Submissions from 1970
The Use of ECAP in Transformer Design, David T. Cavil
Qualitative Analysis of Employee Applications and Interviews in Selective Milwaukee Area Firms, Richard J. Cerpich
Allen Tate: Man of Letters, Kathleen Kimball Cha
History, Tradition, Hope as seen Especially in Jurgen Moltmann's Theology of Hope, Wilfrid W. Couture
History, Tradition, Hope As Seen Especially in Jurgen Moltmann's Theology of Hope, Wilfrid W. Couture
Guidance in India: An Attempt to Establish Need, Arpana Das
Redemption in the Theology of Karl Rahner, Joan R. DeMerchant
Effectiveness of the Frostig Developmental Program in Visual Perception in the Whitnall Area Schools, Ruth E. Dieringer
Magistrate Henry Fielding and The Novel Amelia, Lawrence George Dotolo
Role Values: A Study of Faculty Members and Professional Staff Nurses, Lois L. Dougherty
The Effect of Vendor Influence upon the Computer Purchase Decision of Small and Medium Size Firms, Paul M. Drewek
Psychological Implications for Religious Education, M. Cecilia Faber
A Comparison of the Change of Emphasis in Chretien de Troyes' and Sir Thomas Malory's Versions of "The Knight of the Cart", Judith Fischer
The Distress Center: "May I Help You?", Lawrence D. Gillick
The Education and Guidance of Gifted Children, Carol J. Glynn
The Council of Trent's Understanding of Transubstantiation and Some Late Developments in Eucharistic Theology, Mary Agnes Goeke
The Aluminum Industry, David T. Grisey
The Franklin's Tale: a Re-Examination of Kittredge's Solution to the "Marriage Debate", James J. Harcharik
Walt Whitman's View of America: Democracy, Vernon R. Heinsz
The Relationship between Cognitive Styles and Instructional Strategies, Florence M. Hester
A Unit on Modular Arithmetic, June Hester
Theology: The Mood-Mode is Tensional, William F. Hill
Diplomatic relations between the United States and Mexico, 1836-1842, Madeleine Himmler
Classroom Therapy, Marilyn T. Hoeing
Application of Multiple Regression Analysis to Prediction of the National Football League Championship Race, Ronald Walter Holzwarth
Campaign of 1928: Hoover and Anti-Catholicism, Marilyn Huegerich
A comparative study of five elementary religion textbook series to determine the amount and kind of parent involvement in the program, Jean Huntimer
Parental Attitudes Toward Guidance at Saint John Vianney School: An Attempt at Evaluation, Joan Hurley
A Supervisor's Guide for the Development of Practical Employee Creativity, Earl D. Jarmol
The Transforming Grace of the Eucharist, Joan M. Jereb
Wastewater Treatment by Physicochemical Process, Roger W. Johnson
Wastewater Treatment by Physicochemical Process, Roger W. Johnson
Boulwarism and its Viability as a Collective Bargaining Policy, Edward D. Johnston
Tarwater Seen and Seeing: Process Toward Final Vision in The Violent Bear It Away, Mary M. Jordan
Minimal Cerebral Dysfunction in Reading (Specific Developmental Dyslexia) as Referred to by MacDonald Critchley, Karen S. Kahn
Bilinear Forms, Jean A. Kemp
Hunger in A Farewell to Arms, Carol Keown
Criticisms of Dubliners, Mary H. Kiefer
The Counselor and the Personality Theory, Margaret A. Kilbridge
Lie Groups: An Introduction, Ingrid Kosanetsky
A Study of John 10,1-18, Jacquelyn A. Kresken
The Philosophes and the French Academy: A Struggle for Power, Henry Kriescher
The Problem of Unity in Pope's Moral Essays, Clarice Krol
The Relationship of Anxiety to Achievement and Behavior in a Group of Junior High School Students, Mary Grace Langer
Instituting a Work Experience Program for Neglected Youth, Clarence E. Lawrence
A Discussion of Cauchy Sequences in Ordered Rings, Daniel P. Lazowski
Irish Humor: Swift, Sterne, and Joyce, Edward Lillis
Investigating the Need for Professionally Trained Counselors to Serve the Needs of Members of Congregations of Women Religious, Dolores Ann Linhart
Separation and Reconciliation: Structural Unity in Measure for Measure and The Tempest, Kilian Malvey
A Comparative Study: Intensive Phonics Versus Gradual Phonics in the Third Grade, Vera Martini
Defoe's Dual Narrator, David McCosh
Utilization of the Placement Office, Robert P. O'Rourke
Budgeting Applied Research and Development Expenditures, Harvey Otto
A Guide to Avoiding Antitrust Violation, James Stephen Papez
Group Counseling and Measured Personality and Workshop Change in a Sampling of Mentally Retarded Sheltered Employees, Gabriel Herbert Perlysky
Bonhoeffer's Ethics of Christian Responsibility, Theresa Perry
The Operational Range for the Elementary School Counselor, Joan Katherine Picard
A Study of the Roots of Unity, Geraldine A. Rosinski
"Deutschland" Themes in Hopkins' Later Poetry, Kieran Sawyer
The Counseling Relationship: A Brief Overview and Chief Characteristics, M. Charles Schaefer
Minimum-fuel, Minimum-time Control of Large Ocean-going Vessels, Roger N. Schane
Women in the World of Work: Implications for Vocational Guidance, Patricia A. Schneider
Humanistic Psychotherapy in Golding's Free Fall, Martin Schramm
Organizing for the Nongraded System in St. Mary Grade School Gaylord, Michigan, Mary Michaela Schrems
Administrative Implementation of the Goals of Self-Actualization, Ronald G. Schroll
The Ranch Program of Treatment for the Mentally Handicapped, Carroll J. Sternberg
Modeling of Reliability Parameters Using State Space Techniques, W. P. Sterner
Humanistic Education: A Consideration of Objectives and Evaluation of Outcomes, Harry Steuber
Christ's Healing Ministry and Historical Presentation of the Sacrament of Anointing, Ann Edmund Stinn
The Church and Non-violence, Ann Sullivan
Submissions from 1969
Hungarian Revolution in 1956, Ouseph K. Akkarakaran
The Importance of the Palinode in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde: A Master's Essay, Alexandra Alissandratos
Utilization of Classroom Teachers in Guidance and Counseling of Junior High Students, Gabriel Andary
Some Aspects of Change and of Balance in the Poetry of William Carlos Williams, Marie Patrice Artis
Some Dimensions of the Problems of Attendance in Milwaukee Public High Schools, Sam J. Balistreri
The Effect of Social Reinforcement on the Incontinent Geriatric Patient, Irene E. Barthol
Phenomena Manifested by a Sixty-Three-Year-Old Woman with Metastatic Ovarian Cancer, Margaret B. Barton
Garibaldi: His Role in Italian Unification, Mary Helen Best
Pope Gregory VII and the Reform of Clerical Celibacy, William E. Biebel
Christ's Soteriological Intent Expressed in His Symbolic Actions in the Gospel of St. John, M. Carmelita Blick
Alienation: The Story of Everyman, Anna Barbara Brady
An Analysis of the Cost Aspects of Employee Suggestion Plans, Charles G. Brandt
The Influence of Preoperative Psychological Preparation on Surgical Stress Using an Adrenal Stress Criterion, Judian Breitenbach
Mission and Eschatology, S. Virginia Brunner
Reading the Shock Night: A Study Comparing Elements in The Wreck of the Deutschland with the London Times Press Accounts on which the Poem is Based, Mary Kay Buskin
Attitude Change in Student Teachers Toward Pupils As a Result of the Influence of the Cooperating Teacher, Mary Josette Butkiewicz
Special Education for the Sister-Nurse Baccalaureate Graduate, Margaret Ellen Campisano
The Development of Marlowe's Ethical Attitudes, Marjorie Canan
The comparative cost of implementing a 50 percent negative income tax proposal using two different poverty criteria., Edward Joseph Canarie
Oedipus, Hamlet, and Sammy: A Consideration of Psychoanalysis Suggested by William Golding's Free Fall, Donald P. Carlson
All for Love and Don Sebastian: Which is Dryden's Better Play?, Earl A. Cash
Criseyde and the Problem of Courtly Love, Sally Ann Cogan
The Role of the Head Nurse in the Special Care Unit, Yolanda M. Valentino Cohen
Hamlet: Shakespeare's Universal Tragic Hero, Eleanor Colgan
Foreign Intervention in the Spanish Civil War, Margot Cordes
Foreign Intervention in the Spanish Civil War, Margot Cordes
Values and Vocational Behavior: An Analysis of Related Research, Daniel J. Cotrone
Values and Vocational Behavior: An Analysis of Related Research, Daniel J. Cotrone
Autolycus' Function in The Winter's Tale, Gerald J. Curry