Submissions from 1969
Autolycus' Function in The Winter's Tale, Gerald J. Curry
Oliver Twist: A Study in Human Justice and Reward, Dennis E. Cushing
The Nursing Supervisor: Intra Group Conflict and Inter Group Perceptions, Marjorie Haskell Davis
Irene: Samuel Johnson's "Tragic" Encounter with the Theater, John C. Dawson
A Salary Formula for Engineers, Kenneth Keith Dawson
Nurses' Perceptions of Their Hospital's Organizational Characteristics, Audrey Stenvall De Block
A Comparison of Racial Attitudes of Seventh and Eighth Grade Students of An Integrated School with the Racial Attitudes of Students of a Non-Integrated School, Bernadette Marie Del Frate
A Leadership Style for Nursing Based on the Philosophy of Gabriel Marcel, Carol Dennen
Poverty in the United States: An Analysis, David Alan Descoteau
The Zimmermann Note As a Cause for Entry of the United States into World War I, Edward H. Dey
Introducing Religion to Public School Curriculum, Joseph D. Dillon
Stability Theorems for Systems Governed by Differential - Difference Equations, Thomas J. Donat
The Comparison of the Wide Range Achievement Test Reading Score to Other Reading Scores, John Terence Duffey
An Analysis of Technical Trading of Common Stocks According to a Momentum Theory, Allen W. Duhr
The Nada Concept in the Work of Ernest Hemingway, Rosemary Dunn
Christian Mission in the Light of Moltmann's Theology of Hope, Maria Eitz
U.S.-Chinese Trade Relations from Its Beginnings to the Treaty of Whanghia, Anthony Robert Fasano
Understanding the Filipino Personality through His Value Orientation, Purita Gamboa
Middlemarch: A Study of Self-Knowledge, Jean E. Garbarino
The Importance of Teaching Reading Skills in the Social Studies Content Area, Margaret J. Glaser
Motivation of Blue Collar Workers, Wayne Robert Glaub
Form and Meaning in the "Nun's Priest's Tale", Mary Griesbach
Do Junior High School Boys and Girls Differ in their Attitudes and Achievements in Problem Solving Abilities in Modern Math, Mary J. Gruenke
Changes and Innovations in Elementary School Music, Louise Marie Guralski
Wayne Booth's Rhetoric of Fiction and Chaucer Criticism, Mary Patrick Harrington
Another Look at the Cost of Capital, Robert Harwood
The Love Story, Edward A. Heath
An Evaluation of Sample Plans As a Universally Accepted Tool for All Inspections Performed, Walter George Erwin Heiden
Fitzpiers Among the Woodlanders: A Study of the Role of Fitzpiers in Hardy's The Woodlanders, M. Agnes Clare Heiss
The Relationship of Parental and Teacher Attitudes, Student Achievement, and Home Background to Discipline in the School, Robert L. Hesse
Problem: The Solution of the Dirichlet Problem by the Method of Subharmonic Functions, Edward W. Hoffmann
The Origin of the Concept of the Day of Yahweh: A Survey of Modern Opinions, Thomas A. Hoffman
Problems which Bother a Dean of Students in a Minor Seminary, Ronald Jaeckels
A Study of the Results of the Religious Education Program of St. Mary School, Rhinelander, Wisconsin, M. Thoma Janssen
Satire and Fancy in The Rape of the Lock, M. Sa Bina Joyce
Human Communication and its Implications for the Educational Administrator, Mary J. Kappus
The Function of Harry Bailly in the Canterbury Scene, Hwaja Kim
The Nebulous Themes of 2 Henry IV, Mary L. Koenig
What Factors Make Organization the Prime Reason for New Product Failure?, Alan J. Koschnick
Counseling the Culturally Disadvantaged Peruvian Youth, Florence Koszarek
A Survey of the Historical Development of the Concept of Creativity, Theresa Kowalski
A Study of Non-curricular Elements Altering the Effectiveness of Grades as an Evaluative Method, James F. Krems
Poems in Proximity: Organization in Robert Herrick's Hesperides, Frederick A. Kreutz
Metachronical Concept of God, Michael John Lavelle
The Development of the Persona in the Canterbury Tales, Maria Resurreccion Legaspi
Comparing Methods for Measuring Operating Performance and Financial Position, Norman M. Levine
The Signs Before the Fall, M. Coreen Libens
Karl Jay Shapiro's Poetic Art, Mary Alice Lubiak
The "African Personality": An African Reaction to Colonial Racism, Odilia Lyimo
An Experimental Study to Determine the Effects of Emphasizing Mathematical Vocabulary Instruction on Mathematical Achievement of Fifth Grade Children, M. St. William Lynch
Marxist Criticism: Socialist Realism, Economic Determinism, Historicism, Valden J. Madsen
A Discussion Concerning Whether Goodwill Should be Retained on the Books of Account or Written Off Over a Specified Period of Time, Dale G. Martin
The use of professional appraisal services, George B. McCoy
The Family as Battleground: An American Theme, Donna K. McCullom
Statistical cost estimating in a job-shop firm marketing technically complex products., Gregory Nadolski
Community as Found in Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Margaret Ann O'Neill
A Creative Environmental Approach to Reading Readiness, Mary Denis O'Reilly
The De Sales Preparatory Seminary High School Screening Program: Results and Proposed Research, John R. Paczesny
William Golding's Free Fall: A Curious Ambivalence, Andrew Paprocki
Some Aspects of Educational Television for Elementary Classrooms in the United States, Mary Ellen Paulson
The Transition from the Elementary School to Senior High School, Helen Therese Pawlinski
Basic Theory and Development of Lp Spaces, Barry Pitsch
A Generic Description of Rasselas, Faith Polanis
The Fresnel Integrals, Jean Therese Powers
Maximilien de Robespierre and the French Revolution, Rose Eva Powers
Supervision Practices: The Key to Release of the Potential of Teaching Personnel, David O. Rozak
A Study of Christogenesis and Evil in the Thought of Teilhard de Chardin, Mary L. Schneider
Adam and Eve of Paradise Lost: Human Animals Created in the Image and Likeness of God, Gary G. Seibert
Trends in Spanish Enrollments in Secondary Schools, Clarann Stocker
The Decision to Use the Atomic Bomb in World War II, Robert L. Ullsperger
Submissions from 1968
Histroy of Myth from Classicism to the Seventeenth Century: Survival and Transformation, Patricia Abbott
Grace and Sacrament in the Thought of Clement of Alexandria, T. F. Altmann
The American Cigarette Industry, Anthony Antao
Moebius Transformations, Agnes Maureen Badura
The Irish Parliamentary Party: Its Attitude Toward British Social and Democratic Legislation, 1906-1914, Nancy Badzinski
The Selection of a Managing Underwriter, John N. Batchelor
The Influence of Awareness Contexts of Nurses' Role Perception with the Dying Patient, Therese Bialozynski
A Comparison of the Traditional Method of Note Teaching Used in the Racine Unified Schools with the Kodaly-Richards Method, Alan N. Biehn
Corporate Strategy for Small Retail Business, David L. Bitter
J. D. Salinger: With Love and Squalor: A Study in Zen Buddhism, Daniel F. Boyce
Subsystems of An Order-Complete Ordered Field, John J. Bresnahan
The Intensive Care Nurse: A Role Expectation Study, Ethel J. Breyhan
The Structure, Behavior, and Performance of the Building Construction Industry, David Peter Brust
The History and Future of the International Monetary System, Peter Brust
Recognizing Emotional Disturbances in Adolescents, Elizabeth A. Burbage
Survey of Available Literature Regarding the Importance of Ordinal Position of Siblings, Barbara A. Cairns
Three Graces: Phoebe, Priscilla, Hilda: A Study of Redemptive Characters in Hawthorne's Fiction, Jane Cannon
Franciscan Response to Kenosis, Alodia Carney
An Instructional Program for Developing Style in Creative Writing in the Second Grade, Mary Frances Claire Cejer
A Study of the Historical Development of the Rector's Role at Saint Joseph's Preparatory College, a Redemptorist Minor Seminary, William Emmett Collins
The Church and the Churches, Elizabeth O. M. Comerford
Christian Freedom As the Focus of a Christian Anthropology: A Study of Two Documents of Vatican II, David Cooke
The Notion of the Title, the Son of Man, as Found in the Gospel of Matthew and Extra-Matthean Sources, Kathleen Cosgrove
The Notion of the Title, The Son of Man, As Found in the Gospel of Matthew and Extra-Matthean Sources, Kathleen Cosgrove
Baptism: A Call to Witness, M. Benigna Coss
Baptism: A Call to Witness, M. Benigna Coss
Origen: Subordinationist?, Salvatore Cuccia
The Relevance and Implementation of Film Study in the High School Curriculum, Mary Aquina Curtin
A Study of the Anonymous Woodstock in Relation to Shakespeare's Richard II, Marie Pierre Czerwiec
A Survey of Registered Nurses Employed in Hospital Maternity Services in Wisconsin, Sharon L. Danielsen