Submissions from 1971
The Concept of Mission in American Nationalist Thought, 1783-1800, Russell J. Clemens
A Relevant Mathematics Program for Today's Adolescent, Florence C. Cootware
The Obsessional Neurosis of Golding's Jocelin: A Study in Jungian Terminology of The Spire, John J. Costantini
The Obsessional Neurosis of Golding's Jocelin: A Study in Jungian Terminology of The Spire, John J. Costantini
Perceptions of the Actual and Expected Role of the Clinical Nurse Specialist, Claire M. Cronin
One More Time Around with Molly Bloom, Jean Marie Dahlhausen
The New Religion Textbooks for the Elementary Grades, M. Donalda Daniewicz
A Study of Magnetic Amplifiers and Their Applications, Sudip Das Gupta
The Attitude Toward Women in Dives et Pauper: Representative or Unique?, Sandra DeGidio
The Teaching of Richard of Saint-Victor on Contemplation and the Love of God, Sharon Dennihy
A Discussion of Infinite Matrices: A Mathematical Essay, Martha V. DeWaard
The Stability of Systems with Time Delay, James F. Dimino
Large Deflection Analysis of Rectangular Plates, Onkar P. Dixit
Meeting the Needs of Resident Students through Residence Halls, James R. Doyle
Characterization in King Lear, Jane M. Doyle
Evaluation of the Guidance Aspects of Training Physical Education Teachers, Janis M. Droegkamp
A Study of the Effect of Teaching Strategies on the Divergent Thinking Processes of Junior High School Students, Monica DuCharme
The Organization and Administration of a Guidance Program for Mercy Technical School, Michael Mary Duffy
Teaching the Concept of Original Sin to Adolescents, Barbara Dunn
Hope: Reflection on Writings by Jurgen Moltmann and Pierre Teilhard, Ann M. Durst
An Outline of An Introductory Course in Geometry, James F. Elder
Parity Check Matrix Synthesis, Joel A. B. Elston
Movements of the love of God in Saint Bernard's Mystical Theology, Thomas Philip Faase
Transformation Geometry in High School, Ernest E. Fandreyer
The Kulturkampf: Bismarck's War of Civilization, Patricia Leonard Fessenden
Twelfth Night As a Festive Comedy, Judith Fitzgerald
The Palace Cystalline: Divine Imagery in Shakespeare's Cymbeline, Michael Alan Foster
A Selected Analysis of Approaches to State Aid to Nonpublic Education, Anne Marie Friedrich
An Introduction to Transformation Geometry, Mary Francis George
An Introduction to Transformation Geometry, Mary Francis George
Inelastic Deformation of Beam-Columns, Thomas P. Giese
Trends in Mortality and Life Expectancy in U.S. population, 18th Century to 2000, Jacob Goldman
A Cardiac Monitor in An Automobile, Frederick Gruhl
The Teaching of Reading Skills in the Content Area of Science, Stanley Eugene Hale
A Pilot Study in Individualized Teaching of Comparative Religions for Eleventh Grade, Michael K. Hamel
The Application of the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook II: Affective Domain for Clarification of Values, Mary N. Hammond
Holy Eucharist: Union with Christ And with One Another, Richard J. Hart
Fertility Myth and Image in Cymbeline, Ann Harycki
A View of the Redemptive Role of the Resurrection Developing Through the Centuries, M. Emile Heidkamp
United States Monetary Policy As a Determinant of the Size of the Eurodollar Market, Val E. Hendrix
Proposed Guidance Practices for the Walker Point Community School, Ruth Hoerig
Problem, Motive, and the Decision-Maker: Widowers' Houses, Mrs. Warren's Profession, The Doctor's Dilemma, Margaret Holcombe
Ulysses S. Grant and the Battles of Forts Henry and Donelson, Felix W. Holewinski
Modes of Discourse in the "Nun's Priest's Tale", John C. Horlivy
Functions and Activities of the Director of Nursing Service in Small General Hospitals, Marilyn R. Hudson
Stranger in Our Midst" Imperialism and the British Liberal Party, 1898-1903, James Hunt
The Manciple and the Crow, Kathleen E. Jacob
Antony and Cleopatra as "Epic" Form, Evelyn Jansen
"Clarissa": A Tragedy of Personality, Joseph John
Portuguese Guinea: Anatomy of a Stalemate, Thomas W. Johnson
The Theological Methodology of Leslie Dewart, Diane Kaczmarek
Insights into Conversion through a Theology of Foolishness in the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius, Constance Kane
The Need for a Structured In-Service Training Program for Resident Advisors at Marquette University, Mary C. Kane
The Need for A Structured In-Service Training Program for Resident Advisors at Marquette University, Mary Cele Kane
Guidance in the Elementary School: An Evaluation of Service Based upon Teacher Response, Joan E. Kaul
Church is Mission, Mary T. Kennedy
The scent of blood and roses : a consideration of anti-semitism in Chaucer's "Prioress's Tale", Sr. Patricia Kenny
A Critical Evaluation of Sensitivity Training, Pauline Kirchner
The Campfire as Pentecostal Vision in Hemingway's Works, Timothy Knier
United States and Mexican Relations 1833-1835, Roger J. Korinek
Problems and Plans Accompanying the Individualization of Education at Sacred Heart Central School, Calumet, Michigan, M. John Leonard Kosecki
A Concept of a School Without Failure, M. James Kuzell
A Statistical Approach To Estimating Natural Gas Daily Sales, Gerald Lester Laatsch
Aspects of Tragedy in The Winter's Tale, Linda Lacey
A Study of the Design of a Digital Controller for Position and Velocity Control of an Automated Transit Vehicle, Ravindra R. Laddu
The Synagogue in the First Century, Margaret A. Laurance
The Philosophical Theology of Ian T. Ramsey, Martin L. Leicht
A Comparative Study of Two Groups of Unwed Mothers Residing in a Maternity Home, Geri Leuck
Fatherhood in Ephesians 1:3-14, Nancy H. Loewenberg
The Confrontation Between the Understanding of Man as Presented by Karl Marx and Karl Rahner, Maureen Lynch
Commodore Foote and the Battle of Fort Donelson, Frances T. MacIsaac
Russian Involvement and Aims in the Spanish Civil War, James Madden
Jesus the Great Prophet: An Analysis of Luke 7:36-50, Michele Manoski
Vatican II and the Declaration on Religious Freedom, Marie Martens
Specifics of Supervision for Self-actualization, Gregory L. Martin
The Extent to Which Participation in Retraining Activities, Facilitates Individualized Instruction, Nancy L. McCarthy
Public Understanding of Mental Illness, Jeanne H. O'Rourke
Impact of the General Systems Theory on the Role of the Administrator and the Role of the Teacher, Kenneth L. Oudenhoven
Faith and Reason: One Man's Response to the Witchcraft Controversy, Emily Pfizenmaier
Invariant Imbedding and Applications, Judith A. Pokrop
A Study of Motivation Among Male Elementary School Teachers in Milwaukee, Carol Marie Polczynski
Religious Life: A Particularization of the Universal Call to Holiness, Mary Francine Quillin
An Exegesis of the Theological Development of Amartia in Johannine Literature, Joann Resch
Some Recent Results on the Asymptotics of Ordinary Differential Equations, Mary Karen Ross
A Study of the Nature and Scope of Existing Practices of Twenty Milwaukee Area Suburban School Districts Relating to the Custodial Position, William Rottmann
The Role of Faith and Religious Practice in Man's Self-fulfillment as Presented in the Philosophy of Maurice Blondel, Margaret Ryan
Modular Scheduling and It's Affect on School Discipline, Attendance and Interest, Thomas Sapinski
A Study in Developmental Group Counseling with Sixth Graders, M. Barbara Ann Sarnowski
High Field Phenomena in Semiconducting Zinc Oxide and Cadmium Sulfide Single Crystals, Raymond Mark Schreck
Transfinite Numbers, Marilyn F. Stern
Conic Sections, M. Ara Coeli Stoll
Submissions from 1970
Private Foreign Investment in India: Scope and Limitations, Sreemanta P. Agarwala
The Effect of Respiratory Exercises on Pulmonary Function Tests and Asthmatic Episodes in Children, Rita Barlow
Improving Instruction Through Technology: Implications for Lutheran Education, Fred A. Bartel
Mexican-American Business Relations, 1821-1826, Gerald K. Bauman
Diakonia in the Early Church with Suggested Application to the Church in the Modern World, Shirley A. Beaupre
An Analysis of Factors Influencing the Determination of Teachers' Salaries in Selected Elementary Schools in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, William Paul Bluege
Samuel Johnson: Pessimist or Realist, Joan Breider
The Five Rhetorical Styles in "The Pardoner's Tale": A Study of Chaucer's Art, Walter W. Cannon