related asymmetry reduction indicative of functional recruitment and plasticity : an FMRI study of inhibitory control, Veronica M. Dixon
Instrumentation, Model, and Prototype for Generating Mechanics Needed to Produce Diffuse Brain Injury in the Rat, Benjamin M. Ellingson
Performance Optimization of Industrial Overhead Cranes with Respect to Trajectory and Disturbance Rejection, Fariba Fateh
Emotional Processes in the Family: Context for Interparental Conflict, Gregory M. Fosco
Legal Structures for Data Structures: the Impact of Patent and Copyright Law on Software Innovations, Jill Gilbert
A Functional Comparison of Two Types of Prosthetic Knee Designs, Christine L. Boyda Glaister
The role of attunement in relationship satisfaction and conflict resolution, Patrick R. Gunderson
Design Optimization of SynRM with ALA Rotor Configuration, Ameed A. Hanbali
Design Optimization of SynRM with ALA Rotor Configuration, Ameed A. Hanbali
Digging & Shoveling Wet Clay with a Perforated Shovel, Sridhar Harivanam
Interparental Conflict and Children's Internalizing Psychopathology: Examining the Role of Children's Appraisals and Emotions, Jennifer K. Hauser
Comparison of Wet Waste Recovery System and Landfill for Food Waste Disposal, Joseph E. Hendricks
Top Bar Effect in Self-Consolidating Concrete, Nicholas J. Hornyak
The Use of SU-8 As Waveguide Material for Liquid Phase Sensor Applications, Arnaud Houndegla
Analysis of Concordance of Different Haplotype Block Partitioning Algorithms, Amit R. Indap
The Effect of the Information Sufficiency Gap on Cognitive Work in a Web-Based, Process-Oriented Learning Environment, K. Alex Inman
The Hydrodynamic Efficiency of Left Ventricular Energy Transfer During Dual Chamber Coupled Pacing, Deborah A. Jaye
Performance Analysis of Industrial Communications Devices and their Associated Protocols, Aaron D. Jeutter
A Comparison of Macromedia Flash-Based Versus HTML-Based Web Applications, Jason P. Kelley
An Examination of Message Variation in Cigarette Advertisements Aimed at Caucasian and African-American Women, Andrew James Kirk
Posture Effects on Exaggerated Finger Flexion Following Stroke, Tiffany L. Kline
Walking side by side, Erin Denise Knepler
A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Intranet Use in a Multinational Organization, Nancy K. Lewander
Why Do You Blog: A Uses-and-Gratifications Inquiry Into Bloggers' Motivations, Dan Li
An SVM Based Tool for the Curation of Biomedical Literature, Vasant R. Marur
Electrochemical and Spectroscopic Studies on the Reduction of Linear Mo/Fe/S Complexes, Jessy Matson
Modeling Initial Contact Dynamics During Ambulation with Mathematical Dynamic Modeling Software (MADYMO), Andrew R. Meyer
Verification of a Continuous Water Quality Model under Uncertain Storm Loads, Anna Neugebauer
Estimation of Glucose-Mediated Glucose Disposal in Type 1 Diabetic Subjects using MINMOD, Aparna Nittala
Neurolinguistic Analysis of Neologisms in Reading, Erin K. Ontko
Effect of Kevlar Fiber Reinforcement in Anterior Temporary Bridge, Victoria E. Ortiz
Effect of Phosphate Group Substitution on the Physical Properties of Denture Base Resins, Gaurav Puri
Dancing with Dissonance: Organizational Communication at a Women's Substance-Abuse Treatment Agency, Jeremy S. Salucka
Analytical Modeling of Polymer-Coated Microcantilever Dynamic Microsensors, Uttara Sampath
Asylum and Sexual Orientation: Experiences and Beliefs, Nathan Hale Sargent
Two-Way Steel Floor System Using Open-Web Joists, John A. Schaad
Heart Rate Variability and Arrhythmia Occurrence in Isolated Hearts before and after Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury, Angela C. Schultz
Applications of Construction Management Techniques to Software Project Management, Donald F. Shelley
Algorithm to Automatically Generate Multi-Modal Interfaces for Hand Held Devices Based on User Preferences and Abilities, Pawan Pradip Shroff
Modeling and Control of a Single-Axis Magnetic Levitation System Using LabVIEW, Rishabh Sinha
Readiness for Hospital Discharge: Predictors and Outcomes in NICU Parents, Julie M. Splingaire
The Effect of Calcium Sulfate on Postoperative Pain following Endodontic Surgery, Rebecca A. Stohler
A Minimum Entropy Approach to Biclustering and Application to Mine Microarray Gene Expression Data, Jack WeiYi Szeto
ASI1 is Required for Sexual Reproduction in Tetrahymena Thermophila, Yun Wang
Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes Following Anterior Temporal Lobectomy for Intractable Medical Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Tiffany Warren
A Model for Technique Optimization of Dual Energy X-Ray Digital Imaging with Application to Intravenous Urography, Samuel J. Wheeldon
Effects of Ethnic Communication on Chinese Students' Acculturation Process, Zheng Yang
Attitude Accessibility: Moderating County-of-Origin Effects on Brand Preferences, Jianjie Ye
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
RBF Based Data Mining for the Characterization of Stand Alone AC Generator Systems, Youri Abou-Samra
Anaerobic Co-Digestion of Municipal Sludge with High-Strength Industrial Wastes, Prasoon Adhikari
Discovering Principal Nodes in Networks Using Domination Graph Theory, Amit Shankar Arora
Robustness Study and Further Extensions of Disturbance Accommodation Control, Barry D. Black
The state-trait empathy model of helping : does state empathy moderate the relationship between trait empathy and helping?, Robert W. Bond
Docking and homology modeling studies of proteins: estrogen receptor and dihydrodipicolinate reductase, Aurora Demertrina Costache
Application of Vortical Airflow to Electronics Thermal Management Systems, Timothy James Dake
Development of a Novel Technique for Quantification of Prostate Tumor Blood Volume Using X-Ray Microangiography, Laura Marie Danielson
The Design, Synthesis and Study of Hydrocarbons Bearing Cofacially Oriented Aromatic Moieties, Mihaela I. Deselnicu
MeSH-Based Clustering of Biomedical Literature, Chitti Dharmanolla
Genetic Determination Versus Environmental Influence in the Generation of the Pulmonary Arterial Tree Branching Pattern, Anita Dhyani
Multiple Step Financial Time Series Prediction with Portfolio Optimization, David Hugo Diggs
Quantitative Trait Loci Mapping Using Artificial Neural Network, Xiao Dong
Statistical Inference of Change Point Problems, Hong Du
Automated Design of Steel Open Web Joist Floor Framing Systems Using a Genetic Algorithm, Christopher Erwin
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Study of NASA's Cold-Wall Swirl-Driven Rocket Combustion Chamber, Dianqi Fang
ADHD symptoms and creative vocational and recreations interests, Karla M. Felske
Development of Numerical and Statistical Tools for Quantitative Interpretation of Cellular Redox Metabolism, Viola S. Fernandes
Selection of Inputs for Generating Combinatorial Daily Natural Gas Demand Forecasts, Susanto Halim
Micro-Computed Tomographic Analysis of Extracted Endodontically Treated Teeth, Lance K. Hashimoto
Municipal Wastewater Treatment Phosphorus Removal Evaluation, Craig Heisel
Biomechanical Analysis of Upper Extremity Kinematics Following Stroke: Model Design and Validation, Brooke A. Hingtgen
Sub-banded Reconstructed Phase Spaces for Speech Recognition, Kevin Michael Indrebo
Modeling of Ionic Current through a-Hemolysin Biological Channel : Ab Initio Calculations of the Hyperfine Parameters of Biradicals, Eduard Ionescu
Polarization Quantum Beat Spectroscopy of Transient Molecules: OH/OD and HCF, Ionela Ionescu
Effects of Surfactants and Additives on the Fire Properties of the Polymer Clay Nanocomposites, Panchatapa Jash
The Design of a Portable Guided SH-SAW Sensor Platform for Liquid Phase Environments, Michael David Johnson
Visual and Proprioceptive Contributions to Adaptation of the Human Reach, Timothy N. Judkins
Enhancing Solids Destruction from Anaerobic Municipal Digesters, Farid Kade
Expression and Binding Studies of ER[alpha]-LBD in-vitro and in-vivo, Purna Chandar Kasha
Resistance to Compressive Loading of Porcelain Fused to Gold Foil Anterior Crowns, Nitin B. Khankari
Measurement of Discrete Contact Zone Forces Exerted by Polymer/Abrasive Filamentary Brushing Tool, Bobby P. Khemkeo
An Assessment of the Quality of Life of Toddler and Preschool Children with Chronic Constipation and the Impact on the Family, Margo A. Kinservik
Biomechanical Evaluation of Cutting and Crimping Tasks in the Electric Power Industry, Lia Lazuardi
Where's the Story?: An Analysis of Human Service Experience with the Media Towards an Understanding of Social Issue News, Jaime M. Leick
A Comparison of Bond Strength Between Direct and Indirect Bonding Methods, Brandon James Linn
Hmong Communication Values Scale: Development, Reliability and Validity, Mary L. Lor
Forecasting Daily Processing Tomato Harvest Tonnage in California, Brian Marx