Submissions from 1974
A Parents' Guide to Learning Disabilities, Kristi L. Celello
Implications in the Writing of Karen Horney for the Guidance of Adolescent Females, Thomas D. Champion
The Geriatric Patients' Perceptions of Psychosocial Care in Nursing Homes, Denise Diebold
Orders As a Distinct Sacrament, John R. Dolehide
Milton's Women: Virtue and/or Vice, Alexis Nelson Downey
Meaning in "The Raven" and "Ulalume", Alberta L. Dumas
Saint Augustine's Eschatological Perspective and the Possibilities of Human History, JoAnn Eigelsbach
Reason in Ford Madox Ford's Parade's End, Joseph Etturuthil
Application of Lewin's Field Theory to Counseling the Disadvantaged, Richard A. Flayter
A Comparative Study of Current Wave Forms Used in Electroanesthesia, John D. Gassert
Reading Readiness and the Role of the Parent, Maryann T. Ginal
Philosophy of Guidance in the Elementary School, Alan C. Godshaw
The Effectiveness of Competency Level Development on Test Bias, Frances Alston Graham
The Struggle Toward Agape in The Scarlet Letter, John M. Graney
Post-hospitalization Behavior Changes in Children as Perceived by Their Parents, Nancy M. Guepe
A Comparison of Patient Needs As Perceived by Staff Nurses and Convalescing Myocardial Infarction Patients, Dorothy C. Hagemeier
A Digital Velocity Lock Control System, John M. Haurykiewicz
A Comparative Evaluation of Open and Self-Contained Classrooms in a Middle School, Jo Ann Haynes
Reading Achievement at the Upper-Elementary Level Using a Non-Graded Approach to Instruction: 1973-74, Fred Hengst
A Proposed Career Education Program for a Private Secondary School and Designated Elementary Schools, Harry F. Hibner
Harold Pinter and Violence, Gary Hofmeister
Optimal Design of Energy Conversion Systems, Shrishailesh Iyengar
Digital Computer Simulation of a Dragline Mining Machine, Byron M. Jones
Digital Computer Simulation of a Dragline Mining Machine, Byron M. Jones
Baptism in the Spirit, Patricia Kelly
A Profile in Nuclear Confrontation: The Cuban Missile Crisis, John Alan Kramer
Inelastic Deformations of Redundant Beams, Michael J. Krauski
Evaluating an Elementary School Program Through an Educational Survey of Its Former Students Presently at the High School Level, Marie Estelle Kuczynski
D. C. Motor Currents When Supplied by a Three Phase Thyristor Converter, Dale E. Larson
The Sanctification of Time as Reflected in the Early Christian Development of the Divine Office, Susan M. Latus
A Descriptive Study of Student Rating of Significant Behaviors of the Effective Teacher, Karen Elizabeth Lawlor
A Comparative Study of Programming Languages: APL, BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, Joseph Arnold Lee
The Scientific Utopias of Francis Bacon and Aldous Huxley, Antonia Lewandowski
Neuromuscular Integration and Control: Modeling Concepts, Donald R. Lynch
Plume Rise: A Partial Literature Survey and a Discussion, comparison and Analysis of Some of the Formulae in Its Prediction in the Field of Air Pollution, Pravin G. Mamtura
Crisis and Progress in Fourteenth Century England, Stephen J. O'Neil
An Empirical Cycle: Pattern and Purpose in the Life and Works of Samuel Johnson, Carolyn Plumb
'Essence' and 'Equivalence': Merleau-Ponty's The Visible and the Invisible, Dennis R. Rose
The Perceptions of Teaching Principals: Burdens of Their Dual Roles, Francis A. Schmitz
The Cross: The Stillpoint of Our Turning World, Sheila Schnell
Teacher Center and The Role of the Reading Resource Teacher, Mary Schott
Group Technology and Manufacturing System Planning, Luiz Carlos Serio
Submissions from 1973
Was Maryland a Catholic Colony? A Demographic Study 1633/34-1652, Peter V. Bergstrom
An Alternate Parish Plan for the Education of Youth, Fred J. Bleidorn
Christ in Contemporary Thought: Three Twentieth Century Theologians: Teilhard de Chardin, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Joseph Ratzinger, Patricia Brady
The Development of the Doctrine of Grace in the Early Luther, Robert C. Brien
Brick Masonry Shear Wall and Photoelastic Analysis, Thomas W. Buck
An Analysis of the Problems & Equipment Associated with the On-Site Storage and Handling of Refuse Materials, Donald Anthony Burda
Francis Fergusson's Idea of a Theatre Applied to Modern Drama, Kathleen Buse
The Leavening of Wise Blood, Dianna S. Campbell
Replacing Fear with Joy: Sex Clinics: A Moral Analysis, John M. Cherek
The Vision Through the Window: An Analysis of the Window Imagery in Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms, Robert A. Chesney
Factor Proportions and Employment: An Empirical Study, Lu-Chu Chien
The Problem of Coriolanus As Hero a Study of the Complexity of Motivation, Mary Ellen Clancy
Creativity As a Predictor Variable in Academic Engineering Achievement, Timothy E. Clements
Mimesis: A Short View, Michael P. Conlon
A Comparative Study: Individualized Instruction in Mathematics Versus the Traditional Group Instruction, Ronald G. Davis
Empirical Analysis of the Competitive Textile Industry, Edward J. DeJaegher
John Calvin and Francis Bacon: Analogies in Thought, Arthur A. DeJong
A Theology of Celibate Community Since Vatican II, Paula J. Egan
A Method for the Study and Modeling of Electrolyte Transport in Isolated Tissues, John F. Farina
Wealth, Social Status, and Political Power in Fourteenth and Fifteenth Century Florence, Mary Ann Generotzky
A Variable Speed Synchronous Motor Drive System, Thomas P. Gilmore
A Comparative Study of Students' Attitudes and Opinions As a Source for Evaluating Today's High Schools, Theresa Gormley
Misreading the Roman de la Rose: Jean Gerson and Christine de Pisan, Kenneth B. Grant
Acts of the Apostles As a Source for High School Religion Courses, Deborah F. Gray
Induction Motor Simulation in the Frequency Domain, Thomas J. Greyshock
Developments Concerning the Financing of Public Education: Legal Developments, Proposals for Reform and Future Implications, Daniel S. Grossman
A Study of the Attitudes of Graduates of Saint Joseph's Preparatory College in Relation to Their Preparation for College, Walter L. Halberstadt
The Netherlands in British Diplomacy, 1813-1815: Britain's Objectives in the Creation of the Netherlands, Thomas K. Hamel
"Something Can Be Done": Grant and McClernand at Forts Henry and Donelson, Eleanor Benton Headlee
Ben Jonson: Poet As Moralist, Michael John Hennessy
The Troublesome Twain of King Henry VIII, Kathleen M. Henry
Models of a Hospital Admission Service, John C. Hilbert III
Methods for the Generation of Transcendental Functions, Gordon Hinrichs
The Role of the Reading Resource Teacher, Doris D. Jakubowski
The Moral Sense Philosophy of Anthony Ashley Cooper, Third Earl of Shaftesbury, Charles R. Joseph
The Heroines of Tennessee Williams: A Study in Two Approches to Reality, Dennis Joyce
Stereotypy in Interpersonal Perception and Its Relation to Emotional Insecurity, Russell R. Kania
The Knight, Man of Law, Squire and Franklin: Critics in Contention, James P. Kearney
Soviet Policy, Spanish Communists, and the Spanish Civil War, Mary Kerch
The Reoccupation of the Rhineland, 1936, Thomas F. Kirwin
An English Independent Study Program for Carmel High School for Boys Mundelein, Illinois, Gregory L. Klein
German Catholics and Hitler's ascent to dictatorship, Jacob Kollaparambil
A Sermon Group in The Canterbury Tales, Douglas Konzak
The Women in the Life and Work of Eugene O'Neill, Barbara Koskie
Characteristics of the Creative Person: A Comparison of the Positions of Abraham Maslow and Donal Mackinnon, Dolores M. Kratzert
The Treaty of Prairie Du Chien, 1825: The Basic Documents, Thomas M. Kreif
The Hebrew Program at Nicolet High School, Binymin Levy
Kenneth Burke and the New Rhetoric, Lewis Livesay
Learning Centers in Today's Elementary Schools the Administrator's Role, Cecile Marie Lubniewski
Graduates' Perceptions of the Educational Status of the Brookfield Academy: a Follow-up Study, Bruce S. Ludwig
Dualism in Qumran and John, Julia Lydon
A Study of the Comparison of the Principal's and Teacher's Evaluations of the Classroom Teacher, Michael Majeskie
Historians and the Causes of the Civil War: A Study in Historiography, Ronald James Marlow
Effectiveness of Confirmation Catechesis: A Comparison of Parent and Child Attitudes, Janice Olson
Improving Test Performance, Mary Lou Panek
A Study of the Attitudes and Knowledge of Two Groups of Nurses Who Work with Pediatric Patients in Intensive Care Units, Mary T. Perkins
The Fall of Hohe Minne: Irony in the Tristan of Gottfried von Straussburg, Steven J. Powell
Biofeedback: An EEG Feedback System, James A. Rodrian